A tall Crystal Mountain peak stands in the Little Southern Border.

It is all pink and has a dreamlike brilliance. It is one of the famous Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm, Soul Shaking Mountain, recorded in Human Ancestor Biography.

Soul Shaking Mountain at the moment, has almost restored the old view.

Not completely repaired.

The reason is the same as previous lifetime, Fang Yuan is also concerned about Heavenly Court, lest the other party has a means like Fixed Immortal Travel ultimate move.

Of course, the return to this level is almost complete, Soul Shaking Mountain’s Audacity Gu production is very small, and Fang Yuan is completely acceptable.

Stoneman Rank 6 Gu Immortal Shi Shicheng came to the front of the mountain.

Although he already knew that Fang Yuan’s hand had mastered Audacity Gu, when he looked up at the Legendary foothills, he was still too excited to be able to shoot himself, and his eyes shot an unparalleled passion!

“Soul Shaking Mountain, Audacity Gu…” he whispered in his mouth.

The significance of Audacity Gu to the Stoneman family is no small feat.

The Stoneman family is male, and the body is tall and strong, and the burden on the soul is heavy. Once Stoneman is overactive, it will damage the soul. So Stoneman will take 80% of his time to sleep in his life, to recuperate their soul.

After the old Stoneman dies, the scattered souls and stones condense, forming a new Stoneman, inheriting some of Stoneman’s memory, and some important experiences. Or the old Stoneman sleeps for a long time, and the soul background accumulates to a certain extent. After the active part is released, a small Stoneman can also be formed.

This unique way of reproduction makes Stoneman’s soul strength the key.

The stronger the Stoneman’s soul, the more Stoneman can be produced.

However, Stoneman belongs to nonhuman and is born with Earth Dao’s Dao Marks, which is mutually exclusive with Soul Dao. The Soul Dao means of increasing the strength of the soul is rarely used by Stoneman.

Audacity Gu is different. It is born by Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm. It grows in strength, although mortal gu has great use for Gu Immortal. Stoneman used it, the effect is extraordinary. When Fang Yuan was just in charge of Fox Immortal Blessed Land’s, he had cultivated Stoneman.

Shi Shicheng Seeing Soul Shaking Mountain is the whole rise of the entire Stoneman family in Saw, and he is going to be strong and prosperous. How can he not be excited?

His ups and downs, the more he felt that he was following Fang Yuan, he was the right choice for his own Stoneman family.

Shi Shicheng’s performance fell into the eyes of Fang Yuan.

In this regard, Fang Yuan is secretly satisfied.

This search for Audacity Gu, Fang Yuan deliberately sent Shi Shicheng to come, just to lure, let him feel the future is incomparably bright, as long as you follow yourself, the benefits are inexhaustible.

Shi Shicheng finally calmed down and began to host grand formation.

Fang Yuan has Formation Dao, Soul Dao, and Immortal Gu, and the current Soul Dao cultivation is the most important thing. Just around the Soul Shaking Mountain, there is an Immortal Rank grand formation.

Shi Shicheng was able to achieves grand formation after being recognized by Fang Yuan’s.

The grand formation roared, emitting a path of gray-blue light, rays of light like fog, and soon spread to Soul Shaking Mountain.

Soul Shaking Mountain trembled slightly, and the pink Crystal Mountain 峦 also sheds light, quickly immersing the gray-blue haze into pink.

The pink color follows the haze and quickly dyes the entire grand formation.

A large number of Soul Beasts are incarcerated in the grand formation, as well as stocks of Soul Nucleus.

Soul Nucleus and Soul Beast quickly dissipated under the pink haze and were silent.

The grand formation worked for a moment, one after another Audacity Gu condensed, and quickly accumulated from single digits to four digits.

Shi Shicheng’s face suddenly showed a shocking color.

“How efficient is this!”

“And the number of Audacity Gus is still growing, so fast, it’s going to break through the five digits.”

This Soul Dao grand formation, Fang Yuan is based on the content of Gloomy Soul’s True Inheritance, combined with the various Immortal Gu in his hands, and is calculated and improved. It is called the grand formation of ecstasy.

A production of at least 10,000 Audacity Gu!

This is definitely much more efficient than simply using Soul Shaking Mountain.

Of course, the premise of producing tens of thousands of Audacity Gus at a time is enough for Soul Beast and Soul Nucleus.

In this respect, Fang Yuan has already prepared.

That was before his layout, he has worked with the Fáng Family to develop the Western Desert’s Azure Ghost Desert.

This way to get Soul Beast is not only large but also stable.

Even if Fang Yuan’s demand for Soul Beast and Soul Nucleus is terrifying, the Azure Ghost Desert line can still satisfy him.

This Sand Desert is too big, Soul Beast is countless, here is Soul Dao’s Super Resource Point!

Unfortunately, relying on Sand Desert is the Fáng Family that specializes in Formation Dao.

And Qing Qiu is hidden in the Azure Ghost Desert, which is a huge hidden danger. As long as it is in one day, the Azure Ghost Desert has a deadly threat, not a good one.

Fang Yuan didn’t even think about acquiring Soul Nucleus at Treasure Yellow Heaven or blackmailing Southern Border’s Yang Family. If he does this, he will reveal some important information.

Previous lifetime ,Fang Yuan Fix Soul Shaking Mountain, still a long time later. And Soul Shaking Mountain is fixed, immortal essence is not enough, Soul Beast, Soul Nucleus is also seriously insufficient, slowing down too much rhythm.

This lifetime, Fang Yuan not only repaired Soul Shaking Mountain in advance, but also the supply of Soul Beast and Soul Nucleus perfectly matched. The match between Soul Dao background and Soul Dao background is a matter of course.

Fang Yuan brought in the soul and directly drilled into the grand formation.

