Hong long long ……

The explosion has lasted for three days and two nights. △

The offensive from the White Sea Sha Tuo group of people has not stopped since the beginning.

Countless Mortal Realm Ultimate Move, with its Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, has been repeatedly bombarded on the Immortal Gu Home Feather Holy City.

Feather Holy City is shaking, the soldiers and civilians in the city have already died, and despair is spreading.

“Failure is a foregone conclusion, break through!” Featherman Gu Immortal Zhou Zhong snorted.

“Feather Holy City has been fixed by the other party. We don’t have this Immortal Gu Home, how to break through?” another Featherman Gu Immortal Zheng Ling.

There are three Gu Immortals in Feather Holy City, and one of them is now dead, leaving only Rank 7 Gu Immortal Zheng Ling, Rank 6 Gu Immortal Zhou Zhong.

“Zheng Ling is an adult, I am in a hurry. I have to say it straight.” Zhou Zhong has a serious expression. “Before Feather Holy City was trapped because the adults are not willing to give up this Heaven and Earth. Let the enemy have time to arrange means. Now if you are not self-sacrifice, make a prompt decision. I am afraid that you and my life will be accounted for here! I am not afraid of death, but the tens of thousands of innocent clansman in the city will also die. Even if this group of enemies have a life around them, they will be trained as slaves, for those Human Race work extremely hard!”

Zheng Ling listened to this rumor and finally realized it.

He looked at Zhou Zhong, his eyes flashing with tears: “You are right, I am confused!”

Zhou Zhong advised: “Adult, I can understand your decision. After all, it is now the world of Human Race, without our nonhuman living space. This Heaven and Earth is the fragment of World of Green Heaven in Immemorial Nine Heavens. Isolated. It is a paradise, and it is easy to give up. But now we don’t give up. We have to give up.”

Zheng Ling frowned: “Today Feather Holy City is also being held, we have to take the people of the city to escape. Only have one way.”

Zhou Zhong immediately expressed support: “Yes, use that Immortal Realm Ultimate Move for everyone!”

So after half an hour, only the remaining Feathermen are summon, concentrated around the Performance Martial Stage.

“I wish – my family Featherman has to survive!”

“I wish – my family Featherman is free!”

“I wish – my family Featherman has Heaven and Earth!”

Tens of thousands of Featherman screamed in unison, and with the joint efforts of Zhou Zhong and Zheng Ling, the entire Feather Holy City began to shine with a white light.

The rays of light were initially only 5~6 feet, but they quickly climbed to the level of seventy-eighty feet.

“White Sea Sha Tuo, the other person seems to have a big action. We don’t destroy it?” asked Female Immortal Tang.

“It’s fine. I’m almost ready for this situation. All I want is this Immortal Gu Home. They can’t take it.” White Sea Sha Tuo explained the sentence faintly and immediately ordered others to say, “The offensive should not stop, it will be maintained.” The status quo can be. Don’t interfere with each other, let them escape.”

Northern Plains, Taibai Blessed Land.

The sky is blue and crystal, and the earth is wild like Yellowstone.

Accompanied by Taibai Yunsheng’s, Fang Yuan browsed this excellent Blessed Land.

Taibai Blessed Land, Fang Yuan is not the first time. But accompanied by Taibai Yunsheng. It is the first time.

Only when Gu Immortal drops Immortal Aperture in Heaven and Earth, Gu Immortal will enter Immortal Aperture to host the situation.

In normal times, the Immortal Aperture is contained in Gu Immortal within the body. Wait until the Immortal Aperture falls into the outside Heaven and Earth. Immortal Aperture includes Gu Immortal.

Gu Immortal and his own Immortal Aperture are one. During the time when Immortal Aperture landed outside Heaven and Earth, Gu Immortal was unable to leave the Immortal Aperture. Go to the outside world.

Taibai Blessed Land itself is the Higher Rank Blessed Land and has a large area. There are more than seven hundred thousand acres. Time Dao resources are extremely rich, one day outside. Here is thirty-three days.

Of course, after the fall of Taibai Blessed Land, it absorbed the outside Heaven and Earth Qi and communicated with Northern Plains produce. The time flow rate has slowed down, only twelve days.

Taibai Blessed Land is operated very well by Taibai Yunsheng.

Not mentioning the floating Floating Sphere Tea Grass, nor the Yufeng bird group in the tea. In the air, there is already a large piece of Heavenly Kui clouds, with smallpox growing in the clouds and soaring.

Taibai Yunsheng is already working on establishing a third economic pillar.

His first source of income was Resetting Rivers and Mountains. Repair Blessed Land for Gu Immortal to govern the restoration of Heaven and Earth outside the Five Regions. This is Taibai Yunsheng’s biggest entry, not only to increase financial resources, but also to open up contacts. Basically, it can be compared to Fairy Lishan’s Mountain Alliance.

Taibai Yunsheng’s second source of income is Floating Sphere Tea Grass. Each quarter, Taibai Blessed Land produces a large scale of Floating Sphere Tea Grass.

These teas, Taibai Yunsheng, are sold to the Eastern Sea’s market. From the Shark Demon Immortal Zombie in the Zombie Alliance headquarters, Taibai Yunsheng has squeezed into the market there. However, this sale is very competitive and belongs to small profits but quick turnover. Often a quarterly harvest is not as good as Taibai Yunsheng helping other Gu Immortal to repair Immortal Aperture.

“I plan to use Luck Dao mortal gu as the third business. The floating rafts come in and there are more than 100,000 scales. There are parasites on the rafts, and a lot of Cloud Dao mortal gu will be in these parasitic worms. Produce. But next, it depends on this Earthly Disaster. If it is going well and adding Cloud Dao’s Dao Marks to my Blessed Land, then it is best.”

