Heavenly Court.

Silver and white sky, the temple is standing.

In the Chamber of Deputies, more than a dozen Gu Immortals have come to the fore.

At the top is Duke Long, followed by Fairy Ziwei and Qin Dingling. Later, Bai Cangshui, Cong Yan, Che Wei, Yuan Qiongdu, Zhou Xiongxin and the others were present in person.

In addition, it is the will of Gu Liu Ru, Wan Zihong, Crown Prince Feng Xian, Xing Ye Wang, Monarch Divine Light and the others. These people are not allowed to participate in the Heavenly Court’s proceedings because of their mission.

Every once in a while, many members of Heavenly Court hold a discussion, discuss each other, express their opinions and reach some consensus.

In normal times, Heavenly Court is generally governed by Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal. Today’s Heavenly Court, Duke Long is a consciousness banner, and Fairy Ziwei is in charge. The previous appointment before her was the Supervising Heaven Tower Lord.

“What is the progress of Yuan Qiongdu, Second Aperture Gu?” asked Duke Long.

Yuan Qiongdu replied: “With Ziwei adults assisting, I have to discern some secrets, we can refining one to the second aperture mortal gu of Rank 5.”

To be honest, Heavenly Court’s Refining Dao background is even deeper than Langya School.

The history of the Refining Dao three Supreme Grandmaster, Old Ancestor Long Haired is just one of them, the other two True Inheritance are almost included in the Heavenly Court.

Yuan Qiongdu is the host of today’s Heavenly Court Refining Dao. He has a great inborn talent, and his previous lifetime relies on him to make Fate Gu a success.

Coupled with the calculation of Fairy Ziwei, these three aspects are superimposed, and it is not difficult to crack Fang Yuan’s second aperture mortal gu.

Upon hearing this news, many people in the field of extraordinary immortal were happy and talked.

“This Second Aperture Gu I have heard, it is a good thing.”

“right, with the second aperture, for Gu Master, the battle strength has multiplied.”

“If you can develop Immortal Gu Formula, it is also significant for Gu Immortal!”

“From this point, we should all thank Fang Yuan. Hahaha.”

Fairy Ziwei’s voice is dull, interjecting: “Fang Yuan is a wise man? When he throws Second Aperture Gu to Southern Border Righteous Path, it is already expected that the Second Aperture Gu will be cracked. The second aperture is indeed The significance is extraordinary, but if Gu Master has the second aperture, the time and energy of the cultivation will be doubled. The demand for the cultivation resource should be doubled accordingly.”

“so that’s how it is.” The presence of Gu Immortal was the Rank 8 elite, and Fairy Ziwei just gave it a little bit and they immediately understood it.

“Fang Yuan is deliberately so.”

“He throws the Second Aperture Gu, which is convenient for himself to extort the Southern Border Righteous Path, which is for the future of the Five Regions.”

“Yes. The Boundary Wall disappears, the Five Regions are one, the number of Gu Master and Gu Immortal has not changed for the time being, but the Second Aperture Gu is bound to be swift and swift. By then, the demand for resources will skyrocket, how is this gap? Fill it up. Only by asking around, use war to extract resources.”

“The dedication of this devil is really sinister and sinister, but this bait, we have to actively swallow it.”

Do not swallow it.

Heavenly Court is the Second Aperture Gu from the Southern Border Righteous Path. The Southern Border Righteous Path will also be studied by itself, and the remaining three domains will never sit idly by.

Second Aperture Gu This kind of thing, once spread out, will surely be popular in the world.

Just like the Old Ancestor Blood Sea pioneering the Blood Dao, even though the entire Five Regions Righteous Path is banned from the cultivation of Blood Dao, there are still many of Hou Dao’s Gu Master and Gu Immortal.

“Isn’t it possible to research the second aperture Immortal Gu?” Duke Long, who has been silent, slammed open.

His words are sparse, but they often hit the nail, and this time is no exception.

Yuan Qiongdu smiled and shook his head: “There is still a long way to break the Immortal Gu Formula. If there are several Fellow Immortal helpers who are the same as my Refining Dao Realm, maybe I can crack it out as soon as possible. But at the moment, I am really limited. , unable to attend to other things .”

Yuan Qiongdu is very hard.

Earlier, Fang Yuan smothered Langya School, and he had to change Fate Gu’s repairing grand formation. The original grand formation, because of the reference to Refine Furnace, is not usable for the sake of insurance.

