Immediately, Fang Yuan did not hesitate to use Fixed Immortal Travel to Langya Blessed Land.

Langya Blessed Land has changed dramatically.

On the ocean, the three continents look at each other. In the sky, there is a fourth continent that is constructed by Cloud Soil.

Blessed Land, which was once destroyed by the fierce battle, has regained its old appearance through the Taibai Yunsheng take action.

Taibai Yunsheng Although he did not have the opportunity to participate in the offensive and defensive wars, he also received a lot of compensation in the post-war repair project.

Of course, because some of the Immortal Gus that make up the Refinery Furnace are lost, the internal space of the Blessed Land shrinks. These disappearing spaces, and related losses, Taibai Yunsheng has no ability to recover.

12 Cloud Pavilions has been re-established by the Langya Earth Spirit with an average division on Cloud Soil continent. And, around 12 Cloud Pavilions, there are many Hairyman Gu Masters, and more new buildings are being built.

“I plan to build 12 Cloud Cities with 12 Cloud Pavilions as the center. This high-altitude Cloud Soil continent will serve as a new place to live for the Hairyman elite.” After seeing Fang Yuan, Langya Earth Spirit took the initiative to explain to him.

Fang Yuan nodded, said recognition.

Langya Blessed Land has lost a lot of internal space because of the loss of Immortal Gu. The inside of Haiyman’s population is numerous, and it is about to reach the upper limit of three continents. In this case, it is natural to have new places to accommodate more Hairyman.

But the next words of Langya Earth Spirit surprised Fang Yuan.

“In addition, I also formed the Langya School !sect system. With reference to today’s Central Continent, I am the Revered Great Elder, and the Hairyman Gu Immortals are the other Revered Elder. My last post was too pedantic, take these precious Gu Immortal battle strength, specifically to refining gu. hmph! To achieve the grandeur of the Hairyman system, it must be bleeding.”

“Next, I have to train these Hairyman Gu Immortal to develop their combat capability. When they have self-protection ability, I will assign them all outside of Blessed Land. Let them complete all kinds of Kind of sect task.”

“There are three continents on the sea, and under my influence, a war will break out! Three Country Lords will be decided from them, and three land countries will be formed. The countries will compete with each other. Every year, my Langya School will be In the three Hairyman countries, recruit the most elite Hairyman and bring these Hairyman to the Cloud Cover Continent to form the cornerstone of Langya School. And choose one of the Lane 5 peak’s Hairyman Gu Master. As the Langya School Sect Master people!”

The new Langya Earth Spirit is completely different from the previous one, and perhaps it is also stimulated by the Qin Baisheng storm. Langya Earth Spirit is determined to transform the entire Langya Blessed Land with a tough, sturdy look.

As soon as the Langya Earth Spirit changes, these Hairymans who survive underneath will be tortured and tested by the war. The peaceful life of peace and tranquility will never return.

“Langya Earth Spirit can use the cruel method of war to pick out the best Hairyman seeds. But this method is too extravagant.”

Fang Yuan is a pity that the number of people who died in the war is not small.

This kind of loss made him quite a heartache, but he might as well give it to him. Used to refining gu.

But in this case, Fang Yuan is only in his heart, absolutely not to say it.

In the view of Langya Earth Spirit, Hairyman is the best species in the world, and humans and other nonhuman are inferior.

Fang Yuan raises Hairyman as a refining gu slave. Langya Earth Spirit wants to know this. I will never accept it, and I will even turn my face with Fang Yuan.

and so. Fang Yuan is lacking in the business experience of supporting Hairyman, but before talking about the rewards of Langya Blessed Land. It is clear that Langya Earth Spirit has the most precious support experience, and Fang Yuan has never asked for this.

“But as this goes on, Langya Blessed Land has undergone this transformation, and Hairyman Gu Immortals has made great efforts, and the strength of the battle is fast and strong. Maybe in the history of previous life, Langya Blessed Land has also undergone this change before it has survived the whole seven. Wave offensive.”

“But the depth of the water in Langya Blessed Land, although jumping out of two Hairyman Gu Immortal traitors, but it is difficult to save the remaining Gu Immortal, there will be no third, the fourth traitor lurking. Qin Baisheng they can actually develop The means of such traitors is simply incredible.”

Fang Yuan is pondering in his heart, and his mouth talks with Langya Earth Spirit about this.

Langya Earth Spirit was a little surprised and revived the old saying: “Oh? You want to borrow my Immortal Gu and relocate your Blessed Land now? I can remember, I told you beforehand, lend me this Immortal Gu is not cheap. Even if you think that you can help me defend against strong enemies, I need two thousand immortal essence stones?”

Fang Yuan took out two thousand pieces of immortal essence stones and handed them to Earth Spirit: “Look, I am all ready.”

Langya Earth Spirit was shocked. While taking over the immortal essence stones, he looked up and down Fang Yuan and his eyes changed faintly.

He knows the foundation of Fang Yuan, and he is very surprised: “How long has this kid been promoted, there are so many immortal essence stones?”

