Hōng hōng hōng !

Countless Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, in the hands of the Langya Earth Spirit, debuted. ∈♀

Wood Dao, Flame Dao, Water Dao, Ice Dao, Space Dao, Time Dao, etc., as if they were full of fireworks, there are deadly dangers in the gorgeous.

Even if it is as strong as Qin Baisheng, it can only be parried for a time, losing the power to fight back.

“Is this Earth Spirit? It’s too much too fierce!” Hei Cheng looks at Qin Baisheng. He was pressed and Langya Earth Spirit snarled all the way, and he couldn’t help but dry his throat.

“Do you have enough?!” Qin Baisheng gave a long shout.

In the air suddenly, the golden glow of the sun shines.

The golden light is so dazzling that it is impossible to face it.

Infinity of the heat, with the golden light, spray out, in the blink of an eye permeate heaven and earth! The temperature rises sharply and Heaven and Earth are transpiration.

Soul Dao and Metal Dao – Two-way Immortal Rank ultimate move – Soul Soul!

The Langya Earth Spirit is very special, not afraid of the burning of the soul, but the soul is too gold but it is extremely rare uncommon, the attack and defense of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

This move, Qin Baisheng seems to be incarnation into a small sun, shining Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, heaven and earth, for a time like a dragon!

All the offensives of the Langya Earth Spirit were offset by disintegration.

If you change to an ordinary opponent and use the Earth Spirit to indiscriminately bombard, you might be able to kill Teacher Fu.

But his opponent is not common Gu Immortal, but Shadow Sect Vice Envoy Qin Baisheng!

Qin Baisheng resisted countless ultimate moves, slowly accumulating the respite, finally got the chance and suddenly broke out.

His take action, suddenly made the Langya Earth Spirit offensive severely frustrated. In the next step, he will exert a fierce counterattack.

Compared with him, Langya Earth Spirit has various advantages. The background is extremely deep and majestic. But after all, it is not Gu Immortal, and the fighting wisdom is still lacking.

Just like the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move he showed. Although the momentum is prestigious, there is no match between them, and even internal interference, which consumes a lot of power.

This point, Fang Yuan is doing better than him. Whether it is the combination of Nebula Grindstone, Star Snake Rope, or the combination of Six Illusory Star Bodies and Star Shift, it is enough for Langya Earth Spirit to learn.

Earth Spirit, after all, is just an obsession left after Gu Immortal’s death. Combined with the special existence of Heaven and Earth.

If Earth Spirit has Fang Yuan’s wisdom, once Bai took advantage of it, Qin Baisheng couldn’t turn around.

But Earth Spirit is not Fang Yuan, so Qin Baisheng waited until the counterattack.

The soul of the soul is too golden and has become a turning point in the battle.

The Langya Earth Spirit’s offensive was blocked, and Qin Baisheng immediately took the initiative and never handed over the initiative.

The battle situation has undergone an upside down shift.

Langya Earth Spirit retreated and was beaten by Qin Baisheng.

Qin Baisheng’s attack frequency is less than 10% of the Langya Earth Spirit. But each time take action, every Immortal Realm Ultimate Move has a good fit, like a layer of traps, so that Langya Earth Spirit is subject to change. The deeper and deeper you are, the more you can’t turn around and you can’t wait for any chance.

Qin Baisheng has a wealth of combat experience. The means are extremely hot, and there is a haze in the steady. I saw Fang Yuan, Hei Cheng, and Mo Tansang three eyeslid shaking.

“What to do? The Earth Spirit has been defeated!” Mo Tansang asked Fang Yuan, looking anxious.

Fang Yuan did not answer. Expression hesitate.

Langya Earth Spirit rushed out without a fight, and he was insinuated.

Earth Spirit is not afraid of Qin Baisheng’s soul pressure, but Fang Yuan and Mo Tansang are killed by this.

Unless there is restraint, or can solve this Soul Dao ultimate move.

For a time, before Fang Yuan fell in, Hui Fengzi and He Langzi faced a similar dilemma between Six Illusory Star Bodies and Star Shift.

