Eastern Sea, the Bipolar Strait.

The sound of the waves passed through the thick fog and faintly into the strait.

Song Jiadan sits on the sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces, and the eyes closed.

His lower body is gray stone. The upper body is the old man, wrinkled and old.

Suddenly, his eyelid moved, sensing the token of Song Family Revered Great Elder, Rank 8 Gu Immortal Song Qiyuan.

Song Jiadan thought, moving in the fog, revealing a blank ramp.

After a while, from the ramp, came two silhouettees.

One man and one woman are all Gu Immortal.

Female immortal dressed in white clothed, such as Lotus Flower Immortal, pure and moving, smart and ambiguous and hopeful and revealing a lively atmosphere. The male fairy is a middle-aged appearance, and the old man is heavy and walks behind the woman.

“Jiadan Uncle” is still in the distance, and Song Yishi shouted.

Song Jiadan wants to show a smile, but after all, he can’t move, his face muscles are completely dead.

His Wisdom Dao cultivation is very special and can be used on the Will of Heaven to calculate things and things, often very precise.

But there are advantages and disadvantages. The drawback is that Song Jiadan has lost his freedom, and the lower part of petrify has merged with the Bipolar Strait. By the time his life essence is exhausted, his entire body will turn into a stone and no longer live.

In the end, Song Jiadan can only expresslessly whisper: “Small Shi, Xiaqi cousin, long time no see.”

Coming to the Shuangji Channel, it is Song Family Song Yishi and Song Xiaqi who visit Song Jiadan.

“Uncle Jiadan, this is the token given by grandfather. Let’s take a look.” Song Yishi first handed the token in front of Song Jiadan.

After Song Jiadan found out that it was correct, nodded, asked: “this time, what do you want to count”

Song Xiaqi started talking : “this time. We came for Tian Nan inheritance in Heaven Ascension Plain.”

Song Jiadan pondered then said : “The Space Dao’s Dao Marks in Heaven Ascension Plain is a lot of chaos, and it changes at any time. I can’t go anywhere, I can’t adjust to the local conditions. But Ruolai Family, Cai Family, and Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal. I believe that you can rely on my Wisdom Dao Immortal Gu.

Song Yishi lightly said with a smile : “Uncle Jiadan, Heaven Ascension Plain has changed a lot.”


Immediately, Song Yishi said that Burning Heaven Enchantress and Fang Yuan both broke into Heaven Ascension Plain.

Song Jiadan immediately came to preprehend Song Yishi and Song Xiaqi and said: “You originally wanted to hire this Resourceful Star to help Song Family get Tian Nan inheritance.”

“right. Resourceful Star is not a Zombie Alliance person, just a friend of Taibai Yunsheng’s, he is Northern Plains Gu Immortal. Because the earth tide came to the Eastern Sea. Since he can do things for the Zombie Alliance, naturally our Song Family can also hire him. His Wisdom Dao’s accomplishments are quite right. If our Song Family is slower and won by the other two, then the situation is very passive.” Song Xiaqi said.

“So you came here this time, I want to let me calculate the Resourceful Star thing,” Song Jiadan continued.

Song Yishi has nodded again and again: “What is really nothing but Uncle you. Right We have to hire a Resourceful Star, and we must know him well. After all, he is not his own clansman. The most important thing is that the other party is also Wisdom Dao Gu. Immortal, if he is slicking and making a conspiracy, our Song Family will not only suffer, but also lose face. So this time, please ask Uncle to show the ability to hold the Northern Plains Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal.”

Song Jiadan hung down. There was a slight hesitation in the eyes: “But this Resourceful Star Chen Dao can crack the way I play for Shark Demon and shine in the Heaven Ascension Plain, which means that he not only has Wisdom Dao Realm but also Wisdom Dao Immortal. Gu is not lacking. These Wisdom Dao experts, if I venture to calculate him, I am afraid that it is against the regulation between our Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal. A little careless, it will also cause hostility to the other party, and provoke a Wisdom Dao for the family. enemy.”

