
Gel continued to explore.

The so-called mental power should refer to consciousness or soul power. When two consciousnesses exist in a body at the same time, they will compete for control of the body. Even if the ability user has priority control over the body, the existence of another consciousness will still interfere with its complete control of the body, resulting in the inability to exert full strength.

It seems that there are two consciousnesses in the bodies of BIGMOM and White Horse Cavendish, so people are a bit schizophrenic.

This is why it is said in the skills: the stronger the target's mental power, the greater the consumption required to possess and gain control of the body, and the greater the difficulty of exerting the target's full strength after possession. In other words, even if a strong man like Roger Garp and Whitebeard is willing to let him possess, Gel may not be able to exert most of their strength.

I remember that many people have been complaining about why Kelly Fanku, the ability user of the jacket fruit in the original work, did not use the fruit ability to sneak attack and control a super strong man. He can control everything about the creature by wearing it. Isn't this taking off from Wuhu on the spot?

Now, Gel thinks that the reason why he didn't do so is that, firstly, the activation of the ability of the jacket fruit is relatively passive, and basically it can only succeed if the person possessed is willing.

In addition to this reason, it is very likely that even if a person with strong mental strength is controlled by accidentally putting on the jacket, the consciousness will continue to fight for the control of the body.

In the case of involuntary competition, the competition may be more intense, resulting in not being able to exert much strength after the possession is successful.

The people who have been chosen as the fusion objects in the past are basically talented people with strong limbs and simple minds.

Bobby Fanku in the killer brothers in the original work, and the steel egg encountered this time, are all of this type, so Gel speculates that there may be reasons in this regard.

"Hehe, if we want to show off our IQ in reverse and compare who is dumber, then if my little brother with an IQ of 1 is ranked second, no one in the world would dare to claim to be first, right?"

Thinking in this way, it seems that there is really no one more suitable than Weibull as a fusion object!

"I was able to use the skill of possession as easily as if it were my own arm the first time I used it. Perhaps it was thanks to Weeble."

"Hahaha! As expected, there are no useless devil fruits, only people who don't know how to develop them. This Jacket Fruit, which is known as one of the most useless, may be the most suitable Nika Fruit for me!"

Ger opened the system panel again and found that even the panel attributes and skills were the sum of the two people:

【Rocks.D.Gol (Edward Weibull)]

HP: 168300/168300

Strength: 5+23400

Speed: 908+9080

Defense: 1530+15300

Stamina: 1190+11900

Intelligence: 95.1+1


Armament Haki top level

Observation Haki high level

Overlord Haki high level

Active skills: [Chop】 【[Full Force Chopping] [Shave] [Moon Step] [Paper Drawing] [God Avoidance] [Spear of Elbaf] [Possession]

Passive skills: [Bulldog's Will] [Tenacious Life] [Medium Poison Immunity] [Big Eater] [Water Attribute Affinity]

(Minor changes, simplification, fewer words)

In the past two or three months, Weibull's basic attributes have improved a lot. In addition to his daily exercise, the most important thing is that he eats a lot. It is said that 30% depends on exercise and 70% depends on food. For Weibull, at least 90% of it is due to food!

Geer took advantage of the novelty and played for a while. Finally, he found that he could maintain the fusion state for about an hour and a half. After more than an hour, he began to feel mentally fatigued. The last half an hour was already a dead end.

Although he was constantly releasing skills during the test, the intensity was definitely not comparable to that of a real battle, so conservatively estimated that Geer felt that he should be able to maintain this state and fight at full strength for about an hour.

After the fusion was released, Weibull didn't feel anything. He found that it was just time for dinner when he woke up, and ran to eat happily.

Gel was not feeling so comfortable. He felt exhausted physically and mentally, even a little dizzy and wanted to vomit, as if he had played mahjong all night for three days and three nights. His head was dizzy. After taking a Da Huan Dan and getting a few injections from Kurokas, the uncomfortable symptoms gradually disappeared. Gel dragged his tired body back to the room, lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep, not even having time to eat dinner....

Grand Line

Gaya Island

A two-masted sailing ship is anchored in a secluded natural bay.

A skull and crossbones flag is hung high on the ship, but this flag is completely different from the flags used by ordinary pirates.

First of all, the cloth used for the flag is white, while the skull painted on it is black, and there is a red cross on the skull.

Outside the window, it was completely dark and it was drizzling.

The lights in the cabin were brightly lit, and about 10 people were sitting around a round table discussing things.

These people were dressed simply like ordinary villagers, but they sat upright, with their heads held high and their eyes straight, and their mental outlook showed that they were not that simple.


A figure wearing a straw raincoat pushed the door open and walked in. Several people in the room turned their heads to look at him.

A tall, ferocious-looking man stood up from his seat, walked up quickly, took the food and supplies from the visitor, and asked:

"Thank you for your hard work! How is it going? Have you found out any news?"

"Ah, thank you, Captain Peng En!"

The people on the ship were the young naval elites arranged by the Navy Headquarters to replace the bounty hunter"Death God" to carry out the God-making Plan, and the leader was Major T. Peng En of the headquarters.

The man subconsciously wanted to salute first and then report the situation, but when he thought that they were now carrying out a confidential mission and had to be careful not to reveal their identities, he quickly put down his hand raised in the air.

"I found out!"

The soldier said excitedly as he took off his raincoat.

""Wait! Are you injured?"

Peng En saw a shallow scratch on his left forearm and interrupted him.

"Oh, this? I'm fine, just a minor injury. I ran into a drunken pirate on my way back. He started to mess around with me, and I guess I got scratched by something at that time."


Peng En tore off a strip of cloth from his black cloak and bandaged the wound carefully.

"Thank you very much, Captain Penn! But your cloak..."

"Don't worry, I feel bad when I see my subordinates get hurt."

Peng En said seriously.


The soldier bowed deeply, and the other navy officers beside him were also deeply moved. At first, they thought that the fierce-looking captain they met on this mission would be difficult to get along with. As a result, after working together for a period of time, they found that although this T-bone major had a hideous face, he had an extremely righteous and kind heart hidden under his fierce appearance....

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