Mo Tansang glanced at Fang Yuan and saw that this strange Gu Immortal didn’t mean to go to war, can’t help but secretly anxious.

Langya Earth Spirit, though not reliable, has no ambitions and wants to enslave Inkman.

But Mo Tansang is the Dongfeng of Fang Yuan previous life rely on Ma Hongyun, revitalizing the existence of the Inkman family.

What is the idea of ​​Langya Earth Spirit, even if it is a hundred times more arrogant?

For Mo Tansang, the new Langya Earth Spirit is more in line with the interests of the Inkman family than the previous Earth Spirit. Working with him, the prospects are very broad.

Mo Tansang is tempted.

But Qin Baisheng is too strong, Mo Tansang does not want Earth Spirit to die, and Qin Baisheng, and wants to pull Fang Yuan into the water.

Fang Yuan is not moving.

The Langya Earth Spirit is so big, and for Fang Yuan, it may be an opportunity.

However, Fang Yuan is cautious but does not want to take risks.

It’s not a last resort to risk, but the benefits are too amazing. It’s an opportunity to rescue the Earth Spirit now, but the risk is too great.

Unlike Mo Tansang.

When Earth Spirit is gone, Mo Tansang is the shackle, so he doesn’t have to fight.

Fang Yuan has Fixed Immortal Travel and can be withdrawn. So he decided to sit on the sidelines and wait and see!


The front of Langya Earth Spirit was hit by Qin Baisheng. The whole body was like a ball that was shot and quickly slammed into the thick cloud within the earth.

Cloud Soil itself is soft, and Langya Earth Spirit is deeply immersed in Cloud Soil, creating a deep pit for the boss.

He wants to teleport, but finds that he is entwined by a brilliant chain of yellow gold.

Earth Spirit struggled, but was unable to move a single step.

“It’s over.” Qin Baisheng was so solemn and flew to the top of Earth Spirit, his indifferent eyes overlooking the Earth Spirit at his feet.

Qin Baisheng converges on all the momentum, hands in the palm, slowly in the chest, the two palms together, like the old meditation, actually at the same time, slowly bowed, close the eyes.

“What is he brewing… This is a good time to save the Earth Spirit!” Mo Tansang felt bad and shouted immediately.

Fang Yuan turned a deaf ear, and the eyes eyes clung to Qin Baisheng, and my heart secretly shocked: “This gesture of starting, don’t tell me is legendary… that trick?”

When I first fought, Qin Baisheng went out like a fierce tiger, and Heavenly Dragon was nowhere to be unhindered in the whole world.

Nowadays, the two palms are in ten, and the eyes are closed, just like a dead wood. No breath.

The two states are in sharp contrast.

Slow. Qin Baisheng’s right hand palm, five fingers against the left palm. Like what is precious from it, the right hand is gradually clenched into a fist.

Subsequently, his left palm remained in place, and the pinched right fist slowly rose, slowly lifting his shoulder from the chest, lifting his head over his head, and finally fixed directly above the top of his head.

Qin Baisheng has closed eyes, no wind and no waves on his face, and his eyes are lowered. The whole body converges.

He has a palm in his left hand, erecting the center of his chest, and his right hand is pinching his fist and holding it high above his head.

Mo Tansang is not clear, but I also know that Qin Baisheng will never be targeted, and this move will surely fall into the sky, and the ghosts will be shocked!

Langya Earth Spirit pre-felt is the most deadly crisis, struggling. The yellow gold wrapped around him shattered and there were countless cracks.

But time is too late.

“Nothing wrong, that is the trick! Sword Immortal Bo Qing’s Legendary trick. The famous Central Continent. His Qin Baisheng is Northern Plains Gu Immortal, how can I master?” Fang Yuan throat rolling, my heart is very depressed. I don’t even dare to take action to save people.

Sword Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move – 5 Finger Boxing Heart Sword !

One finger!

Qin Baisheng suddenly lifted the thumb of the right hand.

He held up his right fist in the top of his head and suddenly shot a sword light.

fast! fast! fast!