Previous life. Fang Yuan disguised Star Form Child because she peeked at Song Yishi and took a shower. So Song Jiadan is famous.

This lifetime, Fang Yuan pretend to be Resourceful Star. There is no left-handedness, and the more important thing is to show the superb Wisdom Dao means, so that Song Jiadan has a jealous heart.

Song Yishi and Song Xiaqi look at each other, the former is no longer open, the latter said: “There will always be advantages and disadvantages, just a trade-off. Before we came, we have already discussed with Revered Great Elder and 2nd elder, please contact Jiadan Cousin take action.”

Song Jiadan nodded, although he is Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, he is not a family decision maker.

This is the case, he will not hesitate.

After brewing for a while, immediately start.

After a long time, Song Jiadan slowly opened both of his eyes, and there was a trace of exhaustion in his eyes: “I can’t figure it out.”

“What Uncle, you are one of the strongest three Wisdom Dao Gu Immortals in Eastern Sea today, how could it not be possible?”

“don’t tell me, Chen Dao, in terms of Wisdom Dao, it’s really so strong that it has been with the cousin about the difference on the terms.”

Both Song Yishi and Song Xiaqi were very surprised.

Song Jiadan slowly shook his head: “There is a limited heart, and the Will of Heaven is unpredictable. Perhaps this Chen Dao is really amazing, and I will try my best to prevent it. Maybe he is not in the Eastern Sea.”

“Not in the Eastern Sea, where the earth tide has faded, and the next wave of earth tide, there is still a long time.” Song Yishi is very confused.

“Every Immortal Aperture is a little Heaven and Earth, isolated inside and outside. My cultivation base is only Rank 7, and it is not surprising.”

“This way,” Song Yishi muttered, disappointed and disappointed.

Song Jiadan, the talker Rank 1, said: “I care more about Heaven Ascension Plain itself. It is a strategic place to communicate with White Heaven and Black Heaven. This time, Burning Heaven Enchantress, although evacuated, did not kill Live her prestige. So, it will encourage some people’s greed of inflammation. Eastern Sea’s loose immortal, demonic cultivator, should pay attention. And other Rightse Path super forces, although not easy to intervene directly, but can also Hitting the Cow Behind The Mountain, messing up the situation of Heaven Ascension Plain. This is the biggest crisis currently lurking.”

“The cousin really knows, this statement is very reasonable.” Song Xiaqi face changed, even nodded.

Song Yishi’s face also showed a touch of worry.

“Let me count Resourceful Star Chen Dao, it’s better to find this. You can rest assured that as long as I have arranged, I can strike the loose immortal and demonic cultivator, and even weaken the Ruolai Family through their power. The strength of Cai Family.” Song Jiadan is confident and authentic.

Central Continent. Fox Immortal Blessed Land.

“Star Fog Cover”

Fang Yuan thought of it and reminded Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Suddenly, a sly starlight fog. From his second Immortal Aperture, he rushed out.

Soon, Star Fog enveloped Fang Yuan’s body. Make his face ambiguous. Outsiders can only see the faint figure of Fang Yuan in the fog through Star Fog.

“Inferring the improved Star Fog Cover, it seems to be a success.”

Fang Yuan was very happy after checking it.

This is a Star Fog Cover that protects against the projections of others.

Fang Yuan left the Heaven Ascension Plain and negotiated with Burning Heaven Enchantress before returning to Fox Immortal Blessed Land, using Wisdom Halo. The original Star Fog Cover has been improved.

The original Star Fog Cover has two core Immortal Gus, one of which is Star Thought Immortal Gu.

The improved Star Fog Cover and the core Immortal Gu are also two. Star Thought Immortal Gu is still therein, and one is replaced by Fang Yuan as Solving Riddle Immortal Gu.

