Wu Shuai brows tightly knit, full of bitterness: “What I suspect now is, if this is just a bureau, against me and my father, the plot to specifically frame my family, how should I be good? Dragonoid is fashionable, maybe just A lie, the real murderer is specifically designed to frame the false wording of my family.”

Gu Liang pondered for a moment and vetoed: “This possibility is quite small. Because according to your father’s statement, he has access to Fate Gu. It is really a coincidence that many coincidences are not subject to artificial control. There are many key steps. It’s all your father’s choice of nothing more.”

“It is because there are too many coincidences that I doubt it.”

“Fellow Immortal, how did Human Race learn about the destiny of Fate Gu? Isn’t your father’s situation similar to this?” Gu Liang said Wu Shuai in a word.

Just then, there was a loud voice in the sky. It was Heavenly Court Gu Immortal who came to visit Wu Shuai’s father.

“Let’s come!” Gu Liang changed his face. “Wu Shuai Fellow Immortal, quick decision, if it is a little later, not only will your efforts for the rest of your life be vanished, but even your Dragonoid family will be extinct!”

Wu Shuai suddenly looked sad, his face pale and like a paper, his body shaking and he wanted to fall down.

Under the pressure of the situation, Wu Shuai had to make a decision.

He knows this decision, he will be suffering for a lifetime, but he has to do it!

Even if he is not sure, is there really a Dragonoid’s desperate destiny, perhaps someone else is framed, but he does not dare to gamble.

If he loses, he loses not only his father and son, but also the entire Dragonoid family.

On the same day, the father of Wu Shuai failed to build the Eastern Heaven Gate and suffered a backlash and destroy both body and soul.

Heavenly Court Gu Immortal There is no clue. Although there is doubt, Wu Shuai of Rank 8 Gu Immortal is difficult to get started and has to leave.

After a dozen or so nights, Wu Shuai could not sleep.

Tai Qin comforted him, Wu Shuai holding his beloved person weeping bitter tears.

Tai Qin applies: “People can’t be resurrected, but also please ask Senior Brother. Your sorrow will change. Uncle’s sacrifice is also due to the construction of Firmament Gate. Heavenly Court must be commended.”

For specific reasons, Wu Shuai did not dare to tell Tai Qin that he could only swallow the bitter fruit in his stomach.

He had to say this: “Do you know, Junior Sister. When I killed Song Tao Zi, I often had a similar dream.”

“In this dream, I became the king of the Dragonoid family, leading the rise of the Dragonoid family and living a free and peaceful life.”

“I live in Dragon Court and do nothing. The Dragonoids live and work in peace and security.”

“Huang Wei is still my best assistant to help me with the customs.”

“My father is proud of me and will say to me, ‘My son, you are truly achieved. You are proud of you!'”

“And I am fortunate that you are living in Blessed Land, and your children are in groups, laughing and laughing.”

Spoke until here, Wu Shuai looked up mournfully wails: “But now, I am left with you! My Junior Sister.”

Tai Qin also looked sad. She has never been pregnant with Wu Shuai’s child for many years.

Dragonoid combines and multiplies, and can be born more than Human Race. But the hybrid between nonhuman and Human Race has a very low probability. Not just Dragonoid, the rest of nonhuman is the same.

This incident caused an extremely heavy blow to Wu Shuai, and after half a year, he was immersed in sorrow.

Gu Liang came to persuade: “Wu Shuai Fellow Immortal, I understand your grief, but please pay attention to Heavenly Court, don’t be too sad and blame, let Heavenly Court see the flaws. If it is a failure, your father is not Have you sacrificed in vain?”

Wu Shuai was shocked when she was shocked. He wiped his cold sweat on his head and thanked Gu Liang: “Fellow Immortal, thanks to your advice, otherwise I will miss the major event.”

Gu Liang nodded, smile: “You have been too sad for these days, and have not continued the construction of Eastern Heaven Gate. It is time to continue.”

“But the indication in Fate Gu, is the Dragonoid being a real thing?” Wu Shuai is worried, he can’t afford it.

Gu Liang said with a smile : “The best way to prove this is to get you to touch Fate Gu again. But the risk here is too great. In fact, you don’t have to worry, just wait for peace, you can slowly verification.”

“What do you mean?” Wu Shuai seems to have realized.

Gu Liang nodded: “Yes. If it’s really Dragonoid, then Will of Heaven will definitely take care of your family. Your father is like Yu Ji in history. Yu Ji or Gu Master’s is just one Slave, responsible for cleaning the Stoneman sanctuary, was close to Fate Gu, and learned about the human race’s desperate destiny. And along the way, according to Fate Gu’s instructions, he stole it and dedicated it to the most important person – not yet completed Immortal Venerable’s Genesis.”

“Yu Ji this person, I know, it is Genesis Immortal Venerable’s Dao Protector. He got the destiny, but he didn’t die, but he stole Fate Gu. Why my father…” Wu Shuai looked painful.

Gu Liang said: “I have speculation for this reason. Remember that I told you that Constellation Immortal Venerable used to be in the same way? Since then, her will has interfered with Will of Heaven. I am afraid that your father is only This bad luck, but he also succeeded in bringing out the big secret of Dragonoid, and it is dead.”

