There are so many Hairyman Gu Immortal hidden in Langya Blessed Land, but why did the previous Langya Earth Spirit not let them go on stage?

Fang Yuan suspects that this reason should fall on the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home Refining Furnace!

The human old man Langya Earth Spirit is likely to have all the Hairyman Gu Immortal in the Refine Furnace. ≥

Old Ancestor Long Haired The real identity is a Hairyman, Langya Earth Spirit loves Hairyman, like caring for her own children. According to this idea, Haiyman Gu Immortal was not expected to suffer losses, so they were placed in the Refine Furnace.

More critically, Immortal Gu Home also requires Gu Immortal manipulates. And the more Gu Immortal of the households, the stronger the power of the Immortal Gu Home.

Taibai Yunsheng At the Eastern Sea, Raiders Yu Lu Blessed Land. When the Predicament was encountered, all of Gu Immortal contributed to the Immortal Gu Home Mysterious Ice House.

This made the Mysterious Ice House’s formidable power strong enough to break through the Battlefield Ultimate Move and carry many Gu Immortal escapes.

The more Hairyman Gu Immortal there, the stronger the formidable power of the Refine Furnace Immortal Gu Home, and the faster it will refine others Immortal Gu.

Fang Yuan is almost certain: the previous three waves of offensive, Langya Earth Spirit is to arrange Hairyman here, refined to commit Immortal Gu of Gu Immortal, to take them to life.

Now this Fourth Wave offensive, the enemy is stronger than expected, the human-looking Langya Earth Spirit can not solve this problem, had to let another obsession go on stage to solve the problem.

“But this Hairyman Earth Spirit is also dim-witted. Actually, I personally fought, and the key to the matter of life and death was to bring Hairyman Gu Immortals summon.” Fang Yuan shook his head and watched the battlefield.

Qin Baisheng, Hei Cheng and Hairyman Gu Immortals fell into a short period of stalemate.


Suddenly. For the Langya Earth Spirit, the 5 Finger Boxing Heart Sword ultimate move, the Rank 7 Hairyman Gu Immortal. Falled to the ground.

“Elder Hairy?”

“Elder Hairy!”

Hairyman Gu Immortals suddenly blasted like a pot, a commotion. Investigating the eyes of concern, and exclaimed in the mouth.

“Elder Hairy, Elder Hairy, what’s wrong with you, Elder Hairy?!” A female Hairyman Gu Immortal, who stumbled over Elder Hairy and hugged Elder Hairy’s upper body, found that his Sword Qi was so porous that he could not die anymore. died.

“Elder Hairy, Elder Hairy, you can’t die. Elder Hairy!” Female Hairyman Gu Immortal burst into tears and burst into tears on the spot.

“Second Hairy, don’t you cry.”

“Or maybe Earth Spirit has a way!”

“Second Hairy, you cry again, we also want to cry. wu wu wu 呜…”

For a time, in front of Qin Baisheng, many Hairyman Gu Immortal turned and came to Second Hairy Gu Immortal. Comforted softly.

Some of the Hairyman Gu Immortal also shed tears, or choked, or sobbed in a low voice.

Fang Yuan and Mo Tansang are all looking at it.

this moment. They finally understood why Langya Earth Spirit did not send these Hairyman to the battlefield, but arranged it in the Refine Furnace!

Because of the combat literacy of these Hairyman Gu Immortal. It’s just a dregs.

Oh no. Say the word dregs, it is too much to lift them!

The enemy is currently. They are so fragile that they cry and cry, and their state of mind collapses.

It seems that these Hairyman Gu Immortal are all used by the first Langya Earth Spirit as the purest Refining Dao helper. Good at refining gu is for sure, not very good at fighting this is more certain!

Langya Earth Spirit’s face was blue, he completely broke off the restraintt and came to the dead Hairyman Gu Immortal. After checking it, he sighed in pain, extended the hand, and the dying with a grievance of Rank 7 Hairyman Gu Immortal The eyelid is gently licked.

“Ah, no-!” The female Hairyman Gu Immortal, named Second Hairy, saw this scene and completely collapsed. After mournfully wails, he slammed on Elder Hairy’s body and turned his eyes and fainted.

Other Hairyman Gu Immortal saw it and quickly went to the rescue.

Some of them, but also looking up at Qin Baisheng, with pure tears, accused: “Heavens, why are you so cruel and violent Gu Immortal? We are latex hatred and enmity, why should we attack us, why vital Point The life of Gu Immortal? Is it not a good thing to get along with each other?”

After hearing this, Mo Tansang and Fang Yuan are completely hopeless about these Hairyman.

These Hairyman Gu Immortal, seemingly protected by the last Langya Earth Spirit, is like a flower in a greenhouse, without experiencing the brutal wind and frost on the outside world, and another mind is devoted to Refining Dao cultivation. In combat, they are each And every one of the giant pit.

“As long as you obediently offer Immortal Gu Home Refining Furnace, I will not hurt you.” Qin Baisheng sneered, said.

“This is impossible! Don’t even think about it!!” Langya Earth Spirit suddenly looked up and glared at Qin Baisheng and refused directly. His attitude is very firm and there is no hesitation at all.

“hmph, you want to rely on Refine Furnace, forcibly refine Immortal Gu in my hands. This naive idea, in me, don’t implement it, it won’t give you time to implement.”

