Throughout the Qi Dao Dream’s Third Act, Fang Yuan is completely hospitable.

However, when the Third Act was completed, the entire Qi Dao dream disappeared and the Fang Yuan exploration was completed.

“This dream is difficult before and after, the first two scenes need constant failure, accumulate experience, even if I have Dream Interpretation ultimate move, it is not very easy to use.”

“But in the last scene, I didn’t need to take action at all, I passed it directly.”

This is the most comfortable one for Fang Yuan. If the time after time is so “looking” in the past, then it is a wonderful thing to explore the dream.

“The era of this dream is not ancient, it is Olden Antiquity Era.”

“Heavenly Court…”

Fang Yuan’s eyes are also a bit complicated.

Even though he is a deadly enemy of Heavenly Court’s, he has to admit the greatness of Heavenly Court’s.

Immediately, his gaze was only a cold: “Even if it is great, it will block my way, and I will only do my best to eradicate you.”

This dream was successfully explored and Fang Yuan was successfully promoted to Qi Dao Grandmaster!

The degree of progress is a bit big. After all, Qi Dao Realm before Fang Yuan is completely poor and nothing special.

“It’s no wonder that Wei Yushu in that dream can get the constant favor of Inkman King women. Presumably this talented talent in Qi Dao is also the main reason.”

This time exploring the dream, Fang Yuan’s greatest experience, not a dream, is not Heavenly Court, but his own soul.

Desolate Soul !

After making Desolate Soul, it’s easier to explore dreams.

In the case of the Human Soul level, the trauma of this time exploration is necessarily much heavier. Although Audacity Gu can be recovered, it will be very cost-effective to explore.

Fang Yuan suddenly flashed in the mind: “Maybe, in the future, I will use Pure Dream Seeking True Physique to explore dreams, and the soul will be less damaged than now.”

Just like Fang Yuan’s cultivation in the Unrestrained Valley, it is a hurricane. Once Fang Yuan is in the flesh, the power of the hurricane will drop sharply.

Fang Yuan If you use Pure Dream Seeking True Physique to bring your soul into the dream, you should also be protected by the physical body.

The ordinary flesh is the power that cannot stop the dream. But Pure Dream Seeking True Physique is not the same.

It is a pity that how to use Pure Dream Seeking True Physique to enter the dream, Fang Yuan still does not know the correct way.

If you directly send Pure Dream Seeking True Physique to your dreams, Pure Dream Seeking True Physique will move in and out without being disturbed by dreams. But at the same time, I can’t immerse myself in the content of my dreams, and I can’t talk about exploring dreams.

“Next, explore the dream of this Ice and Snow Dao.” Fang Yuan shifted his gaze.

Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture has stored a lot of dreams.

The just dream of Qi Dao is the largest and has dissipated. This dream about Ice and Snow Dao is replaced by the dream of the most Large Scale.

In addition to this dream, there are still some dreams, including Qi Dao, Sword Dao, Wood Dao, etc., scattered.

“I have Desolate Soul, and the efficiency of exploring dreams has greatly improved. These dreams are hidden. I used to think that right, but now it is a little less.”

“And, dreams are divided into categories, scattered and trivial. Hehe, this is Chi Quyou’s careful thinking.”

Fang Yuan is in the heart.

Although Chi Quyou is constantly trading with Fang Yuan, he can be secretly controlled by grand formation, and because of the many Dream Dao achievements, he has been able to distinguish the approximate types of dreams.

Therefore, he and Fang Yuan traded deliberately, trying to trade the dreams of different genres to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan really wants the Dream of Human Dao, none of them. There are not many Qi Dao, Ice and Snow Dao.

But these dreams are all useful to Fang Yuan.

Even the Time Dao Dream, Refining Dao Dream, so long as isn’t previous life.

After all, Fang Yuan’s Realm is only the highest Quasi Supreme, and there is still room for improvement.

Fang Yuan all are welcome, these dreams can enhance his Realm. And it’s also a great thing to promote the whole genre, no weak point, and you won’t have to worry about this in the future if you annex Immortal Aperture.

During the exploration of dreams by Fang Yuan, Hairyman Gu Immortals achieved results.

“Fang Yuan, we made this Immortal Gu.” Sixth Hair sent one Immortal Gu.

This Immortal Gu is like a drop of water, sparkling with a blue diamond, shining in the hand, the surface is smooth and cool.

This is the Eternity Anchor Immortal Gu, Rank 6 level.

Fang Yuan Although in this period of time, the main big refining Luck Dao Immortal Gu, but the E insect, such as Eternity Anchor Immortal Gu, is still in the planning of refining gu.

Although Fang Yuan’s Immortal Gu is a hundred, but he can afford it, some are resources, rich and imposing, so Immortal Gu is much better.

Eternity Anchor Immortal Gu He was exposed to the early years and was the Immortal Gu of the Eastern Sea Immortal Zombie Su Baiman, which marked the point in time.

Su Baiman died and Eternity Anchor Immortal Gu was acquired by Shadow Sect but was lost in the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain.

This time was refining by Fang Yuan commanded Haiyman Gu Immortal.

Eternity Anchor Immortal Gu with Spring and Autumn Cicada can form an extreme move that reproduces Fang Yuan at a specific point in time.

This ultimate move is extremely valuable.

Just in front of you, Fang Yuan can mark this point in time, and then constantly explore the dream, no matter what. At a certain stage, he used this ultimate move, return to the past, to re-enter the current point in time, and then explore other dreams.

