The sky is slightly green, and the wind will not stop all year round, gently bragging.

In this little Heaven and Earth, a huge city is suspended at high altitude.

Here is the gathering place of Featherman, which is called the Sky City by others and Feather Holy City by Feathermen.

At this moment, the colorful flags in Feather Holy City fluttered, cheers and shouts shook.

Featherman, the city of the greater part, is gathered in the Performance Martial Stage in the city, focusing on one of the most critical tests.

The king of Featherman has passed away. According to Featherman’s custom, the new Featherman King will be elected in battle.

Of course, the candidates who participate in the Yuwang battle need to be recognized by Featherman of the greater part.

What Feathermen needs is not a cruel murderer, but a hero of love.

Therefore, Featherman, who competed for the king, often had prestige, had a righteous move, and made many contributions to Feather Holy City.

Sometimes the eyes of the masses are sharp. In the history of Feather Holy City, there is very little blame, and the fierce and cruel Featherman is elected as king.

Even if there is temperament, there are three Revered Featherman in Feather Holy City, that is, Gu Immortal suppresses the overall situation.

The vast Performance Martial Stage accommodates tens of thousands of viewers.

The cheering sounds through the clouds, and in the middle of the Performance Martial Stage, two teenagers are struggling.

“Yu Fei, you realize it. I am the king of Feather Holy City, w+ww. I will inherit the throne and guard the glory of my surname Dan!” A tall, strong Featherman boy with bright hair like yellow gold , time after time to hit his opponent.

This is already the last one.

The winner will be the new king of Featherman.

From the current situation, it can be found that the handsome Featherman Prince firmly holds the upper hand. He is flying in midair. There is a Rank 5 cultivation base that constantly motivates Gu insect. Cast a long-range attack.

And his opponent is a black short hair Featherman boy. Thin and sprinting on the ground, occasionally flexible, escaping from the indiscriminate bombing of Featherman Prince.

“Dan Yu!Dan Yu!” The audience called for the name of Featherman Prince, and the voice became more unified and more and more high.

The situation is already very clear.

Prince Dan Yu has a full advantage, and his opponent, the poor boy Yu Fei, can only be beaten and has no power to fight back.

Yu Fei is covered in lime. Battered and exhausted, like a mouse, fled in the Performance Martial Stage.

Dan Yu is aloof and remote. The action is light and glamorous, and it is more in line with the audience’s longing for and expectation of Featherman.

“I want to admit defeat, this is absolutely impossible! I Yu Fei is a man destined to become Featherman King!!” Suddenly, Yu Fei shouted, suddenly broke out. The legs are kneeling on the ground, and the whole person is like a sharp arrow. Expelled to Dan Yu.

“What? You still have spare capacity!” Dan Yu hurried back.

Yu Fei jumped into the air and saw Dan Yu close, but after Dan Yu carefully opened the distance, he could only helplessly fall.

“Yu Fei. You have broken my wings and want to wait for an opportunity to fight back?” Yu Fei at the foot of Dan Yu’s feet is constantly falling, leaving you with a lingering fear. The mouth sneered and mocked.

I know that Yu Fei suddenly looked up, and the eyes eyes screamed: “Not finished yet. Look at my ultimate move drum balloon!”

a moment later. Yu Fei opened his mouth and suddenly breathed in.

Almost instantaneous effort. A lot of air was sucked into his belly, and his entire body swelled to form a large balloon of human flesh.

Yu Fei The balloon began to rise slowly.

The audience calmed down a few breaths and burst into laughter.

Yu Fei suddenly became a balloon, it was so happy.

Even Dan Yu is a glimpse, and immediately relaxes: “It’s really your style, Yu Fei. But blindly can’t be the new king of Featherman! Give me a defeat, ultimate move is strong!”

Dan Yu’s eyes were sharp and his arms were raised. Suddenly hollowed out, two translucent Great Blade-shaped wind blades quickly slammed into Yu Fei.

Yu Fei is still rising slowly.

Many viewers exclaimed, and they were very clear when they watched the battle for a long time. These two wind blades should be solid, and Yu Fei must be smashed and severely injured.

But at this moment, Yu Fei, who is in danger, has an eye emit strange light, and he caught the fleeting opportunity in battle!

He suddenly opened his mouth, and a strong airflow spurted out of his body, giving him a strong motivation.

Yu Fei surged and shot at Dan Yu.

“This is?” Dan Yu turn pale with fright.

Yu Fei’s body quickly diminished, and it was carefully shot from between the two swords.

Dan Yu wants to retire, but not as fast as Yu Fei.

“Where do you want to go? It’s a man who fights me with me and fights for three hundred rounds!” Yu Fei yelled, his body spinning in the air, and eventually his legs touched Dan Yu.

Ultimate move old tree packing!

Yu Fei shouted in her heart, her legs suddenly softened, like the old tree vine, entangled in the waist of Dan Yu.

Dan Yu can’t break free, and subconsciously desperately spurs defense against Gu insect.

Ultimate move crane neck!

Yu Fei’s head suddenly turned into the head of a flying crane. The slender neck was first like a rope, wrapped around Dan Yu’s neck, and then tightened, then the sharp bird’s beak, lightning bolted to Dan Yu.


