Fang Yuan: Sound transmission: “Old Ancestor Qian Bian, don’t chase me. I can crack a way out, so I will take you away. You will mutate Immortal Gu as a reward. How?”

Old Ancestor Qian Bian sneer, replied: “hmph, delusion! You open the way, return Immortal Gu, my brother will give you a life.”

After he was angry, the thought of Fang Yuan’s action showed that he was fearless. The previous fury was true, and the subsequent fury was mostly acting.

Miles Flexible Transformation grand formation was broken, Old Ancestor Qian Bian wants to get out of here, and the power of rely on Fang Yuan is the best choice.

Even if he can’t be on, he can’t let Fang Yuan escape.

In the event that Fang Yuan really fled, he and Heavenly Court died, and finally exhausted, even if he escaped, I am afraid that Fang Yuan, the insidious devil, will ambush himself on the halfway.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian is far-sighted and thinks of nothing more than just the battle. Therefore, he was in constant pursuit of Fang Yuan, and he must follow Feng Yuan.

As for the Ten Thousand Image Palace, even if abandoned in the heaven and earth turning upside down ultimate move, it is only temporary.

As long as he goes out, he can attack the four Immortal Gu Homes outside the ultimate move.

The four Immortal Gu Home maintains the ultimate move heaven and earth turning upside down. It is the biggest weakness of this move. Once they are attacked and disturbed, the battlefield created by Heavenly Court will be broken and the holes will be broken. Can’t live.

For a time, Fang Yuan, Old Ancestor Qian Bian, Heavenly Court, you are chasing me, all kinds of means are endless, powerful, shocking Heaven and Earth.

In the dark, they are always engaged in psychological games. If you come to conspiracy, I will come to the plot.

So dead for a moment, Heavenly Court three immortals suddenly changed.

From the outside of the battlefield, suddenly a large number of people, Gu Immortal, including Rank 8, Immortal Gu Home up to four! The leading palace, like a mountain, solemn and solemn, blue brick and gold tile, exudes a fresh fragrance of rich grass. Not Bean God Palace, which one?

The manipulated Bean God Palace is the Fáng Family 2nd Revered Elder Fáng Dizhang !

By his side, standing Fáng Gong, Fáng Huasheng and other Fáng Family.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Myriad Life Spring Thunder !

Fáng Dizhang Nothing to say, directly manipulates Bean God Palace, is the long thunder ball bombing the past.

The green thunder ball was bombed on the four Immortal Gu Homes of Heavenly Court, and the four Immortal Gu Homes were swaying violently, and numerous vines were born, constantly infiltrating the interior of Gu Home.

Heavenly Court has a big mess.

“Ah, Bean God Palace!” I saw the original Lotus Immortal Venerable, but it was used to deal with myself. This time it was the turn of Heavenly Court Gu Immortals.

“These people are Western Desert Righteous Path !”

“How come they come here?”

“Western Desert Righteous Path is not all here, just come to Fáng Family, Tian Family, Dong Family, Shi Family, Tang Family.”

Heavenly Court Gu Immortals immediately saw the way the man was coming.

Since the Fáng Dizhang refined Bean God Palace, the Fáng Family Predicament has been solved, the rise of Fáng Family’s has become overwhelming.

As long as the Bean God Palace is displayed, the Western Desert Righteous Path will surely recognize the reality and change its position.

Fáng Dizhang took the opportunity to operate, secretly contacting the Western Desert Righteous Path.

In order to cooperate with the ontological action, he must be quick and at the same time confidential.

Therefore, in the end, he only assembled the four super families of Tian Family, Dong Family, Shi Family and Tang Family.

This force is enough to change the battlefield situation!

Heavenly Court was completely unprepared and their layout was weak inside and outside. Bean God Palace shows terrifying power, and Heavenly Court’s four Immortal Gu Home trembles, completely at a disadvantage.

Heaven and earth turning upside down ultimate move is also severely disturbed and cannot be perfectly maintained.

“I didn’t expect it to be very convenient!” Fang Yuan laughed heartily, fleeing to the outside world.

“Where are you going!” Old Ancestor Qian Bian is chasing after him.

Fang Yuan looked back and sneered: “I really thought I was afraid of you?”

10,000 Years Flying War Carriage Suddenly turned the front of the car, Daybreak Flying Sword is like a waterfall, brushing away.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian roared again and again, but for a time he couldn’t stop the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home going all out and was beaten back to the heaven and earth turning upside down ultimate move.

He was trapped again.

“I am going too!” Fang Yuan laughed and 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage smashed into the sky and quickly disappeared.

