At the crucial moment, Fang Yuan suddenly turned to attack and hit Wan Clan three immortals.

“Damn!” Wan Xiao gritted his teeth and shouted, “Save Wan Haoguang, his light is an ultimate move, and it won’t last long.”

Wan Lianghan was chilly, and Fang Yuan stayed behind and pointed to the strategic point of Wan Clan three immortals.

This very ruthless and sharp, let Wan Lianghan feel a remorse for the first time: “You should investigate more in advance. Wan Clan provokes such a person, I don’t know it is fortune or misfortune !”

Soul Beast army is like a flood, and it is easy to drown the Wan Clan three immortals.

The four-armed Immemorial Soul Beast formed a squadron, like a mountain, with an unstoppable dreadful might, moving steadily and rolling over to Wan Xiao.

“Wan Xiao is about to withdraw!” Wan Lianghan perceives Fang Yuan’s sinister killing intent and promptly reminds him.

Wan Xiao was anxious: “No, I have to save the glory! He got stuck, and the optical move has been revoked, only using the light armor Immortal Gu.”

Wan Clan three immortals mixed minds in this mind, this moment absolutely use no extreme move, extremely easy to fail, not killing the enemy on their own.

Wan Haoguang realized this and had to voluntarily revoke the optical move, only urging the light armor Immortal Gu.

This Immortal Gu is the core of the optical extreme move, but only a Rank 7 Immortal Gu nothing more, the defense power is far less than the previous light extreme move.

Therefore, in a short while, Wan Haoguang is already in danger and is dangerous.

Wan Xiao and his family are very close to each other, and they have a very strong relationship. In this dangerous situation, they want to rescue Wan Haoguang.

“Damn!” Wan Lianghan had to cooperate with Wan Xiao to rush to send a Wisdom Dao Immortal Gu – mentally retarded.

Immortal Gu, around Wan Xiao and Wan Lianghan, frequently creates obstacles and protects them, helping them tremendously.

Wan Xiao and Wan Haoguang showed solid and solid combat skills in times of crisis, and the two finally met under the tide of Soul Beast.

“Good! The two together, together with my cooperation, there is great hope for rushing out.” Wan Lianghan’s face just showed a hint of joy, and he heard a sneer behind his back.

“You don’t want to think about yourself? It’s really a self-denial.” Fang Yuan has come to him!

At this moment, Wan Lianghan is like an ice cave!

Before before death, he finally understood that everything was Suan Bu Jin’s crafty plots and machinations.

He deliberately exerted pressure to show the killing intent to Wan Xiao and Wan Haoguang. In fact, the real primary goal is Wan Lianghan!

The four Immemorial Soul Beast are still far away, and Suan Bu Jin has come to Wan Lianghan alone. It turned out that the four Immemorial Soul Beast was only used as a bait by him.

This is the battle strength of the four-headed Rank 8, who can think of Suan Bu Jin actually abandoned! Until now, he was under the protection of the four Immemorial Soul Beast, constantly giving Wan Clan three immortals a lot of psychological hints, let them gradually form some kind of thinking inertia.

Perhaps, Wan Lianghan’s normal state can to discern this trap, but now he is also recruiting, while suppressing the distractions in his mind, while also taking into account the safety of Wan Haoguang, Wan Xiao, can not think of more.

“Suan Bu Jin This person is never greedy and afraid of death. He can take risks at a critical moment! The one scene after another is his performance…” Wan Lianghan’s thoughts flashed in his mind, wanting to be desperate Counterattack, in exchange for a hope of life.

But everything is late.

How could Fang Yuan leave him a chance to die?

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Take it!

Fang Yuan’s palm lightly pushed, and a “Ghostly Great Thief Hand” flew out and directly into Wan Lianghan’s with the body.

Then, “Ghostly Great Thief Hand” flew back again, his fists clenched, like holding something.

Fang Yuan smiled and said, “Your life, I took it away.”

Wan Lianghan stares at her eyes and is dead!

“Brother Lianghan !!” Seeing this scene, Wan Xiao and Wan Haoguang exclaimed in unison, screaming and extremely angry.

Wan Xiao corner of the eye, Wu Haoguang is also a tiger with tears.

It is not easy to cultivate a Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal. The death of Wan Lianghan is a major loss for Wan Clan!

Fang Yuan killed Wan Lianghan and has already completed half of his stated goals. The next half will be played by the follow-up of these two Wan Clan Gu Immortal.

Up to now, the two pockets of war of Rank 7 Gu Immortal have not been seen by Fang Yuan.

He is plotting the situation of the Western Desert Gu Immortal World’s.

So next, he mobilized the Transformation Dao’s means, his momentum fell.

“This guy suddenly weakened! It turns out he is not that powerful.”

“Perhaps the one he just killed Brother Lianghan, the repercussion is quite big!”

Wan Xiao and Wan Haoguang were pleasantly surprised to find that Fang Yuan’s breath weakened, and the Soul Beast army under his manipulates was no longer in close unity, but became sparsely sparse.

But then, Fang Yuan took away the body of Wan Lianghan and hid in the protection of the four Immemorial Soul Beast.

Wan Xiao and Wan Haoguang hated to bite jaw and understood that Fang Yuan could not kill. Then drag on, they will also be folded here.

So they put away the battlefield of Immortal Dao and chose to evacuate.

