Langya Earth Spirit blinked at Fang Yuan and didn’t know what to say for a while.

These immortal materials are Fang Yuan’s, and he almost rushed to scratch his face.

Fang Yuan smiles at the Langya Earth Spirit, no matter how bad the attitude of the Langya Earth Spirit is, as long as these immortal materials are in hand, he as if buckles the pulse of the Langya Earth Spirit.

Suddenly, Langya Earth Spirit eyeball Rank 1, reacted.

He is no longer eager, but said with a sneer: “Humph, you stinky brat, I still don’t know you? I can’t afford the early treacherous guy! Say, this time you want to go from the old man, what is cheap? ?”

Fang Yuan hearing that, pretend to be disgustedly said: “old mister, you are not right to say this. I am not here to take advantage of you, but to trade with you fairly.”

“Humph.” Langya Earth Spirit has been mentally prepared for Fang Yuan’s thick shameless, raising her brow. “You can say it straight. Don’t bend around with the old man.”

Fang Yuan lowered her eyes and stared at the immortal materials in her hand: “Since the old mister is so refreshing, I will ask directly. Is there any Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Meeting Past Acquaintance in your hand?”

Langya Earth Spirit stunned and immediately asked: “How do you know that the old man has Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s signature essential move?”

Fang Yuan is overjoyed, and Langya Earth Spirit is really in the hands!

He is only guessing about this.

At first, Langya Earth Spirit lacked Desolate Beast. If he wanted Fang Yuan to capture a living for him, he used Mortal Realm Ultimate Move Meet Stranger as a reward to entice Fang Yuan.

When talking about it, Fang Yuan asked about Meeting Past Acquaintance. The original words of Langya Earth Spirit were like this.

“Meeting Past Acquaintance? You dare to think about it! It’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, the core is legendary Manner Gu, I can’t use it even if it’s for you. But my ultimate move, indeed, is very much related to Meeting Past Acquaintance. Big association, arguably the predecessor of Meeting Past Acquaintance, just Mortal Realm Ultimate Move, but just enough for you.”

Earth Spirit is very simple. Will not tell lies.

Langya Earth Spirit did not directly say: There is no Meeting Past Acquaintance in his hand, just saying that even to Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan can’t use it.

At that time, Fang Yuan was just a mortal Gu Master. But now Fang Yuan is already Gu Immortal.

More importantly, in Fang Yuan’s hand already has Manner Gu.

At the beginning, Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable used the Rank 6 cultivation base to spoof two Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

Fang Yuan seems to be able to achieve!

“When I wanted to, the Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable found the body of the old man. I asked the refining Space Escape Gu. The old man body was also very interested, and worked with Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable for a full twenty-one years. This is the time of the Five Regions. In the Langya Celestial Grotto at the time, it was a little longer!”

Langya Earth Spirit looks back at the emotional expression of the past years.

He paused for a moment and continued: “In these twenty-one years, the old man’s ontology and Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable made many attempts, all failed. It consumed Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s lifetime savings, and the result was Take the old man’s ontology. The old man’s ontology is of course not traded at a loss. Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable invests in the immortal materials collection of the old man’s ontology. Meet Stranger, Meet Like Acquaintance, Meeting Past Acquaintance, this set of ultimate move. one of them.”

“so that’s how it is.” Fang Yuan nodded, this news is secretly in mind.

Langya Blessed Land is really a deep background, and there are actually Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s things.

An innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime, no wonder Shadow Sect has to deal with him, the previous life Heavenly Court also attacked here.

Fang Yuan is not thinking about the idea of ​​playing this feng shui treasure, but his strength is not enough, he will attack himself and will only ask for it.

“stinky brat, what do you want for Meeting Past Acquaintance? He He He, the benefits of Meet Stranger? The old man’s stuff. It’s all fine. But Metal Stranger, just Mortal Realm Ultimate Move, is not suitable for your current cultivation base. “Langya Earth Spirit is also with a smile.”

Fang Yuan simply said: “I would like to have a Rank 8 immortal materials in exchange for Meeting Past Acquaintance.”

Langya Earth Spirit the previous moment is still laughing. This moment is furious: “Stinky brat, do you think the old man is a fool? A Rank 8 immortal materials, I want to buy Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s signature ultimate move? You dream of going to you!”

Fang Yuan didn’t care, and asked gently, “What about the old mister?”

“Ten Rank 8 immortal materials !”

This time it was the turn of Fang Yuan to change color: “This is impossible! I have so much in my hands? Do you really think I am smashed?!”

He cried, screaming and swearing.

Langya Earth Spirit was blindfolded.

He is embarrassed to laughed: “Then eight?”

Fang Yuan will round his eyes. Ramp: “Eight?! You are robbery! You told me at the beginning, the core Immortal Gu of Meeting Past Acquaintance is Manner Gu! No Manner Gu, Meeting Past Acquaintance I can’t use it at all. I just used it. For reference, I figured out my own Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. Do you think I will use a whole set of eight immortal materials to change a District’s Meeting Past Acquaintance ?!”

Fang Yuan shouted loudly, splashed and sprayed a face of Langya Earth Spirit.

Langya Earth Spirit’s face is awkward and a few steps backwards.

He was pitted many times by Fang Yuan and learned to bargain. However, it was obviously inexperienced and was stunned by Fang Yuan in a few words.

