Southern Border’s This night, the starry sky is dark and the wind is whistling, it seems that there will be heavy rain.

Two Gu Immortal silhouettes flew all the way, invisible, and the thick clouds under the night gave them a layer of protection.

“It’s here.” On the way, one of the Gu Immortal silhouettes slammed open.

Another Gu Immortal silhouette immediately stopped.

Then, in the middle of the dark cloud, an Immortal Dao battlefield slowly opened, and after the two mysterious Gu Immortal were absorbed, they closed again and disappeared.

Two Gu Immortals entered the battlefield of Immortal Dao and removed the camouflage. They also took the original appearance.

Cultivation base Lower Gu Immortal, looks common, but another Gu Immortal is cultivation base up to Rank 8, high weight, high prestige, famous in Southern Border Righteous Path, it is Chi Family Revered Great Family Elder – Chi Quyou !

If you let other Rightse Path Gu Immortal see this scene, you will definitely round your eyes and make an exclamation.

Because dignified Chi Quyou is so sneaky, who is going to meet in this dark night?

“Chi Quyou Senior, we met again.” Gu Immortal, who was waiting in the battlefield of Immortal Dao, also took the breath of Dream Dao, looks ordinary, and can’t find the kind that can’t be found directly in the crowd.

Chi Quyou stared at him and looked at it with some dissatisfaction: “Fang Yuan, I thought you would come to the body. Hehe, are you too careful?”

Waited Chi Quyou is Fang Yuan, where the Immortal Dao battlefield is also the battlefield of the Jurassic.

However, Fang Yuan is not an ontology, but a Pure Dream Seeking True Physique.

Fang Yuan clone said with a smile : “I am a timid person who is afraid of death. I also want Chi Quyou Senior to have a lot of sea han.”

“Is it timid to die?” Chi Quyou raised his brow, and he instantly thought of the three sternums of the Thunder Ghost True Monarch that still hang in Treasure Yellow Heaven, and thought of the original Fang Yuan pretend to be Wu Yihai. Recently suffered losses from the looting of Fang Yuan.

He laughed sarcastically: “Fang Yuan, you are too modest. You want to bring things, I have come over, I have to live a long night, or just hand over.”

It is close to the Righteous Heavenly Mountain and the location is sensitive, Chi Quyou does not dare to care.

“This is of course.” Fang Yuan clone nodded.

The two immediately completed the handover.

Chi Quyou obtained an Information Dao mortal gu, and Gu Immortal around him flew to Fang Yuan clone.

Gu Immortal, who came with Chi Quyou, is also Fang Yuan’s Dream Dao clone.

After Fang Quan Yuan negotiated with Chi Quyou, he attacked several Southern Border locations, searched some of the dreams scattered around, and then used Pure Dream Seeking True Transformation to transform into Pure Dream Seeking True Physique.

Then use these Pure Dream Seeking True Physique clone to contact and contact Chi Quyou.

Chi Quyou takes one of them and then follows Dark Dao to the hidden space in the Righteous Heavenly Mountain grand formation.

There, Fang Yuan’s Pure Dream Seeking True Physique clone turned the dream into more Pure Dream Seeking True Physique and stuffed it into its own Immortal Aperture.

The earliest Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, from the Shadow Sect member – Wisdom Dao Great Expert Old Man Yan Shi. Pure Dream Seeking True Transformation ultimate move is his lifelong achievement of Dream Dao.

In his hands, he is the original Pure Dream Seeking True Transformation, which can create the most extreme Pure Dream Seeking True Physique. There are only nine hours of life span. Every time, Pure Dream Seeking True Physique’s cultivation base enhances Rank 1. At the last minute, you will have the cultivation base of Rank 9 in an instant.

However, after the first battle of Righteous Heavenly Mountain, the Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, which was retired by Shadow Sect for many years, was obtained by Fang Yuan, and Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul was trapped in a dream.

The second Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, Purple Mountain True Monarch, took Shadow Sect remnant forces to attack, and rescued the Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul ontology. Purple Mountain True Monarch also uses Pure Dream Seeking True Transformation in combat, but the ultimate move is now a broken version, Pure Dream Seeking True Physique is also incomplete, and there is no original height.

Fang Yuan inherits this version of the ultimate move, of course, for the original ultimate move, he later acquired it from Gloomy Soul’s True Inheritance.

In Fang Yuan previous lifetime, this Pure Dream Seeking True Transformation ultimate move is also mastered by Heavenly Court.

Fairy Ziwei continued to search for Soul Search from Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul and finally searched.

Soon after, Feng Jinhuang showed the future of Immortal Venerable’s talent, and even improved the flawed original Pure Dream Seeking True Transformation.

After that, Heavenly Court has a perfect level of Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, the true Eleventh Perfect Physique!