Gu Liang continued to persuade: “Your father has revealed this secret to you, Wu Shuai. If you are not good, you are the key figure in the destiny, just like Genesis. So you absolutely can not be discouraged, can not give up, more should It’s hard to work hard!”

Wu Shuai shook his head: “I can tell and equal terms with Venerable. And we are nonhuman and can’t achieve Venerable’s.”

Gu Liang is silent for a moment, and his expression is inexplicable-ly said: “Nonhuman can’t become Venerable. It is indeed a phenomenon, but the reason is always inconclusive. There are different opinions.”

“To tell the truth, my family has been studying why nonhuman can’t become Venerable.”

Wu Shuai is strange: “Don’t you say that Human Race is the spirit of all things?”

Gu Liang sneer: “hehe, this is probably just a scorpion. To become Venerable has a big secret, perhaps somewhat related to spirituality, but definitely not just this layer. There are some examples in the history of Human Race. Some Gu Immortal is superb After crossing all of the Race and Tribulation of Rank 8, you still can’t become a Venerable. The cultivation base can’t always promote Rank 9.”

“Your Old Ancestor Duke Long, you should know more. He is this example. When he was strong, he could never achieve Rank 9, and it turned into Dragonoid.”

“If Fellow Immortal can explore this insider, my family is willing to pay any price and learn the secret!” Gu Liang solemnly promised.

“Fellow Immortal is serious. If I can detect this information, I will share it with Fellow Immortal for free!” Wu Shuai swears.

Before leaving, Gu Liang took care of it again: “Wu Shuai Fellow Immortal, please pay attention. Although Fate Gu is not in your hands, if you really want to return, you must have some inspiration. You are definitely a key figure in these. I am afraid that the revelation will fall on you, or on the people close to you, and please pay more attention.”

“I can save it.” Wu Shuai nodded, “Let time to prove everything.”

However, to disappoint Wu Shuai, he did not receive any enlightenment.

He began to build the Eastern Heaven Gate to the heart of Heavenly Court.

The Dragonoid family, and even many Dragonoid Gu Immortal, are very vocal about him, and secretly Wu Shuai is a dog. My father died because of the Eastern Heaven Gate. Now, as a son, he still builds the Eastern Heaven Gate. It is really slavish and hopeless. Dead old man, it is also a deserved!

As a result, more and more Dragonoids have been moved out of Southern Splendid Island, gradually forming a trend and wave.

In this day’s sleep, Wu Shuai once again dreamed of his father.

His father told him: “Continue to work hard and understand you deeply for the Father. Your sacrifice will surely make you great! The Dragonoid family needs your leadership, my child.”

He dreamed that he and Tai Qin finally had a son. It turned out to be a nameless weed in the depths of a seabed trench in the Eastern Sea’s.

This weed is the Far Ancient Desolate Plant, a sprawling blockbuster with the Immemorial Desolate Beast community.

As long as he and Tai Qin ate this seaweed, they would be able to give birth to their children and grandchildren, crossing the mixed environment.

After waking up, Wu Shuai suddenly shivered, and he suddenly noticed: Is this the enlightenment of destiny?

He recalled it carefully.

Huang Wei Before he died, he was dreaming, dreaming that Huang Wei would say goodbye to him.

Before his death, he dreamed too. He dreamed that Father talked about his gone, mother, and missed his words. He wanted to gather.

To verify this guess is actually very simple.

Wu Shuai immediately made a plan, rely on Gu Liang’s power, let him go back to the Eastern Sea to get the nameless seaweed in the trench.

According to the method of dreams, Wu Shuai and Tai Qin both took seaweed. After the tenth month, Wu Shuai got great news – Tai Qin was really pregnant with his child!

This kind of surprise is really too big.

Not only because he was finally obedient, but he also verified the speculation, and he finally understood that the enlightenment of the destiny had already begun, but he never realized nothing more.

The dream began to change and continued to inspire Wu Shuai.

Wu Shuai acts in accordance with all kinds of inspirations, all of which are the results of half the effort.

Not only did he build the Eastern Heaven Gate, but he also managed to lay out the secret door, even when the Heavenly Court was accepted.

In order to win the Heavenly Court, he is not developing the Dragonoid power, but focusing on his own cultivation base.

Relying on the enlightenment of his dreams, his cultivation base is constantly rising, and with the help of Gu Liang, he has repeatedly passed through Disaster and Tribulation.

The dreams have changed again, and the revelation of creating the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home Dragon Palace has emerged!

“The core Immortal Gu of the Rank 8 Dragon Palace is the Rock 8 – Such As Dream Decree? This is the Dream Dao, really fits the Grand Era!” Wu Shuai is very excited, immediately travels to Five Regions and Two Heavens, searches for Dream Dao immortal materials.

These Dream Dao immortal materials are very rare and rare, usually in the corners of the horns, unremarkable.

But Wu Shuai relied on revelation, according to the figure, one after another, gathered it and smoothly refine it.

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