The spring dream fruit tree is a very strange plant.

It can be any fruit tree, but only a handful of fruit trees can become a spring fruit tree.

This spring dream fruit tree is located in the home of a farmer.

Leader is an old man, known as Chen Laohan.

“Child, ah, half a year, you will be a daughter-in-law. I will give you a new house, the main beam of the house, use this fire jujube tree.” Chen Laohan stood under the tree, patted the tree hard The bark, the way to the son next to him.

The son looked at the jujube tree and raised his thumb. Satisfied – ly said: “Hey, this idea is good. The age of this jujube is much longer than the history of our village. I remember that it is no longer It’s time to make a date, and it’s useless to grow taller. I’ve cut it down and gave it to my new house. It’s just good!”

Fang Yuan is not snorted by coldly.

He stood not far away, but hidden the figure.

Even Chen Master, who is not a Gu Master, and his son, could not find him.

Accidentally learned that the spring dream fruit tree was cut down, Fang Yuan frowned.

This spring dream fruit tree is based on the jujube tree.

The true spring dream fruit tree is a tree that exists in a dream and has no entity. But it needs a real tree, as the cornerstone of the basis, in order to survive.

This jujube tree has thousands of years of age, and only such an old tree can be attached to the spring dream tree.

Of course, the specific cause is not just the age of the tree.

Some people have to live nearby, dreams of people from generation to generation, become nourishment, nourish the spring dream fruit trees.

Historically, it used to be the foot of a volcano.

Because the volcano erupts every few hundred years, a large amount of volcanic ash creates a fertile soil around it.

Attracted by natural farmland, people will migrate every once in a while. Gradually formed a village, and then destroyed by the eruption of the volcano.

The jujube tree is very heat-resistant and can endure magma, so it lasts for a long time.

Cut off the jujube tree, and the spring dream fruit tree will be destroyed. But if you want to transplant jujube trees. Without the corresponding Dream Dao means to transplant the spring dream fruit tree at the same time, what Fang Yuan got was only a common jujube tree, and would not get the spring dream fruit tree.

The means of transplanting the spring dream fruit tree. Fang Yuan does not. Even even taking the fruit of the spring dreams on the tree, Fang Yuan is not possible now. He also needs to refine some of the Dream Dao mortal gu to collect the fruit.

At that time, Mo Yao seemed to recognize the bad things about this tree, but it was limited by his knowledge. Or I found that there was something wrong with picking at random, so I kept it.

“It seems that at present, it is necessary to maintain the living environment of the fruit tree, and temporarily protect it here.”

Fang Yuan reached out and shot, and the two wills went into Chen Laohan and his son’s mind.

My son suddenly left tears: “Hey, don’t cut this tree. Even if it can’t make dates, I want to see it. It grows with me. When I was young, I pee under the roots. The older I am. Take a swing here. Forget it…”

“oh! Yeah.” Chen Laohan’s eyes are also red. He is emotionally nodded and said, “Let it continue to grow here. Let’s choose another tree, although it is not tall, but the main beam of the new house is enough.”

Dispelling the mortal idea, Fang Yuan has arranged gu formation here to protect the fruit tree.

But to collect the fruit from the tree, Fang Yuan also refining some of the reconstructed Dream Dao mortal gu.

This will take time.

Dream Dao mortal gu’s coffin, almost all are taken from the dream.

“According to the life trajectory of previous lifetime, after the refining Shape Transformation Immortal Gu, it is to help Taibai Yunsheng transcends tribulation. Then there is the attack and defense. After the war, I entered the Eastern Sea Blessed Land as the Star Form Child and participated in Yu Lu Blessed. Land’s strategy. In the process, because of the accidental collapse of Starry Sky Celestial Grotto, Immortal Crane Sect invited a piece of Starry Sky Celestial Grotto’s Fragment World. After this, Burning Heaven Enchantress came to the door to kill Immemorial Desolate Beast One Finger Drifting Shark. I was counted by Burning Heaven Enchantress and returned to Northern Plains to collect the trench inheritance. After that, I killed Hei Cheng and was forced to sign a new covenant with Burning Heaven Enchantress and the others to capture the Unrestrained Valley. Finally, take part in the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain !”

“This time is a chance to be reborn, the most important goal, or Immortal Gu Home Graceful Battle Stage. As long as you become the Master of this Immortal Gu Home, and you have suppressed the Rank 8 Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie, then the harvest will be great! ”

Fang Yuan failed to collect Immortal Gu Home in advance, but how could it shake his determination after a failure?

The Graceful Battle Stage is not born now, so I have to wait until the moment it is born.

Originally, Fang Yuan’s plan was to charge Immortal Gu Home and then suppress the Rank 8 Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie. Wait until the Covenant time limit has passed, using the power of Immortal Gu Home to deal with Hei Loulan, Fairy Lishan and Burning Heaven Enchantress, perhaps on the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home Refining Furnace in the Langya Blessed Land, to capture their Immortal Gu for maximum Interests.

But now it won’t work.

Without Immortal Gu Home, Fang Yuan’s ability is significantly weaker than Hei Louna’s side. Even if he has more intrigue calculations and lack of strength, it will not be possible. After all, Hei Loulan is also a male, not to be trifled with. This point, from her killing her biological father, and then disguising her identity, ready to break into Hei Family can be fully seen.

Fang Yuan originally’s plan is very beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.

