Western Desert, Green Heaven Fragment World.

The sky is green, the breeze is blowing here, and the seasons are endless.

A white and magnificent city is steadily suspended in the sky, reflecting the faint golden brilliance.

Today, Human Race is dominated by Heaven and Earth. The major nonhuman races that once dominated the war have been huddled in every corner of the World, and they struggle to survive.

And this piece of Green Heaven Fragment World is the paradise of Feathermen, one of the nonhuman races.

Immortal Gu Home Feather Holy City is the strongest headquarters of the Featherman bereaved.

At this moment, the flags in Feather Holy City are flying, and the cheers in the Performance Martial Stage are buzzing.

All Featherman are cheering the names of a family.

“Yu Fei !”

“Yu Fei !”

“Yu Fei !”

The original king of Featherman has passed away. According to Featherman’s custom, the new Featherman King will be elected in battle.

And at the previous moment, the battle is over.

Originally, the biggest hot spot for everyone, Dan Yu of Featherman Prince, actually lost. The civilian black hair juvenile Yu Fei won the final victory.

“I Yu Fei finally realized the dream of life and became Featherman King!” Yu Fei was seriously injured, but he didn’t care, at this moment, he looked up, laughed heartily.

He stretched his arms and had a win-win situation behind him, enjoying the cheers of everyone.

He smiled and closed his mouth, his smile was extraordinarily cheerful, and his boss, his mouth, showed his roots.

“Featherman King of this generation looks a bit unique, not the same as the previous ones.”

“He He He is a funny little guy.”

“It is said that he is ambitious and wants to develop the hegemony of Featherman. But when he becomes Featherman King for a while, he should be stable.”

Behind the scenes, the three Featherman Gu Immortal communicated with ease and smiled on their faces.

But at this moment, a fierce attack suddenly came to this calm and peaceful city!

Bang!! !

In the thunderous sound, Feather Holy City produce swayed violently.

“It hurts!” Yu Fei couldn’t keep up, and he fell on the ground. Also rolled three rolls.

“Look, you see, this?!” Featherman, who saw it first, found something bad, pointing to the sky. However, the shock was terrified and he could not speak.

Immediately, the greater part of Feathermen looked up and was horrified to find it on top of their heads. The greenish sky actually broke through a huge crack!

From the cracks, like a demon god landed a few silhouettes.

The three Featherman Gu Immortal in Feather Holy City have reacted and woke up and flew to the sky.

As they emerged, they greeted the enemies of the invasion and shouted at Feathermen in the city.

“Be careful, there are strong enemies!!”

“Fast, sound the alarm, to defend homeland.”

“Gu Masters are everyone, occupying the array core. Open the protection of Feather Holy City!”

The city was horrified and suddenly became chaotic.

Feather Holy City has been peaceful for a long time, and has lived a life like a world. Wu Bei is very slack, and with the new Wang Gangli, no matter whether the military or civilians can make a correct response.

The other side is so embarrassed that the three Featherman Gu Immortal are very dignified, they hold a glimmer of hope and attempt to negotiate peacefully.

But the command of the offensive leader, White Sea Sha Tuo, broke the expectations of three Featherman Gu Immortal.

The eyes of this Gu Immortals old man are extremely cold. The voice is indifferent – ly said: “Start attack!”

Featherman three immortals lost, can only retreat to Immortal Gu Home Feather Holy City.

Feather Holy City was violently besieged by the Western Desert, and Battlefield Ultimate Move was one after another, covering the battlefield. Countless Mortal Realm Ultimate Move, Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. Playing on the Immortal Gu Home, it sparked the fireworks effect.

White Sea Sha Tuo is obviously well prepared and used to drag Feather Holy City.

Feather Holy City is in a mud, and it is difficult to get out of bed.

Feathermen has been flat for a long time and is suddenly caught in a fierce battle between life and death. The response is not accurate and timely. Three immortals are also like so, thus losing the opportunity to get out in time.

Two days later.


A slap in the face, slammed into the city wall of Feather Holy City.

The city wall was immediately collapsed and immediately dispersed into countless pieces of Gu insect.

Featherman Gu Masters, who was guarding the city wall, did not escape, and the corpses were all over the ground.

There are a lot of smoke and dust, and a little of it is flashing.

“Oops!” Featherman Gu Immortal Zhou Zhong, who has been fighting for two days and two nights, is full of bloodshot eyes.

He saw the collapse of the city wall, the defense had seen the loopholes, and immediately flew past the guards.

The essence of Immortal Gu Home is the condensation of countless Gu insects. The city wall collapsed, Gu insect was destroyed, and as if Immortal Gu Home was hit by a gap.

This is like a leaking ship, and its defense power is greatly reduced. If the enemy gets in, take the opportunity to expand this hole and eventually defeat the entire Immortal Gu Home!

Now that the loopholes are small, they must not sit idly by and let them develop. Zhou Zhong quickly rushed over to block the loophole and fight for the most critical time for Immortal Gu Home’s self-healing.

However, when Zhou Zhong had just settled, he heard a sneer in the ear: “He He He, you fall into trap.”

Suddenly, two figures appeared on his left and right sides, sandwiching them.

It turned out that Feather Holy City collapsed and became a loophole, allowing two Gu Immortals to get in.

“Good thief!” Zhou Zhong was shocked and angry, and hurriedly counterattacked. However, after losing a few opportunities, after a few rounds, he was seriously injured and was at risk.

“Give me!” Outside the city, a Western Desert Gu Immortal approached here and suddenly showed Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

For a moment, Zhou Zhong was tied to a single flower, unable to move a single step.

