“Hahaha, finally you’re done!”

From the underground grottoes, Fang Yuan’s face is filled with joy.

During this period of time, he went all out, and he thought of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, and finally got it right today.

This brand new ultimate move is based on the Eating Strength Immortal Gu, Picking Mountain Immortal Gu, and Pulling Water Immortal Gu. Support more than 330,000 mortal gus, forming a set of wordy, dazzling match.

To motivate this ultimate move, Fang Yuan must be single-minded and at least one hour long before the entire set of Gu insects can be motivated.

Then three days and three nights can be used to transform a big living person into an Immortal Zombie or a living person from Immortal Zombie.

Although not as convenient as Nirvana Fire, Fang Yuan has done this step and has reached the limit.

Fang Yuan is already very satisfied with this result.

After all, there are just a few of Strength Yuan’s Strength Dao Immortal Gu. I can use them, thanks to Wisdom Halo.

Of course, there is also a reference version of Nirvana Fire.

If there is no Nirvana Fire, and there is no such a Gu insect borrowed by Burning Heaven Enchantress for Fang Yuan to continue to test, Fang Yuan will never be so fast, you can get the results of the Strength Dao version.

There is also Fang Yuan’s Wisdom Dao Grandmaster Realm.

It is the reasons for all sides that have caused this miracle.

“The next step is to use the Strength Dao Immortal Zombie and the Strength Gu to achieve the Higher Rank and Blessed Land, and regain the new life.” Fang Yuan felt a lot of emotion.

After so hard searching for so long, I finally got to this moment.

As for the Unrestrained Valley, Taibai Yunsheng has fixed it a while ago.

Fang Yuan also tried once and went to Unrestrained Valley cultivation.

Sure enough, it is the soul cultivation holy land with the same name as Soul Shaking Mountain!

With Soul Shaking Mountain Audacity Gu, Fang Yuan’s soul background is a thousand miles away.

But now, Fang Yuan knows the most important thing, or regains a new life. Soul Dao cultivation can be placed aside without leaving it.

Fang Yuan has something to wait for.

However, just when he was preparing to start. Suddenly I received a letter from Burning Heaven Enchantress.

The content of the heart makes his resurgence in front of his eyes come to an abrupt end.

“Rank 8 Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie?” When Fang Yuan saw this line of words, the heart swayed.

The information given to him by Burning Heaven Enchantress is about the unknown mountain peak of Southern Border’s.

This is really too big. The impact of Immortal Gu Home has quickly spread to the entire Southern Border’s Gu Immortal World.

In the Southern Border, there is also a Zombie Alliance branch.

As a result, Burning Heaven Enchantress, as the head of the Northern Plains Zombie Alliance division, soon received relevant information.

“Burning Heaven Enchantress is ambitious. She knows that I have Fixed Immortal Travel, and I’m watching the Fity Regions. And as the Zombie Alliance’s top, the intelligence gathering ability is even better than Fairy Lishan.”

Fang Yuan once again felt that she was weak in intelligence.

In the previous life, he was organized, connected, and matured with the Blood Dao Gu insect, which could replace the information part of the greater part.

In this life, Fang Yuan is mainly rely on the memory of his previous life, and is also associated with others. Rely on the intelligence sharing of Fairy Lishan, Langya Earth Spirit, etc.

But as more and more accidents occur, Fang Yuan has gradually realized that his previous life memory is not so reliable.

The truth of history is often hidden in the depths of the fog, and what Fang Yuan previous life sees is mostly the illusion of floating on the surface.

Even the things he experienced personally may not be as simple as he expected.

The reasons for the formation of many things are very complicated.

“Previous life, my life is awkward, step by step, slowly crawling up, people and resources are accumulating. So there is no weak point. But after being born again, because of the frequent chances, the strength is growing rapidly, and even the jump is skyrocketing. So many aspects. I can’t keep up.”

“It seems that I will add some Information Dao means in the future to increase the ability to collect intelligence. I can rely on Burning Heaven Enchantress for a short time, but for a long time, I still have to rely on myself!”

Fang Yuan is meditating.

Losing intelligence often means losing opportunities.

Like this time, Fang Yuan is still unaware of it. They were all kept in the dark and almost missed the opportunity.

Three days later , Fang Yuan is alone, returning to Southern Border and coming to the unknown mountain.

Burning Heaven Enchantress is still in Drifting Cloud City, she told Fang Yuan in her letter that she was busy with refining gu, arranged Gu Immortal grand formation, and couldn’t get away. But when necessary, she will take action.

Hei Loulan and Fairy Lishan, in Northern Plains, used the Unrestrained Valley to cultivate the soul and grow the background of the soul. They also have a strong interest in Immortal Gu Home, but the atmosphere of Northern Plains Gu Immortal makes it difficult for them to walk on the Southern Border.

Fang Yuan came here mainly to further explore intelligence.

Although he was a Northern Plains, he was covered by the Meet Like Acquaintance ultimate move, which Gu Immortal could not recognize.

On the nameless mountain, every other time, the phantom will reappear.

Bai Ningbing has disappeared.

Fang Yuan watched it three times, and after a moment of indulgence, he tried to set off and approached the unknown mountain.

Sure enough, as stated in the Burning Heaven Enchantress letter, it became Danger Realm. The deeper Fang Fang is deeper and weaker, the entire Immortal Aperture seems to be squeezed out by an invisible weight.

