"How about selling steamed buns and sticky rice on the street every morning?" Yang Songwen waved his hand:"It would be best if we could sell them at the school gate!"

"Isn't this speculation?" Zhang Guifen shook her head.

Baozi and steamed buns are sold in government-owned stores? Individuals are not allowed to engage in such private transactions, unless they go to the pigeon market! The pigeon market is illegal, but it cannot be banned.

Sometimes the streets also turn a blind eye.

"Then I'll open a steamed bun shop!" Yang Songwen said

"May I?"

"Of course, I will ask for you tomorrow. It is best to choose a place in front of a textile factory or government unit, where there are a lot of people. The school gate is also OK. A steamed bun costs a few cents. In addition to steamed buns, you can also sell soy milk, fried dough sticks, tea eggs, glutinous rice, water chestnut cakes and other pastries. It will definitely be a good place to make money!"

Yang Songwen suddenly became excited.

With his mother's diligence, he will definitely be able to make a fortune.

"That's good. Then you go and ask if I can open a shop, but I don't think it's possible!" Zhang Guifen didn't dare to hope that she could open a shop to do business, even if it was a breakfast shop.

Yang Songwen couldn't make up his mind.

There were some shops on the street, but most of them were public, and there were few private shops.

The slightly larger shops were all public-private partnerships.

Zhang Guifen muttered to herself, washed the meat, cut it into large cubes, and fried it in a pan.

Pieces of braised pork were taken out of the pan, and then fried with soy sauce and various seasonings, and the aroma was fragrant.

The fragrance drifted to the small courtyard next to it. A few children looked over here through the flower windows in the red brick wall of the courtyard, and kept swallowing their saliva.

""Mom, come and see, there are some little brats watching us eat meat!" Yang Yaomei saw it first and shouted immediately.

Yang Songwen was curious and walked over.

There were three children in total. The older one was about ten years old, a girl, and the younger one was four or five years old, a boy and a girl. The boy seemed to be the youngest.

"Where are your parents?" Yang Songwen asked

"Not at home!"

The girl licked her lips, greedy

"What's your name?" Yang Songwen asked

""Su Xiaoya!" the little girl said.

Yang Songwen didn't remember if there was a leader named Su in the Cultural Bureau. Well, he was new here and didn't recognize many people. He didn't know if there was a leader named Su.

"Have you eaten yet? If you didn't come to eat with us, I'll give each of you a big piece of fat meat!" Yang Songwen said

""Thank you, brother!"

The girl quickly grabbed her sister and brother's hands and ran over quickly.

Jiang Youwei helped the three children fill three bowls of rice, and added a big piece of fat braised pork to each bowl.

The three children didn't know how to be shy, and they ate voraciously without being polite at all.

Zhang Guifen looked at it and felt a little distressed:"What a sin, why are these three little brats like starving ghosts, how long has it been since they last had meat?"

Yang Songwen shook his head.

Zhang Guifen smiled and said nothing.

Yang Yaomei picked up another big piece of braised pork with chopsticks and stuffed it into the little girl's bowl. The little girl was the eldest sister of the three children. She actually picked up the meat and put it in her brother's bowl.

The younger brother was stunned for a moment, took three bites, and gave the piece of meat he bit off to his two sisters.

Seeing this scene, Yang Songwen was surprised!

At this time, the door of the neighbor next door opened, and a woman came out. Seeing her own children eating in the small yard next door, her heart tightened, and she hurried over

"Why are you three kids here? You're eating!"

The woman came up quickly, apologized to Zhang Guifen and Yang Songwen, and took the hands of the three children, asking them to put down their bowls.

"It’s okay, keep eating!" Yang Songwen stood up and said,"Sister, we are neighbors, what’s wrong with neighbors having a meal together? I asked your child to come over for dinner. We are having dinner at home, why don’t you come and eat with us!"

The woman was embarrassed:"No, no, we are cooking at home!"

The woman saw that Yang Songwen’s family was eating big mouthfuls of meat, and she swallowed hard. She hadn’t smelled meat for a month.

Zhang Guifen stood up, filled a bowl of white rice directly, put two big pieces of fat pork in it, stuffed it into the woman’s hand, and pressed her on the chair.

""You are already at my house, how can you leave? Sister, my name is Zhang Guifen, what's your name?" Zhang Guifen is straightforward and frank.

The woman quickly said,"I am the daughter-in-law of the old Su family, and these are my three children. You just moved in, I knew about it yesterday, but I didn't come to say hello. I'm sorry!"

"What are you sorry for? We were busy and didn’t go over to say hello to our neighbors!" Zhang Guifen was curious:"Where is your husband?"

"He is sweeping the streets and will be back very late!"said the Su family's wife

"Sweeping the streets?"

Yang Songwen understood instantly.

In this day and age, there are still many people sweeping the streets!

No wonder, the three children are pale and skinny, and they can't help but drool when they see meat!

It turns out that the Su family next door may have a bad background, or they have offended someone and have been caught with something, and are being disciplined.

""We are from Kaoshantun. What does your husband do? Why was he assigned to sweep the streets?" Zhang Guifen whispered.

"Writing a book violated something and was reported!"Su's wife was embarrassed.

"Hey, what's the big deal!"

Zhang Guifen slapped her thigh and immediately stood up for justice:"Nowadays, people do everything. Some people just like to be serious. Unlike us in the countryside, we only know how to earn work points and work on the land. We never do this kind of messy punishment. What's the point?"

"It's boring!"

The Su family's wife didn't dare to say anything more.

"Sister, I want to ask you something!"Zhang Guifen grabbed Su's wife's hand

"What's up?"

"I want to open a steamed bun shop, is it possible?" Zhang Guifen said

"Don’t do that!"

The Su family’s wife quickly waved her hands and said,"No, individuals are not allowed to do business now, not even selling buns!��

"This is not allowed? No one cares about us in the countryside!"Zhang Guifen was surprised.

"It's different in the countryside, where people often report it. If you take it seriously, you'll be arrested!" Su's wife quickly dissuaded him.

Yang Songwen sighed.

Well, he thought the streets could turn a blind eye before, but he didn't expect the situation to be so serious that he couldn't even do small business.

"There are department stores, supply and marketing cooperatives, and various retail shops on the street. They are all public, or at least public-private partnerships. Absolutely none of them are private. If an individual does business, I would be engaging in speculation, and the consequences will be very serious!"

"I don't dare to do it anymore!"

Zhang Guifen sighed and gave up the idea of being a self-employed person.

Yang Songwen was helpless.

It seems that we have to wait until the market is opened before individuals can do business.

There are still a few years left, so let's wait and see!

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