The two Gu Immortals beside him sneered, taking action and hitting Zhou Zhong’s chest.

Zhou Zhong spit blood, like a cannonball, flew out and smashed down countless buildings along the way, the speed gradually dropped, and finally fell into a rubble.

His body trembled and struggled.

But the effect of the previous ultimate move is still there, making him more than enough.

The two Gu Immortals were killed again, and Zhou Zhong’s face could not help but appear desperate.

“Zhou Zhong, hold on, I am coming!” At the crucial moment, a silhouette of a stalwart was blocked in front of Zhou Zhong.

Strongest of Featherman City, Revered Great Elder!

Western Desert Two Gu Immortals, even if they join hands, can’t stop the power of Featherman Revered Great Elder.

The Great Elder, the cultivation base has almost reached the peak of Rank 7. At this point, the anger take action, formidable power. unstoppable.

The two Western Desert Gu Immortal did not fight back, and soon they were not hurt, and quickly rushed to the previous hole.

However, the last Featherman Gu Immortal Zheng Ling. Has been at the manipulates Immortal Gu Home, to fix the vulnerability as quickly as possible.

The vulnerability has been fixed by 80% and is getting smaller and smaller.

The two Western Desert Gu Immortal rushed to the vulnerability location of Immortal Gu Home, but they couldn’t go straight and still need to stay. Break the vulnerability more.

But at this critical juncture, every minute and every second is extremely critical, and Western Desert Gu Immortal simply has no time to break the loopholes again.

“Zheng Ling, well done!” Featherman Revered Great Elder was overjoyed.

At this time, Immortal Gu Home has been constantly repaired and has formed a situation of closing the dog.

Once the two Western Desert Gu Immortal are killed, the Featherman side must have a strong morale. The enemies who committed the crimes were shocked and no one would dare to rush into the Immortal Gu Home.

But it was in Featherman Revered Great Elder, when the killing of the Western Desert two Gu Immortals, the amazing mutation suddenly happened.

The faces of the two Western Desert Gu Immortal. The expression of the original lose one’s head out of fear is gone, but it reveals a conspiracy smile.

At the same time, the silhouette of the four Western Desert Gu Immortal came to the side of Featherman Revered Great Elder.

“Our real goal is still you! Leave your life!!” One Gu Immortal, the leader, is White Sea Sha Tuo!

At this moment, his momentum broke out, permeate heaven and earth, unstoppable. It’s a Rank 8 cultivation base!

Featherman Revered Great Elder turn pale with fright, caught off guard, in danger.

“Oops!” manipulates Immortal Gu Home, the general manager of Rank 7 Featherman Gu Immortal Zheng Ling. Anxious, quickly motivated Immortal Gu Home.

Both sides’ attention is focused on the edge of Immortal Gu Home, the most critical battle group.

“Old Ancestor, are you okay?” Yu Fei yelled and slammed into a serious injury. Featherman Gu Immortal Zhou Zhong fell to the ground.

Zhou Zhong Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, the effect has not been retired, lying in the rubble of the ruins, still unable to move a single step.

“It’s the new Featherman King…” Zhou Zhong saw Yu Fei and sighed.

His sound transmission past: “Go fast, the battle here is not something you can blend.”

But Yu Fei didn’t care, flew to Zhou Zhong’s side and rushed to treat mortal gu: “Old Ancestor, I will save you!”

Zhou Zhong Appreciated Yu Fei’s courage, his heart was moved, but he was helpless.

He has numerous wounds, all caused by Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. The wound is full of Dao Marks. Can it be treated by a common mortal gu?

“Hmm?!” But a moment later, Zhou Zhong’s eyes suddenly protruded and stared at the “Yu Fei” in front of him.

“You are not Yu Fei, you are this…” Zhou Zhong screamed in his mouth, but wanted to resist, but he was unable to move a single step.

He did not shout, Fang Yuan sealed his voice.

That’s right, at the moment when Immortal Gu Home was broken, Fang Yuan used Fixed Immortal Travel to get here from Northern Plains.

Near the loophole, Immortal Gu Home’s control fell to a low point, and Fang Yuan did not let anyone notice it.

Then, he found the right time, squatting on the two sides, and focusing on the key battle group, he immediately dispatched, pretend to be Yu Fei’s appearance, and smoothly approached Zhou Zhong.

Now, he is quietly urging slave Immortal Gu!

Zhou Zhong violently resisted, and the magnitude was getting bigger and bigger. But after a while, his resistance suddenly disappeared and was successfully sold by Fang Yuan!

All of a sudden, he became a Fang Yuan’s person.

“It’s finally finished.” Fang Yuan is exhausted and exhausted.

He immediately gave Zhou Zhong an order: “Go and replace Zheng Ling, take over the entire Feather Holy City.”

“Yes, master.” Zhou Zhong dragged the wounded body and flew to the Feather Holy City hub.

“Elder Zheng Ling, you go to support Revered Great Elder. I come to manipulates Immortal Gu Home!” Zhou Zhong shouted.

Zheng Ling Daxi, Featherman Revered Great Elder’s situation is already very bad. Although he was manipulates Immortal Gu Home, the entire Feather Holy City has been dragged by the enemy, and the real power cannot be played at all.

The power of Feather Holy City is not as good as that of Zheng Ling.

“Does your injury not matter?” Zheng Ling is going to act, but his face is hesitant.

“Fast! When is it, even if I die, I will keep Immortal Gu Home.” Zhou Zhong screamed in blood and shouted.

“Okay, I will go here. You hold on!!” Zheng Ling quickly nodded, turned into a ray of light.

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