“Self Strength Immortal Gu!” Fang Yuan’s action, suddenly let Hei Loulan jump.

This Immortal Gu was hers, but because her transcends tribulation failed, she was addicted to her dreams and was saved by Fang Yuan.

As a result, Fang Yuan saved Hei Loulan’s remuneration, handed over to Fang Yuan.

This Self Strength Immortal Gu is very important to Hei Loulan.

Not only because Hei Loulan is Vigorous True Martial Physique, but also the Strength Damm genre, and Self Strength Immortal Gu is best for Hei Loulan. And because, this Self Strength Immortal Gu is Hei Loulan’s own mother Su Xian’er refining, which is left to Hei Loulan’s relics.

So Self Strength Immortal Gu, for Hei Loulan, is extremely significant!

After Hei Loulan lost, he was unwilling, but he couldn’t help it.

She thought about this Immortal Gu, and wanted to take a moment later and take it back from Fang Yuan’s hand.

But she endured this impulse.

On the one hand, because Gu insect is hard to snatch, the single thought head can make Gu insect self-destruct. On the other hand, Hei Loulan is a hero.

She deeply understands that there is an art in this world of people who get along with people, called compromise.

Between Hei Loulan and Fang Yuan is a natural ally. Hei Loulan also relied on the Audacity Gu trade, support cultivation, and the two benefits, the points are harmful, so Hei Loulan endured this.

In addition to the first meeting after waking up, Hei Loulan did not raise any objections to Fang Yuan’s possession of Self Strength Immortal Gu.

As if she had forgotten something like this.

Her shrewd is very deep.

But now Fang Yuan suddenly handed over the Self Strength Immortal Gu and made a return to the original position. Hei Loulan couldn’t help but conceal the expression that he longed for.

But immediately, Hei Loulan’s face was cold, his brows were deeper, his eyes were shining, and he stared at Fang Yuan.

She has already reacted, and her heart is full of vigilance.

She knows that Fang Yuan’s is a human being, just as Fang Yuan appreciates and jealous of her. She is the same for Fang Yuan.

“How could Fang Yuan give Self Strength Immortal Gu to himself for no reason? This is absolutely impossible! So what is his calculation?”

As if to see the doubts in Hei Loulan’s heart, Fang Yuan smiled and said: “Don’t be nervous. Self Strength Immortal Gu is quite suitable for me, but I think. This Immortal Gu is more important to you. As the saying goes a gentleman wouldn’ t seizesome else’s belongings ,isn’t that so ?”

Hei Loulan’s eyes flashed in the eyelids. After a faint look at the Self Strength Immortal Gu in Fang Yuan’s hand, she focused her attention on Fang Yuan’s face, sneered: “Are you a gentleman? What are you talking about? Say it.”

Fang Yuan touched his nose: “If I say it directly, I am afraid I will scare you.”

Hei Loulan coldly snorted: “Although come!”

Fang Yuan’s eyes are bright glow flashes, the voice is low, said: “Then I will be blunt. I am willing to use this Self Strength Immortal Gu in exchange for Manner Gu in your hands.”

“What?!” Hei Loulan suddenly lovable body trembled, the eyes were fiercely great rises, almost couldn’t help falling back one step.

“I got Manner Gu’s things, how secret is it, how can he know? Even the little aunt I am stunned. Except for knowing, only I know!!”

The shock in Hei Loulan’s heart. It is difficult to express in words.

This was the biggest secret in her heart, but suddenly she was broken by Fang Yuan, and she was not shocked.

In her chest, the killing intent is boiling, and the subconsciously wants to do it with Fang Yuan.

Killing people!

This is the temp temperament.

But at this time, Fang Yuan took the initiative to fall back one step.

Although this action is simple, the psychological effect of Hei Loulan at this time is very subtle.

Hei Loulan is like a frightened ferocious beast. Fang Yuan takes the initiative to open the distance, and his face is covered with a smile of harmless to human and animals. He spreads goodwill and makes Hei Loulan feel safe.

Hei Loulan’s eyes smashed into a slit. Staring at Fang Yuan. As cold as ice and frost , killing intent does not dissipate, but converges on the chest.

“It seems that you really have a legendary Manner Gu.” Fang Yuan pretended to look at the words. It’s amazing and amazing.

Hei Loulan snorted, and there was an anger in his tone: “Do you swindle me?!”

“Of course not.” Fang Yuan smiled and shrugged. “Remember my Master Purple Mountain True Monarch?”

Hei Loulan took a deep breath and heard the name of Purple Mountain True Monarch again. Her heart was full of jealousy.

She knows this Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Fang Yuan is his discipline. Taibai Yunsheng is also. Therefore, Fang Yuan calls Taibai Yunsheng the Senior Brother.

Of course, this is all false information. Even the previous lifetime, Burning Heaven Enchantress has been deceived.

“Is your Master telling you?” Hei Loulan asked.

Her killing intent fell to the bottom, and in her opinion, there was a backing behind Fang Yuan’s. It’s very difficult to kill Fang Yuan, and Purple Mountain True Monarch can’t handle it anymore.

After all, Fairy Lishan has not been completely reconciled with Burning Heaven Enchantress.

Fang Yuan faintly smiled: “What do you say?”

Hei Loulan coldly snorted, thinking quickly: “Purple Mountain True Monarch knows my secret, it is immense divine ability, deep and unmeasurable! Fortunately, we signed a covenant with Fang Yuan… but Fang Yuan played good Thinking, even if Self Strength Immortal Gu is more important, but the area of ​​Rank 6, how can I exchange my Manner Immortal Gu?hmph!”

