At the bottom of Fallen Heavenly River, Immortal Zombie Bo Qing turned his eyes and looked at Song Zixing and Yu Muchun with a ruthless look.

At this moment, Song Zixing and Yu Muchun have to stop their hearts, and the tremendous pressure makes them sweat instantly.

Bo Qing is known as Quasi Immortal Venerable, which was recognized by Five Regions at the time, number one person under Rank 9 Venerable!

Although he was robbed and converted to Immortal Zombie, Immortal Aperture was completely destroyed, but he still had enough Rank 8 immortal essence, especially a Sword Dao’s Dao Marks.

So this battle strength is terrifying.

The most important thing is Dao Marks!

The higher the Gu Immortal cultivation base, the more Dao Marks it has. Using the same Immortal Gu, Dao Marks, the increase in Immortal Gu formidable power, the results are also very different.

I think that Qin Baisheng is Soul Dao Gu Immortal, multi-cultivation Metal Dao. There is no Sword Dao’s Dao Marks on the body, but with 5 Finger Boxing Heart Sword, it can face Feng Jiuge and not fall.

The Immortal Gu on Bo Qing is now ruined. With a massive Sword Dao’s Dao Marks, it has an unparalleled attack, almost re-emerging the unparalleled style of his life.

Therefore, Bai Cangshui, Seven Stars Child, etc. have no resistance at all.

Not to mention Song Zixing and Yu Muchun.

The higher the Gu Immortal Rank number, the greater the gap. The gap between the Rank Marks and the Rank 7 is similar to Heaven and Earth Cloud Soil. Rank 8 against the lead 7, in some cases will be flat. Rank 6 against Rank 8, the vast majority are crushed. Rank 7 Playing Rank 9 is as simple as an adult stepping on an ant.

In the face of Immortal Zombie Bo Qing, Song Zixing and Yu Muchun have no way to fight back!

“don’t tell me, am I going to die here today?”

“How to do how to do!”

Yu Muchun and Song Zixing are cold and cold, and there are countless thoughts in their minds. At the moment, they seem to have no hope at all.

Bo Qing raised a finger and pointed to Song Zixing.

A subtle sword light is fleeting.

Song Zixing didn’t even have the action of escaping. He greeted death with a smile.

Because he knows, in front of Immortal Zombie Bo Qing. Escape this word without any meaning at all.

Bo Qing points to Yu Muchun again.

“No-! I am not willing, I must not die!” Yu Muchun yelled at the time of life and death, he took out One Immortal Gu. Take it in your hand.

Immortal Zombie Bo Qing has a stop.

His face soon appeared to be struggling.

Yu Muchun’s heart is like a drum, pēng pēng straight, nervous look at at Bo Qing’s look.

Immortal Zombie Bo Qing’s face is sometimes indifferent. Sometimes confused, sometimes bitter, sometimes sad, like a horse to watch the lights, change rapidly.

In the end, his face was vivid, his eyes also had a charm, just like a demented person, suddenly recovered his mind.

He looked at his hand and glanced at the bottom of the bloody river. Finally he looked at Yu Muchun, hesitantly said: “You are…”

Yu Muchun was covered in cold sweat. He was like a prostration. Dispiritedly replied: “You are finally awakened, Mo Yao. It seems that I am bet. That was close, that was close.”

It turns out that Remnant Soul on Immortal Zombie Bo Qing is actually Mo Yao’s Remnant Soul.

Yu Muchun’s Immortal Gu awakens Mo Yao Remnant Soul, which leads to Will of Heaven, which is filled with Immortal Zombie’s mind. Was expelled.

Without Will of Heaven’s manipulates, Immortal Zombie Bo Qing naturally stopped.

Yu Muchun gasped for a few breaths and continued: “Remember the conversation that year, if you want to resurrect Bo Qing…”

“Bo Qing !”

Hear the name of the person you love. Mo Yao Remnant Soul is a trembling.

Her manipulates Immortal Zombie’s body, nodded, interrupting Yu Muchun’s unfinished words: “So, now, how do I do this?”

Yu Muchun looked at the bodies of Seven Stars Child and Song Zixing and was sighed.

If they survived, combine the power of Yu Muchun three immortals. You can motivate an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move to send all immortals directly to the northeast of Central Continent.

There, it is the control of Sky Lotus School.

But now, Seven Stars Child and Song Zixing are dead, Yu Muchun can only retreat to the next, give up attacking Sky Lotus School and turn to War Immortal Sect.

“I hope I can drag them all!” Yu Muchun looked at Heavenly Court’s direction with a hidden look, and was very worried.

Heavenly Court, Supervising Heaven Tower.

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord has a sullen face and full of anger.

He looks at the Yu Muchun on the mural and Immortal Zombie Bo Qing, killing one of the Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, the War Immortal Sect, he can no longer be on the wall.

Although he is Gu Immortal from Sky Lotus School, War Immortal Sect is Heavenly Court’s lower sect.

At the moment, Immortal Zombie Bo Qing wakes up and War Immortal Sect is at stake. Only Heavenly Court Gu Immortal can save!

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord flew out of Supervising Heaven Tower and recalled Lian Jiusheng, Bi Chentian: “Fallen Heavenly River was shocked, Bai Cangshui was killed, Immortal Zombie Bo Qing recovered, and now kills War Immortal Sect. We are speeding to rescue! ”

The second fairy was shocked. The words of Supervising Heaven Tower Lord contained too much information.


The vibration of the second fairy is just a moment.

Immediately, they reacted, and three immortals walked into Heavenly Court’s Transmission Gu Formation, a moment later, and came to the headquarters of War Immortal Sect.

