Wu Shuai promoted Rank 8 and finally broke through and the pressure plummeted. Not only that, but he also looks for a sought to defeat Heavenly Court’s only hope, that is the power of rely on Red Lotus.

Although Red Lotus has not become a Venerable, it has long been destined to become a future Venerable. This is only a guess, but many people in Gu Immortal World’s tend to speculate. Otherwise, why do Duke Long and Heavenly Court have to do everything possible to retain him? When Duke Long came, the initiative to receive the apprentice was an obvious signal.

After communicating with Gu Liang, Wu Shuai decided to change his strategy. He died and did not act as before.

Originally, he promoted Rank 8, and the Dragonoid family looked forward to it. Finally, there was a Rank 8 Great Expert that could support them.

However, Wu Shuai began to get close to Heavenly Court and Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, which made countless Dragonoids not understand.

Wu Shuai made a lot of efforts, a look of repentance, and gradually won the favor and trust of 10 Great Ancient Sects. He deliberately approached Heavenly Court and tried every means to find Heavenly Court’s intelligence.

Even he once invested in the Immortal Gu Home for Heavenly Court.

The contradiction between Dragonoid and Human Race, he also changed his position, suppressing Dragonoid and safeguarding the interests of Human Race.

Over the past 100 years, Wu Shuai has had many successes, but he has never trusted Heavenly Court.

鈥淲hat should I do?鈥?Wu Shuai was distressed and discussed with Gu Liang.

Gu Liang said: “You are Dragonoid. Heavenly Court has always had absolute vigilance against the different race. Heavenly Court has looked down on nonhuman from the bones. Our only hope is Duke Long. The next dose is a potent drug.”

“How do you get the letter Duke Long? Old Ancestor is for me…” Wu Shuai shook his head and smiled.

Gu Liang deeply looks at Wu Shuai: “Look at whether Fellow Immortal can make a sacrifice.”

Wu Shuai without the slightest hesitation, immediately replied: “I am planning for the Dragonoid family, what a little personal sacrifice is worth.”

“That’s good.” Gu Liang clap his hands. “Only someone like you can make a great achievement.”

Gu Liang offered, Wu Shuai suddenly hesitated. Because Gu Liang is called Wu Shuai, he took the initiative to sacrifice Huang Wei!

Huang Wei is already Dragon X Gu Immortal of Rank 7. He has been following Wu Shuai not only since he was a boy, but he has been following Wu Shuai, working hard on Southern Splendid Island, loyal to Wu Shuai, have worked hard and performed a valuable service. There is absolutely no possibility of betrayal.

Gu Liang persuaded: “The world knows the relationship between Huang Wei and Fellow Immortal. We can design and let you make a choice. If you sacrifice the interests of Human Race and sacrifice Huang Wei, you can definitely teach Duke Long to change the past. Concept!”

“But… you want me to kill the heroes, and still the one who trusts me the most, the one who respects me the most…” Wu Shuai gritted his teeth and still hesitated.

“I believe that if Huang Wei knows the meaning of his sacrifice, he will definitely choose to sacrifice. Isn’t that so?” Gu Liang greatly dispelled Wu Shuai’s hesitation.

Wu Shuai sighed and his eyes were red: “Huang Wei knows me, I know Huang Wei, if he understands my good intentions, he will be willing to sacrifice.”

鈥淣o!鈥?Gu Liang quickly waved his hand. 鈥淭his is a big deal. The less people know the better. I am the safest person for you. Fellow Immortal, you have to understand that even a dead person can find out a lot. Evidence. We absolutely can’t let Huang Wei know the inside story.”

“This…” Wu Shuai closed his eyes and shook his head. “Let me think about it, let me think…”

He hesitated for half a year and finally decided to come down.

Compared with Huang Wei alone, the interests of the Dragonoid family are even greater.

Wu Shuai and Gu Liang secretly designed, created contradictions, killed Human Race Gu Immortal, made conclusive evidence, and fell into Huang Wei.

Immediately after the incident, Central Continent received widespread attention.

Huang Wei shouted: “This is not what I did at all. My brother knows me, I will never do this!”

Wu Shuai began to protect Huang Wei, but with more evidence to disclose it, he had to “make the righteousness” and screamed Huang Wei.

