In the sky, a pursuit battle is taking place. △

Hōng hōng hōng !

The violent explosion sounded continuously.

Song Yishi and Yao Gepi constantly took action, but because of the distance, Fang Yuan was like oil-coated muddy, slipping his hands and showing amazing flying.

Running in front, Fang Yuan, a portrait of escape, has deliberately slowed down and hung the two chasing soldiers behind him.

He is a Demonic Path authority. Even though his achievements are not too high, his life experience is rich and his combat experience is much behind him. These two young Gu Immortal Unimaginable.

Especially Song Yishi, she is too young and the combat experience is too weak. Although Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is used to hurry, it is impossible to live on Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan twists and turns, sometimes drilling into the water, sometimes into the clouds, cunning is incomparable. Song Yishi is breathed with anger, feeling that he is not chasing, but being played.

As for Yao Gepi, he is a rogue cultivator. Although he has a lot of experience, he doesn’t have one Immortal Gu in hand, and he can’t even talk about Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

He can only use Mortal Realm Ultimate Move, which is a tragedy in this pursuit.

He was left to the end and could only make a big fuss. If Fang Yuan deliberately took care of him, he would have been far away.

The three men crossed the sky and gradually moved away from the poetic Sea Territory.

“What happened? Is Gu Immortal fighting?”

The pierce space sounded the two rogue cultivators Gu Immortal on the sea island in the distance.

The two are playing chess, but they are casual and elegant.

When I heard the movement, I looked up and carried out reconnaissance.

“It seems to be Song Family’s Fairy Yishi, and there is a youth rogue cultivator that is chasing another person. This Mortal Qi is leaking. Not the Eastern Sea, but a Northern Plains Gu Immortal.”

“One more thing. It’s better than one less thing. Song Yishi is the jewel of Song Qiyuan, let’s not mix it.”

“Yes, yes. Come, play chess, continue playing.”

Fang Yuan looked at the sea island, slightly frowned, gently changing direction, and continued to fly.

Soon after, the mesh Sea Territory.

“What? There are such shameless old ghosts in this world! Fairy Yishi, I Chen Zhongyong to help you!”

Fang Yuan smiled and escaped the sniper of Chen Zhongyong. Continue to escape.

As a result, the chase behind him increased to three.

After a while, the Thunder Channel.

“Fairy Yishi clear as ice and clean as jade, actually being tarnished! The kill, the kill!!” Biqing Heaven’s Sadness is desperate, resolutely joined the ranks of killing.

After a musk, the mammoth pursuit battle attracted a militant Gu Immortal.

“You are a Gu Immortal of the Northern Plains, who dared to hit our Eastern Sea female immortal idea? Is it bullying our Eastern Sea?” Lei Hong was furious and unobtrusive.

Song Yishi is getting angry. At at Fang Yuan covered head and sneaked away like a rat, her mood is getting worse.

It is obvious that people are only being sneaked a glimpse. How can these people become more and more outrageous and make themselves like **?

“Don’t shout! You secretly killed this person. I have a reward!” Song Yishi finally couldn’t help but sound transmission to his neighbors.

These Gu Immortal are not stupid people, after such a sentence. They are silent.

“How come?” Fang Yuan naturally did not want this to happen. He couldn’t help but make trouble. The more sensational it is.

“Since you are not jealous, then let me speak.”

So Fang Yuan began to cry out loud. Defend yourself: “everyone is a misunderstanding, I want to make clear the whole sequence of events. In fact, I accidentally entered the seabed volcano deep in the poetry Sea Territory. This can be investigated for evidence, everything I said is true “”

“Old ghost, you are a ghost!” Immediately, Gu Immortal responded with a drink.

But Fang Yuan, regardless of him, still shouted: “I am Northern Plains Gu Immortal. I just came here and just wanted to choose an unnamed isle as a place of residence. Finally decided to fancy an isle. I want to arrange it before First look at the surrounding environment, but accidentally found a seabed undercurrent. Following this seabed undercurrent, I entered the seabed volcano.”

“Edit, you will continue to edit it for me!”

“The anecdote you did, actually still okay to deny here, install upright gentleman?! Do you think we are so good at cheating?”

Gu Immortals is behind him.

Fang Yuan shouted: “Even if I lie to you, I have to find some other rhetoric. Why do I need to mention the seabed undercurrent? You can check it out. I can tell you the location of the nameless isle. Before I enter the seabed undercurrent, I don’t know if I will be connected to the seabed volcano. After I entered the volcano, I found out…”

“Stop!” Song Yishi is very pampered. She is very worried about what Fang Yuan has said about something bad. She interrupted him quickly. “If you are being shackled, don’t run, obediently obediently surrender, let us check.” If you tell the truth, my Song Yishi is not killing innocent people!”

Song Yishi is also a scholar, and he has grown up and actually knows how to cheat.

But her tone is too blunt, and anyone who listens can hear her full roar and the killing intent of Haotian.

Song Yishi is still too capable, and the acting is not in place.

Fang Yuan ran even more, and shouted in her mouth: “When are you a fool? Obediently surrender, I am dead. I am embarrassed, I have not touched you with a finger. I went to the volcano.” ……”

“You give me a stop!!” Song Yishi was furious and his voice improved by eight degrees.

The rest of the male Gu Immortal, on the surface of anger, but in the dark but has raised his ears, for fear of missing a word Fang Yuan’s!

Seeing that Fang Yuan was interrupted again by Song Yishi, they all felt a slight regret.