“I thought that he and the last transaction, Immortal Gu Formula to earn immortal essence stones, how embarrassing the situation is. It seems that these immortal essence stones, the greater part should be borrowed. This is not good, owe A butt debt, there are people, and it will not be good in the future.”

Langya Earth Spirit shook his head and did not agree with Fang Yuan’s action.

But he also understands at the same time.

He knew that the case that Fang Yuan had committed was too big. Once the truth is ascertained, he will be finished and will surely be chased to the ends of the earth.

Therefore, Fang Yuan must relocate Blessed Land.

However, this is the main reason why Langya Earth Spirit is preparing to gradually absorb Fang Yuan in an attempt to turn Fang Yuan into a running dog.

It is because of the situation of Fang Yuan that all directions are enemies, and they will join the Hairyman forces in the case of nowhere, and become a human race.

But Langya Earth Spirit didn’t know – he guessed it wrong!

These two thousand immortal essence stones are really private to Fang Yuan’s.

Fang Yuan is rich now, very rich!

He traded the first Audacity Gu with Spiritual Fate House and harvested 180 pieces of immortal essence stones.

After the Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting, Fang Yuan showed a strong refining gu, He Fengyang personally invited him to the Immortal Crane Sect to see, this is a significant shift in the attitude of the Immortal Crane Sect to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan now controls Fox Immortal Blessed Land, sandwiched between the two super-powers of Spiritual Fate House and Immortal Crane Sect.

After the external environment was unprecedentedly relaxed, and considering the dangerous situation of future pursuit, Fang Yuan steadily increased the production of Audacity Gu.

This decision made him a pure income of Audacity Gu every month, and it has soared to three hundred immortal essence stones!

Don’t forget, after Fang Yuan accepted Langya Blessed Land, he also completely inherited the four main pillars of Star Monarch Wan Xiang. And he personally came forward to buy and sell Eternal Hate Spider with Western Desert Xiao Family.

A total of six business projects, let him earn immortal essence stones every month, directly break through the thousand mark!

There are also Dragon Fish and Nether Fire Dragon Python, which are not on the market. If you count these two items, Fang Yuan initially estimated that the net profit per month can reach 1,500!

Fang Yuan has been the owner of Star Form Blessed Land, and the time has been ready for two months.

The amount of immortal essence stones in the hands is more than two thousand.

When recalling, from the just-improved immortal, the cockroaches must be compared, even half of the immortal essence stones must be carefully calculated. Until now, the monthly income is a thousand, and the hand is generous, Fang Yuan has taken a huge step forward.

The pace of his step is so great that Langya Earth Spirit doesn’t know the inside story, even if he has already looked at Fang Yuan, he still guessed the mistake.

Although Fang Yuan is the bottom of the cultivation base, or the Immortal Zombie, the benefits of immortal essence stones have reached the level of the usual Rank 7 Gu Immortal.

Paying two thousand pieces of immortal essence stones, Fang Yuan and Langya Earth Spirit used Information Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move to set the relevant contract.

Finally, Fang Yuan also mortgaged the Earth Spirit ten Immortal Gus, which successfully borrowed a complete set of Immortal Gu, up to sixteen, to relocate Blessed Land.

Fang Yuan is non-stop, using Fixed Immortal Travel and returning to Star Form Blessed Land.

There are three Desolate Beast Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish in Star Form Blessed Land. Fang Yuan already visited it and did not hesitate to choose the strongest one.

He circled around the Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish and continued to use the Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish’s body, bones, flesh and so on.

After confirming that the Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish was in good condition, Fang Yuan sat in the air and faced the Desolate Beast with his eyes closed.

Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish already tamed, obediently hovering in midair, motionless. A pair of dead fish eyes as large as the carriage, shining a little star glow, reflecting the Fang Yuan’s silhouette.

Fang Yuan is calm in his heart, and his mind is getting excited.

Countless Star Thought, like Starry Sky, moving like a firefly, fluttering in his narrow mind.

These Star Thoughts are immediately divided into two.

A three-dimensional picture of the Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish that occupies the right half of the mind.

Another wave of Star Thought, which occupies the left half of Fang Yuan, forms a panoramic view of Star Form Blessed Land.

After completing this step, Fang Yuan took a deep breath, resolutely urged immortal essence, poured into a borrowed Wisdom Dao Immortal Gu, and began to calculate according to the specific method delivered by Earth Spirit.

Two Star Thoughts rushed forward, violently colliding, and storming the sky.

In the storm, countless Star Thoughts are constantly flashing, some are merging, and others are beginning to break down.

One day, two days, three days … In Star Form Blessed Land, after spending seven days and six nights, the exhausted Fang Yuan slowly opened both of his eyes.

The Star Thought consumed in my mind is as many as 160,000. The Green Grape Immortal Essence, which was consumed by Wisdom Dao Immortal Gu, cost as much as sixty-six.

At such a huge price, Fang Yuan got two sets of gu formation diagrams.

These two sets of gu formation maps, one big, one small.

The large gu formation map, the Corresponding Star Form Blessed Land, has eight array cores. The small gu formation map, the Corresponding Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish, has four array cores. In each array core, a specific Immortal Gu array is required. Two large gu formation maps, which add up to 12 Immortal Gus.

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