Hui Fengzi both shocked and angry.

Although he is not willing to surrender, he is also forced by the situation. But since he has invested in the Central Continent, he can only temporarily brace oneself to do things for Central Continent.

Central Continent Gu Immortal Since he was able to put him here and ordered him to guard the Unrestrained Valley, naturally there were many means on him.

Hui Fengzi is subject to people. For his own safety, he must stand up and prevent Fang Yuan from collecting Unrestrained Valley.

But when he saw Fang Yuan’s, Hui Fengzi, surprised and angry, suddenly trembled and snorted in amazement: “Feng Jiuge!”

Fang Yuan gave him a faint look, and the expression was flat.

Central Continent Gu Immortal Now that he has left Northern Plains and returned to Central Continent. Then naturally in the Northern Plains, arrange some backhands. Smart as Fang Yuan, will you not consider this layer?

So, before he took the Unrestrained Valley, he changed to Feng Jiuge’s.

“The original Central Continent Gu Immortal arranged Hui Fengzi here… It seems that Central Continent is a good means, so that the ‘Northern Plains First Speed’ will also be against the interests of Central Continent. And, look at his look, just did not look Going to Feng Jiuge? Don’t tell me Feng Jiuge Still in this valley? No, not very likely. In the 100-day war, Shadow Sect Gu Immortal has broken through, and Feng Jiuge knows that this is a dangerous place, and his injury is extremely heavy, though I want to report my helplessness, but I am really eager to get out of trouble. In the True Inheritance space, I didn’t say anything to me.”

Defenses can not do without.

At this point, Feng Jiuge is extremely wise.

After all, Fang Yuan is not Zhao Lianyun, when the previous life Zhao Lianyun appeared. Feng Jiuge took the initiative to give instructions. This lifetime, it is the turn of Fang Yuan to play, Feng Jiuge will not speak.

Not to mention.

If Fang Yuan knows in advance about Feng Jiuge’s existence, chances are it!

Killing a Feng Jiuge will not get his Immortal Gu. It is also a great asset to get his soul and search Soul Search.

What’s more, if you catch Feng Jiuge live, whether it is blackmailing Spiritual Fate House, or the hostile forces of Spiritual Fate House or Feng Jiuge itself, it is a big deal.

“Feng Jiuge is extremely hurt. He is deeply guarded! He didn’t say a word to me. Maybe after leaving Unrestrained Valley, he also found Hui Fengzi, but he didn’t call him. The reason for this is that he didn’t know. Hui Fengzi surrendered, secondly, even if he knew that Hui Fengzi surrendered to Central Continent, and was afraid of the internal strife between 10 Great Ancient Sects. After all, people were speculative, and Feng Jiuge’s state at this time. Can’t take risks.”

Fang Yuan is not moving on the surface, but in the dark, the mind is ready to turn. In just a few breaths, he didn’t know how much he had turned around in his mind.

“It’s true!” Hui Fengzi secretly used a means to identify the authenticity, he suddenly relieved a big breath.

Feng Jiuge is the head of Central Continent Gu Immortal. If he takes action to collect Unrestrained Valley, then Hui Fengzi has no reason to stop it.

“I have seen Feng Jiuge adults.” Hui Fengzi honestly flies forward with respect and respects Fang Yuan.

“Yeah.” Fang Yuan nodded complied, “What happened. I already know. You protect the law for me, and the Unrestrained Valley is not to be interfered with by external forces.”

In a short sentence, there is not much to say. However, some problems have been explained in advance to prevent more suspicion of Hui Fengzi produce.

“Yes, adults!” Hui Fengzi was busy nodded.

In this way, under the guardianship of Hui Fengzi, Fang Yuan successfully collected Unrestrained Valley.

“The Unrestrained Valley here. Although it was collected, it still left a lot of Immortal Aperture Blessed Land. You are still guarding here, but not be missed.” Before leaving, Fang Yuan took seriously care of Hui Fengzi.

