Fang Yuan started set up formation. 》

According to the gu formation diagram, he led the Star Form Earth Spirit to find eight array core positions in the Star Form Blessed Land, and arranged the responsible Immortal Gu, one after another.

Star Form Blessed Land’s Space Dao’s Dao Marks are lacking, and Earth Spirit has no teleportation. The eight array core positions are bizarre, or far or near, causing Fang Yuan to spend a lot of time in this block. When it was completed, it has already passed for a long time.

After completing this step, Fang Yuan, who is thoughtful and cautious, checked the eight array cores again.

After confirming that it was correct, Fang Yuan returned to the original place and took the selected Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish into his own Immortal Aperture.

Under his command, Star Form Earth Spirit opened the Blessed Land portal.

Fang Yuan went out and went to Earth Abyss.

The light from the Blessed Land portal can only shine around. Earth Abyss is very dark and silent.

This is the depth of Earth Abyss, even if it is owned by one of the Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, the Ancient Soul Gate.

However, although there is no smoke here, there are countless Desolate Beasts and even Far Ancient Desolate Beasts, which contain many dangers.

Without further ado, Fang Yuan will release the Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish.

Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish has the size of a normal whale, but it looks like a squid. It wraps up with a layer of blue-blue scales. On its back, Piercing Bone grows out of the body, rises high, and then extends out.

Fang Yuan placed the four Immortal Gus in the body of the Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish according to the Small Formation map.

One is in the mouth of the fish, one in the Piercing Bone on the back, and one in the fisheye on the left. The last place is deep in the belly of the fish.

Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish is large but not comparable to Star Form Blessed Land.

Therefore, Fang Yuan is arranged this time. It took only a moment to complete the game.

After careful inspection, I checked it again. Fang Yuan thoroughly confirmed that the entire 12 Immortal Gus has been properly arranged.

He began to sprinkle countless mortal gu around, and even flew out 1~2 Immortal Gus and made a powerful gu formation.

Next, finally arrived at the most critical part of the process of relocating Blessed Land.

Fang Yuan strictly followed the method and successively reminded the four remaining Immortal Gus.

The portal of Star Form Blessed Land is tightly closed and disappears into the air.

Fang Yuan is all over the body and begins to bloom with a faint glow of yellow.

Although the brilliance is bright, it is not the kind of glare, but it is very gentle.

The radiance lasted for seventeen breaths. Then slowly converge, and eventually all condensed in the two pupils of Fang Yuan’s.

Fang Yuan took a deep breath and thought about it.

a moment later, a faint yellow light beam, shot from his right eye, immediately hit the end of the Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish.

Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish suddenly trembled, and the small gu formation, which was properly arranged on the body, immediately started and burst into a red glow.

Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish is under the cover of this layer of red light. It’s like wearing a layer of red light armor.

The entire Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish is as stiff as a stone, motionless, like a sculpture.

Fang Yuan sighed twice and then shot a yellow beam from his left eye. The hidden point of Star Form Blessed Land.

Under the light column traction, Star Form Blessed Land was actually ingested to form a blue light group.

The blue light group is only the size of broad beans. In stark contrast to the huge whale-like Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish.

At the moment of ingesting Star Form Blessed Land. The Green Grape Immortal Essence in Fang Yuan Immortal Aperture began to consume at a terrifying speed!

Fang Yuan has a hard turn in his left eye. Drive the yellow light column. The yellow beam of light pulled the blue light group and began a slow mobility.

The stone-like Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish, along with Fang Yuan’s right eye mobility, slowly approached Blessed Land.

Hong long long, the ground shakes the mountain.

Oh, countless ferocious beasts in the dark are horrified.

The transfer of Blessed Land naturally caused the strong turmoil of Heaven Qi and Earth Qi. A strong earthquake has been inevitable and began to erupt in the abyss.

Fang Yuan, regardless of these details, concentrates on both Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish and Star Form Blessed Land.

The huge stones that fell from the top of the head were also prevented by the means he had already arranged.

Even with the Desolate Beast attack, Fang Yuan can confidently fight for a while!

He created a short, undisturbed environment.

Like moving two mountains, Fang Yuan turned the two cocoons in his eyes. At this moment, whether it is his flesh or his soul, he is doing his best.

Time did not actually cost much, and the two finally came into contact.

But in the eyes of Fang Yuan, it is as long as a year!

When Star Form Blessed Land and Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish came into contact, Fang Yuan suddenly relaxed, as if the 10,000 jin burden was completely removed in an instant.

Fang Yuan carefully arranged two sets of gu formations of size, at this moment, worked critically.

Star Form Blessed Land As if the wandering home, the milk swallows homage, placed on the Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish, turned into the Immortal Aperture of the Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish!

This is how Langya Earth Spirit used to relocate Blessed Land.

Must be on on Desolate Beast, or Far Ancient Desolate Beast, Blessed Land as Immortal Aperture, and transplanted to (Far Ancient) Desolate Beast’s with the body.

Then (Far Ancient) Desolate Beast mobility, you can take the Immortal Aperture around.

But in the process of this transfer, time is very limited. The Far Ancient Desolate Beast, which carries Immortal Aperture Blessed Land, can no longer be used by other Immortal Apertures, nor can it use any other Immortal Gu, otherwise it will affect the operation of the fairy gu formation on it.