Looking far northwest, I saw a clear sky, a magnificent sword light, flying far away.

A super battle of the Rank 8 level is close at hand.

Southern Border, Bright Mountain.

Bright Mountain is up to 800, and the mountain is rich in Light Dao Gu insect, which is famous throughout the Southern Border.

This mountain has been under the control of a force since the millennium.

Xiao Family.

The Southern Border’s Xiao Family is said to be the same source as the Western Desert’s Xiao Family. A thousand years ago, the Western Desert Xiao Family internal strife, a failed one, fell to the Southern Border to settle down.

Southern Border Xiao Family, used to be a super power. But in the end, One Gu Immortal, Xiao Family’s Reved Elder, has not appeared for hundreds of years, making Xiao Family degenerate from super power to first rate influence.

Xiao Family Contemporary Patriarch Xiao Shan, standing on a hillside at this moment, staring at the Xiao Family main village under the mountainside, showing the lost and hateful light in his eyes.

a figure, flying fast from the mountain road, fell to Xiao Shan’s side, and immediately fell to the ground: “Xiao Zifeng, see Patriarch adults.”

“Wu Hui is still in trouble?” Xiao Shan whispered.

Family Elder Xiao Zifeng bowed: “reporting to Patriarch, Wu Hui still roars in the lobby, bluntly asking us to hand over the murderer who killed his son. Several other Family Elders are already hosting the situation, Patriarch please rest assured.”

Xiao Shan coldly snorted, the fists clenched: “Ming Wu Hui’s son has Evil Intention, to Xiao Chui’er, my daughter is just a legitimate defense. This Wu Hui actually took Wu Family and ran to Xiao Family. The lobby of the proceedings is making trouble!”

“Patriarch, for a moment, calm. Wu Hui alone, not afraid, but Wu Family is big, far from what we can resist.” Xiao Zifeng quickly advised.

Xiao Shan’s fists were pinched and loose, and he was deeply sighed, tired and bitter.

He waved to Xiao Zifeng: “fine, I will hide in this mountainside.”

Xiao Zifeng retired and the silhouette disappeared into the forest.

Xiao Shan once again looks up to sky and heave a deep sigh, the depression and anger in my heart, it is difficult to understand.

Just then, he suddenly heard a voice calling in his heart.

“Come here, my children and grandchildren!”

“Who is it?” Xiao Shan was amazed.

This voice is coming again – come here, my children and grandchildren!

This voice made Xiao Shan feel very kind. Following the guidance of his voice, he slowly went deep into the mountainside and went straight to the forbidden place of Xiao Family.

“Here is the Xiao Family forbidden land, even if I am Xiao Family’s Patriarch, I don’t have the right to enter!” Xiao Shan stopped and made it difficult.

The voice sounded in his heart again: “My children, you inheritance my bloodline. What makes you so timid? I am Xiao Family’s Old Ancestor, Xiao Family’s Gu Immortal, come here to get me Inheritance, the responsibility of revitalizing the family, will be delivered to you.”

Xiao Shan’s eyes are bright and thrilled.

Gu Immortal !

Xiao Family Old Ancestor !

“don’t tell me This rumor is true? My Xiao Family ancestors really had Gu Immortal? This voice made me feel so kind. I am the Master Master of Rank 5 peak, except for Gu Immortal. What else can sound transmission from my heart?”

“But here is the family forbidden land. Any clansman who has set foot here will be expelled from the family, even if I am Patriarch!” Xiao Shan thought of it and pinched his fists.

There was a battle between heaven and man in his heart.

“No, I must get the inheritance of my ancestors! Wu Hui is so troublesome that I am losing my Xiao Family. Once Wu Family supports Wu Hui, can I still keep my daughter? Wu Family is so strong, According to rumors, it is because they are behind, Gu Immortal of Wu Family! If I can accept inheritance and become Gu Immortal, I will be able to reinvigorate the Xiao Family and change it!”

On Xiao Shan’s face, a firm expression emerged.

He did not hesitate to approach the mountainside forbidden.

Under the guidance of the sound, he came to a cave in which he saw one Immortal Gu.

Immortal Gu turned into a streak of strange light when he hadn’t had time to react, and integrated into his within the body.

“The breath of this Gu Insect, I am almost unable to move a single step. Don’t tell me is the legendary Immortal Gu?” Xiao Shan was surprised and happy.

But when he looked at himself, he did not see the trace of Immortal Gu.

How to find it, can’t find it.

And at this time, the voice in his heart is no longer coming.

Xiao Shan walked out of the mountainside forbidden land with awkward and doubtful feelings.

“big brother, now Wu Family Family Elder is making trouble. As a Patriarch, you violated the rules of the family and secretly sneaked into my family’s forbidden place! You are not worthy of the responsibility of Patriarch!” Xiao Mang suddenly appeared with a large number of Xiao Family Family behind him. Elder.

Xiao Shan shouted badly.

He had long known that his own ambition was huge and he had been plotting his Patriarch.

“Things are not what you think!” Xiao Shan wanted to explain, but could not explain.

It’s about Gu Immortal inheritance. He doesn’t dare to say anything, afraid to be snatched by other forces and experts.

“Your explanation is to cover up! According to the family rules, you are no longer a Xiao Family clansman! Patriarch, I am undertake!” Xiao Mang shouted, his face was angry, and his eyes were filled with excitement and wild vision.

Ps: This paragraph is really hard to write, and my thoughts are thousands. Today, I spent a lot of time rereading the previous chapters, and I have to echo them before and after. My head is about to blow up!

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