“Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding!!” Fang Yuan “has to force” to show the figure. ¥f

When I saw Star Form Child, the old man suddenly appeared in front of him, and Song Yishi immediately screamed. She is now in the hot springs, stark naked, the weakest moment in her heart.

If there is a woman, that’s all, but it is male Gu Immortal.

Men and women are different!

Song Yishi is in a panic.

“I can explain. All this is a big misunderstanding. Please listen to me.” Fang Yuan waved his hand and said nothing.

At this time, the confusion in Song Yishi’s mind has been covered by a strong anger.

“Pervert, you die for me!”

Song Yishi hides in the hot spring and points his finger at Fang Yuan.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Creek yarn!

In the air, the water vapor was greatly rises, and the two streams were born out of thin air. It was like a long sleeve that the singer waved, and it seemed to be a beautiful masked veil, one left and one right, entangled with Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan is in awe.

Song Yishi is Water Dao Gu Immortal, which is the iconic Immortal Realm Ultimate Move of Song Family, which is a very good means of picking.

Fang Yuan If it is a trick, I am afraid it will be difficult to get out.

I dare not let this brook yarn close, and Fang Yuan quickly retreats, the starlight is brilliant, the star snake flies, and the Shangxi yarn.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Star Snake Rope.

The star snake is wrapped around the crepe, but the crepe is like water, soak the star snake. Just a few breaths of effort, the star snake is turned into nothing.

Xi yarn was once again killed to Fang Yuan.

“Star Snake Rope and Brooks are all extreme moves that focus on picking up. I don’t want the gap to be so big.” Fang Yuan sinks in his heart. Fortunately, after this delay, the starlight Immortal Gu in his Immortal Aperture has been completely motivated. The radiance is shining, as if the morning sun is rising.

Around starlight Immortal Gu. There are countless Flame Dao mortal gu, like 10,000 worms, flying around.

Star Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move – Starfire Escape!


a light sound ,Fang Yuan burns a deep blue flame. Fang Yuan figure, like electricity, flying into the sky.

“Where to go?!” Song Yishi was so timid that he quickly urged the ultimate move to block.


A huge explosion occurred on top of the seabed volcano.

Seabed turbulent, turbulent. The seabed volcano top collapsed directly, and the natural protective structure was destroyed. Thousands of 10,000 jin’s seawater is poured back.

Song Yishi was in a hurry to cope with the splashing boulders and the pouring water.

She propped up the protection and quickly dressed, and her mind was slightly fixed.

Later, she ignored the volcano destroyed by the sea, and immediately followed the direction of Fang Yuan’s departure and flew out.

“You can’t escape!” Song Yishi gnashing teeth.

Fang Yuan, with the help of Starfire Escape, is extremely fast, but because the sea is too deep. For a while, he flew out of the sea.

Previous life According to Li Xiaoyao, Li Xiaoyao fell into the bottom of the cliff and entered the undercurrent. Was sent to the seabed volcano. The bottom of the volcano is too hot, Li Xiaoyao tends to avoid harm, and then walks to the upper end of the volcano. I accidentally saw Song Yishi in the bath. Song Yishi took the action and imprisoned Li Xiaoyao. Under the question, it is a big joy.

It turned out that she still does not know the seabed volcano. There is a hidden seabed undercurrent. At this time, there were strong enemies at sea, and the appearance of Li Xiaoyao brought the hope of Song Yishi.

Song Yishi relied on this seabed undercurrent to temporarily solve the Predicament. Li Xiaoyao has made a big turn from this fate, and is taken by Song Yishi to teach him Gu Master’s cultivation.

Li Xiaoyao and Fang Yuan’s encounter are two very different treatments.

“Li Xiaoyao is a boy and a boy. I have a divine poise and sagelike features, but it is also a good skin, but it is seventy and eighty. Song Yishi is a young temperament, and Song Family is a powerful force. I am not blaming for killing me.”

Fang Yuan, while feeling in his heart, secretly observed behind him.

When he found that Song Yishi was chasing him up, he faintly smiled and banged out of the sea.

Gu Immortal Yao Gepi, one of the pursuers of Song Yishi, is now on the outskirts of the poetic Sea Territory.

He is young and handsome, and the Rank 6 cultivation base is the Eastern Sea’s a rogue cultivator.

“Fairy Yishi will go to the seabed volcanic hot springs of the poetic sea every once in a while. They don’t know the secret. Now I am only clear. I want to take advantage of this opportunity and contact Fairy Yishi. Looking at her, will my cultivation resources be scarce in the future? Well? What happened?!”

Yao Gepi looked at the sound and saw Fang Yuan. He shot from the sea, and a pair of wolves escaped. The originally calm sea was set off by him.

“looks at, it looks like a thief. Should I catch up?” Yao Gepi hesitated.

At this moment, Song Yishi also chased the surface of the sea, looking at the back of Fang Yuan flying in the air, angry shouted: “pervert off, give me death!!”

“What, pervert?!” Yao Gepi seemed to be stunned by the blue sky, and his eyes were stunned, almost smashing his eyes!