The specific situation is: Fang Yuan can no longer take this Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish into his own Immortal Aperture and take it quickly.

At the same time, you can’t use other Immortal Gu, or Immortal Realm Ultimate Move to help it.

It can only be suspended by the Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish’s own strength and moved to other places.

After all, Immortal Aperture Blessed Land is hosted in the torn the back of the Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish, but it is only forced by the operation of the two gu formations. A little external influence will cause the gu formation to break, not only will Blessed Land fail immediately, but the Immortal Gu will also be destroyed.

But even with such huge drawbacks. It is also impossible to hide the huge use value of this method.

The person who created this relocation method is not Old Ancestor Long Haired. However, in the historical evaluation, it is the same as Old Ancestor Long Haired.

His name is called Old Immortal Space Severing.

Gu Immortal long river of history. One of the only three Refining Dao Great Grandmasters, the Legendary of Remote Antiquity Era.

He has research and recognition beyond the era of aperture and Immortal Aperture. It is because of his efforts that Ten Perfect Physiques can promote immortal, become Ten Perfect Gu Immortal, and achieve Higher Rank Blessed Land.

This Immortal Realm Ultimate Move was named Immortal Aperture by Old Immortal Space Severing**.

This is the largest Immortal Realm Ultimate Move that Fang Yuan has seen so far, involving the core Immortal Gu.

However, this set of up to sixteen core Immortal Gu’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is just a Remnant Ultimate Move. Old Immortal Space Severing was originally conceived. It is true that Gu Immortal’s Immortal Aperture Blessed Land is perfectly ported to Desolate Beast or Far Ancient Desolate Beast. Rather than the way it is now – only relying on the gu formation of the size gu formation, immortal essence, the two temporarily forcibly bonded together.

Old Ancestor Long Haired After getting this part of the inheritance of Old Immortal Space Severing, based on the results of Old Immortal Space Severing, there have been many attempts, but all failed.

Under the influence of Inkman Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal Yi Yan Immortal, Old Ancestor Long Haired found that this Remnant Ultimate Move itself has amazing value!

Gu Immortals can use it completely. To relocate the Immortal Aperture Blessed Land left by the fallen Gu Immortal.

Time flies, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields.

Countless years have passed, and now it is the turn of Fang Yuan to benefit from this.

“Go, go over there.” Fang Yuan directed Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish to start mobility.

Because of the drawbacks of Immortal Aperture porting**. Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish is less than half the speed of the original, and the pressure on the fish is huge, as if it were a negative mountain.

This has led to it. Each time Blessed Land’s relocation and transfer, in fact, the distance is very limited.

Langya Earth Spirit even moved away from Langya Blessed Land. But definitely not far from the previous location.

This is one of the reasons why Fang Yuan did not relocate Fox Immortal Blessed Land’s.

“But fortunately, Earth Abyss is already an excellent hiding place, and this layer of Earth Abyss will be exposed in the future. For development, I can also use this Star Form Blessed Land as the most reliable frontline camp for the most timely replenishment and recuperation. “”

“And I know the drawbacks of Immortal Aperture porting, but others don’t know. Hei Loulan found that Star Form Blessed Land is missing, I am afraid that Blessed Land has been destroyed. After all, this Blessed Land relocation has exceeded Gu Immortal recognition. Know common sense!”

In this way, Fang Yuan took the Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish and walked deep into Earth Abyss.

The route he walks is naturally a road map that has been carefully drawn through extensive exploration of the initial stage.

He continued to dig deeper and circumvented many Desolate Beast. In the slit between the Desolate Beast and the Far Ancient Desolate Beast, Fang Yuan walked slowly with the Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish.

Fang Yuan’s destination is at the original address of Star Form Blessed Land, three layers lower of Earth Abyss somewhere.

But after two layers, Fang Yuan unfortunately encountered a Desolate Beast.

This one-eyed monkey is very lively and often wanders around in the depths of Earth Abyss. After discovering Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish, it was excited to catch up.

Fang Yuan is worthy of a fierce battle with this one-eyed giant monkey, strenuously maintaining the safety of the Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish.

But in the end, Fang Yuan suffered a loss without the Battlefield Ultimate Move, which could not effectively stop the action of the one-eyed giant monkey. After all, halfway through, the one-eyed giant monkey hit the Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish.

The Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish, which carries Immortal Aperture Blessed Land, is very fragile. It has done its best to swim, so there is no room for it.

Fang Yuan finally ran off the damn one-eyed giant monkey, but Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish was too old to be transferred.

“Fortunately, Immortal Gu is not a big problem. Otherwise Immortal Gu lost, I still can’t pay for it?!” After Fang Yuan’s inspection, the heavy mood finally eased.

This is fortune in misfortune.

Since things have become like this, Fang Yuan has to retreat to the next place, placing the Star Form Blessed Land nearby.

At the moment when Immortal Aperture Blessed Land got out of Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish, the latter completely disintegrated and turned into a pool of blood and blood, even the beasts were disappeared.

This is a necessary sacrifice for the Immortal Aperture porting, and Fang Yuan already knows the cost of using this method.

Even if Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish is not injured, it will still die after reaching its destination.

Eventually, Star Form Blessed Land was successfully relocated and hidden in a new location.

It’s all worth it!

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