The grand formation worked to help him capture the Audacity Gu. Almost a moment, Fang Yuan had taken tens of thousands of Audacity Gus.

The effect of Audacity Gu is still so obvious, and Fang Yuan’s soul ballooning up like a balloon, just a few breaths, it has become a little giant.

Fang Yuan flies out of the grand formation and comes to the Unrestrained Valley not far away.

The fascinating fog enveloped his soul and made the soul loose.

Hurricane blows his soul, bringing countless wounds and unbeatable pain!

It hurts!

This kind of pain is rooted in the depth of one’s soul. It is even more painful than Ling, and Fang Yuan is almost going crazy.

But he struggled to live, and after a while, he dragged the broken soul and slowly flew out.

He flew back to Soul Dao grand formation, repaired on Audacity Gu, and then swollen.

Audacity Gu is like a perfect nutrition, and Unrestrained Valley’s painstaking cultivation makes Fang Yuan’s soul like wrought iron into steel, and impurities are eliminated.

So, after three rounds, Fang Yuan’s soul background skyrocketed to 10,000,000 Human Soul!

Shi Shicheng, who made a manipulates grand formation, was shocked and shocked, and could not believe it.

Soul Shaking Mountain and Unrestrained Valley are soul cultivation holy land, which is not a cover.

Fang Yuan sighed with a sigh of relief and said: “It’s finally slowed down.”

Before his soul background was consumed very quickly, he almost forced him to use other Soul Dao means.

These Soul Dao methods are excellent, but they all have a repercussion, which is absolutely perfect without Soul Shaking Mountain and Unrestrained Valley.

For example, this is like using other means to increase longevity, and using Longevity Gu increase longevity.

“My old Heavens…” Shi Shicheng gave a sigh of exclamation.

He finally reacted and accepted this fantastic fact.

Fang Yuan’s soul background is like a cockroach, so it has shattered Shi Shicheng’s long-standing view of World, life and values.

His excitement could not be expressed in words, and his fingers were shaking violently.

“As long as I follow Master Fang Yuan and firmly follow the footsteps of adults, our Stoneman family will climb back to the world!”

“There are two Soul Dao holy lands that are beyond the background of Five Regions Immortal World.”

Shi Shicheng didn’t know, Fang Yuan was not particularly satisfied: “Unfortunately, I don’t have Peaceful Soul Soup available. Otherwise, Soul Dao cultivation will be faster and more terrifying!”

Wisdom Dao cultivation has three elements: Thought, Intent, Emotion, and Soul Dao cultivation. There are also three elements: strengthhen soul, refine soul, and soul.

The world’s ultimate cultivation methods of the first two are Soul Shaking Mountain and Unrestrained Valley. And Peace is the preferred Peaceful Soul Soup in Bewitching Soul Lake, which is also documented in Human Ancestor Biography.

To a certain extent, the soul cultivation will gradually separate from the flesh, and it will be easy to float out of the soul (part of it), causing the cultivation accident that the soul does not care.

At this time, drinking Peaceful Soul Soup can solve this drawback perfectly.

Fang Yuan does not have Peaceful Soul Soup and can only make up for it by other means. This is not in the same way as the cultivation of the former two.

This also caused Fang Yuan to only cultivate Soul Dao once in a while. Although the efficiency has been shocking, almost Shi Shicheng is scared, but with the Peaceful Soul Soup, it is almost cultivation.

If the speed is not up, Fang Yuan stops and has to temporarily cultivate the soul.

There was movement in Treasure Yellow Heaven.

Heavenly Court has rumors that the Fang Yuan cultivation base is approaching Rank 8, and in recent years it is likely to be his transcends tribulation, the last time to promote Rank 8.

In addition, Fang Yuan captured the intelligence of Southern Border Gu Immortal and was also distributed by Heavenly Court.

Fang Yuan sneered: “This should be the handiwork of Fairy Ziwei.”

Previous lifetime, Fairy Ziwei did this, but in the after hours.

This lifetime, Fang Yuan step by step, causing Fairy Ziwei to bear more pressure, so this means was used in advance.

Honestly, this poison is really amazing.

Fairy Ziwei can therefore easily borrow all the Gu Immortal in the world to avoid Fang Yuan, lest he really promote Rank 8, thus besieging and targeting.

Previous lifetime, Five Elements Mountain Range, Fang Yuan is the plan to take advantage of Gu Immortals.

“If I had Paragon Immortal Aperture, I would probably suffer from Fairy Ziwei’s calculations and fall into her rhythm.”

“Now she is distributing this rumor, it should be the secret of my Paragon Immortal Body.”

“Of course, it may be that she already knows, but pretends to be ignorant, and the news is just a preface to a set of crafty plots and machinations.”

Fang Yuan started the Wisdom Dao approach and thought about it.

After a while, his eyes flashed and made a new decision.

“In this case, then I can’t sit still, just push your star to vote, and the death of Chen Yi and Thunder Ghost True Monarch.”

Fairy Ziwei borrowed, and Fang Yuan was also borrowing.

Compared to Fang Yuan, Heavenly Court wants to make the four domains Gu Immortal jealous and panic.

Previous lifetime, Heavenly Court refining gu can lead to four domains of simultaneous attack, Fang Yuan broke the news in advance, and has a great impetus.

“this time, it completely shows my strength. Anyway, Southern Border’s things can’t help.”

“Since the world will be shaken, it will be even more cruel, so that they are more afraid of me.”

“as a result, it’s convenient for me to blackmail the Southern Border Righteous Path.”

Sure enough, Fang Yuan and Heavenly Court once again publicly tore and let countless Gu Immortal exclaim.

The news was like a hurricane, and it quickly spread throughout Gu Immortal World.

The world is shaking!

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