Fang Yuan calculated that in the worst case, if the Graceful Battle Stage was born in the same time as the previous lifetime, then he could not sneak a sneak peek at the Immortal Gu Home.

This possibility is quite large.

“When the Graceful Battle Stage was born, the scene was grand and recreated the battle scene of the day. If that was the case, then I had to continue to participate in the betting fight of Southern Border Gu Immortals and enter the Righteous Heavenly Mountain as well as the previous lifetime.”

Thus, Fang Yuan wants to charge Immortal Gu Home, the risk is huge, he has to face the Southern Border, Gu Immortal, Shadow Sect, and Heavenly Court. It’s just pull chestnuts out of the fire.

But don’t you get into the tiger’s nest?

Fang Yuan is cautious, but there is no lack of adventure consciousness.

The huge interest has already made him decide to take a risk.

I have been born again and have a lot of experience. If this lifetime is not dare to plot, then Fang Yuan feels that he is a coward!

“Spring dream fruit tree, since it has been protected, you can put it first. Plan to change it, first join Hei Loulan again!”

In Fang Yuan’s hand has Self Strength Immortal Gu, Burning Heaven Enchantress will definitely deal with him.

If Fang Yuan had Immortal Gu Home in advance, he would not be afraid of Burning Heaven Enchantress.

But now the opposite is true. Fang Yuan wants to get Immortal Gu Home, I am afraid to face Southern Border Gu Immortal, as well as Shadow Sect and Heavenly Court. At this time he needs the power of others.

Taibai Yunsheng, Hei Loulan, Fairy Lishan, Burning Heaven Enchantress, etc., especially Burning Heaven Enchantress, Rank 8 cultivation base, can add powerful power to Immortal Gu Home.

Previous lifetime, Fang Yuan also ate a loss of independence and helpless. When Shadow Sect was launched, Hei Loulan and Fairy Lishan were at Ecstasy Blessed Land, using Unrestrained Valley for Soul Dao cultivation. Taibai Yunsheng is still in the Eastern Sea.

Of course, there are also Fang Yuan who deliberately concealed Hei Loulan, Fairy Lishan and the others, and secretly sneaked into Righteous Heavenly Mountain’s.

Even if Fang Yuan is turned into a living person, it is just the Rank 6 bottom cultivation base. To become a Rank 7, you have to spend 18 times Earthly Disaster and three Heavenly Tribulation. Blessed Land has been around for three hundred years before and after.

This is obviously too late.

Of course, he can also annex Fox Immortal Blessed Land and Star Form Blessed Land, but he is Strength Dao Immortal Aperture, and the cultivation base is not related.

Obviously, it is imperative to turn enemies into friends and to work together.

Fang Yuan certainly wants to get rid of Hei Loulan and the others, but the small can’t bear to make a fuss, it is a long time to have a compromise.

In this ten thousand zhang red dust to go through arduous training or hard work, any one must compromise, to learn to compromise. No matter how high you are, all the same.

It is a mature performance of a person to make a small profit for the big profits.

Then use Fixed Immortal Travel, Fang Yuan to return to Fox Immortal Blessed Land.

Previous life Fang Yuan When he was dealing with Hei Loulan’s, Hei Loulan had left Fox Immortal Blessed Land and went out to work hard and make it difficult for Fang Yuan to start.

But this lifetime, at this moment, Hei Loulan is still in the Fox Immortal Blessed Land.

She is using her Strength Qi Immortal Gu to help Hairymen in Stone Nest, refining Airbag Gu.

Fang Yuan When she found Hei Loulan, she was in a Stone Nest.

In her hand, she was holding an Information Dao mortal gu to find out the information in her, and her brow was locked.

After seeing Fang Yuan, Hei Loulan raised the Information Dao mortal gu in his hands and asked: “Central Continent Ten Great Sects secretly killed Song Zixing. Have you heard about it?”

Fang Yuan faintly smiled: “Of course I heard that this thing can hold mortals, but I can’t help Gu Immortal. Even if Central Continent Ten Great Sects tries to cover up, but in Central Continent, other Gu Immortal never wants this to go unnoticed. They are all watching the Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects.”

“oh!” Hei Loulan was deeply sighed. “So good opportunity, but we missed it. If you can take the opportunity to kill Song Zixing, maybe Star Form Blessed Land will be there.”

Fang Yuan took a look at Hei Loulan, can’t help but feel in the heart: This person is really a hero!

In her hands, Manner Gu is already there, but she doesn’t know what to do, not only keeps herself, but even the closest aunt, Fairy Lishan, she didn’t tell.

To deceive the enemy, you have to start by deceiving yourself.

However, Fang Yuan also went with her all the way.

Clearly mastered the Star Form Blessed Land, but pretend to hide, Hei Loulan in the dark. Previous life If you don’t touch Burning Heaven Enchantress, this secret will not be exposed.

It is because Fang Yuan and Hei Loulan are the same kind of people, so Fang Yuan appreciates Hei Loulan’s and is also jealous. If possible, of course, it is necessary to get rid of it sooner.

But the fate is so wonderful, Fang Yuan in order to obtain Immortal Gu Home Graceful Battle Stage, this time decided to deepen cooperation with Hei Loulan again.

So a moment later, Fang Yuan took out Self Strength Immortal Gu, placed it in his hand and handed it to Hei Loulan.

Ps: Today’s birthday, thank you for your blessing. Tonight, this chapter is a daily guarantee.

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