There are still many problems with Fang Yuan’s.

I consulted the Langya Earth Spirit and did not give him the answer he wanted.

For Unknown to Ghosts, Fang Yuan still has no exact clues. So far, he only knows that Unknown to Ghosts is for the soul.

“Unknown to Gods is so wonderful, and it’s not the same as Unknown to Ghosts.”

“Actually, I care more about the song than Unknown to Ghosts!”

Every time I think about it, Fang Yuan frowns on subconsciously.

Constellation Immortal Venerable The poetry sung in a dream is very weird.

According to the truth, poetry comes from dreams and should have nothing to do with reality. However, Fang Yuan’s experience in the Unrestrained Valley shows that this poem has a realistic meaning and is almost a prophecy.

“To prophesy, this has always been a masterpiece of Wisdom Dao Great Expert. For example, Yi Yan Immortal, prophecy of the Prophecy of Three Venerables. Don’t tell me this dream, is the prophecy of Constellation Immortal Venerable not a dream?” Fang Yuan guess .

Constellation Immortal Venerable But Wisdom Dao number one person, she left behind after her death, counted three Demon Venerable, and saved Heavenly Court without losing.

These dazzling and glaring achievements have made her Wisdom Dao’s status stable, and future generations can only look up.

It is not surprising that her dreams are special and have prophetic effects.

Moreover, although Fang Yuan had five hundred years of previous life, at that time, it was the rapid development of Dream Dao. When it was in full swing, the dreams emerged in an endless stream and were far from being explored.

It is not surprising that Fang Yuan is not clear about these special dreams.

“The song is depraved, the hero is desolate. It is difficult to stop the life.” The first sentence of this dream poem is about Unrestrained Valley Heavenly Thief True Inheritance and Feng Jiuge. Then, the second sentence? ”

“Fighting sword Heavy Sand, the ages are rising and falling. Not the Heavenly River.”

Fang Yuan is low in the mouth.

“Heavenly River ……Fallen Heavenly River?”

“Heavy Sand… is Bo Qing who says Sword Dao number one person?”

“He has been killed under Disaster and Tribulation. It has been for countless years. When the rise of the Five Regions, the scenery is infinite. When the ruin is dead, there is no bones and the glory dissipates. It can be called the age of death.”

After Unrestrained Valley, Fang Yuan remembered the whole poem.

After he calculated it, he felt more and more. The second sentence of this poem is related to Sword Immortal Bo Qing.

Combine the previous life memory. Fang Yuan explores Fallen Heavenly River’s determination and is more and more determined.

He wanted to go.

Dangerous, but the Far Ancient of the Fallen Heavenly River, the Desolate Beast of Immemorial Rank, and the debris of the Deserte Plant are all good immortal materials.

Although not comparable to Fang Yuan in the trench, the harvest of those Rank 8, Quasi Rank 9 immortal materials.

But the amount of immortal materials is very large, comprehensively calculated, and the overall value is higher than the harvest of Fang Yuan in the trench!

Despite the bottom of the Fallen Heavenly River. A large number of Gu Immortal were killed. But in the early days of exploration, almost every Gu Immortals made a fortune, and it was a windfall!

“It seems that Bo Qing Immortal Zombie’s birth seems to be of great value. It’s just a good opportunity to explore at this moment. When the sword light breaks out, it’s irregular, it hurts, it’s dying, too. At the bottom of the Fallen Heavenly River, there are countless Far Ancient, Immemorial Desolate Beast, and Deserte Plants. The undercurrents are turbulent and the vortex is full. It is dangerous.”

Fang Yuan Although the improved Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Meeting Past Acquaintance is available, there are limits to this.

Fang Yuan can only be transformed into a humanoid life and cannot change other species such as ferocious beast.

The original version of Meeting Past Acquaintance can change anything.


Because, Fang Yuan did not refine into Shape Transformation Immortal Gu. In Meeting Past Acquaintance, there is the core of Shape Transformation Immortal Gu. Once you have Shape Transformation Immortal Gu. Fang Yuan can be turned into other species, and it can be separated from the shackles that can only be disguised by human form.

But even with the Shape Transformation Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan can’t enter the bottom of the Fallen Heavenly River.

In addition to Far Ancient, Immemorial Desolate Beasts and Plants, there are countless sinister natural traps in the Fallen Heavenly River, enough to satisfy Fang Yuan’s life.

Only after Bo Qing’s sword light broke out, the Fallen Heavenly River was washed away by the sword light. The ferocious beast plants were temporarily emptied, and the natural traps were almost completely destroyed. This is the best opportunity to enter the bottom of the Fallen Heavenly River.

In a short time, Fang Yuan can only wait, there is no better way.

Let me talk about Crown Prince Feng Xian.

Rank 8 Gu Immortal Crown Prince Feng Xian is one of the peaks of the Northern Plains Gu Immortal world. But the real identity is the Central Continent spy that Spiritual Fate House has arranged for many years. He sneaked into Northern Plains during the Gu Master stage. All the way to promote immortal, become the Northern Plains Gu Immortal of the genuine.

On the one hand, because of the support behind the Spiritual Fate House, on the other hand, his own efforts and talents, in short, he reached the point of today.

Crown Prince Feng Xian is loyal to Spiritual Fate House.

He knows the strategic significance of Feng Jiuge for the current Spiritual Fate House.

Feng Jiuge is missing this this period of time, he is very worried. When he received a letter from Hui Fengzi and learned that Feng Jiuge appeared, he was very happy.

However, he did not know that the “Feng Jiuge” in this news was faked by Fang Yuan.

He waited for a few days, but he did not see Feng Jiuge coming to him.

“I am the head of Spiritual Fate House in Northern Plains. Since Feng Jiuge has already left, why not come to me? don’t tell me He encountered what a strong enemy or trouble?”

