The horror suddenly occurred and almost caught everyone off guard.

Night Fiend Lady turned into Old Ancestor Qian Bian, a take action Shi Potian, and killed Heavenly Court Rank 8 Gu Immortal Wei Feng on the spot!

Then, the old Ancestor Qian Bian waved his left hand and opened the Immortal Aperture Portal, and all the female immortal fainted in the battlefield.

His right hand still grabs Wei Feng’s head, and now suddenly, with a force, slamming Wei Feng’s head!

Suddenly, the red and white splashes were like the watermelon being crushed.

“This is the end of all of you.” Old Ancestor Qian Bian gnashing teeth, look sullen, for a time fierce.

He is also a person who is forbearing. It is because of this temperament that after Fairy Cui Bo’s death, he did not personally, but sent Dancer Hong Yun to test the enemy.

This trap is carefully arranged by him, and the others are hooked. At this moment, the trap took effect, and Heavenly Court Wei Feng paid the price of life and fulfilled the murder of Old Ancestor Qian Bian.

“Unfortunately, Fang Yuan is not hooked.” Old Ancestor Qian Bian had a slap in the face of Fang Yuan.

This kid is too cunning, always staying in 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage, Old Ancestor Qian Bian can’t find a chance to start.

Heavenly Court three immortals

Dignified Wei Feng, actually fell in front of their eyes.

After the wrath, another burst of cold sweat was born.

Not to mention Wei Feng, change them. In the circumstances, I am afraid I can’t ask for it.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian has been planning for a long time, doesn’t usually act, but when it happens Shi Potian is shocked, and does not give Wei Feng any chance to escape.

After the cold sweat, Heavenly Court Gu Immortal was full of doubts: “What is the situation? How can there be second place Old Ancestor Qian Bian? Even if it inherits Reckless True Inheritance, it is too strange to appear second place Rank 8 out of thin air. Click on it.”

Fang Yuan manipulates 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage, quietly pulling away from himself and Old Ancestor Qian Bian, the same look: “Old Ancestor, what is your situation?”

Old Ancestor Qian Bian sneered by Night Fiend Lady: “You are not a born-again, don’t you know?”

“Old Ancestor, you are too high to see me.” Fang Yuan laughed, “I really want to know all the secrets of the whole world. I have already achieved Venerable. How can I be trapped here?”

After clearing himself, he praised: “Old Ancestor means, it is extraordinary, it is the heir to Reckless True Inheritance. Take a take action to take the life of Heavenly Court Rank 8, far more than Junior’s crisp, admire admire.”

He provoked hatred on both sides, but there was no doubt in his heart.

“The old Ancestor Qian Bian, which appeared before, should be the Ten Thousand Shapes Palace. The real Night Fiend Lady, manipulates the Immortal Gu Home at the moment. The real Old Ancestor Qian Bian, pretend to be Night Fiend Lady, I have been staying with my mistress on the one hand. On the one hand, they protect them, on the other hand, they use them as bait to trick others into hooking.”

Fang Yuan Five years of previous life, Five Regions chaotic war period, Ten Thousand Image Palace has been a great show, so Fang Yuan’s secret to this Immortal Gu Home has long been in the heart.

Unlike other Immortal Gu Homes, the Ten Thousand Image Palace is special – it can be transformed into something in the world. Each statue in the palace condenses a statue, and the palace can be transformed into a corresponding statue, reducing all kinds of inborn talent and means.

Obviously, there must be an old Ancestor Qian Bian statue in the palace.

Fang Yuan, even if he knows this, pretends not to know. I don’t know if I know this. In the future, you think that I don’t know your secret. As a result, I know that this is the advantage.

Don’t look at this advantage seems to be small, the Expert dispute is in these details.

How did the advantage come from? It is such a bit of accumulation.

Fang Yuan against Heavenly Court, going to the present, is far better than the same period. Still not after he was born again, step by step, change the previous life, time after time will accumulate the advantages of Xiaosheng?

A bite is not eatable fatty.

“Who are you really old Ancestor Qian Bian!” Xing Ye Wang asked.

“Teach you to know, old man is the real Old Ancestor Qian Bian, and he is my brother Old Ancestor Wan Hua.” Real Old Ancestor Qian Bian lie casually.

