Wan Clan headquarters.

“Oh-! You are so horrible!” The crying echoed in the Chamber, and the Gu Immortal eardrum that was shocked was creaking.

A teenager is dressed in mourning and tears.

This person is Wan Zhuiqing with the Rank 6 Gu Immortal cultivation base and is the son of Wan Lianghan.

Wan Zhuiqing kneels down on the ground at the moment, crying for a moment, no one can discourage.

In the hall, Wan Clan’s Gu Immortal each and every one brows his face, his face gloomy, and remains silent.

Wan Clan 2nd Revered Elder temperament, can’t help but sigh: “Things are like this! My family has sent three Rank 7 experts and they have lost. It is unbelievable.”

For this, Wan Clan is also deeply sympathetic.

If it was not the active exposure of Fang Yuan, the full image of the battle was hung in Treasure Yellow Heaven. These Wan Clan group may have to be suspicious before they can accept it.

In fact, Wan Lianghan’s action was also agreed by the vast majority of the accepted Wan Clan Gu Immortal.

Three of the same Gu Gumortal, and Immortal Dao battlefield, originally thought to be steady, I did not expect to encounter such a hard scorpion!

The always-settled Revered Great Elder finally said: “Suan Bu Jin killed my family, Gu Immortal, and I can’t help him with Wan Clan. Wan Zhuiqing, can your father leave inheritance?”

When I saw Revered Great Elder asking, Wan Zhuiqing didn’t dare impudent. He cried and said: “I don’t dare to hide Reevered Great Elder. My father left all the inheritance content. I know all kinds of ultimate move, Gu Formula. But… this Immortal Gu in the middle is not there!”

Revered Great Elder has a deeper look.

This situation is very uncommon. Suan Bu Jin is the Rank 7 cultivation base, and Wan Lianghan is the same, but the former can instantly kill the latter, making the latter unable to resist.

Generally speaking, the same as the transfer of Gu Immortal, there are few such simple results. Generally speaking, life and death will be in a stalemate. At this time, if a Fang Xiang went, and did not fall into the battlefield of Immortal Dao, it was difficult for the other side to leave the opponent.

The value of Immortal Dao’s battlefield is reflected here, so that the enemy can’t escape.

Wan Clan three immortals used to deal with Fang Yuan, that is, he could not escape. However, I did not expect that Fang Yuan would not escape at all. Instead, even the Immortal Dao battlefield was useless. It directly killed Wan Lianghan and beat the other two Wan Clan Gu Immortal.

This result is really ironic for Wan Clan.

Wan Clan Revered Great Elder regrets it.

As early as this, he should lend the Immortal Gu Home in his hands to Wan Lianghan and the others.

But Revered Great Elder is also embarrassed.

He only has the Rank 7 cultivation base, and not all of the Righteous Path leaders have the Rank 8 cultivation base. For this reason, the family’s Immortal Gu Home is needed to guard the headquarters.

He did not know that his arrangement was actually reasonable and correct. Fang Yuan If it is the Immortal Gu Home, there is a means to search. The Revered Great Elder arrangement reduced the loss of Wan Clan.

Revered Great Elder sighed in his heart and said to Wan Zhuiqing: “The death of Wan Lianghan is the mistake of my decision. Wan Lianghan will be rewarded by the family. His Immortal Gu needs what kind of coffin to open the family collection for free. Now I only hope that these Immortal Gus have been destroyed.”

“Thanks Reevered Great Elder! Thanks everyoneElder!!” Wan Zhuiqing quickly admired the ground and saluted the Revered Great Elder and other Wan Clan Gu Immortal gimmicks.

This was originally the main purpose of his crying, now reached.

He is the youngest, so the gimmick is not wrong.

Revered Great Elder continued to speak, his voice was gloomy, with a chill of chill: “Suan Bu Jin is his Fáng Family’s person, pressure Fáng Family, let Fáng Family surrender this person. After the previous battle, I am sure that Wan Clan Suan Bu Jin is the creator of Old Man Cracked Soul! This is the thief of Demonic Path! The blood debt of Old Man Cracked Soul will be retrieved from him.”

Many Wan Clan Gu Immortal immediately looked good.

Only do this!

The Old Man Cracked Soul of the year has become the pain of many Western Desert Righteous Path forces. By arguing this on Fang Yuan’s body, more Western Desert Righteous Path forces can have an excuse to deal with Fáng Family’s.

Before, this was just an excuse.

Wan Clan wants to catch Suan Bu Jin and let Fáng Family talk. It won’t be done now, but Wan Clan Revered Great Elder still decided to sit down.

Lack of evidence?

I will make my own iron certificate!

Although it is very shameless, the major super forces want to deal with the Fáng Family and worry that the Fáng Family’s rise can be fully utilized.

It’s just that the probability of success of this measure is far less than that of the previous plan.

Gu Immortal of Wan Clan died in battle and was widely advertised. This Qi Jue can’t stand it!

This scene, Wan Clan brace oneself, will also play!

2nd Revered Elder sighed: “The situation may not be that bad. Maybe Fáng Family is already planning to give up Suan Bu Jin.”

“Hmph, even if you give up, Fáng Family’s account of Demonic Path Gu Immortal can’t escape.”

However, the next day, there was a bad news to Wan Clan.

Fáng Family announced their position, they will protect Fang Yuan, and prove that Fang Yuan’s true origin is related to Zheng Jingshen.

Wan Clan immediately denied that he had come up with various “iron certificates.”

These ironclad certificates, Fáng Dizhang, do not bother to calculate the flaws, and directly extract more “iron evidence”!


Can you make up the evidence if you make up the evidence?