After all, the existence of Earth Spirit is just a little obsession, combined with Heaven and Earth, it is very simple. It is already extraordinary that Langya Earth Spirit can do this.

Fang Yuan has a thick red neck and continues to make a big price hike. In his mouth, Meeting Past Acquaintance has been worthless, and the rarity and value of Rank 8 immortal materials has been emphasized and improved by countless times.

Langya Earth Spirit can’t fight, and loses.

Fang Yuan Five hundred years of previous life, but a professional businessman. After running through the caravans, building shops, and having a wealth of family wealth, the result was once defeated, and the inertia of Earth was broken. Clear comprehension took this world. After all, it is different from Earth, and it is the biggest fist!

In the end, Fang Yuan pushed the price to five pieces of immortal materials.

This is the limit.

A little less, the Langya Earth Spirit does not sell Meeting Past Acquaintance.

Earth Spirit is simple and recognizes death. However, the Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s signboard is indeed worth at least so much!

Langya Earth Spirit will not lose money at a loss, and he also has a generous mind, which can only be said to be ex-factory price.

Fang Yuan knows that things can’t be done, paying five pieces of immortal materials and succeeding in Eating Past Acquaintance.

You’re done!

The joy of Fang Yuan is hard to express.

Although he has Wisdom Halo available, he wants to calculate “Meeting Past Acquaintance”, which is extremely difficult. His Wisdom Dao Realm has a Grandmaster level, but the Transformation Dao is only the Great Master level. The “meeting” series of ultimate move is the Transformation Dao ultimate move.

“Even if I figure it out, it will definitely not be exactly the same. But now I am successful, but it is the original Meeting Past Acquaintance. It contains all the tricks and no flaws!”

Fang Yuan has no nostalgia, and then he turns and walks away.

He left Langya Blessed Land, returned to Fox Immortal Blessed Land, and started the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

At the heart of Meeting Past Acquaintance, there is only one, and that is Rank 8 Manner Gu. This trick makes full use of Manner Gu’s power. It can be said that Manner Gu is the soul of this move. Losing Manner Gu and adding other Immortal Gus is difficult to play the mystery of Meeting Past Acquaintance.

In addition to Manner Gu, there are more than twenty assistants to Meeting Past Acquaintance. There are two Immortal Rank supplements, including Shape Transformation Immortal Gu.

Fang Yuan refining Shape Transformation failed, second Immortal Gu did not even have Immortal Gu Formula. This is a fly in the ointment.

“It seems that when the Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable Rank 6 was in, the two Immortal Gus were owned.”

Immediately, Fang Yuan drilled into the underground grotto, rely on Wisdom Halo, continually consuming a lot of Star Thought and began to improve Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Meeting Past Acquaintance.

After a few days, he was done.

Two Immortal Rank auxiliaries have been banned, and thousands of mortal gus are filled in, barely replacing the role of two Immortal Rank auxiliaries.

As a result , Fang Yuan’s improved Meeting Past Acquaintance is more than ten times more cumbersome.

The original Meeting Past Acquaintance, with only more than 20 Gu insects, even Manner Gu counts, is less than thirty. The number of Gu insects is small, and the order of urging is very simple, not complicated, and the speed of urging is fast.

Now that Fang Yuan has been improved, there are thousands of Gu insects. When it is used, it is naturally not as fast and convenient as the original.

This is also a no-brainer.

Fang Yuan tried to motivate the revised Meeting Past Acquaintance.

The results of the test made him very satisfied.

The revised Meeting Past Acquaintance can reach the original 60% power. Lost two Immortal Rank auxiliaries, and changed thousands of mortal gu, to achieve this level, has been exceptional.

It’s just a slow start and it takes half an hour to brew.

This is innocuous, after all, Meeting Past Acquaintance is not for combat.

“previous lifetime, I made it into Shape Transformation Immortal Gu, with it as the core, forming the improved Meet Like Acquaintance ultimate move. Now I have the improved Meeting Past Acquaintance, which is more than 100 times more effective than previous life! Rank 7 Gu Immortal It is entirely possible to spoof the past. If you want to use Rank 8, you have to look at the specific situation.” Fang Yuan secretly estimated.

The ultimate move Meeting Past Acquaintance is superb, especially with Manner Gu at its core. Let Fang Yuan’s change not only the superficial change of the surface, but also directly affect the hearts of others.

Even if Fang Yuan becomes a stranger, if the other party has made this move, he will feel that Fang Yuan is a friend who has not seen for many years, or that looks at the familiar, extra-intimate feeling.

After Meeting Past Acquaintance, Fang Yuan took the time to practice.

Manner Gu is a Rank 8 level, but the conditions for the urging are very low, just need consumable gu heart nothing more, no need to consume any immortal essence.

Therefore, the cost of the Fang Yuan exercise is not high at all.

Because of his proficiency, he will reduce the time of Meeting Past Acquaintance every time, from the original half hour, by nearly half.

“The preparation work is going to be a paragraph. Next, I am waiting for the Taibai Yunsheng transcends tribulation.” Fang Yuan settled down, crouched in Fox Immortal Blessed Land, and sometimes went to the small village where the spring dream fruit tree was.

He constantly refining Dream Dao mortal gu. Use these Dream Dao mortal gu to pick a lot of spring dream fruits.

As time went by, his injury gradually improved, and finally drew near Taibai Yunsheng transcends tribulation. )

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