One Immortal Gu is suspended in front of Fang Yuan’s, emitting a breath of Rank 8.

This Immortal Gu is like a silkworm cocoon, but not white, but it is dark as iron. Grasping in the hand, there is also a chilly and heavy metal texture.

This is Rank 8 Law Dao Immortal Gu – plus!

It feeds on the bead line water.

Bead line water is a kind of Water XoX Water Dao immortal materials, which is not surprising on the surface. However, if you reach into the water and gently pinch it, you can grasp a waterline and raise the waterline to the surface.

The water line is continuous, and the water line is condensed with one after another, closely juxtaposed. The whole line of water drops, like a necklace, is beautiful.

If the waterline is lifted up and down, the bead line will shrink until all the water masses become a fairly long waterdrop line.

Immortal Gu Plus is an ellipsoid black silkworm cocoon. Although there are no tongues and gaps, it only needs to be immersed in the bead line water for eight days and eight nights, and it can be eaten and then maintained for 80 years.

“From the next feeding, there are still thirty-six years left. In Ba Shiba’s Immortal Aperture, there is already a lot of beaded water, and the rest can be traded with Eastern Sea Gu Immortal.”

Fang Yuan knows all about it and knows it.

Because he is ready to search for Ba Shiba’s Immortal Gu and his soul.

Ba Shiba also runs a lake in his own Immortal Aperture, which is a large lake with a large collection of Far Ancient water spiders and two Immemorial water spiders, one female and one male.

The bead line water is the drowning water of the Immemorial water spider, which gradually condenses into the essence in the long-lived water.

The accumulation of drops is quite slow. If the collection is not timely, these beads will be swallowed by Far Ancient water spiders to boost their strength.

Ba Shiba As Law Dao Gu Immortal, Immortal Aperture is also mostly in the Law Dao environment. It is also painstaking to create such a lake.

Feeding Immortal Gu can sometimes be cumbersome.

Just like Ba Shiba, although Immortal Gu Plus is Law Dao 蛊, the ingredients are beaded water.

Ba Shiba wants to feed on his own, he has to run a water Dao Resource Point in the Immortal Aperture, which is very unfriendly to a Law Dao Gu Immortal.

For Fang Yuan, this is not a problem.

His Little Eastern Sea was too wide, and after the water spider entered, it was a small village that entered the big city.

Fang Yuan can even draw a Sea Territory for this group of water spiders to live. With ample space and a better Water Dao environment, these water spiders will thrive.

With Paragon Immortal Aperture’s Fang Yuan, it is a perfect multi-cultivation genre, which also has great advantages in keeping the Gu Formula.

Ba Shiba’s Immortal Gu has been searched.

Immortal Gu Plus is his only one, Rank 8 Immortal Gu.

In addition, it is Rank 7, Rank 6 Immortal Gu, which has two seven Rank number 蛊, one and three respectively.

The number is a very large series in Law Dao Gu insect, one or two 4~5… It can be said that the limit is infinite.

Don’t look at Fang Yuan with so many Rank 8 Immortal Gus. In fact, the normal Rank 8 Gu Immortal can have a Rank 8 Immortal Gu, which is quite right.

Ba Shiba owns one, and Xia Cha owns two, mainly because these two are the heads of the Righteous Path superpower, with background and inheritance.

The usual rogue cultivator Rank 8 is not available for a Rank 8 Immortal Gu. For example, Northern Plains’ Old Ancestor Xuehu, whose battle strength is strong, is the first Demonic Path Gu Immortal in Northern Plains, but there is no Rank 8 Immortal Gu in his hands.

Even the Heavenly Court is more than the Rank 8 Gu Immortal, and the Rank 8 Immortal Gu is small, the ratio is very different. Previous lifetime , Longevity Heaven Attack, Heavenly Court has a very embarrassing situation, many Rank 8 Gu Immortal wake up, but there is not enough Immortal Gu to use.