The genre of Realm can be accumulated!

Fang Yuan can use this trick to continuously accumulate Realm.

“Unfortunately, if you use this ultimate move, you can’t use Spring and Autumn Certain Success. Without 100% success, there is a probability of failure. Once you hit it, you will commit suicide and be laughed at by the world. “”

Fang Yuan Although the Time Dao Realm is up to the Quasi Great Grandmaster and Wisdom Halo, the obstacle here is not from himself.

“As I expected right, Fate Gu was hurt, and it was the result of Eternity Anchor Immortal Gu’s integration into Spring and Autumn Certain Success.”

Using Spring and Autumn Cicada to regenerate is a hole in this world. Because this will upset the facts, change the past, and influence the balance, Will of Heaven does not allow such things to happen.

For Fang Yuan, simply using Eternity Anchor and Spring and Autumn Cicada, the ultimate move just got through this vulnerability. Or use Spring and Autumn Certain Success to get into this vulnerability.

But if the two are superimposed, the loophole is too small.

“It seems that only when Fate Gu is completely destroyed, Eternity Anchor is integrated into Spring and Autumn Certain Success.”

The various moves in Red Lotus’ True Inheritance, is also like so. Even if the integration move is integrated, the power is bigger, but in practice, there is no good result.

Dragonoid clone has already passed one Heavenly Tribulation, and there are more than a dozen Earthly Disasters, the cultivation base has skyrocketed.

In order to upgrade his cultivation base as soon as possible, Fang Yuan used Time Dao’s ultimate move to add the time flow rate of the Dragonoid clone Immortal Aperture to drew near.

Before each time Disaster and Tribulation, Fang Yuan used the means to calculate the content of Disaster and Tribulation, so it was prepared.

Under the strong strength of Fang Yuan, these Heavenly Tribulation and Earthly Disaster have no threat at all, become a fireworks ceremony, and give Dao Marks to Fang Yuan’s Dragonoid clone time after time.

Fang Yuan has Time Dao means, the key is that there is Stone Celestial Grotto Mystery ultimate move, which makes Will of Heaven drop Disaster and Tribulation, and it can’t be surprisingly successful. With the strength of his strength, the power of these Disaster and Tribulation is not enough.

Fang Yuan can now not only promote Gu Master’s cultivation base, but also include Gu Immortals cultivation base.

However, this method is not worth promoting.

Because the cost is very high.

The Time Dao ultimate move, which speeds up the Immortal Aperture time flow, is as high as the Rank 8 level and consumes a lot of Rank 8 immortal essence.

Stone Celestial Grotto Mystery ultimate move is also not something that Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal can use.

Coupled with the effort of each time transcends tribulation, all of them add up to a Dragon X clone of Rank 6 or Rank 7 cultivation base.

Input and output are totally out of proportion.

If it weren’t for the sake of the Dragon Palace, Fang Yuan wouldn’t be willing to build a Dragonoid clone like this.

Southern Border’s Fire Beacon Tower is laid out in full swing. Gu Immortal of Southern Border Righteous Path also began to make noises and asked Fang Yuan to release some hostages first to show his sincerity.

So Fang Yuan released Yi Yang.

Yi Family got dumbfounded after Yi Yang.

Because Fang Yuan only released the body of Yi Yang, his soul, his Immortal Aperture is gone!

The light is the flesh, but it is a corpse. What is the use? !

Southern Border Righteous Path anger and hate, and take Fang Yuan helpless.

Fang Yuan persuaded them: the body is only the first step, showing my sincerity, then you should show your sincerity.

Southern Border Righteous Path feels a dark future: If Fang Yuan wants to take apart the hostages and extort them, what is the point of extortion, time that will never come?

So, another burst of clamor.

Fang Yuan changed his attitude, became tough and indifferent, and threatened each of them individually: I really want to release the hostages, and I will release your hostile forces. And how to insult your family’s Gu Immortal, keep him or her in the future and can’t lift his head to be a man.

This thing has been done by Fang Yuan previous lifetime. This time is easy and easy to understand.

Southern Border Righteous Path is shameful.

There is no way, especially the family of Ba Family and Xia Family. Their Revered Great Elder was captured by Fang Yuan.

What other families lose is their important battle strength. If they don’t rescue, they will lose their hearts.

Fang Yuan took the Southern Border Righteous Path and used the dream as a bargaining chip and handed it to Fang Yuan.

Southern Border Righteous Path is very unwilling at first, after all, dreams represent the future!

However, Fang Yuan promised that he would not ask for much, and he would never leave it here, or even leave the majority to the Southern Border Righteous Path.

In order to show more sincerity, he is willing to release the body of a Gu Immortals captive in the delivery of each subsequent dream.

Southern Border Righteous Path is unthinkable and has to accept this solution.

Chi Quyou is a bit chilly in his heart, he knows that this is Fang Yuan’s counterattack, and there are warnings.

So, the blackmail for the Southern Border Righteous Path went to the next level.

Fang Yuan did not lose faith in people. Every time he got a batch of dreams, he released a hostage body. These dreams can be much bigger than the secret deals between him and Chi Quyou. And the type is also carefully selected by Fang Yuan.

Fairy Ziwei was anxious and tried to destroy such a deal many times, but none of them succeeded.

“It’s time to fight again.” Fang Yuan counted the time, driving 10,000 Years Flying War Carriage and re-entering the River of Time.

He took the initiative to open the second River of Time, but did not know that a Time Dao Great Expert Gu Liu Ru was waiting for him.

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