Hui Fengzi does not suspect him, and he should be busy.

Fang Yuan Shi Shiran flew away from here.

“Feng Jiuge has come out of trouble, proving that Qin Baisheng has lost.” Hui Fengzi looks at his back, and his heart is full of emotions to Feng Jiuge’s.

For this result, Hui Fengzi was not surprised.

After all, he also knows the fact that Qin Baisheng is seriously injured.

Hui Fengzi suddenly thought: “Not good. Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects are mutually restrained and there is competition inside. Feng Jiuge is only a member of the Spiritual Fate House. He charges Unrestrained Valley. I have no reason to stop it, but I must also send this message. Pass it over and let other Nine Sects know.”

After thinking to this point, he did not hesitate, and quickly mobilized Information Dao means.

Crown Prince Feng Xian soon received a letter from him.

“Oh? Feng Jiuge is still alive? He not only came out, but also charged Unrestrained Valley!” Crown Prince Feng Xian couldn’t help but laughed.

Besides, Fang Yuan was far away from Hui Fengzi and flew all the way. After relatively safe, he met with Taibai Yunsheng and Featherman Gu Immortal Zhou Zhong.

The two individuals have been arranged by Fang Yuan in the distance and have been prepared for the time being.

At the same time, he has maintained a smooth communication with Hei Loulan and Fairy Lishan, and will inform them of any support if there is any crisis.

Coupled with the relationship between Hei Loulan and Burning Heaven Enchantress, even if the Rank 8 Gu Immortal appeared, Fang Yuan could barely cope.

of course!

At this time, couldn’t be better.

Fang Yuan was alone and successfully charged Unrestrained Valley.

Hei Loulan is not like previous life, she doesn’t have the soul of Hei Cheng, and she can’t know the existence of Unrestrained Valley’s.

Fang Yuan is going to squander his hair and not tell the other person about Unrestrained Valley’s.

Fairy Lishan once suppressed Fang Yuan, and Fang Yuan was even less likely to inform Unrestrained Valley’s.

Once they learned that according to the strong hegemony of Burning Heaven Enchantress, there is bound to be a requirement for Unrestrained Valley.

“Even in the future, I will use Unrestrained Valley to trade with them. It’s also my time when I’m a big accomplishment…”

Fang Yuan returns to Star Form Blessed Land and places the Unrestrained Valley here.

In Fox Immortal Blessed Land, Hei Loulan also goes from time to time. She wants to use Strength Qi Immortal Gu, support Hairyman refining Airbag Gu. So it’s not wise to place the Unrestrained Valley in Fox Immortal Blessed Land.

Unrestrained Valley’s things have come to an end, but Fang Yuan’s mood has been a long time.

Unrestrained Valley’s harvest, although far surpasses his original expectations, but in the process is far beyond the control of Fang Yuan.

Loss of control over the situation. This feeling made Fang Yuan very annoying and felt uneasy.

In Heavenly Thief True Inheritance, Fang Yuan harvested Unknown to Ghosts.

Fang Yuan probed the whole body and found that the soul seemed to be wrapped with a layer of Dao Marks.

But what is the real use of Unknown to Ghosts. Fang Yuan has not figured out yet.

Fortunately, he has joined Langya School.

So Fang Yuan went to Langya Blessed Land and asked about Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s.

Langya Earth Spirit did not conceal, nor did he ask anything, and told Fang Yuan a lot of information.

“Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s inheritance has a lot, but True Inheritance has only ten. The inheritance you got before, let me promise to refining gu three times. Not True Inheritance. Every Heavenly Thief True Inheritance. It is a unique treasure, Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable is the essence of the cultivation base. Chicken dogs can get ascend to heaven! But every True Inheritance standard has only one. That is, the successor must be Demon from Beyond The Heavens !”

