Eastern Sea.

To the east of the Sea Territory, in the west of the BBQ Islands, there is a peculiar Sea Territory – Qi Sea!

There is no dripping seawater in Qi Sea, but a myriad of airflow intertwined and entangled, forming a whirlpool of millions of airflow.

In Remote Antiquity Era, Qi Sea occupies the supreme status of supreme in the hearts of Gu Immortal all day.

At that time, Qi Dao was prosperous, it was the mainstream of gu cultivator, and the rest were partial.

Everything is the best, only Qi Dao is high.

Qi Sea’s scale is even vast, with a lot of air, and there are countless airflows in it. At that time, Qi Sea was the first Qi Dao Resource Point in Five Regions.

Time flies, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields.

Qi Dao is declining and the size of Qi Sea is shrinking. By now, the size of the Qi Sea is less than one in ten thousand, and the airflow inside is reduced to pure Water Qi. Only the most central places, there are other kinds of immortal materials.

Qi Sea came from Wanxian, and it fell to almost no one cares.

It contains the most water Qi.

But Water Qi, the vast Eastern Sea, which Sea Territory?

Water Qi is quite easy to extract. Why does Gu Immortals come to Qi Sea to collect it?

Even if you are looking for other immortal materials, it is a huge risk to enter the Qi Sea central search. It is better to buy directly from Treasure Yellow Heaven.

“This time I host the Eastern Sea feast, Qi Sea will once again be famous in the Five Regions.” Fang Yuan sits on the cloud and overlooks the Qi Sea Sea Territory at the foot.

Looking down from the sky, the Qi Sea Sea Territory is light blue, and numerous air currents are rolling in and out, in stark contrast to the sparkling dark blue waters that surround it.

At the beginning, Southern Border Rank 8 Gu Immortal created the Qi Sea unlimited move, which was somehow inspired by this Qi Sea.

Fang Yuan is known as Qi Sea Old Ancestor. Of course, it is not a random title. In the back, there have been sufficient considerations.

For example, where is the Sea Sea Old Ancestor retreat, which one is in Eastern Sea’s?

Fang Yuan set this retreat at the Qi Sea Sea Territory.

Almost no one here, there is very little Gu Immortal to explore, but it is closely matched with Qi Dao, which is specialized in Qi Sea Old Ancestor.

If you say it, it is reasonable.

From the center of Qi Sea, there was a message from Dragonoid clone Wu Shuai: “Grand formation has been arranged.”

This Eastern Sea feast is of great significance to Fang Yuan, so it is prepared a lot.

Fang Yuan not only dispatched Wu Shuai, but also laid a grand formation in the center of Qi Sea.

This grand formation is naturally Qi Dao grand formation. Fang Yuan Time Dao clone With Qi Dao Great Grandmaster Realm, Formation Dao Grandmaster Realm, and Wisdom Halo, it took more than a month to calculate.

At the center of Qi Sea, countless air currents are rushing, and the environment is constantly moving. The environment is quite sinister.

It is extremely difficult to arrange Immortal Formation in such a place.

However, it is still difficult to fall to Fang Yuan. Fang Yuan Formation Dao is not lacking in resources, and the resources on hand are rich, and the grand formation built is not going to the level of Nine Baguenaudiers Continuous Formation, but it is very pragmatic and pursues cost-effectiveness.

Fang Yuan’s ontology probed Divine Sense. After checking it again, it was confirmed that it was correct.

This Eastern Sea feast is of great significance to him.

He is using the world as a chessboard, arranging chess pieces to guide the trend, but this kind of thing is not so easy.

In terms of Southern Border, Fang Yuan’s influence is lower, Wu Yong is actively connecting, his political skills are superb, and Fang Yuan can’t contain it.

In the Western Desert, although the rise of the Fáng Family, the impact will take time to ferment. At the same time, whether it is the Heavenly Court or the rest of the Western Desert forces, there is no ́ ́s common wishes. Fáng Dizhang clone has a long way to go.