After that, Fang Yuan captured the Southern Border Righteous Path and Yuan Qiongdu took charge of the Locking Space Gu.

Subsequently, Fang Yuan broke the River of Time at Heavenly Court and Heavenly Court’s Time Dao Immortal Gu Home. Yuan Qiongdu has to mad refining gu and rob some Time Dao Immortal Gu.

Recently, Qin Dingling woke up and handed it to Fairy Ziwei to see Luck Dao Immortal Gu Formula, or Yuan Qiongdu was responsible for refining gu.

Refining gu itself is a dangerous and difficult thing, Fang Yuan has repeatedly seized the opportunity, Yuan Qiongdu most refining gu have suffered a fiasco.

These days, he has been injured by the number of refining gu. If the Heavenly Court had excellent healing methods, he would have died in the past.

“Next, Yuan Qiongdu Fellow Immortal will also prepare for the restoration of Fate Gu. I am afraid that the second aperture Immortal Gu Formula cannot be cracked before the Fate Gu is completely repaired.” Fairy Ziwei unfortunately announced.

Duke Long nodded, no more talking.

Qin Dingling sighed: “Without the second aperture’s Immortal Gu Formula, you can’t completely shake the Southern Border Righteous Path away from Fang Yuan’s threat and extortion.”

“Hmph, this group of Southern Border Gu Immortal is really shameful for Righteous Path and is extorted by Fang Yuan!” In the hall, Xing Ye Wang was not happy.

“In fact, the Southern Border Righteous Path also has a lot of improvement. The Fire Beacon Tower, which is laid out by them, is an Immortal Gu Home that deserves our vigilance.”

“Southern Border Righteous Path is getting rid of Fang Yuan. At present, only Ba Family and Xia Family are still craving for the second aperture Immortal Gu, which is still made by Fang Yuan. The Wu Family, Chai Family, etc. are Actively resisting. They worked with my Heavenly Court, and Treasure Yellow Heaven has already squashed Fang Yuan’s business with Large Scale.”

“I want to remind everyone that there is a noteworthy potential in Southern Border Gu Immortal World. This is Moral Paradise Earth. This is the True Inheritance of Paradise Immortal Venerable. There are quite a few Gu Immortal, including Mushroom-man Gu Immortal. The strongest person is Lu Weiyin.”

“Paradise Immortal Venerable has not been in Heavenly Court, but it has always been friendly with us. But what is the attitude of Moral Paradise Earth? We still need to experiment one or two.”

“I have considered this.” Fairy Ziwei said. “After a while, I will go to Moral Paradise Earth and ask for Borrowing Immortal Gu.”

Heavenly Court’s does need this Immortal Gu, which is also a test of Moral Paradise Earth.

If Lu Weiyin is in good shape, Heavenly Court will further draw on Moral Paradise Earth for his own use.

Southern Border’s things to discuss, Heavenly Court various immortal began to discuss Western Desert.

Because of Fang Yuan’s calculations, the political situation in Western Desert has changed dramatically. Fáng Family succeeded in mastering the Bean God Palace, “beating” the Heavenly Court, and the Heavenly Court until now counterbalanced the Western Desert’s strategy.

“Fáng Family itself does have rising capital. But the rise of this time plays a key role in this man – Fáng Family’s 2nd Revered Elder Fáng Dizhang !”

“This man is ambitious and is a male figure. He has united a group of Western Desert Righteous Path forces. If this time we secretly provoke and stop the success, the rise of Fáng Family will be unstoppable.”

“Chen Chen Yi is dead now, it is difficult for us to come up with an originator of Origin Lotus, how is Bean God Palace recycled?”

“I suggest that it is best to kill Fáng Dizhang!”

“Difficult, this person is very cunning and very cautious. After the Bean God Palace, it almost shrinks inside.”

“Fáng Family’s Revered Great Elder is Fáng Gong. What is his perception of Fáng Dizhang?”

“Fáng Gong and Fáng Dizhang are still closely related, there is no contradiction between the two. We are still unable to start.”


Heavenly Court Gu Immortals negotiated for a while and unanimously decided to increase the Western Desert!

Although Heavenly Court has lost a Wei Feng, the big force is still there, and the main force has not been damaged.

When the Heavenly Court laid its military power, it was the time when Fang Yuan fled, taking advantage of the natural tributaries here. Heavenly Court paved the Immortal Formation at the tributary of the light for interception. Then I discovered the weakness of Old Ancestor Qian Bian, so I gradually increased my troops.