Fang Yuan took the opportunity to beat Wan Xiao and stunned. Wan Haoguang was holding Wan Xiao and ran for the road.

Fang Yuan drove the Soul Beast army and pursued it for a long distance. Then he sat down at the back of Wan Haoguang and fell into the depths of the clouds.

“I should go too.” Fang Yuan did not stay, he looked at the direction of Wan Clan headquarters, lightly smiled, put away the army, disappeared.

Fáng Family Revered Great Elder Fáng Gong When you came to work hard, only the sights at the deserted Sand Desert were in a daze.

The traces left on the scene indicate that there must be a big battle before.

Fáng Gong’s face is not good-looking, and I think about it: “This Suan Bu Jin! It seems that I am taking a step late and let the enemy succeed.”

Just thinking, Treasure Yellow Heaven is shaking the waves.

Fang Yuan re-applied his skills and announced the process of this war to Suan Bu Jin.

Gu Immortal is hot, and the Western Desert Gu Immortal World is even more shocking.

“What exactly is this Suan Bu Jin? There are four Immemorial Soul Beast guards, and the Wisdom Dao approach is also very different.”

“No wonder Fáng Family recruits him, and Western Rank Righteous Path has another one Rank 7 peak expert !”

“Grand Era is really coming, not only is the trenches frequent, but now all kinds of monsters are starting to emerge.”

Fáng Gong still got the reminder of Fáng Dizhang and found this mutation in Treasure Yellow Heaven.

Fáng Gong sighed in relief, and some doubts: “The original winner was Suan Bu Jin! But why did he not return?”

Fáng Dizhang smiled and said: “He is loose immortal, just joined my family. Now he killed Wan Lianghan, this is the Western Desert Righteous Path Gu Immortal, a member of the super power. Plus my Fáng Family is here, He is worried that my Fáng Family will give up in order to hold on to himself. So I stayed outside and took the initiative to announce the war.”

Fáng Gong After this point, my heart suddenly disappeared, and I realized: “hmph, your Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal’s cunning plot is so much. Suan Bu Jin This is going to marry me Fáng Family, but he also cares. Nothing wrong. This time Wan Lianghan was killed by him, my relationship between Fáng Family and Wan Clan was almost broken! Hey, the situation that has just stabilized will be broken, and my Fáng Family’s situation has become more difficult.”

“According to your opinion, how should we choose? Is it to give up Suan Bu Jin and maintain Wan Clan relationship? Or give up Wan Clan and save Suan Bu Jin? Now, I have seen it: Suan Bu Jin This person is not really If you want to integrate into my Fáng Family’s, he can do it for myself. But Wan Clan is not a good thing. This time takes the initiative to make a loss, and then it must be a stronger retaliation.”

Fáng Dizhang pondered then said: “I think it is more advantageous to keep Suan Bu Jin.”

“Suan Bu Jin is arrogant and not at the same time as ours. It is normal. Because he has enough strength to support his pride. The four Immemorial Soul Beast is beyond imagination. He also revealed this battle. Two tricks, Wisdom Dao ultimate move, each is very dangerous, the enemy is a little careless, it will be his poisonous hand.”

“This time, it is indeed Wan Clan who came to us for trouble first. If we show weakness, let the Great Clan determine that our strength is empty and more eager to move! The results of our previous use of the move move Stealing Dao will also dissipate.”

“At this critical moment, my Fáng Family should remain strong and keep Suan Bu Jin. Although Suan Bu Jin is not in harmony with us, he is a qualified ally. We have a successful experience of cooperation and a foundation for cooperation. Still owing him a reward, it is all that he can use his capital. He has reinforcement my family, this is what other Righteous Path forces do not want to see.”

Fáng Dizhang is worthy of the Wisdom Dao Great Grandmaster. After some analysis, he let Fáng Gong see the situation clearly.

Fáng Gong nodded, heavy tone: “You said the right. Keeping Suan Bu Jin is indeed more beneficial to my family than to ease the relationship between Wan Clan. But if we do this, Wan Clan will definitely redouble the revenge, then we Fáng Family’s The pressure can be even bigger!”

Fáng Dizhang reluctantly sighed: “There is no way. The news of Bean God Palace has disappeared. We are not pre-saw in this situation. For the sake of the present, we must step up the refine Bean God Palace. This house is in our hands. Family can completely solve the current crisis.”

Azure Ghost Desert.

An Immemorial Soul Beast has no power to fight under the attack of Fang Yuan’s.

After a while, it lowered its head and was forced to conquer by Fang Yuan and turned it into its own use.

Ying Wuxie is standing next to Fang Yuan’s.

Recently this period of time, thanks to his responsibility here, has a steady supply of Soul Beast.

After sending Wan Clan three immortals, Fang Yuan did not go back to Fáng Family, but came directly to help Ying Wuxie.

In the process of compiling Soul Beast, Ying Wuxie encountered a hard scorpion like Immemorial Soul Beast. Fang Yuan is here to help him clear the obstacles.

“Well, go to the next place.” Fang Yuan was talking, his expression moving slightly.

It was a message from Fáng Family.

“Sect Master, how is the Fáng Family reaction?” Ying Wuxie was very keen and immediately asked with concern. The Fáng Family’s reaction is also about the development of the Azure Ghost Desert.

“Everything is expected.” Fang Yuan lightly smiled, he looked at the direction of the Fáng Family headquarters, his eyes deep.

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