Qin Baisheng sneered, paused, and seemed to have sensed something.

He muttered in his mouth and continued: “Oh, are you ready, let’s get started! This inconvenient thing, first Break for me! !”

The tone rose and he squinted at the Cloud Pavilion.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Broken City Hammer!

When the giant hammer hit, Fang Yuan thought about it with lightning. He decided to say it first. At this time, he could not be the first bird.

However, Langya Earth Spirit is not at the end of the line, so Fang Yuan does not intend to withdraw first.

Hong long!

The Cloud Pavilion behind him was like a paper paste and was crushed by a broken hammer.

Fang Yuan flew out in a wandering way, and when it fell into the eyes of everyone, the appearance had changed.

He became the appearance of Hairyman.

Qin Baisheng lightly snorted, and looked at Fang Yuan meaningfully, and immediately turned his eyes.

The Cloud Pavilion was destroyed and the fog of the sky was gone.

It turned out that this is the last Cloud Pavilion, and the other one, discovered by Hui Fengzi, has been ruined one step earlier.

At this point, the five Cloud Pavilions that Fang Yuan came to support were all destroyed.

12 Waves Bewitching Cloud Formation is shattered!

White Heaven | daytime White.

The sky is pure white and the Cloud Soil on the ground is white.

Qin Baisheng glanced around and disdainfully coldly said: “The ridiculous camouflage.”

a moment later. He looked up and looked towards the sky. He flutters and dances, expressing expression.

He suddenlyd out his hands. Grab the sky, and at the same time uttered a longing cry: “Come on, Refine Furnace!”

At the same time, the mysterious black robe Gu Immortal in the other two directions, as well as Fairy Jiang Yu, followed the take action. It is the Cloud Soil take action to the ground.

Kā chā 嚓!

There was a thunder in the sky, lightning flashed, mist tumbling, and Void pieces were broken.

Rumble bang. It seems to have an invisible rare beast of permeate heaven and earth, tearing the Cloud Soil under the feet with a fierce and brutal sharp claw!

The thick layer of Cloud Soil, like cotton, was torn apart by an extremely large crack.

The crack runs through the things and stretches out at the end of the horizon.

“This is?!” Mo Tansang pupil of the eye.

“The real Langya Blessed Land… the big handiwork, what I saw, is it just the surface?” At this moment, even Fang Yuan is also startled.

Through huge cracks. Looking down from the crowd, I found that under the Cloud Soil, it is a vast ocean.

In the ocean, there are actually three huge continents!

These three continents are on. There are dense forests, mountains and mountains, and vast grasslands. There are foggy swamps…

Countless lives, living on the continent. There are birds and giant dragons in the sky. There are sea monsters, group of fish in the sea, and ants on the ground. Tiger elephants… There are so many lives, together with three continents, three unusual food chains!

On these three continents, Hairyman is the only Master, occupying a dominant position.

Countless villages, towns, mountains, forests, plains, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers, rivers

Here, Hairymen is working day and night, competing with refining gu, competing with conscience, and living a life dominated by the food chain.

“I used to be a foothold, but just a white cloud over Blessed Land?” Mo Tansang was shocked.

“How is it possible? There is such a vast space, is this Blessed Land? Even Celestial Grotto, there is no such empty space! This Langya Blessed Land has surpassed most Celestial Grotto!!” Hei Cheng saw this scene , caught in a complete shock.

“How did this happen? Langya Blessed Land… This is simply another World! far exceeding the normal form of Blessed Land and Celestial Grotto.” Fang Yuan is also re-invigorating.

At this time, countless Hairyman on the ground, also looking up, looked at the clouds where Fang Yuan and the others were located.

“Cloud Cover Continent is amazed!”

“This legendary aircontinent seems to have been torn in half?”

“Fast, let this situation go to Elder!!”

Hundreds of millions of Hairymen are in a panic.

The gods fight, the mortal horror.

“This population base…” Fang Yuan squinted his eyes, can’t help but licked his lips and yelled in his heart. “What a huge fortune! It’s amazing, amazing. It’s no wonder that Langya Earth Spirit has a Hairyman system. The ambition of the world! This is a Hairyman empire! No wonder there is such a Hairyman Gu Immortal, and there is such a good Hairyman Gu Master, these people should be selected from the layer upon layer in this Hairyman!”

Hong long long !

The thunder in the sky is getting bigger and bigger. Countless lightning, slashing the sky, intertwined like a net, spread quickly.

In the wind, Qin Baisheng is as straight as a gun, standing proudly at high altitude. The clothes swayed in the wind, just like the battle flag hunted in the wind.

The space is broken, and there is one by one Gu insect, which emerges from the fragmented space.

This is part of the Refined Furnace.

Seeing such a scene, Langya Earth Spirit can no longer delay, shouted: “Want to snatch Refine Furnace? Arrange the battle formation!”

“Yes, Earth Spirit!” Hairyman Gu Immortals answered.

At the same time, Langya Earth Spirit secret sound transmission came over: “Mo Tansang, Fang Yuan, you two are also coming in! These Hairyman Gu Immortal, you should not count on it. The main thing is to see us three. Just as long as perseverance for a moment These people are going to die!”

Ps: Around 2 this afternoon, the book is free for a limited time. This is an old activity of the starting point. First of all, I would like to thank the friends who have subscribed to this book before. You can rest assured that this free event will only last for a short time.

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