River of Time.

Fang Yuan is driving the 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage. Just after entering, Gu Liu Ru took the initiative to intercept.

“You are Fang Yuan ?old man Heavenly Court Gu Liu Ru, this time to take your head on the head.” Gu Liu Ru was sitting in a wheelchair, his face was pale and his eyes were cold and ice.

Said, a group of gray white light mans, as if the meteor catches the moon, moved towards Fang Yuan hit.

Hōng hōng hōng !

These gray white lights are on the 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage and are blocked by the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home.

But the 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage was also violently shaken.

“This person is actually Time Dao Rank 8 Great Expert !”

“His Time Dao ultimate move has received too much growth in this River of Time.”

“Heavenly Court’s background is really unpredictable. It’s only a long time since there was an old fart.”

The 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage is horrified.

“If you want to take my life, I am afraid that you do not have this ability.” Fang Yuan sneered.

At first glance, he was a little surprised, but in the second eye he had already recognized this person.

In the previous lifetime battle, Longevity Heaven attacked Heavenly Court, and Bing Saichuan directly informed Fang Yuan about the Heavenly Court in order to win the favor of Fang Yuan.

In the battle of previous lifetime, Gu Liu Ru also woke up and participated in this battle.

Therefore, Fang Yuan quickly recognized Gu Liu Ru’s heel, and even his methods were well known.

Immediately, Fang Yuan mobilized 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage to play against Gu Liu Ru.

The fierce battle broke out, hitting the surrounding rivers and rushing, swaying the waves.

Gu Liu Ru’s tricks are subtle, and it’s timeless, it’s Time Dao Great Expert, but it seems to have the style of Wisdom Dao. In fact, he did major in Time Dao, multi-cultivation Wisdom Dao.

Fang Yuan and him played against each other as if they were playing chess with an extremely high player. If you don’t pay attention, you will be brought into the rhythm of the opponent and fall into the trap of one after another.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan is familiar with Gu Liu Ru’s fighting style. The 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage is arrogant and has been rampant, destroying the layout of Gu Liu Ru.

After a long battle, Gu Liu Ru chose to retreat.

“Don’t you come to take my life?” Fang Yuan coldly shouted, standing on the bow, chasing after the situation.

Gu Liu Ru sneered: “The old man is not in a hurry. What are you worried about? Fang Yuan, you are not the devil of the world. There are indeed two brushes. When I go back, I will grind your boat. Come back to your life.”

Although he is half-length, the wheelchair he is sitting on is a particularly small Immortal Gu Home.

The two wheels spun fast, and Gu Liu Ru flew on the river, and the speed was very fast.

“Fang Yuan adults, let us motivate the ultimate move Turbulent Current Bravely Advance!” There is nonhuman Gu Immortal suggested.

The Turbulent Current Bravely Advance can change the flow of light around the 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage, helping the 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage to fly faster and more horribly.

“Don’t worry.” Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed, but he’s not sure. “Use Daybreak Sword.”

No one dared to refute his orders, and the 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage rose another 10%, bursting into the white light.

Silver brilliance creates a gloomy river that reflects a burst of silver light from the river.

The silver light quickly formed into a stalk and looked like a sword.

“Is this?” Gu Liu Ru in front of him, of course, watched Fang Yuan’s movement and immediately noticed it.

The thoughts in his mind came one after another, and quickly calculated: “This Time Dao ultimate move is the first exposure of Fang Yuan. It is really subtle! Actually, it is on the river, to extract the sharpest moment of Time Dao. Although it is Flying Sword The appearance, the essence is still Time Dao. This has to be slammed, you have to take a layer of skin!”

Gu Liu Ru’s heart jumped and stunned for the power of this ultimate move.

The ultimate move itself is as high as Rank 8, and Fang Yuan is skillfully re-on the River of Time, which makes the power more numerous, far surpasses the usual Rank 8 ultimate move.

“Fang Yuan is the devil, only terrifying. I can not only use Adverse Current River, but now I am studying the River of Time.” Gu Liu Ru deepened Fang Yuan’s taboo, killing intent is more prosperous, “such a devil Can’t stay! You must try your best to eradicate it, otherwise it will be a big worry in the future!”

Sou sou sou !

A handle Silver flying Sword, shot to Gu Liu Ru.

Gu Liu Ru quickly hangs up, and his defensive ultimate move is hard to stop the edge of Flying Sword.

“Kill, kill him!” Some nonhuman Gu Immortal screamed and morale rose.

Since the last time they killed Heavenly Court Rank 8, they confidently rose, and now Gu Liu Ru is also seen as a prey.

With their climbing 7’s cultivation base and strength, killing one Rank 8 Great Expert, and still a member of Heavenly Court’s, this sense of accomplishment and excitement makes them tremble for the whole body and mind.

Fang Yuan laughed heartily, taunted to Gu Liu Ru: “Don’t you want to take my life? It seems that your life is not guaranteed.”

Gu Liu Ru coldly snorted, don’t talk, just fly. The wheelchair underneath is already riddled with scars.

Fang Yuan laughed at him again: “For example, stray dog, Heavenly Court’s face is thrown into you.”

Li Jian was skillfully manipulates, cut off Gu Liu Ru’s robes and brought a flesh and blood.

Gu Liu Ru is silent.

Fang Yuan 讥笑: “Heavenly Court is the first force in the world to show you such a thing. It seems that Heavenly Court is just like that.”