Ba Shiba’s most valuable ultimate move is the combo warfare.

If it can strike for 18 times, Ba Shiba can easily kill Gu Immortal at the same level. Previous lifetime, he and Qing Ye fight, this Heavenly Court member is very important, to destroy, to avoid Ba Shiba combo too many times.

To be honest, Fang Yuan is a little disappointing.

He originally thought that Ba Shiba is good at combo tactics, and his Rank 8 Law Dao Immortal Gu is probably Continuous Gu. Unexpectedly, it was Addition Gu.

Continuous Gu is much more famous than Addition Gu and seems to be more practical.

With the Rank 8 Continuous Gu, Fang Yuan will be able to re-on its power, connecting different extreme moves to form a combo effect.

Combo is one of the techniques used by ultimate move. Two or more ultimate moves can be used in succession to deliver stronger power. Often only the elite of Gu Immortal can master.

The original Burning Heaven Enchantress mastered this technique.

She made the angry bird and the fire prison, and formed a combo.

Can imagine the Combo’s Gu Immortal, at least the Great Grandmaster level Realm.

It can be seen that the combo match of Burning Heaven Enchantress is the ultimate move of the Flame Dao genre. With Continuous Gu, you can combine the different moves of the ultimate move into combo! The difference between this point is very significant.

For example, Fang Yuan’s Ten Thousand Ghost Flood Dragons and Ghostly Great Thief Hand, or the combination of Cui Liuzhu and Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal, can be used to raise the battle strength to an unexpected level.

Ba Shiba’s Immortal Gu, ultimate move, and soul are all charged by Fang Yuan, leaving only his body and Immortal Aperture.

Although Fang Yuan can swallow, Realm is enough.

But he is still pushing the time of swallowing.

Because of the point – after swallowing, the next time the Disaster and Tribulation comes will be cleared and then recalculated.

This detail is small but important.

The swallowing paragraph, but Bai Ningbing and the others, is in a busy state.

This period of time, Fang Yuan took advantage of it and annexed a considerable number of Immortal Aperture, saying it would scare people.

The addition of Blessed Land and Celestial Grotto is a bit more. Although the Paragon Immortal Aperture is still stable, the ecological interactions in Immortal Aperture have been confusing.

Bai Ningbing and the others are dealing with these chaos. Before that, it was a rough suppression of chaos, but now it is finely adjusted. Where the mountains should be relocated, what rivers should be kept, what kind of beast groups need to migrate, and some plants need to be cultivated…

These complicated things have been extrapolated by Fang Yuan and have a perfect layout.

This is the deep benefit of Wisdom Dao.

The new layout not only allows these resources to live in harmony with each other, but also promotes each other. Finally, the future Ba Shiba Immortal Aperture and Beast Tribulation Celestial Grotto are considered, leaving a lot of spare space in advance.

In exchange for Gu Immortal of other genres, it is impossible to arrange such a good dizzying and mentality, and it will consume a lot of resources. The damage caused often makes Gu Immortal a heartache.

Fang Yuan is busier!

His Time Dao clone, along with the ontology, has been in the painstaking cultivation, but he still feels lack of time and energy.

Fang Yuan can’t wait to open a few copies and work hard together.

Fang Yuan’s Law Dao Realm has improved.

Realm is the foundation of gu cultivator, and Realm’s promotion has driven all aspects, making all other changes and a new look.

In particular, Law Dao is the most widely used. Fang Yuan has acquired so many Law Dao Immortal Gus. If you don’t conceive an extreme move, or integrate them into the original ultimate move, Fang Yuan is sorry for his efforts and plans!

Immortal Aperture operates, although the greater part can help subordinates, but there are some places that have to be done by Fang Yuan.

The tempering of the ultimate move is also a key point.

Ba Shiba’s combo can also be put aside for a while. Xia Cha’s Time Dao ultimate move previous life is already familiar, but in the two big palm segments of Tao Zhu True Inheritance, Fang Yuan is not refining, and it is still in the middle. weight.