The bird licked Dan Yu’s forehead, but there was a burst of sparks, as if it were stabbed on a hard steel.

Although Dan Yu was not injured, he was hit hard, and his pain was unbearable and dizzy.

Ultimate move Sixty-nine windmills!

Yu Fei saw the machine, the head changed back to its original shape, and it was on this recoil. Suddenly receding, the amplitude was very large, and the head was buried between Dan Yu’s legs, which drove Dan Yu’s body to rotate in midair.

The bodies of the two men entangled in each other, like a windmill, approaching the ground.

The Feathermen watching the war broke out and shouted.

But the party Dan Yu, but in the body of the ultimate move, the whole person whirls, was shaken in his mind, confused, dizzy, simply unable to respond.

Approaching the ground, Yu Fei suddenly evacuated.

Only Dan Yu left, slamming to the ground.

With a bang, he unfortunately touched the ground. Chasing Performance Martial Stage The floor tiles splashed and the entire head was inserted into the ground. I passed out on the spot.

The audience fell into silence.

They were all shocked by the fall of the rabbit, and they couldn’t speak.

It seems that only Yu Fei’s breathing sounds.

a long time. The hosted Featherman Elder swallowed a spit and shouted: “Yu Fei, the winner of this game, he is the new king of my family!”

“Yeah! I finally became Featherman King, I am successful!!” Yu Fei raised his arms and cheered.

The audience reacted. First, the applause of hua hua was heard. Someone shouted: “Yu Fei! Yu Fei!”

The voice calling for the name of Yu Fei has grown and has been added.

Soon the entire Performance Martial Stage. No, the entire Feather Holy City echoed the cheers of “Yu Fei, Yu Fei”.

“Hahaha, Hahaha Ha…” Juvenile Yu Fei, with his hands on his hips, smiled and looked very open.

Suddenly he licked his teeth and touched the wings on his back. He gasped: “It hurts, it hurts.”

there. The faint Dan Yu was pulled out of the ground by Healer Gu Masters, and the sheltered was effective and timely.

In the depths of Feather Holy City, the three Featherman Gu Immortal were half-sleeping and communicated with awkward consciousness.

“Featherman King of this generation. It looks a bit unique, not the same as the previous ones.”

“He He He is a funny little guy.”

“It is said that he is ambitious. He wants to develop the hegemony of Featherman. But when he becomes Featherman King for a while, he should be stable.”

Three Gu Immortals communicated easily.

Change to the past situation. The new Featherman King has been selected and he will bring a new imposing manner to Feather Holy City.

If nothing else happens. Yu Fei will rule Featherman in Feather Holy City for hundreds of years.

But a moment later, in the absence of all Featherman’s expectations, a huge accident appeared.

Bang!! !

Feather Holy City is shaking in the thunderous sound.

Feathermen in the city exclaimed and flew.

“Pain and pain!” Yu Fei couldn’t keep up, prevented him from standing on the ground, and rolled three times.

“Look, you see, this?!” Featherman, who saw it first, found a bad place, pointing at the sky, but it was terrified and stuttering.

Immediately, Feathermen of the greater part looked up and was horrified to find that on the top of their heads, the tiny green sky broke through a huge crack!

From the cracks, like a demon god landed a few silhouettes.

The three Featherman Gu Immortal in Feather Holy City have reacted and woke up and flew to the sky.

As they emerged, they greeted the enemies of the invasion and shouted at Feathermen in the city.

“Be careful, there are strong enemies!!”

“Fast, sound the alarm, to defend homeland.”

“Gu Masters are all in the world, occupying the array core and opening the protection of Feather Holy City!”

The city was horrified and suddenly became chaotic.

Feather Holy City has been peaceful for a long time, and has lived a life like a world. Wu Bei is very slack, and with the new Wang Gangli, no matter whether the military or civilians can make a correct response.

“everyone, don’t ask, what’s the matter?”

“Please retreat.”

“We Featherman doesn’t shake, hobby peace, but not without battle strength!”

The three Featherman Gu Immortal were full of seriousness and warned the invading enemies.

The intruders were silent, and the greater part people turned their attention to their leader.

This Gu Immortals leader is a thin old man, barefoot and standing out of thin air. His head was covered with a white headscarf, his forearms, and a white bandage around his calves.

Gu Immortal old man looked deep into the eyes of the three Featherman Gu Immortal, and immediately turned his attention to the Feather Holy City behind them.

“Starting the attack.” Gu Immortal old man The voice is indifferent.

“Yes, White Sea Sha Tuo!” The other Gu Immortals were in unison.

The fierce battle broke out suddenly.

Featherman Gu Immortal has only three, one Rank 7, two Rank 6, although powerful, but not comparable to the aggressors.

The fierce battle lasted for three days and two nights, and Featherman Gu Immortal one dead, two wounded, could only be trapped by Feather Holy City.

Feather Holy City is a huge Immortal Gu Home!

It was with the power of Immortal Gu Home that it barely resisted the attack of the White Sea Sha Tuo group of people.

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