The incident caused an uproar, Dragonoid’s opinion on Wu Shuai was very large, and the Dragonoid family began to move out of Southern Splendid Island.

Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects has a general acclaim for Wu Shuai. Even after Duke Long knew it, he also decapitated Wu Shuai: “Small eight have been awakened over the years and are very gratifying.”

Wu Shuai succeeded in winning Duke Long.

However, his heart is empty.

Huang Wei鈥檚 last words before his devotion were deeply imprinted in his heart, making him unforgettable forever.

“Brother, I, Huang Wei, never regret to follow you! You want to marry me, no matter what reason, I will recognize it! But my brother, I really have never done this. You have to be careful, be careful, those Human Race Gu Immortal paralysis is yours. They haven’t done anything to you over the years, actually changing the strategy. They are now falling into me, just want to get rid of me and gradually cut off your wings.”

“Brother, the future of the Dragonoid family that you told me, I have always kept in mind. It doesn’t matter if I die, please do as you always. The future of the Dragonoid family can’t be missed!”

Huang Wei fell to the ground and cried, making a sound of Wu Shuai’s heart.

Wu Shuai almost couldn’t help but told Huang Wei all the secrets. It is his most beloved brother who framed him!

There was even a moment when Wu Shuai had a strong urge in his heart. He wanted to kneel down on the ground and pray for Huang Wei’s forgiveness, but he didn’t do it after all.

He coldly snorted: “Huang Wei, you are greedy, deliberately killing, and you don’t plead guilty when you die. Hey, I have trusted you so many years. You really make me too sad, too disappointed.”

The words are only half said, Wu Shuai has fallen into tears, and his voice choked.

He didn’t dare to look at Huang Wei, turned and left.

“Brother!” Huang Wei stumbled on the ground of the ice-cold in the cell. The back of the sight at Wu Shuai shouted, “Let me before death, and then call you a brother!! Don’t forget the great business of Dragonoid.”

Wu Shuai has a faster pace and seems to have fled.

Huang Wei execution, a large number of Gu Immortal came to watch. Wu Shuai did not go.

That night, he had a dream.

In the dream, he saw Huang Wei. Huang Wei pointed at his nose and cursed him loudly.

Wu Shuai told Huang Wei the truth.

After listening to it, Huang Wei burst into tears and fell down on the ground and said, “Brother, you are working hard, you are ignorant and ignorant of the younger brother, and you are wrong. You are willing to bear the nickname for the great cause of the Dragonoid family. You sacrifice, I Also willing to sacrifice.”

Wu Shuai quickly pulled up Huang Wei and grabbed his shoulder: “virtuous brother, you know me!”

After waking up, Wu Shuai smiled.

He didn’t get up directly, but stared at his eyes and looked at his account.

The smile in his mouth was not reduced, but his eyes were tears.

The death of Huang Wei has many influences. Southern Splendid Island was distracted and morale fell to the bottom. Dragonoid was generally disappointed with Wu Shuai.

However, Wu Shuai is able to occasionally enter Heavenly Court.

This is a huge breakthrough.

Once, Heavenly Court decided to start building the Easter Heaven Gate.

Wu Shuai seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to report to Duke Long and volunteered to contribute Dragon Palace.

For many years, the Dragon Palace is still a Rank 7 Immortal Gu Home.

Wu Shuai After his deliberation: Losing a Dragon Palace, it is harmless and can be rebuilt in the future. The most important thing is Fate Gu!

Duke Long’s reaction did not exceed Wu Shuai’s estimate. Duke Long said: “Small eight, you have this heart very well, so grandfather is very relieved. But Firmament Gate is Information Dao Immortal Gu Home, your Dragon Palace is Enslave Dao, it is not relevant. Moreover, I am Heavenly Court is so background, there is no need to squeeze the property of the children.”

Wu Shuai sighed: “grandfather, I was young and energetic in my early years, and I did a lot of ridiculous things. Now when I repent, I think about how to make up for my fault. I also ask grandfather to give me such an opportunity, I will never let you Old disappointed!”

Duke Long laughed: “That’s it, Firmament Gate is responsible for the supervision of you and your father.”