“In rumors, Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable has two defensive ultimate moves, called Unknown to Gods Unknown to Ghosts. The purpose of Unknown to Gods is to block any calculation of thought, will, and emotion. As for Unknown to Ghosts. It’s mysterious, I don’t know much, it seems to be related to the soul. Hey? You suddenly became so interested in Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s information? Why? Don’t tell me What are you aware of Heavenly Thief True Inheritance?”

Fang Yuan laughed: “You guess the right.”

“Unknown to Gods, Unknown to Ghosts…” Langya Earth Spirit is very impressed. “If I have Unknown to Gods in hand, Langya Blessed Land will become a real paradise, no longer harassed by Heavenly Disaster and Earthly Tribulation. Unfortunately The Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable arranged for the ten True Inheritances, the secret is extraordinary, I have never heard of it, and anyone who has obtained his True Inheritance. His True Inheritance is a double pair. Unknown to Gods, Unknown to Ghosts is a pair. Inheriting one of them, there is another clue. Fang Yuan, if you can get Unknown to Gods and contribute to Langya School, I will set you up as 2nd Revered Elder. In the entire Langya School, you only I am under one person and have great authority! And you can also get a Rank 7 Immortal Gu for free in my collection. Ah, no, at least two Rank 7 Immortal Gu !!”

Fang Yuan nodded, Langya Earth Spirit’s temperament change, he does have a lot of benefits.

At least, before the replacement of the Langya Earth Spirit, the personality is conservative, and will never promise the benefits of Fang Yuan.

“However, if I am obtained Unknown to Gods, then Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s True Inheritance! When Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable was stolen, no one can figure out his position, is it because Unknown to Gods, Unknown to Ghosts? This inheritance It is more precious than the two Rank 7 Immortal Gu. “Fang Yuan has a smile in his eyes.”

Langya Earth Spirit looked at it, laughed, and resolved himself: “You said the right. In fact, my words have not been spoken, not only the two Rank 7 Immortal Gu, but also the numerous Immortal Gu Formula, and even Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. Various secrets, inheritance clues, etc., you can check! How, this reward is enough?”

“Well… this is almost the same. When I get Unknown to Gods, I will come back.” Fang Yuan obtained the information he wanted, didn’t miss Langya Blessed Land, and turned away.

Langya Earth Spirit glared at the eyes, looking at Fang Yuan’s back, screaming: “This guy… I don’t really have any clues! If you are obtained Unknown to Gods, what am I worried about? Wahaha! Even if he is given 2nd Revered Elder, the rest of the Hairyman Gu Immortal only listened to me, Wahaha! Aiya, accidentally, and said something in my heart!”

Langya Earth Spirit covered his mouth and stared at Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan already is not strange, laughing in the belly.

In exchange for other forces, he may be prepared and careful. But joining Langya School, there is such a leader, it is simply too easy.

“If you say, I am heard.” Fang Yuan did not return, and raised the back of the hand to the Langya Earth Spirit, igniting Fixed Immortal Travel and leaving Langya Blessed Land.

Leaving Langya Earth Spirit, I was so sad that I hated it, and muttered in my mouth: “Damn! Damn!”

Back to Fox Immortal Blessed Land, Fang Yuan’s eyes flickered and fell into meditation.

“I am a person who crosses, although the body is indigenous, but the soul is beyond the Heavens. So I am Demon from Beyond The Heavens and can qualify to inherit Heavenly Thief True Inheritance.”

“Before, the words left by Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable seem to imply that he is also Demon from Beyond The Heavens.”

“Heavenly Thief True Inheritance is inherited, it’s hard to say, it’s easy and easy. It’s only one point, that’s the identity of Demon from Beyond The Heavens. No wonder Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable sets this True Inheritance and spreads the clues. It’s a bit strange, why the lead of Door Opening Gu and Door Closing Gu is so easy to get it.”

“But after I got Unknown to Ghosts, there was no clue from Unknown to Gods. So, has Unknown to Gods been already the first to be picked up by others?”

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