The next day, Yang Songwen came to the subdistrict office after work.

The director of the subdistrict office was a middle-aged woman, and everyone called her Director Wang or Sister Wang.

Sister Wang saw Yang Songwen coming in and was a little curious:"Comrade, what can I do for you?"

Yang Songwen quickly said:"Hello, I'm looking for Director Wang!"

"That's me!"

Director Wang smiled and said,"What's the matter? Tell me, which factory are you from?"

Yang Songwen shook his head and said,"I'm an employee of the Cultural Bureau, but I came here this time to inquire. My mother came to the city with me, and she doesn't have a job now. I wonder if she can sell buns on the street?"

"That won’t do!"

Director Wang looked stern and shook his head decisively:"According to the policy, that is absolutely not allowed, unless you set up stalls in the farmers’ and commercial markets to sell them. Apart from this, no other place is allowed!"

"It can actually be sold in designated places?"Yang Songwen was surprised

"Of course, farmers' markets and commercial markets are government-designated markets specifically for buying and selling goods. In the past, pigeon markets were prevalent and could not be eradicated despite repeated bans, so the higher-ups changed their strategy and allowed limited supply. However, if you want to set up a stall, you must register with the street office and the market, and you must also pay a stall fee!"

"That's as it should be. Then I'm going to set up a stall at the farmers' market to sell breakfast, mainly steamed buns, etc.!" Yang Songwen said

"This is easy to do, but you need to bring your mother here and handle it yourself!"Director Wang said


Yang Songwen felt that this was a pleasant surprise, and immediately returned to the Yang family courtyard and took his mother Zhang Guifen to the street office.

"Second brother, can you really sell buns in farmers' markets and commercial markets?"Zhang Guifen was still a little surprised

"That’s right, that’s what the director of the street office said!"

Yang Songwen pulled his mother into the street office. After asking Zhang Guifen some questions, Director Wang nodded and said,"Okay, Sister Zhang can set up a stall. I’ll issue you a certificate now. You can go to the farmer’s market to handle the formalities and choose a stall there. Starting tomorrow, you can probably set up a stall to serve the people!""

"Thank you Director Wang!"

Zhang Guifen was so happy that she could finally stop being idle at home.

She was very good at making steamed buns and steamed buns. She couldn't think of anyone who wouldn't like the hot meat buns and steamed buns.

After leaving the street office, Yang Songwen took his mother to the farmer's market on his bicycle.

This is one of the two largest farmers' markets in Hongqi Town, known as the East Market!

The East Market is crowded and the market is very large. Most of the city dwellers in Hongqi Town come here to buy things.

Yang Songwen went to the market management, went through the formalities, and chose a stall near the roadside.

Then he went to the carpenter's She ordered two large wooden barrels and several steamers from the farm.

She also bought a honeycomb coal stove in the market.

A whole set of equipment cost a lot of money, which made Zhang Guifen feel very painful.

However, she bought everything.

In the afternoon, she bought pork, corn, vermicelli, cabbage, flour, mung beans, glutinous rice, etc. at the farmer's market. All the ingredients were bought.

Zhang Guifen rode the tricycle, pedaling hard, and followed Yang Songwen back to the Yang family courtyard.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Jiang Youwei tutoring Yang Yaomei in mathematics at the stone table in the courtyard.

"Are you back?"

Jiang Youwei was surprised:"Why did you buy so many things? Can we set up a stall on the street?"

Yang Songwen shook his head:"Not on the street, but in designated markets!"

Zhang Guifen smiled happily:"Wife Youwei, you don't know, we rented a stall near the roadside in the East Market, which is very suitable for selling breakfast, so we bought everything and will make buns in a while, and we can set up the stall to sell buns tomorrow morning!"

"The East Market near the school?"

Jiang Youwei was also slightly surprised. The East Market was a big market. She had been there once in the morning. It was crowded and very lively. There were also many people buying and selling breakfast.

If you set up a stall there, you can really make money.

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