Ten Thousand Shapes Palace Changed Old Ancestor Wan Hua, a touch of nodded: “Heavenly Court, you didn’t think about it? You want to deal with my brother, but I didn’t expect to deal with two Rank 8! I admire the hidden cultivator, I want to live this life. It’s a secret name, but it’s regretted that it’s now revealed. But it’s worth the effort to pay for a Rank 8 Gu Immortal.”

Heavenly Court three immortals are silent, silent. Regardless of whether Old Ancestor Qian Bian said it is true or not, the truth of the relationship between the two sides has changed dramatically.

Previously, it was Fang Yuan and Old Ancestor Qian Bian, playing against Heavenly Court’s four major Rank 8.

Today, Wei Feng is a young man, but he has added an Old Ancestor Wan Hua. The two sides are three to three, and there are also three Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

Wan Zihong laughed, started talking: “If I am one of the two, I will arrange for a companion to stay in the Sand Desert. As a result, both inside and outside can meet. Unlike now, both fall into Predicament, Wan Like the Sand Desert, I was driven by Heavenly Court Gu Immortal. Oh, yes, I don’t know if Ten Thousand Image Palace two is carried with me? If it falls in the Wan Desert, it is awful.”

Wan Zihong’s remarks are both threatening and intimidating.

Unfortunately, Fang Yuan knows the secret: Qian Bian, Myriad Transformations, two Old Ancestor, but the Qian Bian old man manipulates Ten Thousand Image Palace, how can they be separated?

Even if Heavenly Court sent Gu Immortal and went to the Sand Desert to copy the other’s nest, there would be nothing worthwhile in the old nest.

But Old Ancestor Qian Bian is slightly discolored, with an in intent and ridicule: “You Heavenly Court is known as the Human Race orthodox, the leader of the Righteous Path, this is Heavenly Court’s style?”

This acting, Fang Yuan also involuntarily praised in his heart.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian In fact, it will not be long before, Heavenly Court’s Fairy Ziwei will not be personally present, but will soon be able to understand.

However, just as Fang Yuan conceals the truth he knows, Old Ancestor Qian Bian is also trying to find every small advantage.

Although he killed Wei Feng, he was still at a disadvantage in the scene.

Heavenly Court maintains ultimate move heaven and earth turning upside down, firmly taking the initiative. The remaining power is still above the sum of Old Ancestor Qian Bian and Fang Yuan.

Wan Zihong sneered: “Forget it, this time I will come to the main attack, you must wait until I can support me.”

She is from Xing Ye Wang and Crown Prince Feng Xian.

The latter two nodded, there is no objection.

On the basis of generation, Wan Zihong is the biggest, and the strength is also the strongest of this female immortal.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Flying flowers splash.

Wan Zihong suddenly launched an offensive, and his body was full of momentum.

I didn’t see any obvious movements in her. The body of the two old Ancestor, Qian Bian and Myriad Transformations, began to bleed around.

The blood flutters like petals, and they are drilled from their bodies and splashed at will.

Old Ancestor Wan Hua Although it is the Ten Thousand Shapes Palace, it is also a human form at the moment, so it is also hurt by this trick.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian quickly changed his form and did not retreat. He shot from the Flexible Transformation grand formation.

Old Ancestor Wan Hua is not closely closely from behind, but is still guarding the Flexible Transformation grand formation.

Wan Zihong killed Old Ancestor Qian Bian, his face unchanged and he slowly retreated.

Crown Prince Feng Xian and Xing Ye Wang flew out and entangled Old Ancestor Qian Bian.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian couldn’t get closer to Wan Zihong for a while, and changed again and again, attacking Wan Zihong.

Wan Zihong sneered, and showed a trick – helpless.

She swung the petals around her, falling and falling. Old Ancestor Qian Bian’s various offensives approached her, and they were brushed down by the flowers.

“Old Ancestor Qian Bian, after picking up the aging mother, obediently dying!” Wan Zihong snorted and reached for a finger.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Yellow flower is thin!

Old Ancestor Qian Bian was shaking with Xing Ye Wang and Crown Prince Feng Xian. Suddenly, his face changed dramatically, the figure quickly lost weight, and the life span began to shrink rapidly.

This is a thin, life-long, but the extension of Wan Zihong, although the Wood Dao ultimate move, but can affect the life span.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian got this trick, tried a lot of changes in a row, and actually couldn’t crack it. He had to retreat.

Xing Ye Wang and Crown Prince Feng Xian rushed to the ground, Old Ancestor Qian Bian had no choice but to manipulates Ten Thousand Shapes Palace.