For a time, the two great influences of the Western Desert Righteous Path revolved around Suan Bu Jin, the successor of Zheng Jingshen, or the identity of the old Man Cracked Soul, a tit-for-tat, fierce argument.

This side said that I have a basis! That side said that I am real and reliable.

This side has just produced a piece of evidence, and on the other hand, it does not show weakness, and directly pulls out two.

As a party, Fang Yuan is in a political whirlpool, but in the Azure Ghost Desert, he has repeatedly captured the Immemorial Soul Beast.

Of course, he is also constantly concerned about the development of the situation.

Think about it, actually a bit funny.

Fang Yuan was not in a hurry and did not come up with any evidence at all, but Fáng Family and Wan Clan were excited and active, and there was evidence to come out, and there was no evidence to fabricate the evidence to come out!

The two super-powers are scrambling to testify for a demon, and each is also very confident and eloquent.

If you really let them know the true identity of Fang Yuan’s, don’t know what psychological changes will happen?

Fáng Family is definitely like an ice cave, but Wan Clan is also scared!

This is the devil head Fang Yuan!

Even Heavenly Court, and the entire Southern Border Righteous Path can’t help anyone!

Fang Yuan not only overwhelmed several Immemorial Soul Beasts, but also took time to divinate Wan Lianghan’s Wisdom Dao inheritance.

Wan Lianghan was killed by him, the strength gap was too big, and it was too late to destroy Immortal Gu.

Fang Yuan got his three Immortal Gus, two Rank 6, and one Rank 7.

Rank 7’s Wisdom Dao Immortal Gu, named Mentally Handicapped. Immortal Gu has a snail’s appearance, dark and swarthy, and occasionally flashes a purple glow, which looks stupid.

The power of this Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan has already been seen in the battle.

Immortal Gu, a simple mental retardation, can form obstacles in a huge area around Gu Immortal. It consumes immortal essence and has a lot of will.

There are also many extreme moves with the mental barrier Immortal Gu as the core.

Among them is one ultimate move, the best, Fang Yuan also looks at it.

This ultimate move is to bring the obstacles caused by the mental retardation Immortal Gu directly to the enemy’s mind. Under the huge obstacles, the collision of thoughts in the enemy’s mind is seriously hindered, and it is quite difficult to think about it.

Often after this success, it will immediately cause the enemy to become stupidly stupid, and it seems like a huge stone in the mind. I can’t figure out what the problem is.

This trick is excellent, but first you must sense the enemy and spy on the enemy’s mind.

So, there are several other extreme moves, specifically for the enemy’s mind.

It is a pity that Fang Yuan has Wisdom Dao’s rumors and protects his mind. Wan Lianghan’s ultimate move wants to overcome these difficulties, hope is too small.

Moreover, he lost Fang Yuan’s ultimate move and lost his first hand. He clearly has an extreme move but can’t use it. The reliability directly ruined more than half.

Looking back at the previous battle, Fang Yuan was very satisfied.

After the actual test, he calculated the two extreme move, the effect is excellent.

One trick is distracting, it is the Wisdom Dao ultimate move, but it is also on the Soul Dao’s Profound Truth. At the initiation of the ultimate move, Fang Yuan leaned against the four Immemorial Soul Beasts around him, obscuring the breath of the ultimate move.

If the breath is exposed, it is not good for the enemy to detect it. Because of the tricks of distracting thoughts, it takes a certain amount of time to accumulate, and the power will be enhanced to an objective degree.

There is also a trick, that is, Fang Yuan refers to the Ghostly Great Thief Hand ultimate move, and Stealing Life True Inheritance, the calculated Wisdom Dao ultimate move.

Ghostly Great Thief Hand is stealing Immortal Gu, and the intellectual move is stealing life and killing enemies.

However, this move has only the level of Rank 7, and the effect against Rank 8 Gu Immortal is very poor. It is just right for the opponent like Wan Lianghan. In order to pretend to be Ghostly Great Thief Hand, Fang Yuan added some Transformation Dao’s Gu insect to the intellectual move.

Fang Yuan once played Ghostly Great Thief Hand in front of Fáng Gong in the battle of Bean God Palace, and also accepted Immemorial Soul Beast with the cooperation of Fáng Dizhang.

Therefore, the various means of Fang Yuan exposed will not shock the Fáng Family, but will show its own value.

At the same time, it also subtly shows its weak side – Fang Yuan clearly has the means of manipulates Soul Beast, but did not use it.

As a result , it deepens the illusion that Fáng Family is still in control of Suan Bu Jin. The next step in the protection and solicitation is natural.

This battle, purely, is just a fierce battle between Fang Yuan and Wan Clan three immortals. But in fact, it is Fang Yuan’s aim at the immediate situation, which can intensify the contradictions between the two sides. It affects the two giants of Fáng Family and Wan Clan, and imposes manipulates on the entire Western Desert situation.

The real purpose of Fang Yuan is behind the battle. Carrying this plan on, the future benefits will be beyond imagination. Immortal Gu and so on, just the hors d’oeuvre nothing more before the big meal.

Unconsciously, Fang Yuan no longer cares about the gains and losses of a city and a pool, but with a transcendental.

In the bureau, the eight sides are vertical and horizontal.

The heart is in the game, and the four fields are looking down.

“Unconsciously, I have already reached this level.”

“through the ages, are those who lead the times and manipulate the world, is this the case?”


Fang Yuan puts aside the overflowing thoughts.

The Azure Ghost Desert at night is darker and darker.

The top of the head is overcast, and a trace of starlight is not transparent.

Fang Yuan sits on the head of a terrifying Immemorial Soul Beast, surrounded by a densely packed Soul Beast army.

Under the constraints of Fang Yuan’s, the army was silent and went to the endless darkness ahead.

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