Heavenly Court’s plan to deal with Fang Yuan and Old Ancestor Qian Bian, although seriously frustrated, did not give up.

After their discussions, they unanimously decided to dispatch part of the River of Time, Gu Immortal and Immortal Gu Home, at a critical moment to support quickly through natural tributaries.

And the main goal to deal with, this time is not Old Ancestor Qian Bian, but Fáng Family!

Old Ancestor Qian Bian is loose immortal, while Fáng Family is Righteous Path, which is gradually affecting the entire Western Desert Righteous Path. If left unchecked, Western Desert Righteous Path will have a growing threat to Heavenly Court’s.

The Fáng Family took away the Bean God Palace, which determined that the Fáng Family and Heavenly Court could not be reconciled.

Therefore, Heavenly Court is prepared to focus on Fáng Family, which is also a reasonable move.

After the Western Desert, it is the Eastern Sea.

“The Eastern Sea political situation has also shown signs of change. Qi Sea Old Ancestor hosted a banquet and invited Eastern Sea Gu Immortal. What exactly is it intended?”

“Not long ago, Qi Sea Old Ancestor and Duke Long reached an agreement not to help Fang Yuan. This person seems to be neutral, but can’t relax his vigilance.”

“This Eastern Sea feast has already been our eyes and ears. What will happen to Qi Sea Old Ancestor, we will know quickly.”

Duke Long said this time again: “Qi Sea Old Ancestor is extraordinary and not under me. My personal opinion is to actively draw on this person. At least before the restoration of Fate Gu, this will reduce the threat for Heavenly Court.”

Duke Long’s words made Heavenly Court Gu Immortals a bit dull.

The Eastern Sea has a Qi Sea Old Ancestor, and the battle strength rivals Duke Long, which makes Heavenly Court Gu Immortals somewhat unacceptable.

The Eastern Sea’s matter was negotiated and it was the turn of Northern Plains.

Northern Plains’ Longevity Heaven’s Anything is a constant concern for Heavenly Court.

Among the Four Great Domains, Heavenly Court is most concerned about Northern Plains.

The Northern Plains political situation has been influenced by Heavenly Court, especially Old Ancestor Xuehu and Heavenly Court’s, which is a huge achievement.

Longevity Heaven wants to integrate the Northern Plains Gu Immortal world, and Old Ancestor Xuehu is the biggest nail.

The Northern Plains business was discussed and Duke Long mentioned River of Time.

“Now, we have five Time Dao Immortal Gu Homes, but we can’t always trace the traces of Red Lotus Stone Island. Is there a way to improve it?”

However, there is almost no good way for Heavenly Court. After all, these Stone Lotus Island are hand-made by Red Lotus Demon Venerable’s.

Qin Dingling also shook his head: “On the Luck Dao side, we already have Dao Protector to oversee like Feng Jiuge. His luck condition is strong, and even if he can’t do it, I can’t do anything about it.”

Duke Long is silent and disappointed.

The restoration of Fate Gu is the biggest plan of Heavenly Court.

In Duke Long’s mind, Wu Yong, Longevity Heaven, Fang Yuan, and Dragon Palace are less than Red Lotus Demon Venerable’s threat.

But there is no way, Heavenly Court has done its best, and the Guard River Lock Lotus grand formation is a big achievement. Unfortunately, there is still a distance to search for Red Lotus Stone Island.

There was silence in the chamber.

At this moment, Fairy Ziwei’s eyes were suddenly brightened, and then Duke Long and Qin Dingling’s face were also amazed.

Finally, the rest of Heavenly Court Gu Immortals are excited.

“This news came very suddenly!”

“A Red Lotus Stone Island appears in the River of Time.”

“Gu Liu Ru has confirmed that Red Lotus Stone Island genuine can’t be faked.”

“A Red Lotus’ True Inheritance was finally discovered by us!”

“As long as we get one of them, the rest of Red Lotus’ True Inheritance will probably be able to come out.”

Duke Long nodded: “This is a good thing, be sure to win True Inheritance. Also… be careful with Fang Yuan.”

Heavenly Court Gu Immortals has a slight face.

“right, I am afraid that this movement will not hide how long he has.”

“At the time, he will definitely appear.”

“As soon as possible, Guard River Lock Lotus grand formation, we have to reinforcement. When Fang Yuan is coming, let him lose his life!”

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