But Fang Yuan quickly said again: “You don’t let me say, I want to say. How can you be so overbearing, I am a Northern Plains Gu Immortal to the Eastern Sea to eat, is it easy? I have not made What, just seeing you bathing nothing more, all this is a misunderstanding!”

Song Yishi was black in front of her eyes, and she was almost angry.

She can shut up the chasing companions, but can’t stop Fang Yuan’s make a big fuss.

“He He He, it happened to be such an interesting thing.” At this moment, a smirk came. A female Gu Immortal took the initiative to approach.

“It’s a Seven Sea Snake Girl!” Hunting Fang Yuan’s Gu Immortals and seeing the female Gu Immortal. I can’t help but look at it.

Yao Gepi has been screaming in the heart, and the rest are subconsciously moving their eyes to Song Yishi’s face.

Song Yishi is now a face. Just like frost, the chill is pressing.

It turns out that the Seven Sea Snakes and Song Yishi are one of the six beautiful women recognized by Eastern Sea Gu Immortal. The Seven Sea Snakes have a Rank 7 cultivation base and a Demonic Path Gu Immortal. They themselves have a contradiction with Song Yishi. They just do not dare to start with Song Yishi because of the deterrence of Song Qiyuan.

At this point, let her hear the news of this sensation, and it will not add oil and vinegar.

Song Yishi only thinks that the sky will collapse.

How is this good? The Seven Sea Snakes will surely ruin their reputation.

Song Yishi is even more hateful and angry about Fang Yuan: “How can you run this old pervert? You are also facing the Seven Sea Snakes?”


This route, but Fang Yuan personally visited, carefully selected.

Gu Immortal, who may have encountered on the route, has Fang Yuan inspected the detailed information. The Seven Sea Snakes are the highlight of the Fang Yuan project.

Although the Seven Sea Snakes are Demonic Path Gu Immortal, they have seven Sea Territory. The current Sea Territory is the key period for the proliferation of red tide fish. Of course, the Seven Sea Snakes will have to oversee here.

This information, Fang Yuan is easy to get it.

The Seven Seas Snake Woman is a femme fatale and looks beautiful. Vicious and merciless. In the Righteous Path, the information of these murderers will be circulated, guarding them from walking and encountering them.


A loud noise, the seven sea snake woman suddenly took action. Fight to Fang Yuan’s pursuers.

“Seven sea snake women, what are you doing?” Lei Hong drank.

Song Yishi group of people was badly disturbed.

“He He He, such an interesting thing. Elder sister, of course, I have to mix it with one hand.” The Seven Sea Snakes are attractive, and the charming eyes were like silk.

Lei Hong is full of seriousness: “I block the Seven Sea Snakes. You continue to chase.”

He is a Rank 7 cultivation base and is not afraid of the Seven Sea Snakes. Although the battle strength is not enough, but for a moment, then the ability to escape safely is still there.

The Seven Sea Snakes and Fang Yuan did not know each other, and there was no plan for great effort. After seeing Lei Hong’s appearance, the seven sea snake woman’s face appeared a disgusting color, and stayed in the same place: “It’s the guy who is wandering around, nosy.”

So the rest of Gu Immortal bypassed the Seven Sea Snakes and started chasing again.

Time passed, after a long time, chasing Fang Yuan’s Gu Immortal and joining a few people, Fang Yuan was also injured, but never fell into the enemy, still fleeing.

“Damn!!” Song Yishi gnashing teeth ,looks at Fang Yuan Vibrant back, felt tired.

It happened so fast, too sudden.

How could it be like this? Song Yishi also has a sense of absurdity in his heart.

It seems that the previous moment, she is still enjoying the beautiful life and enjoying the wonderful feeling of the hot spring soothing the skin. But now she is chasing the enemy at the ends of the earth, and she can’t catch up.

Now it is even more commonplace.

Song Yishi is exhausted and tired.

“The fire is almost the same.” Fang Yuan glanced at the chase behind him, with a vague smile on his lips. The implementation of this plan is even better than his original idea.

“Now, it’s time to get out.”

After thinking to this point, Fang Yuan’s eyes are fleeting.

He suddenly shook his body and turned into six silhouettes, fleeing in different directions.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Six Illusory Star Bodies !

The chasers yelled badly, gawked, only scoring pursuits.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Star Shift !

Fang Yuan suddenly changed position and appeared in front of Yao Gepi.

“Don’t think I don’t dare to kill!” Fang Yuan snorted and made Nebula Grindstone.

He has been fleeing, and Yao Gepi expects that he will change his style and suddenly counterattack?

Unexpectedly, he was inhaled into Nebula Grindstone.

He only has Mortal Realm Ultimate Move. Where can I get the Immortal Gu?

Waiting for the help of all the people, they broke through Nebula Grindstone, and the head of Yao Gepi has been held on Fang Yuan’s hand!

“hmph, don’t bullly intolerably!” Fang Yuan is stunned and looks straight at the variety immortal.

Everyone is chasing soldiers, only the Rank 6 cultivation base. Lei Hong, like Rank 7, is not so easy to see.

“Yao Gepi is also Gu Immortal, but I didn’t even support it!”

“The barbarians from Northern Plains are really good at the battle strength.”

All the people have been shocked for a time, and their hearts are full of taboos.

The Six Illusory Star Bodies over there has already flown far away, and Fang Yuan took the opportunity to use Star Shift to transfer the real body and go away!

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