Central Continent has Heavenly Court, almost waterless, iron buckets. The Zombie Alliance, which was inserted by Shadow Sect, and the reverse organization have been wiped out by Fairy Ziwei.

Northern Plains, Fang Yuan and Chu Du are the closest, but they don’t matter. Although Bing Saichuan has not yet awakened, Longevity Heaven has gradually exerted its strength, which is not where Fang Yuan can blend.

Therefore, the Eastern Sea area has become an important part of the Fang Yuan layout.

The Eastern Sea is the most resource-rich domain. If it is successful, in the future, the Five Regions will be combined, and Fang Yuan will be able to radiate the other four domains with this influence.

After half a stick of incense, Fang Yuan slowly opened his eyes and stared at the horizon, whispering in his mouth: “Come.”

A Immortal Gu Home flies over the horizon, speed seeks like slow but actually fast.

Immortal Gu Home paused and walked out of an alum girl, dressed in a long skirt with a pink cloud on her skirt.

“Hua Family Revered Great Elder Hua Caiyun, see Qi Sea Old Ancestor.” Hua Caiyun has a Rank 8 cultivation base with a good attitude.

Later, from the Human Family’s Immortal Gu Home, several Hua Family Gu Immortal came out and met Fang Yuan.

“The time of the appointment is not yet, Fellow Immortal Hua is coming in advance, please sit down.” Fang Yuan reached out and the air flowed on the right hand to form a cloud.

Hua Caiyun took Immortal Gu Home to Immortal Aperture, where she was seated and the rest of the Hua Family Gu Immortal stood behind her.

“Junior’s first pay respects to Old Ancestor, this is a bit of care for the Hua Family, and please accept Old Ancestor.” Hua Caiyun said, Gu Immortal behind her took out a piece and put her hands on it.

Fang Yuan looked at it and saw that it was an air mass, like a ball, held by Hua Family Gu Immortal in both hands.

This air mass sometimes flashes flashes and thunder rolls, sometimes pouring rain, sometimes the wind and the sun, sometimes heavy snow.

Fang Yuan’s eyes are bright glow flashes, which are recognized.

This is a rare Rank 9 Heaven Qi.

Heaven Qi and Earth Qi is the origin of Origin Qi, which is very common in itself. Fang Yuan is sometimes located in the Immortal Aperture, opening the Immortal Aperture Portal, in order to swallow the outside Heaven Qi and Earth Qi and make up for the Paragon Immortal Aperture. There are many Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm in his Immortal Aperture, which is really a waste of Heaven Qi and Earth Qi, which is also a heavy burden for Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Of course, after Fang Yuan annexed the gas phase Celestial Grotto, Qi Dao’s Dao Marks skyrocketed, and Immortal Aperture produced many Heaven Qi and Earth Qi, which reduced the burden in this area.

But these Heaven Qis absorbed or produced by Fang Yuan Paragon Immortal Aperture are all common coffins, but they are extremely large, and even immortal materials are not.

If Heaven Qi becomes immortal materials, it will condense into a mass and cannot be easily separated. The value of skyrocketing, common Heaven Qi is incomparable.

Immortal materials Heaven Qi The simplest usage is to break it up directly.

There are quite a few Gu Immortal that are used directly.

They acquired such a group of immortal materials Heaven Qi in Treasure Yellow Heaven and broke up in their own Immortal Aperture to form a lightning storm and other Heaven Qi changes.

This Heaven Qi will last for a while, causing a certain impact on Gu Immortal’s Resource Point or Immortal Aperture.

The general sales in Treasure Yellow Heaven are Heaven X of the Rank 6 and Rank 7 levels. Rank 8 immortal materials Heaven Qi, already quite rare. While Rank 9 Heaven Qi is may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, Treasure Yellow Heaven has been seen vertically for thousands of years.

Hua Caiyun gave a copy of Rank 9 Heaven Qi to Fang Yuan. One can see her heart. Secondly Hua Family is best at Cloud Dao. She is proficient in the exploration of Black and White Two Heavens and shows the strong background of Hua Family.