Gu Liu Ru Listening to Fang Yuan’s insult to Heavenly Court, this is impatient, and said: “Shut up! Heavenly Court’s greatness is what you can see with this devil Littleman?”


After the words have not been finished, a sharp sword will fly over his scalp, and the long hair on his head will be cut more and more, and the bright red blood will continue to fly.

Gu Liu Ru screamed and slammed into a wheelchair, suddenly bursting out at an unprecedented speed.

“Fast chase!”

“He can’t support it for a long time.”

“Yes, his Immortal Gu was ruined by Daybreak Sword, causing the wheelchair to break!”

Fang Yuan’s many Gu Immortal yelled and the morale of this moment climbed to peak.

Indeed, the wheelchair that Gu Liu Ru relied on escaped, constantly decomposing and cracking, and sprinkled a large number of Gu insects.

But Fang Yuan converges with a smile and smiles indifferently: “Stop!”

“Ah?!” Although the fairy is strange, but did not dare to neglect, immediately joined forces to stop the 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage.

Gu Liu Ru, who was “flying away”, saw such a scene, trembled and depressed into the chest, but could not make it.

Fang Yuan smiled and looked at the empty river in front of him. He commented: “A good Time Dao gu formation, I don’t know who is in Heavenly Court, specifically waiting for me?”

“old man Li Huang!” Li Huang’s voice came, and a grand formation also showed its true form.

Fang Yuan’s Gu Immortal, most of them are stunned, some nonhuman Gu Immortal reacted, cry out in surprise: “It turned out to be a trap!”

“The dead old man is acting like!!”

“We almost got an ambush. If there is no Fang Yuan of the wise god, we may not be very good at the present situation.”

Gu Liu Ru gloomy’s face, slowly floating back.

In order to play this scene, he special intention to abandon one Immortal Gu, but also deliberately injured, blood flow, real bitterness. But I did not expect that bitterness was counted as a play, and Fang Yuan remained calm and composed while handling pressing affairs for a long time.

Li Huang is pondered then said: “It seems that Fang Yuan is familiar with this Guard River Lock Lotus grand formation.”

Fang Yuan also did not hide him, and admitted frankly: “Indeed, I can suffer a lot from the previous lifetime.”

“Even if you know it, obediently leave your life.” Gu Liu Ru sneered.

He was barely fell and drove two Immortal Gu Homes from the left and right sides of Fang Yuan’s.

An Immortal Gu Home delicate and pretty is a flowing, orange-yellow eaves flying like a crane. Immortal Gu Home has always shrouded the 3-Layer’s autumn glow, which is extraordinary. It is the Three Autumn Yellow Crane Stage.

The other Immortal Gu Home is a giant clam, the giant clam is white as jade, and there are seven giant sharks in front of it, and the white-sawtooth, dragging the giant clams and rushing. It is Shark River Sleigh.

Fang Yuan destroyed the President Ancient Pavilion, Fixed Boat, and the Heavenly Court’s side is still rebuilding.

The Three Autumn Yellow Crane Stage and Shark River Sleigh have already been built, and it has already been formed and participated in this battle.

Three Autumn Yellow Crane Stage Blocking Fang Yuan’s retreat, Gu Liu Ru re-forced and temporarily entangled 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage.

Shark River Sleigh crossed a beautiful arc at the edge of the battlefield, first picking up Li Huang and then joining the battlefield immediately.

When a war broke out, it hit the river and smashed the sky and set off countless evil waves.

“This Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home is a hard shell!” Li Huang and Gu Liu Ru are also amazed.

The 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage showed a strong and powerful defense, which made the Heavenly Court’s side’s offensives unsuccessful. I was so unassuming that I was at risk.

After another fight, Fang Yuan laughed: “Gu Liu Ru, your tricks have been seen!”

Speaking of it, 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage followed the flaws.

“Not good.” Gu Liu Ru complexion slightly changed , a moment later The Time Dao ultimate move of 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage was shattered, and the backlash force made him spit a small amount of blood.

“Block him!” Shark River Sleigh and Three Autumn Yellow Crane Stage have rushed to the ultimate move.

“Oh, past.” Fang Yuan whispered.

10,000 Years Flying War Carriage hits the battlefield with an unreasonable posture.

“Don’t chase!” Gu Liu Ru quickly stopped Li Huang who wanted to pursue. His face is gloomy like water, and his tone is heavy: “This Immortal Gu Home is indeed the Rank 8 level, we can’t stop it.”

“Hate!” Li Huang clenched his fists and he felt quite awkward because he was Flame Dao Gu Immortal, fighting in this River of Time, only manipulates Shark River Sleigh.

If Fang Yuan is caught in an ambush, naturally there will be a stage where he will show his power. Unfortunately, Fang Yuan did not give him such an opportunity.

However, what makes Li Huang more boring is still behind.

Fang Yuan See Heavenly Court is not going to kill, when the 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage is about to stop, said with a slight smile : “two Fellow Immortal, my 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage has another trick called 10,000 Years Surround And Hunt Please also tasting one or two.”

Heavenly Court’s side was on the alert, only to see the strange scent in the 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage, and soon after, there were countless beasts coming from all directions, getting closer.

“This is…Zodiac Beast, Far Ancient Zodiac Beast, and Immemorial Zodiac Beast!”

“Zodiac Beast is too much, it seems to form Beast Tide!”

Li Huang and Gu Liu Ru looked at each other and felt the vibration in each other’s hearts.

It turns out that Fang Yuan’s Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home is not only a collision, but also a terrifying ultimate move!

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