“Resourceful Star, here is one of Heaven Ascension Plain, Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm, recorded in Human Ancestor Biography. It is full of Space Dao’s Dao Marks, not only irregular, but also complex and varied. Wisdom Dao means very confident, so take the Tian Nan inheritance here and show it to me.” Burning Heaven Enchantress on Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan nodded.

He already knows the purpose of Burning Heaven Enchantress.

His Wisdom Dao means was only exposed soon. Even Hei Loulan, they are not too clear.

Burning Heaven Enchantress Since you want to explore Yu Lu Blessed Land, you have to personally test the size of Fang Yuan’s Wisdom Dao. If Fang Yuan is strong, she believes that Fang Yuan will put Yu Lu Blessed Land’s heavy responsibility on his shoulder. If Fang Yuan is just a straw bag, then Burning Heaven Enchantress will ask others to take action. As for Fang Yuan, it’s useless, let’s go and go.

“Resourceful Star, how is this name a bit familiar?”

“Since this person is valued by Burning Heaven Enchantress, there must be a few brushes.”

“Hmph, Space Dao’s Dao Marks in Heaven Ascension Plain is not only complicated, but it is constantly changing. Our three families are subject to this and progress slowly. How can he be single-handedly?”

Song Qiyuan, Cai Xiong, Ruolai Guiyi secretly sound transmission, looks at Fang Yuan slowly, then head to the old Immortal Gu Home left by Old Monster Tian Nan.

Not only are they three, but the rest of Gu Immortal’s eyes are also focused on Fang Yuan’s body.

In the Song Family camp, a girl dressed in white clothed, clear as ice and clean as jade, is the pearl of Song Family, Song Yishi, one of the Eastern Sea beauty.

“Resourceful Star Chen Dao ……” At this moment, Song Yishi beautiful eyes without blinking, staring at Fang Yuan, full of curiosity, “This person I know. Recently Shark Demon Raiders Yu Lu Blessed Land, try every means to ask this person take action Before. It was Chen Dao take action, which helped Shark Demon crack several Battlefield Ultimate Moves, and it was extremely fast. But I don’t know why. Chen Dao suddenly ignored Shark Demon.”

“Strange. Small Shi, how do you know Chen Dao so clearly? But speaking of it, this kid is really handsome. Out of the ordinary, people can’t help but feel good at first sight.” Song Family A female Gu Immortal elders, joke Song Yishi Road.

Song Yishi’s cheek flashed a blush and explained: “Chen Dao once broke a secret of Shark Demon, and Shark Demon once asked Uncle Song Jiadan to take action to protect this secret. So I value this person.”

Unlike previous lifetime, previous lifetime Fang Yuan pretend to be Star Form Child. Is a white hair ruddy complexion of the old man. But this lifetime, since there is Rank 8 Manner Gu, and Meeting Past Acquaintance, Fang Yuan naturally wants to make full use of this ultimate move. Changing a good-looking face is more relaxing and more convenient for Fang Yuan to act.

Gu Immortal of Song Family heard this and suddenly moved.

Song Jiadan is the pride of Song Family and is recognized by Eastern Sea today as one of the three Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal.

Fang Yuan was able to break the means of Song Jiadan, single item. It is enough to see his power.

For a time, Song Family Gu Immortals looked towards Fang Yuan’s eyes, all of which changed faintly.

Fang Yuan is in full view. After stopping 5~6 steps, it stopped slowly.

Serene on his face, but he was already absorbed in the dark.

Heaven Ascension Plain is not easy.

This Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm is often different. For example, Soul Shaking Mountain, Unrestrained Valley, filled with Soul Dao’s Dao Marks, Space Dao many Dao Marks in Heaven Ascension Plain can’t count!

It is because of these Space Dao’s Dao Marks that Heaven Ascension Plain can communicate with Immemorial Nine Heavens. Even mortals, through Heaven Ascension Plain, can also enter Immemorial Nine Heavens.

but. After the children of Human Ancestor clamored for Nine Heavens, many Immemorial heavens were destroyed. Make Heaven Ascension Plain also affected.

Heaven Ascension Plain is no longer as safe as the Immemorial Antiquity Era, and the Space Dao’s Dao Marks are so complex. And it is still changing.

Don’t look at Heaven Ascension Plain’s seemingly peaceful and serene, but it’s actually a crisis, killing intent.

Even if Gu Immortal is here, he will suffer terrifying damage from Space Dao’s Dao Marks if he does not pay attention.

“Burning Heaven Enchantress brought me here, one is to measure how much my Wisdom Dao is capable of, and secondly there is a demonstration of suppression.”

“I’m afraid I still suspect that I rely on the Purple Mountain True Monarch. In fact, there is no Wisdom Dao means, just a microphone. After all, the things I have calculated are dead, or fait accompli. Only here. The environment and the times are changing to truly measure my Wisdom Dao capabilities.”

It’s no wonder that Burning Heaven Enchantress has to be suspicious.

After all, Fang Yuan showed the Wisdom Dao means, too suddenly. Moreover, he is still an Immortal Zombie!

Wisdom Dao Immortal Zombie is not without it, but after becoming Immortal Zombie, there is such a powerful Wisdom Dao means that it is quite rare.

Fang Yuan’s mind, Star Thought, they are constantly colliding with each other.

With Star Thought Immortal Gu, he has no shortage of Star Thought. This brings to Fang Yuan the endless enthusiasm.

For a moment, he continued to move forward and headed for the Immortal Gu Home left by Old Monster Tian Nan.

One step, two steps, three steps…

After taking the 11 steps, Fang Yuan stopped again.