Taibai Yunsheng explained his expectations to Fang Yuan.

Because of this, the resources in his Blessed Land have not been relocated.

It is to “seduce” the interconnected Earthly Disaster and, after crossing the Earthly Disaster, grow Cloud Dao’s Dao Marks for Taibai Blessed Land.

The misfortunes are born together.

Previously, Fang Yuan’s Fox Immortal Blessed Land transcends tribulation basically moved all the precious resources out, ushered in the Blood Dao Earthly Disaster and grew Blood Dao’s Dao Marks for Fox Immortal Blessed Land.

If Fang Yuan does not remove these resources, it will change if it changes, forming other Earthly Disasters. For example, Fire Dao’s Dao Marks for Nether Fire Dragon Python is good for Eternal Hate Spider’s Wisdom Dao’s Dao Marks, and more for Dragon Fish’s Water Dao’s Dao Marks.

If these Dao Marks are added, it will be of great benefit to related resources.

But this move also has drawbacks.

With the advent of Earthly Disaster, these precious resources often suffer heavy losses.

In a word, it is to lose the current benefits in exchange for long-term profits.

of course. Heavenly Tribulation and Earthly Disaster are not necessarily what you want, it’s just a possibility. Maybe Fang Yuan did not move these resources. Still the Blood Sea 棠Earthly Disaster. In that case, he suffered heavy losses.

After all, God means. It is impossible to figure out through.

Now that Taibai Yunsheng has not moved away from these resources, he is planning to hook up the Earthly Disaster related to Cloud Dao.

Whether he can succeed or not, Fang Yuan has no confidence, just comforted: “This transcends tribulation, I have used Time Helping Luck Immortal Realm Ultimate Move on your body. If you are not sure, you will be able to get what you want.” It is.”

Say, Time Helping Luck, Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, Fang Yuan in this period of time. Also relying on Wisdom Halo, a little improvement.

Fang Yuan Now, the huge role of Wisdom Gu has been gradually realized.

Although he can only use Wisdom Halo, this alone has been extremely powerful for his cultivation produce!

“Well?” Taibai Yunsheng suddenly felt, and the expression moved. “Earthly Disaster is coming.”

The entire Taibai Yunsheng began to vibrate slightly, a large number of Earth Qi flourished, and a small amount of Heaven Qi hangs down.

A Profound Light suddenly exploded. The call and prayer of Million People One Mind is heard from Profound Light.

“I wish – my family Featherman has to survive!”

“I wish – my family Featherman is free!”

“I wish – my family Featherman has Heaven and Earth!”

Profound Light dissipated, and in the west of Blessed Land, there were tens of thousands of Featherman.

“What is this Disaster and Tribulation?” For a time, even Fang Yuan had some stare blankly. He has never seen such a strange Earthly Disaster!

Taibai Yunsheng is in the sinking.

“Where is this?” Featherman Gu Immortal Zhou Zhong quickly scanned around and looked alert.

After using Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, a powerful force will be all Featherman in Feather Holy City. Moved out.

Leaving an empty Feather Holy City, White Sea Sha Tuo has a unique vision. Without the Strength Qi, I successfully received the Immortal Gu Home.

Look at Fang Yuan and Taibai Yunsheng slowly. The expression of Featherman Gu Immortal Zheng Ling suddenly changed: “Oops! Here is the Human Orgument of Immantal Aperture Blessed Land! We are treated as Earthly Disaster and come here.”

Zhou Zhong’s face also showed a shocking color: “how can it be like this? Then are we still facing Gu Immortal enemies?”

“There are only two Rank 6s on the opposite side, and one of them is just the Immortal Zombie at the bottom of the cultivation base. What are you afraid of?” Zheng Ling is laughed heartily, “kill them, we can win this place. Heaven is willing, Although it is not as good as the original Green Heaven shard small world, it is enough for my family to survive and multiply. Hands-on!”

As soon as Zheng Ling said, he flew up and distanced Fang Yuan, Taibai Yunsheng and several thousands steps. He pushed his palms.


The wind snarled, and a thick wind wall formed immediately, hiding the sky and covering the earth, and pressed against Fang Yuan and Taibai Yunsheng.

This is Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, Zheng Ling vented a blow. He couldn’t find the scene in front of White Sea Sha Tuo, and his stomach vented to Fang Yuan and Taibai Yunsheng.

Seeing the wind wall pressed, Fang Yuan pulled Taibai Yunsheng behind him and made a disdainful coldly snorted: “such insignificant ability.”

Ten Thousand Me first style – Giant Hand Seal!

Hong long!

Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal Rampages and smashes the wind wall. And the remaining power is not reduced, and it is crushed toward Zheng Ling.

Zheng Ling and Zhou Zhong changed their faces and saw Fang Yuan’s Giant Hand Seal, as if they saw ghosts.


“The one-of-a-kind Rank 6 Immortal Zombie has a battle strength of Rank 7!”

The two Featherman Gu Immortal suddenly knew that their own kicked iron plates, Zheng Ling was full of bitterness. If you change to your usual state, you are not afraid of such opponents as Fang Yuan.

But now, after a fierce battle with White Sea Sha Tuo and the others, his battle strength has dropped dramatically.

Not to mention Zhou Zhong of Rank 6, the situation is worse than him.

“Slow, two have something to say. In the next smashing take action, there are many offenses, but also hope Haihan!” Zheng Ling shouted, “We are suffering, enter the expensive Blessed Land, it is helpless.”

He shouted slowly, and Fang Yuan moved faster.

Not only that, but he also rushed to comprehend the five giants of Strength Dao, and the group attacked.

“If you are here, don’t think about leaving.” Fang Yuan laughed.

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