Today, Fang Yuan has the Realm of the Wisdom Dao Grandmaster, and the Wisdom Dao Immortal Gu Solving Riddle, which was previously difficult to use, is now also in use.

“My recent trip to Heaven Ascension Plain will soon spread the name of Resourceful Star Chen Dao to Eastern Sea Gu Immortal World. At that time, I will calculate it. There must be a lot of Gu Immortal about Resourceful Star. Meeting Past Acquaintance is Transformation Dao’s ultimate move, which can disguise itself. But it can’t handle the calculation. Now with Star Fog Cover, I am much safer in Eastern Sea.” Fang Yuan said.

Of course, this Star Fog Cover is also defensive.

First of all, its defense is only for the calculation of others, and can not defend against Earth, Water, Wind, Fire, or fist and kick.

Second, its core is just two Rank 6 Immortal Gu, and if it is calculated by Rank 7 Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, it can only resist for a while. It will break down.

Finally, the Star Fog Cover does not need to be constantly motivated. The Star Fog that motivated this move. It’s a layer of protection, as long as Star Fog doesn’t. There is a precautionary measure.

“This layer of Star Fog is full of Star Dao, Wisdom Dao’s broken Dao Marks. It is these disorderly Dao Marks that resist the external calculations. Even if it is Song Jiadan, I can predict that Star Fog can withstand a moment. Let me be alert and have plenty of time to use Fixed Immortal Travel to escape from Immortal Aperture Blessed Land.”

One entry into Immortal Aperture is two Heaven and Earth. Even the Rank 8 Wisdom Dao Great Expert, you can’t help but think about it.

First, Battlefield Ultimate Move, followed by Star Fog Cover, Fang Yuan’s two weak points, already filled.

Next, we started refining Rank 6 Going All-Out Immortal Gu, and at the same time, patiently waiting for Burning Heaven Enchantress.

“Previous life, Burning Heaven Enchantress has already crowded out Shark Demon and Su Baiman. Unfortunately, the timing is wrong and I can only go to Northern Plains. I have influenced this life and greatly promoted the progress of Yu Lu Blessed Land’s strategy, so that she can take action in advance. Time should It is enough. I hope that the harvest of Yu Lu Blessed Land will not be as disappointing as the dreams in Starry Sky Celestial Grotto.”

Previously, although Fang Yuan broke through the second layer dream, came to the third layer and reached the previous life only progress.

Both Wisdom Dao and Star Dao Realm have improved slightly, but are still at the Grandmaster level.

The most crucial thing is the third layer dream, which is extraordinarily weird.

Fang Yuan is also puzzling.

The third layer of the dream naturally dissipated, and did not bring the gain on any Realm of Fang Yuan.

In the dream, the poems of Constellation Immortal Venerable, how Fang Yuan thinks, can’t remember.

Time passes by.

Burning Heaven Enchantress finally got a good relationship with the Eastern Sea Zombie Alliance’s relationship, which is similar to previous life. She used Bu Shan to take the initiative and squeezed Shark Demon and Su Baiman.

In this process, Fang Yuan was not involved.

When the Burning Heaven Enchantress Raiders Yu Lu Blessed Land, he was invited to take action.

As he expected, the Battlefield Ultimate Move is wonderful, but it is unmanned, as if. Fang Yuan spent a lot of effort and immortal essence, breakthrough through this last test, thoroughly explored Yu Lu Blessed Land.

“Strength Dao Immortal Gu has only one, you don’t think about it. This is my gift to Little Lan. According to the previous agreement, you can take two Rank 6 Immortal Gu. But this is only Star Dao Immortal Gu, although it is only Rank. 6, but it’s on the Ten Great Rare Gus List, is of great value. If you choose it, you can’t choose another Immortal Gu.” Burning Heaven Enchantress on Fang Yuan.

Ps: There was a clerical error in the previous chapter. Now I have changed “Song Qiyuan” in the article to “Song Kun”. Thank you for your reminder

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