Old Ancestor Wan Hua killed and supported.

Wan Zihong sneered, once again showing the yellow-throwing ultimate move, on Old Ancestor Wan Hua.

Old Ancestor Wan Hua also quickly loses weight, attack, defense, speed and so on, but he is essentially Immortal Gu Home, there is no life span. So it looks miserable, but it doesn’t matter.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian is really in trouble.

This ultimate move he can’t crack, after several attempts, he found several changes that can delay the power of the ultimate move.

But as the matter stands, he can’t change at will, and the battle strength is greatly restrained.

Wan Zihong’s attack method is extremely powerful. It is no wonder that she was Demonic Path Gu Immortal, but she was recruited by Heavenly Court.

Fang Yuan previous lifetime, Wan Zihong lacks Immortal Gu and has to be healer Gu Immortal. This is not what she is good at, but even so, it has treated many Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, causing great trouble to Longevity Heaven.

However, after continually urging two strokes of yellow flowers and thin life, Wan Zihong’s face was extremely pale, and he did not attack again for a while, but he was breathing. Obviously, these two strokes are also very burdensome and risky for her. If Wei Feng is not killed, Wan Zihong will not adopt such adventurous tactics.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian was beaten by Wan Zihong, secretly anxious, shouted: “Fang Yuan, you don’t do act, but it’s too late. If I fall, you can’t escape!”

Hōng hōng hōng !

Fang Yuan took action.

But he did not support Old Ancestor Qian Bian, but stormed the Miles Flexible Transformation grand formation!

Without the host of Gu Immortal, this grand formation became a target that has not been moved, and has been dismantled by Fang Yuan in a short time.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian looked back at such a scene, his face was bloody and his eyes spurred: “Fang Yuan, you a dog thief!”

He growled and angered.

Before Fang Yuan used him as a shield, that’s all. Later, I did not contribute to the side, and I was afraid to shrink and soy sauce.

But what is your business?


You don’t do anything with Heavenly Court, are you against my grand formation take action?

This is too much! !

The brain is sick! I don’t know that enemy is strong, we are weak, don’t hurry to abandon the suspicion and join forces to resist the enemy?

You still fight in the present, what do you think?

Say you are a pig brain, that is an insult to the pig!

Do you still have a big picture? Even a little bit of the overall situation? !

Old Ancestor Qian Bian flustered and exasperated, even a “comrade-in-arms”, even Heavenly Court three immortals have a little sympathy for him.

10,000 Years Flying War Carriage Just like a sword, shooting into grand formation, Fang Yuan is very skillful, and the Flexible Transformation grand formation is on the verge of collapse, but there is no self-destruction.

Fang Yuan took action and grabbed the Immortal Gu.

Then, aim at the dream take action again.

The dream turned into Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, holding the mutant Immortal Gu in one hand and the Hong Yun│Red Cloud witch’s body in one hand and putting it into the 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage.

“Fang Yuan thief, you die!” Old Ancestor Qian Bian sees Fang Yuan robbing his Rank 8 variant Immortal Gu, his eyes are red, leaving Ten Thousand Image Palace against Heavenly Court three immortals, himself to kill Fang Yuan.

After Fang Yuan succeeded, he immediately mobilized 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage to evacuate.

But Old Ancestor Qian Bian is really out of anger, chasing after, and bombarding 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage.

Fang Yuan really bullied him. The Rank 8 Gu Immortal stared at Fang Yuan gnashing teeth and couldn’t wait to make Fang Yuan’s flesh and blood.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian is not as fast as 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage. But Heavenly Court’s side is the manifulates heaven and earth turning upside down ultimate move, obstructing Fang Yuan’s whereabouts and helping Old Ancestor Qian Bian.

Heavenly Court three immortals also suspended the take action, happy to see Fang Yuan and Old Ancestor Qian Bian dead.

“Ling Ling is faint! Fang Yuan completely annoyed Old Ancestor Qian Bian and took his Rank 8 Immortal Gu. This is a vengeance.”

“There is a sense of injustice in my heart. This is not the style of Fang Yuan’s. If I were him, I would never do this.”

“Wait, the reason why he snatched the Rank 8 Immortal Gu, I am afraid I have long thought of a retreat. So, there is no fear. We must be careful!”

Heavenly Court three immortals communicated secretly, without paralysis, but more vigilant.

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