At this moment, he is far from the Immortal Gu Home left by Old Monster Tian Nan and over 300 steps, but has already caught up with Gu Immortal at the end.

This Gu Immortals, from Ruolai Family, saw Fang Yuan and himself go hand in hand. He laughed and didn’t care.

Fang Yuan will count again.

The Space Dao’s Dao Marks here are invisible and must not be extrapolated.

The previously calculated route has already been completed.

Fang Yuan must stop and go, and calculate again and again.

It’s not cost-effective to calculate a longer trip at a time. Because Space Dao’s Dao Marks are constantly changing, sometimes they change rapidly, and sometimes they change slowly. The calculated distance is long. Just halfway, the distance in the second half will change. The results of the hard work have been calculated, and more than half have done useless work.

“I want to embody my own value. To participate in Yu Lu Blessed Land, I need to fully demonstrate the power of Wisdom Dao. It seems that this trip, my Resourceful Star name, will be named Eastern Sea.”

Fang Yuan has a star glow, and has a clear comprehension when calculating.

After a sip of tea, he overtook most of Gu Immortal on the ground and squeezed into the forefront.

“Resourceful Star Chen Dao ……” Cai Xiong stared at Fang Yuan’s back and muttered to himself.

“How old is he? These Realm are at least Wisdom Dao Grandmaster.” Ruolai Guiyi gritted his teeth.

Song Qiyuan is secretly sighed: “Unfortunately, my Song Family Song Jiadan, can’t come in person. Otherwise, this inheritance has long been won by my Song Family.”

Burning Heaven Enchantress is very satisfied.

These achievements, even in the vast Eastern Sea, are enough to Raise Yu Lu Blessed Land.

At the same time, Burning Heaven Enchantress can’t bear the shock: “Fang Yuan was promoted to Xian only a few years? Actually not only cultivation Strength Dao, but also such a deep Wisdom Dao cultivation base! And from the letter from younger sister, he seems to still In the Royal Court battle, I have shown the exquisite Enslave Dao rumor. This is the case, the out of the ordinary of Master Purple Mountain True Monarch!”

“Almost, my current location, there are about 108 steps from Immortal Gu Home. Although I still have the ability to move on, I am at the forefront at this time. If the distance is shortened, I am afraid it will cause trouble. “Fang Yuan secretly estimated the situation.

With Burning Heaven Enchantress, Shark Demon and Su Baiman can be properly eaten. But in the face of Song Family, Cai Family, and Ruolai Family, Burning Heaven Enchantress alone is a bit weak.

The more Space Dao’s Dao Marks, the closer they are to inheritance, the more numerous and rapidly changing.

Therefore, the difficulty of calculation is skyrocketing.

With the power of Fang Yuan alone, it is not enough for Immortal Gu Home.

Especially after breaking through the 80 steps, you need Wisdom Dao ultimate move.

The Wisdom Dao ultimate move here, not the Star Fog Cover defense, nor the Ten Thousand Flying Star Fireflies, is specifically used to calculate.

Fang Yuan does not have this background.

But he has Wisdom Gu.

Although he did not accept Wisdom Gu, he could use Wisdom Halo. With this Wisdom Halo alone, he can take countless Wisdom Dao ultimate moves, which are used exclusively for calculations, to a few streets.

If there is Wisdom Halo, Fang Yuan has already broken through the past, and now the location is at least 50 steps, not thehundred steps.

Wisdom Halo can’t see it, but even if Fang Yuan gets inheritance, it can’t go out today.

Three Great Super Influences, where glare like a tiger watching his prey, how can I let Fang Yuan get cheaper?

Therefore, Fang Yuan stopped and turned his eyes to Burning Heaven Enchantress.

Burning Heaven Enchantress smirked, and this Fang Yuan’s knows the truth.

Don’t say that Fang Yuan is just a Rank 6 Immortal Zombie. Even if she is a Rank 8 cultivation base, she doesn’t dare to covet things here.

She also retired early.

Just retreating without fighting, but still a little trouble.

Song Family, Cai Family, Ruolai Family This Three Great Super Influences, depending on Heaven Ascension Plain for their own imprisonment, Burning Heaven Enchantress took the risk. If three families do not indicate a tough attitude, I am afraid it will cause more people to be embarrassed.

For Burning Heaven Enchantress, she walked ahead, and the three families super powers will surely be pursued afterwards. It’s better to stay behind and deal with it first.

Not playing against Rank 8 Gu Immortal is not acceptable.

Sure enough, not long after, the three families of Rank 8 Gu Immortal appeared in succession, vague alliance, and negotiations with Burning Heaven Enchantress.

Although Burning Heaven Enchantress is alone, he is not weak and takes the initiative to mention the fight.

Sixian flies to White Heaven | daytime, and the scenes of mutual learning are not known.

After the discussion, Burning Heaven Enchantress landed, laughed heartily, and left Fang Yuan to leave Heaven Ascension Plain.

On the contrary, Song Family, Cai Family, and Ruolai Family’s three Rank 8s are somewhat taboo and dignified in the depths of their eyes.

They secretly communicate.

“It has long been known that the Northern Plains Gu Immortal battle strength is refined, far surpasses the same level of Gu Immortal. Today and Burning Heaven, I did not.”

“Although she is Immortal Zombie, but the strength of the battle is strong. We have to have at least two people to fight together. The Grand Grandmaster level of Flame Dao Realm…”

“This woman can’t be ignored. In the Northern Plains, I destroyed the Immemorial Nine Heavens Fragment World, so it is called Burning Heaven Enchantress. It is very rogue. Although she has retired, I still need to guard against it as I see it.”

“Well, this statement is reasonable!”

Ps: Second tonight, the monthly ticket 1500 plus.

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