Hei Loulan immediately denied the Fang Yuan’s proposal: “Manner Immortal Gu in my hands, up to Rank 8. As long as you have the heart, you can wear it, use it! It is the Legendary Gu Insect recorded in Human Ancestor Biography. You actually want In a district, Race 6’s Self Strength Immortal Gu, in exchange for my Manner Gu. Hehe, you are too whimsical!!”

Fang Yuan sneaked a sigh of relief, this is the way: “What do you want to change?”

“Do not change!” Hei Loulan answered immediately, with a firm attitude, resolute and decisive.

Fang Yuan’s face sank, and there was a dangerous atmosphere on his body: “Hei Loulan, you can think about it… I have to remind you, here is my chassis, my Fox Immortal Blessed Land.”

Hei Loulan laughed and said: “Hahaha, what about it? Don’t forget the covenant that we signed, the covenant is not over yet, and the allies cannot attack each other.”

“Of course!” Hei Loulan followed. “You have your Master as your backer, and you may have unilaterally unlocked the Covenant. But do you think that Hei Loulan is a greedy and fearful?”

“You are too young to look at me! Even if I am killed here, I will be destroying all the Gu insects. I know all the resources you have stored in Fox Immortal Blessed Land.” You and I have a big fight, how much of these resources can be left? After all, Taibai Yunsheng’s Resetting Rivers and Mountains will not restore your resources.”

Fang Yuan laughed and laughed.

Previous lifetime, he used the Burning Heaven Enchantress to make a deadly posture. This lifetime is reborn, and Hei Loulan also used this method to deal with him. He also had to accept it.

Fang Yuan complexion changed , laughed heartily , applause: “Hei Loulan, I don’t dare to look down on you, just just a joke nothing more.”

“With Rank 6 Immortal Gu for Rank 8, your jokes only show your greed and stupidity!” Hei Loulan didn’t give Fang Yuan face a cold scream.

Fang Yuan’s eyes are flickering: “Then I will add some weight. For example, I gave up the fight for Star Form Blessed Land?”

Hei Loulan shook his head: “Don’t say it’s abandoning the competition. Even if you give me Fox Immortal Blessed Land and Star Form Blessed Land, I won’t change it. Manner Immortal Gu, not just the simple Rank 8 Immortal Gu, but it The conditions of use are very low, do not consume immortal essence, just consume your heart. In other words, I am just Rank 6 Gu Immortal, you can use Rank 8 Immortal Gu. Such Immortal Gu is a peerless treasure, I will never let go If you change my Immortal Gu, don’t mention it! Fang Yuan, you are a smart person, can’t you do nothing?”

Fang Yuan nodded, sighed.

“I understand. Then I will draw back one step and use this Self Strength Immortal Gu in exchange for the slave Immortal Gu in your hand.”

Hei Loulan brows a pick.

She has a slave Immortal Gu in her hand, from the Royal Court Blessed Land, at the last minute, to deceive Ju Yang’s Will.

Hei Loulan was silent, and Fang Yuan’s proposal made her very moved.

For her, the value of Self Strength Immortal Gu is of course much larger than the slave Immortal Gu.

Hei Loulan looked at Fang Yuan’s eyes: “This slave Immortal Gu in my hand, only Rank 6. You can use Rank 6 for Rank 6, this is fine. But slave Immortal Gu can’t be used indefinitely, only one chance. You use Self Strength Change the slave, don’t you feel bad?”

“It’s a bit of a loss.” Fang Yuan laughed, put a finger up, “So I have to attach a condition, I have to borrow Manner Gu for a while.”

Hei Loulan didn’t talk, she fell into sinking.

Fang Yuan tried every means to borrow Manner Gu, which made her keenly aware that Manner Gu was important to Fang Yuan’s.

But how important it is, Hei Loulan is not quite sure, she needs to do some temptation.

So she replied: “My Manner Gu will not borrow.”

Fang Yuan complexion sank: “That’s it.”

Finish, turn around and leave.

Hei Loulan stands in place, cold shortly, no moving.

Fang Yuan took a few steps, stopped, and turned around with a smile, facing Hei Loulan again: “I just borrow Manner Gu for three years.”

“Three years? Three days will not work!” Hei Loulan expression is cold, but there is some excitement in the dark. She has already saw a chance to kill Fang Yuan’s once.

Hei Loulan is well-dressed, but in the end is still young, and Fang Yuan is the Old Monster who has lived for hundreds of years.

Fang Yuan was unhappy with coldly snorted, and he couldn’t know what Hei Loulan was thinking at the moment.

So he threw the trump card: “It seems that you don’t want revenge. There is such a peerless opportunity to kill Hei Cheng. But I don’t think you need it.”

“What? Hei Cheng!” Hei Loulan’s eyes flashed and the expression changed.

Although Hei Cheng is her biological father, the hatred between her and Hei Cheng can not live under the same sky.

Killing Hei Cheng, revenge and hate, is already the biggest obsession in Hei Loulan’s mind.

The depth of this obsession, even affecting her cultivation, turned into a shadow in the heart.

Fang Yuan previous lifetime, Hei Loulan is killing Hei Cheng, and recovering Self Strength Immortal Gu, which dispels the psychological barrier, finds himself, and pushes the Strength Dao phantom, which looks like itself. It is not the original five big three thick man.

Ps: Second tonight, this chapter is the addition of 1200 to the monthly ticket.

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