Ju Yang True Inheritance, Heavenly Thief True Inheritance, and Long Haired True Inheritance are wide-ranging and profound, and Fang Yuan will gain something after a period of comprehend.

Let’s say Ju Yang True Inheritance.

Ba Shiba has been added to the Southern Border team, and Fang Yuan is not calculated. Because Southern Border Righteous Path is also not lacking Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, they teamed up to hide this secret.

What caused Fang Yuan to be wary was that he found his own luck condition being inexplicably oppressed.

Then in the ambush, he carefully observed and discovered the big threat of Ba Shiba.

Fang Yuan’s Luck Dao has grown a lot, and before he changed it, he never noticed anything.

In addition to the Northern Plains Nabo Gu Immortal, Fang Yuan used Luck Dao’s means to deal with other people, they are more reliable, and even get unexpected benefits.

Because Luck Dao True Inheritance is only three copies, it is well arranged by Ju Yang Immortal Venerable and has not been widely spread.

Even Heavenly Court, searching hard, has nothing to gain.

This is especially true with the Southern Border Righteous Path.

Let’s say, Heavenly Thief True Inheritance.

Without the recent comprehend harvest, it is impossible for Fang Yuan to improve the new Ghostly Great Thief Hand.

There is also Long Haired True Inheritance. Although Fang Yuan has Refining Dao Quasi Supreme Realm, his comprehend Long Haired True Inheritance is still rewarding. Needless to say, Resetting Gu’s vision is obtained by a lot of progress, precisely because Fang Yuan has comprehend Long Haired True Inheritance several times in a row.

To be honest, Fang Yuan this time has the illusion of eating, and he feels that he is “indigestion.”

His Paragon Immortal Aperture is strong enough to accommodate the Immortal Aperture and is still very stable.

But he needs comprehend too much, and needs to estimate the improved ultimate move too much, and there are too many True Inheritances in hand.

These True Inheritances, which are often acquired by one person, are enough to change the future, benefit the whole life, and even affect the power structure of the whole world.

Now in the Fang Yuan’s hand, this kind of True Inheritance can’t be counted! What Red Lotus’ True Inheritance, Gloomy Soul’s True Inheritance, Ju Yang True Inheritance, Origin Lotus True Inheritance, Heavenly Thief True Inheritance are still two, Long Haired True Inheritance never loses to these Venerable True Inheritance, Tao Zhu True Inheritance is also very powerful ……

Fang Yuan’s Immortal Gu A lot, Rank 8 Immortal Gu has to make almost all the Rank 8 Gu Immortal in the world.

Rank 9’s Immortal Gu has it!

There are also his subordinates.

Unlike the previous lifetime, this lifetime has many subordinates, and many of them are illustrious individual, which is much better than a normal super power.

At this point, Fang Yuan’s accumulated, his background, can be said to be shocking!

It takes only a long day to digest, and Fang Yuan’s strength will be at the top of Rank 8.

But he lacks time!

Fang Yuan smiled at the bottom of his heart.

Previous lifetime He feels that time is not enough, this lifetime situation has become more serious, this feeling is even more powerful.

Fang Yuan estimates that even if he has Wisdom Halo in his hands, according to his current situation, it will take at least a hundred years to truly digest, integrate these True Inheritance, and delve into it, and develop new self. Comprehend and extend higher results.

“On the one hand, I can adjust the flow rate of the Immortal Aperture and try to get more time.”

“On the other hand, I want to actively explore dreams and promote Realm. I am comprehend Long Haired True Inheritance, which is much easier than understanding Heavenly Thief, Ju Yang, Origin Lotus True Inheritance.”

“Finally, I need help, more clone!”

After Fang Yuan’s eagerly awaited, a few days later, Soul Shaking Mountain was repaired.

This is more than the previous lifetime, but it can be too much ahead!

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