“淫淫, pervert?”

“What happened to Fairy Yishi? The old bastard is actually a daring pervert!! Damn it, kill!”

Yao Gepi growled in his heart, killing intent and filling his chest.

“Fairy Yishi, don’t worry, I am Yao Gepi!” a moment later, Yao Gepi shouted in the mouth and stood up.

Song Yishi has a slight glimpse, and the original 汹汹 势 is a stagnation.

She had just angered her attack and didn’t think too much when she was angry. The appearance of Yao Gepi made her can’t help but another panic.

See you in the sky!

She is still a young girl. She had this kind of thing for the first time and had no experience at all.

For this kind of thing, of course, she wants to be strict and strict. It is better to solve everything secretly. Fang Yuan is killed and no one else knows about it.

If this thing is spread out, how can she tell her later?

But now one Gu Immortal has appeared.

This person she knows, is one of her disgusting pursuers, like the name Yao?

Song Yishi is not sure.

Yao Gepi was even more distressed when he saw Song Yishi’s flustered expression. I also observed the appearance of Song Yishi’s flushed face, as if it was a spring red after the **, the killing intent of Yao Gepi’s heart suddenly rose dozens of times!

In fact, nothing happened at all, but the human imagination is endless, and Yao Gepi is a man and a fanatic pursuer. It is easy to associate with the dark side.

At this time, I thought about it in Yao Gepi: This old pervert, which is desperately trying to escape, must be a cheaper one! Maybe I used the next three methods, and I fainted Fairy Yishi. A pro-Fangze, ah, no, it is very likely to be pro- and ugly. Fairy Yishi doesn’t know how much violation is received, how much insult!

Thinking this way, the anger in Yao Gepi’s heart is about to ignite his body. He screams and screams: “This damn old bastard, old ghost, don’t run! Actually dare to marry our Fairy Yishi, I I will take you through the mink! I want you to regret everything you did to Fairy Yishi!!”

Song Yishi heard the roar, and the figure suddenly swayed and almost fell from the air.

Don’t be so loud, do you really want to know all the world? Let’s quietly, quietly, secretly kill this damn old fogey, isn’t it best?

Unfortunately, Yao Gepi in the rage can’t hear Song Yishi’s voice.

For the first time, Song Yishi encountered this situation, coping with the loss, and wanted to take a sound transmission to take care of Yao Gepi, but her face was too tender, and could not open the open mouth.

Say it, how shameful!

The most happy of these three, really happy, but it is Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan’s reaction to Song Yishi, the clear calculation is clear. The appearance of Yao Gepi is an unexpected surprise.

“Okay, that’s it, loud, right, louder.” Fang Yuan secretly cheered Yao Gepi.

The two Gu Immortals who chased him will never think of the eccentric thoughts of Fang Yuan at this time.

Fang Yuan just wants to make things big.

Song Yishi is the Gu Immortal of the super-power Song Family. It is the jewel of Song Qiyuan, and there are so many pursuers. After the big trouble, Fang Yuan joined the Zombie Alliance’s external pressure.

But this kind of contradiction is not to cut people’s money, killing parents, not the death of your life.

At best, Fang Yuan just took a look at that’s all.

Song Yishi is a little girl. She has not experienced much, and her thoughts are still very conservative. For the first time, she was sawed by herself, and she was naturally wronged.

This is the natural mindset of the youngster.

But when I am a long time, I have experienced a lot of experience. No matter who I am, I will understand more or less the truth of some skin and flesh hue.

What happened after taking a look? Some women, can’t wait for others to see their eyes? From a certain point of view, does this not prove its charm?

After two or three hundred years, Li Xiaoyao also peeked, but there was nothing, but it was hidden by cover.

One of the main reasons is that the mentality of Song Yishi has changed.

Later, Li Xiaoyao had another fortuitous encounter, became Sword Dao Gu Immortal, and eventually became a fairy monk with Song Yishi.

Song Yishi is older than Li Xiaoyao, two or three hundred years old, can be described as an old cow eats young grass.

“Of course, there is still one reason. Two or three hundred years later, Song Qiyuan has exhausted life essence and died completely. The body of Rank 8 Gu Immortal caused a huge change in the Eastern Sea pattern. Song Family began to weaken, Song Yishi has a huge amount of wealth in his hands. Not only is there external pressure, but also the internal family. Li Xiaoyao is taught by Song Yishi, accompanied by Song Yishi at the stage of mortal Gu Master, and she is always in trouble. Abandoned, became the most reassuring person of Song Yishi. Later, Li Xiaoyao got the inheritance of Sword Immortal Azure Bull, follow the past and herald the future, and made a new way to become a powerful Sword Dao Gu Immortal, which made Song Yishi The two eventually became gods, and the lines were erratic. Divine Dragon showed the head but never the tail. The Five Regions chaos, which often appeared, combined with Rank 8, was against the Central Continent offensive. Big pillar.”

Fang Yuan fled while he was still thinking about leisure.

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