Wu Shuai is overjoyed: “grandson thanks to grandfather.”

To build the Easter Heaven Gate, there is a lot of resources, and Gu Liang volunteered to come.

He said to Wu Shuai: “Heavenly Court is really ambition, and wants to open the Eastern Heaven Gate, directly connecting to Celestial Grotto. But this is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! We can start at this Eastern Heaven Gate, leaving behind the secret door. , constantly spying on Heavenly Court’s internal intelligence.”

Wu Shuai redoubled his efforts to run around for the preparation of the Eastern Heaven Gate.

The Dragonoid family has a greater opinion of him, and many Dragonoids have begun to blame Wu Shuai for being a traitor to the Dragonoid family.

What a great expectation of these Dragonoids before Wu Shuai, how strong disappointment and hatred at the moment.

Even Wu Shuai’s father is very cold to him.

Wu Shuai endured these misunderstandings and tried his best to complete the Eastern Heaven Gate.

It’s not easy to leave a hidden door in the Eastern Heaven Gate, especially under the supervision of Heavenly Court’s.

Just when he worked hard and there would be some small accomplishment, the accident happened.

His father came back from Heavenly Court, seriously wounded and dying, and called before to call Wu Shuai.

“I contacted Fate Gu, my son! I am inspired by Fate Gu. We are proud of Dragonoid, Dragonoid is awesome!!” The father of Wu Shuai was very excited and seized Wu Shuai’s hand.

鈥淲hat?!鈥?Wu Shuai was shocked and stunned for a moment. 鈥淲hat is this all about? Father!鈥?/p>

His father detailed the passage: “I was also a coincidence, although I was discovered in the end, but fortunately I was wit, and I deliberately built the Eastern Heaven Gate failed, so backlash was seriously injured, and on this reason, immediately fled Heavenly Court, came You are here.”

“Dragonoid is booming! My son, our Dragonoid family is a destiny to replace Human Race! This is the revelation of Fate Gu, absolutely credible!!” The soul of Wu Shuai’s father eyes, “You Do you know what it means? Plan me quickly and post the news. Gu Immortals of the Dragonoid family don’t know what it will be like!”

“Father, you are at ease, I will do it.” Wu Shuai was also very excited. After quickly setting up his father, he walked out of the door.

Not far away, he bumped into Gu Liang.

Gu Liang learned that the father of Wu Shuai was seriously injured and came to see the condolences. When he saw Wu Shuai’s face hesitating and struggling, he asked why.

Wu Shuai and Gu Liang worked closely together and learned about Gu Liang’s true identity. He is not a Human Race but a nonhuman Gu Immortal!

Wu Shuai is silent for a long while, and finally he will hold the truth.

Gu Liang was equally shocked. After the reaction, he suddenly understood what Wu Shuai’s hesitation was.

“Wu Shuai Fellow Immortal, you didn’t take the call to Dragonoid. It’s correct to announce the news. Once Heavenly Court knows this secret leak, it will definitely launch a slaughter and cleanse for the Dragonoid family!”

“But we have to continue to conceal Heavenly Court so that they still think that this secret is unknown. This alone is not enough.”

“Your father’s behavior is too unusual. The fact that you have been exposed to Fate Gu is also a matter of course. Then there will be members of Heavenly Court coming to explore the information.”

鈥淕u Liang Fellow Immortal knows me, I think so!鈥?Wu Shuai sighed. 鈥淗ow is it right now?鈥?/p>

Gu Liang hesitated, and opened his mouth: “Fellow Immortal, in fact, you are not already thought of this idea? The current plan, only to sacrifice your father, to make a illusion that he just returned, seriously injured death, we Can escape the danger of this genocide!”

Wu Shuai looked pale, and deng deng stepped back two steps and shook his head: “You want me to be my uncle?! This is not feasible!”

鈥淣ot feasible? If Heavenly Court Gu Immortal discovered the news, your Dragonoid family is likely to be completely slaughtered.鈥?Gu Liang sighed. 鈥淚 finally understand why your Old Ancestor Duke Long will be like this to your family. Attitude. The Dragonoid in Fate Gu is a popular message, I am afraid Heavenly Court already knows.”

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