Western Desert Righteous Path There was a commotion here. Some people wanted to intercept Fang Yuan, but they were stopped by Fáng Dizhang righteously: “Leave Fang Yuan, this is the deadly enemy of Heavenly Court, and I will benefit in the future!”

Fáng Dizhang leads the coalition and fights Heavenly Court.

Heavenly Court’s is in a very awkward position with Old Ancestor Qian Bian and Western Desert Righteous Path.

Xing Ye Wang shouted: “Western Desert various immortal, you are the shame of the Righteous Path, and openly help Demonic Path Gu Immortal.”

Fáng Dizhang sneered and responded: “dignified Heavenly Court, far more than me to shameless. Obviously, I am filthy, and I am holding the Western Desert devil, Wan Zihong, but I am filthy.”

Xing Ye Wang stopped for a moment.

Crown Prince Feng Xian sounds cold: “Today, are you really waiting for my Heavenly Court?”

Fáng Dizhang replied: “Not long ago, my Fáng Family was in an embarrassing situation. Your Heavenly Court was igniting behind the scenes, pushing the waves, and the wolf ambitions. It was true that I thought that the Western Desert had no wisdom, no sense. The future Boundary Wall disappeared, and the Five Regions became one. Will my Western Desert leave you Central Continent fish?”

Crown Prince Feng Xian coldly snorted, no longer speak.

“Oh, I don’t think there is such an interesting younger generation in the Western Desert.” Wan Zihong’s face recovered a trace of blood, she engrossedly looked at the Bean God Palace, and then said, “We will withdraw.”

Things can’t be done, and retreating is a wise choice.

Heavenly Court retreated and retired in an orderly manner.

“No need to pursue.” Fáng Dizhang said.

This command makes the rest of Gu Immortal sighed in relief. After all, they are not willing to die with Heavenly Court. If the loss is big, other Western Desert super forces will make them look good.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian and Western Desert Righteous Path were left in the field.

Bean God Palace opens, Fáng Dizhang stands at the door, said with a smile: “Old Ancestor Qian Bian, you and I have a common enemy. Soon after, Five Regions will be one, Gu Immortal World will face the unprecedented Grand Era. I am willing to join forces with you to fight against the enemy. I wonder what Old Ancestor is doing?”

“This person is a big idea!” Old Ancestor Qian Bian’s eyes are slightly bright, immediately nodded, and the words of Fáng Dizhang are recorded in my heart. “I will find you.”

“Well, there is Old Ancestor, your strength, Heavenly Court must be even more painful.” Fáng Dizhang, palm, hearted heart.

“Let’s go.” He ordered, and the Western Desert Righteous Path coalition went awkwardly.

Come in a hurry and go in a hurry.

However, all the faces of Western Desert Gu Immortal are full of excitement.

They defeated Heavenly Court on this trip!

This is Heavenly Court!

Only Fáng Gong has a hidden eye.

He looked at the Fáng Dizhang around him, the leader, and he was a guest of Revered Great Elder.

He again felt pressure.

“But So what?”

“Between me and Fáng Dizhang, it is just an internal dispute. Fáng Family rises, leader Western Desert Righteous Path, repels Heavenly Court, this is an external dispute. How can I be a Fáng Family’s sinner because of the abandonment? Even in the future I was taken over, and our Fáng Family is always the Fáng Family of the Fáng Family!”

Fáng Gong knows: Although this battle, they do not have any substantial spoils of war. But after this battle, the rise of Fáng Family’s will be unquestionable! Fáng Dizhang has harvested the greatest political wealth of his life!

The families involved in this battle, the original relationship is loose, but they are forcibly temporarily united. But after this battle, the centripetal force of glory will make these five families unite. The Fáng Family is the natural leader of this interest group!

“Fáng Family Fáng Dizhang is a personal thing.” Old Ancestor Qian Bian looked at the Western Desert Righteous Path and left with a sigh.

Ten Thousand Image Palace returned to his side and was silent.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian looked at the direction of Fang Yuan and Heavenly Court retreating, gnashing teeth: “Fang Yuan, Heavenly Court, you remember me!”

Ps: 1 bless everyone with long-lost two, happy Christmas Eve, Merry Christmas!

2 just knew today that there is a singer song “Daist” by “Daoist Gu”. I listened, it was written by Fang Yuan’s, and it was very delicious. It was very good. Today, the public number is pushed again.

Many people at 3 recently asked, my Weixin public number has two.

One is: Daoist Gu. Post something about the book. Updated from time to time.

The other is: author Daoist Gu. Post something about the author himself. Updated occasionally.

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