Crown Prince Feng Xian knows Feng Jiuge’s battle strength, but he also knows the fierce battle between Feng Jiuge and Qin Baisheng.

Feng Jiuge was so trapped for so long that it suddenly appeared. This intelligence itself implies the state of Feng Jiuge.

“But Feng Jiuge has already come out, why not immediately come to me? Now other Central Continent Gu Immortal has gone back, he wants to return to Central Continent, relying on him single-handedly, I am afraid not. Must be rely on my strength. Don ‘t tell me he doesn’t believe me ?”

When Crown Prince Feng Xian was wondering, he received a letter from the Spiritual Fate House headquarters.

The letter indicates that Zhao Lianyun successfully collected Unknown to Gods a few days ago and learned that Unknown to Ghosts is the Heavenly Thief True Inheritance in Unrestrained Valley.

Crown Prince Feng Xian is both a leader of Rank 8 and a natural and thoughtful person.

After receiving this letter, he was clear comprehension.

“so that’s how it is.” He sighed.

Someone’s Jiang Hu. There are disputes. The organization of reunification also exists internal strife.

Feng Jiuge’s has been strong for too long and has caused a lot of dissatisfaction with the internal forces of Spiritual Fate House. This dissatisfaction broke out when Feng Jiuge disappeared.

The date of the sights at Zhao Lianyun is charged Unknown to Gods. Crown Prince Feng Xian knows that someone has deliberately delayed the time.

He suddenly understood Feng Jiuge’s plan: “It seems that Feng Jiuge is not pressing, I want to see who is inside the sect is not good for him. Or, he is ready to see clearly, just looking for an excuse to suppress, think Take advantage of this opportunity, grab their handles and drive these people into the abyss!”

“So. Feng Jiuge, he will never come to me so early. Because he knows that he can’t influence me, I will immediately convey this message back to sect.”

“But I am the safest here, and the power that he must rely on when returning to Central Continent. He is not a person without wisdom, a hero with strategy! There is Shadow Sect outside. There is a fight inside, it is likely that he still has injuries on his body. Even if he If you don’t come to me, you must be close to me. Once an accident occurs, he can ask for help in time. Therefore, if I search, I should first search around.”

Thinking of this, Crown Prince Feng Xian blinked in the eyes and immediately acted.

Rank 8 Gu Immortal Searching all over the world, the natural effects are extraordinary.

Soon, Crown Prince Feng Xian discovered Feng Jiuge.

“Hahaha, Jiuge, brother. You let me find it.” He was very open, patted Feng Jiuge’s shoulder and laughed.

“I still hope that Crown Prince is not blame.” Feng Jiuge’s face is still a little pale.

“I understand.” Crown Prince Feng Xian has nodded again and again, “Go! To be injured, or my Celestial Grotto is the safest.”

This Feng Jiuge is naturally not the thing that Fang Yuan pretends.

The two entered Celestial Grotto and talked. Knowing the Unrestrained Valley, he has another hand.

Crown Prince Feng Xian: “Hui Fengzi is not good at doing things and should be severely punished. As for the collection of Unrestrained Valley’s Gu Immortal, I am afraid from Shadow Sect.”

Feng Jiuge flashed Fang Yuan’s image in his mind, and he was speechless.

Crown Prince Feng Xian said again: “When I saw you, I sent a letter back to Sect. You can come back alive, this is the biggest good news! Can you let your younger siblings, as well as the little niece, be sad? Wait until you are injured. Get well, I will give you a celebration party, Daqing seven days and seven nights, before you will arrange for you to return to Central Continent’s. At that time, our brothers must have a good time!”

Feng Jiuge smiles.

He knows the meaning of Crown Prince Feng Xian.

For Crown Prince Feng Xian, he is a half-outer in Central Continent, considering the rise and fall of the entire sect.

Feng Jiuge wants to suppress other Gu Immortal in other doors. If the degree is too intense, it will definitely form a sect internal friction. Crown Prince Feng Xian does not want to see this.

But as soon as she thought of her wife and daughter, Feng Jiuge’s heart became soft again.

Fine !

“It’s still a Crown Prince, considerate.” Feng Jiuge shook hands and said that he was also very subtle.

When I heard this answer, Crown Prince Feng Xian laughed even more.

The news reached the Spiritual Fate House and the whole high level was jubilant.

The disappearance of Feng Jiuge brought a lot of psychological pressure to these Gu Immortal. When Feng Jiuge existed, they subconsciously ignored his role. This time, he is missing, let the Spiritual Fate House’s Gu Immortals realized Feng Jiuge the importance of the entire Spiritual Fate House.

Feng Jinhuang burst into laughter and smiled on Fairy Bai Qing’s face.

A few happy couples.

“Feng Jiuge is not dead? The next day, we are probably not good enough.” Xu Hao and Li Junying are in a heavy mood.

They deliberately delayed and concealed the news of Zhao Lianyun. Although this matter is not obvious, the discerning person will know at a glance.

Even if Feng Jiuge can’t catch any handles, it will be natural for him to be dissatisfied with Xu Hao and Li Junying when he returns.

Feng Jiuge’s news, returned to Spiritual Fate House in advance, naturally there is no high-level meeting. There is no Fairy Bai Qing to investigate Bo Qing and so on.

However, the incident of Bo Qing Immortal Zombie still happened unstoppable.

Sword Vertical Central Continent!

Countless words of light, shocking immortal and mortal.

After the word light subsided, countless Gu Immortal began to rush to the source of Fallen Heavenly River.

But before them, Fang Yuan had taken the lead in the incident.

At the entrance, blood has dyed the source of the Fallen Heavenly River into a red. Full of eyes are immortal materials!

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