Almost at the same time, River of Time.

Four Immortal Gu Homes are flying over the river.

The Present Ancient Pavilion is airy on all sides, with a simple structure and a wave of travel.

Three Autumn Yellow Crane Stage delicate and pretty Elegant, orange-colored eaves flying corners, such as crane wings. The halo of autumn is divided into progressive 3-Layer, covering the surface of Immortal Gu Home.

Shark River Sleigh is white as jade, with seven giant sharks in front of him, and the white-sawtooth, dragging the giant clams and rushing.

Instant Stage is up to Rank 8, surrounded by a stone ladder, spiraling up to the red brick blue roof at the highest point in the inner perimeter.

The four Immortal Gu Homes carry Heavenly Court and Central Continent’s Gu Immortal, all heading to a destination, Red Lotus Stone Island!

In the Present Ancient Pavilion, a Rank 8 Gu Immortal stands and looks out over the river.

He has a red and white alternating robes that look tall and straight like a sword. Sword Eyebrow enters the sputum, and the eyes contain divine glow, which is not revealed. He has a gentle atmosphere and a cool atmosphere. At this moment, his eyes are far-reaching, and his heart is comprehend.

This person is Feng Jiuge!

“I watched the river at the time of the River of Time, watching the rise and fall of Heaven and Earth, watching the ups and downs of ancient and modern times. Destiny is like a wave, sometimes high and low, sometimes slow and urgent. The mysterious can’t be said, only the song “”

Feng Jiuge until now, both at comprehend Destiny Song.

Unlike the previous lifetime, Fang Yuan this lifetime is reborn, and Feng Jiuge’s fate has changed a lot.

He was defeated by Fang Yuan in Langya Blessed Land, and was sent away by Chen Yi through the Cause Arrive, Effect Depart ultimate move, and inspired by the Destiny Song.

This is much earlier than his previous lifetime.

After some sensation, Feng Jiuge came to the River of Time, grabbed the inspiration and performed comprehend.

The River of Time is Time Dao Mystic Realm, but Feng Jiuge relies on the Present Ancient Pavilion to gain insight into certain life, certain scenes of the ages.

This is of great help to his comprehend Destiny Gu.

Today, his Destiny Song has completed 60%, which is more than 10% higher than the previous lifetime Central Continent Fate Great War.

“My Destiny Song has already told about the fate of thousands of lives. But Venerable’s fate can’t be depicted.”

“The last time I was at Heavenly Court, I was browsing the blood of Reckless. I had a feeling of being unpredictable. I hope that this time’s Stone Lotus Island will enable me to create Destiny Song and bring opportunities.”

“It’s here, right here.”

“Stone Lotus Island ……Red Lotus’ True Inheritance !”

The four Immortal Gu Homes slowly stopped, and above the Stone Lotus Island, the Fixed Boat has been suspended here.

Fixed Boat was the first to discover the Immortal Gu Home of Stone Lotus Island, and Gu Immortal immediately informed Heavenly Court that it was the current five-room collection.

Feng Jiuge looks forward to expectations.

Gu Liu Ru in the Instant Stage is a complex look.

“It’s finally found, I don’t want to pay for my Heavenly Court generation after generation. The efforts of countless years have finally come to fruition at this moment.” Gu Liu Ru was amazed.

He experienced bumps in his life, his lower body was paralyzed, he could not be cured, his temperament was indifferent, but at the moment he showed all kinds of feelings, excitement, pride, and sorrow.

Take a deep breath and Gu Liu Ru has calmed down completely.

He was in a wheelchair, his eyes flashing cold, and he calmly ordered: “Start Guard River Lock Lotus grand formation. I led Instant Stage, Feng Jiuge led Present Ancient Pavilion here to oversee. Fixed Boat depart, went to the tributary estuary, pick up Guide our reinforcements. Shark River Sleigh, Three Autumn Yellow Crane Stage, around the patrol, be sure to report to me immediately if there is any wind and rain.”

“Yes.” Qunxian took the lead and immediately acted with great efficiency.

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