The sword light is fast. Unbelievable.

Just launched, it hit the forehead of Langya Earth Spirit.

The struggling Langya Earth Spirit. In a flash, this sword light is shot through the skull.

He stood still, his body was as stiff as a stone statue, and his eyes stared blankly at Qin Baisheng in the sky.

Then a moment later, the Langya Earth Spirit is like an electric shock, struggling even more frantically.

If you change to Fang Yuan, you will suffer this blow, even if it is Immortal Zombie, it will die. But the Langya Earth Spirit is a special existence, and there is no fatal weakness in the body.

However, this blow really hurt him. Originally the solid head began to blur.

Two fingers!

Qin Baisheng lifted the right hand again.

The second sword light is shot from the fist, and the speed is as fast as ever.

The sword light penetrated the right arm of the Langya Earth Spirit, and the Langya Earth Spirit screamed, and the right arm immediately became blurred.

Three fingers!

The third sword light, shot through the left arm of the Langya Earth Spirit, Langya Earth Spirit mournfully wails, the left arm began to slowly dissipate.

“Save him, Earth Spirit is dead, we have to die!” Mo Tansang witnessed such a situation, anxious.

Fang Yuan’s eyes are dignified and he is like a cast iron. There is no sign of saving people.

A group of Nebula Grindstone appeared in front of Fang Yuan’s.

If the situation has not been transferred, Fang Yuan has decided to withdraw from Langya Blessed Land with Fixed Immortal Travel.

Four fingers!

At this time, Qin Baisheng slammed the right hand ring finger.

“Save me!!” Langya Earth Spirit can’t calm down and try to squat.

“Pan fight!” Mo Tansang on Fang Yuan loudly roared, and immediately rushed out to make an extreme move, far away.

But this fourth sword light has already been shot.


A sharp impact sound suddenly came out of the deep pit.

A silhouette stood in front of the Langya Earth Spirit, blocking the fourth sword light.

“this aura is the Rank 7 Gu Immortal level.” Fang Yuan is still in the Cloud Pavilion, scouting for a sudden sigh of relief, in the eyes of bright glow flashes.

This is the variable.

As he expected, there are other backgrounds in Langya Blessed Land.

Sou sou sou !

Immediately there are eight black silhouettes, I do not know where to drill out, pierces the atmosphere, near the pit, to protect the Langya Earth Spirit.

Mo Tansang quickly stopped his footsteps and fixed his eyes, hoarsely said: “So many Hairyman Gu Immortal?!”

Strong support is coming!

The nine Gu Immortals came, both are Hairyman.

The Hairyman Gu Immortal, which saved the Langya Earth Spirit, was the only Rank 7, and the remaining eight Hairyman Gu Immortal were all Rank 6.

Hei Cheng is discolored, incredible – ly said: “How is this possible?”

With so many Hairyman Gu Immortal, the number of players on both sides of the field was immediately reversed.

Mo Tansang’s face is bright.

Fang Yuan frowned.

“I can get the guardianship of Hairyman Gu Immortal. It seems that this is indeed the Langya Earth Spirit. But with the previous Earth Spirit, it is completely two kinds of temperament.” Qin Baisheng slowly opening both of his eyes, put away the right fist , dismissed 5 Finger Boxing Heart Sword. His mouth twitched slightly, revealing a triumphant smile.

From the beginning, he did not plan to eradicate the Langya Earth Spirit. Now these Hairyman Gu Immortal are on the scene, exactly what he wants.

“I’m not right!” Fang Yuan’s eyebrows almost twisted into a shackle.

“Between the two Langya Earth Spirits, the temperament is different. The former Earth Spirit is stupid, and will not put such a significant battle strength, and will go to my outsiders for help.”

Fang Yuan 蓦Earth Spirit Light flashes, correctly guessed Qin Baisheng’s purpose: “Why, the real purpose of the other party’s attack is not Langya Blessed Land?!”

Ps: Today mother festival, I wish all the readers friends mother, healthy and longevity, wishful and auspicious.

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