Fang Yuan had to stop, he knew that if he continued this way, he couldn’t walk 50~60 steps, and his Immortal Aperture would be completely destroyed.

Of course not.

He also counted on the Strength Dao Immortal Aperture to form the Life and Death Immortal Aperture.

Fang Yuan had to step back.

At this moment, behind him, there was a burst of laughter.

Fang Yuan’s pupils shrank and immediately turned and looked.

I saw a beautiful girl, a red-clothed shirt, Qingsi smashed into a hair, delicate skin like snow, eyes like a spring, pretty standing not far away, staring at Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan did not dare to care.

The woman is covered in 蛊Immortal Qi, and it is one Rank 6 Gu Immortal.

Seeing Fang Yuan, this beautiful girl smiled and self-introduced: “Little girl Li Meihua, known as Grandmother Mei Hua. This little Lang Jun, good face, don’t know where cultivation?”

Fang Yuan laughed, said: “It turned out that she is Grandmother Mei Hua.”

Fang Yuan Although she has never seen the true content of Grandmother Mei Hua, she has seen her grand daughter, the Demonic Path female Gu Master Hu Mei’er.

Beauty is a woman’s nature.

There is no fixed connection between Gu Immortal’s age and appearance.

At this time, Fang Yuan, an azure robe, the sleeves are wide and large, the wind is blowing gently, and the azure robe is swaying, like a flag hunting.

Fang Yuan camouflaged image, Rank 6 Gu Immortal breath, tall and thin, middle-aged appearance, nose bridge high, a pair of eyes very slender, the pupil rotation between the cyan glow. It was released by Yin Qi and it was not easy to get caught at first glance. Although not handsome, but also do not have a style.

“It turned out to be Grandmother Mei Hua, long-awaited. In Sheng Ying, it is a mountain village,” Fang Yuan replied.

“Sheng Ying ……” Li Meihua remembered the name, and did not remember the Southern Border and the character.

However, she is not surprised.

Listen to Fang Yuan’s introduction and you know that he is a rogue cultivator.

Southern Border Mountainous, dragon snake hidden. There are a lot of loose immortal that don’t show up and are not known.

But because of the emergence of Immortal Gu Home, it attracted a wave of Gu Immortal, and went on stage.

Fang Yuan, who is posing as Fang Ying, is one of them.

These days, Li Meihua contacted Gu Immortal, mostly similar to Fang Yuan.

Li Meihua took the initiative to find her own, and her attitude was warm, which made Fang Yuan doubtful.

Fang Yuan is about to speak directly, but Li Meihua has taken the initiative to explain why.

Fang Yuan is only suddenly realized.

Li Meihua then invited Fang Yuan to peer, Fang Yuan indulged for a moment, then nodded promised.

He followed Li Meihua, a depart, and settled on the headless mountain of beyond a thousand miles. When Fang Yuan arrived, there were already a lot of Demonic Path or loose immortal on this mountain.

When I saw Fang Yuan, most people cast curious eyes, while others seemed gloomy or fierce.

Because of the inability to understand Fang Yuan’s roots, there is no Gu Immortal and Fang Yuan.

However, Grandmother Mei Hua is quite right. When I first fell, someone smiled and said: “Li Meihua, bring another one?”

“Hahaha, this time, our Demonic and Loose Union, negotiated with Righteous Path, and Grandmother Mei Hua made a great contribution.”

“Where, where. Everyone praised, the little girl is also a little bit of power that’s all.” Li Meihua smiled and said hello, and talked about it, and handled all aspects of the relationship with ease.

“To introduce to you, this brother called Sheng Ying is a loose immortal.” Cope well, Li Meihua did not forget to introduce Fang Yuan to everyone.

“It turned out to be brother Sheng.” Immediately, Demonic Path Gu Immortal arched.

“Under Chong He.”

“I look at the Transformation Dao of the cultivation that seems to be cultivating, oh, the surname is blue, the name is Tianhong, and it is also a rogue cultivator.”


Fang Yuan showed a bad attitude and barely coped.

After a brief enthusiasm, the headless mountain restored the calm before Fang Yuan.

Li Meihua didn’t stay in the mountains for a long time. She still had to stay at the unknown mountain. Before she left, she pointed her finger across the mountain and said to Fang Yuan: “The Songwei Mountain is the camp of Righteous Path Gu Immortal.”

In fact, she did not need her advice, and the 蛊Immortal Qi on the opposite mountain peak has already told Fang Yuan.

After Li Meihua was separated, Fang Yuan was temporarily in Wutoushan.

He rarely ran away and spent most of his time in the cave. After all, Fang Yuan is a disguised identity, and Meet Like Acquaintance is not invincible.

He patiently waited for more than ten days, during which the headless mountain and Matsuo Hill ushered in the Gu Immortal of Righteous and Demonic Paths.

Most of them are Rank 6. Everyone of the 7 Gu Immortal will cause a sensation. In the end, even the Rank 8 Gu Immortal will come four times!

One Demonic Path, a rogue cultivator, two Righteous Paths.

Just formed a balance of power.

Rank 8 Gu Immortal did not show up, and Gu Immortal on both sides elected one person each day for difficult negotiations.

The negotiations took place in seven days and seven nights and I was finally done.

Righteous and Demonic Paths, dozens of Gu Immortals unified the contract, around the nameless mountain, a million berely seen the big betting fight!

The winner in the betting fight will get the chance under the unnamed mountain. The rest of Gu Immortal, within three years after the betting fight, are not allowed to take action to the winner.

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