In the final Central Continent battle, Fang Yuan attacked the Nine Baguenaudiers Continuous Formation and captured the perfect Pure Dream Seeking True Physique from the hands of Feng Jinhuang. He also realized the truth and mastered the perfect Pure Dream Seeking True Transformation.

Now that Fang Yuan and Chi Quyou trade, they don’t use the perfect Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, but instead use the flawed ultimate move he inherited from Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Because of this broken Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, there is also a limit for life span, which will self-exploding when it reaches its limit.

Fang Yuan’s ingenious favourable location With this drawback, even if Chi Quyou is set to harm him, he will not get Pure Dream Seeking True Physique.

Fang Yuan told Chi Quyou about this drawback before the transaction.

Chi Quyou knows that the Pure Dream Seeking True Physique will be self-exploding, and the face will be very unattractive, but in order to worry about the future, the extremely important Dream Dao results, he only has to pinch his nose!

Seeing Pure Dream Seeking True Physique back to Fang Yuan’s, he also sighed in relief.

After all, if this thing is self-exploding by yourself, Chi Quyou’s various forms of Formation Dao are not good!

Both sides of the deal took a lot of risks, but the benefits were too tempting, and both sides were taking risks.

This is the first deal, and both parties are very satisfied with the results, which also adds confidence to each other to continue.

Before bidding farewell, they agreed on the time of the second transaction, and there are a variety of secret and secure contact methods.

Unlike the previous lifetime, the transactions of this lifetime Fang Yuan and Chi Family have changed a lot.

Previous lifetime, Fang Yuan is a dream to exchange Chi Family’s immortal essence stones, immortal materials, etc., because at that time, he lacked immortal essence.

But this lifetime, Fang Yuan annexed Langya Blessed Land, and quietly promoted Rank 8, with Rank 8 immortal essence, immortal essence is not lacking.

What he lacks is a dream.

Previous lifetime The dream that has been scattered outside, he basically explored it. There are only a few parts left, because it is a deal to Chi Quyou, so there is value for exploration.

Fang Yuan lacks a lot of dreams, dreams on Righteous Heavenly Mountain.

Because he knows that Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is a full-fledged Great Grandmaster, his dream is in Righteous Heavenly Mountain, which is likely to have Human Dao dreamland, Information Dao dream, and Qi Dao dream.

If you fully inherit Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s Realm, Fang Yuan will be able to annex the full-fledged Rank 8 Celestial Grotto!

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s Human Dao Realm, of course, has a Great Grandmaster class. How can he create Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu without this foundation background?

“My current Human Dao Realm is just the Great Master level, which is what I have accumulated for about 600 years.” Fang Yuan knows that the Human Dao achievement alone cannot cope with the Venerable’s Human Dao means of Heavenly Court. of.

He lives too short and thus accumulates too little!

Red Lotus Demon Venerable life essence For three thousand years, this is the shortest in Venerable. In fact, he is constantly reborn, and his life course is more than three thousand years old.

The Genesis Immortal Venerable is 25,000 years old, the Constellation Immortal Venerable is 199000 years old, the Origin Lotus Immortal Venerable is 12,000 years old, and the three life spans are just the top three of all Venerable.

In dealing with these people, Fang Yuan only has a re-on dream to achieve the corner.

In addition to Human Dao, Information Dao, Qi Dao and even Ice and Snow Dao are all things that Fang Yuan is craving.

Fang Yuan’s body is near the trading place. After Chi Quyou left, after a while, he called the clones to leave.

Soon, he added two Pure Dream Clone to Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Fang Yuan this time The dream of success is not the Human Dao dream, but mostly Qi Dao.

The Qi Dao dream is of course also useful.

Fang Yuan Qi Dao Realm If there is a Great Grandmaster class, he will be able to swallow the imposing manner Celestial Grotto in the future, so that his cultivation base will skyrocket again!

Fang Yuan took the dream and immediately ushered in the Meeting Past Acquaintance ultimate move and then used the Fixed Immortal Travel ultimate move to leave the Southern Border.

a moment later, he came to the Western Desert and was re-pretend to be Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal Suan Bu Jin.

Flying on the edge of the Azure Ghost Desert, Fang Yuan will be Saw Fáng Family’s Rank 7 Gu Immortal Fáng Huasheng.

He is Fáng Family 3rd Revered Elder, who is good at treatment, a white robe, white hair, and looks from afar. After seeing Fang Yuan, his solemn expression immediately turns into a warm smile.

“Suan Bu Jin Fellow Immortal, I trust you have been well since we last met ?” Fáng Huasheng immediately greeted.

Fang Yuan nodded: “I am thinking about this. This time is my initiative to invite, and I want to work with Fáng Family to develop Azure Ghost Desert.”

Fang Yuan is in a hurry, straight to the point, directly explaining the intention, not willing to waste time.

This is different from previous lifetime.

Previous lifetime ,Fang Yuan’s Suan Bu Jin The identity was exposed, and the previous contact with Fáng Family’s was broken. It caused Fang Yuan to use his true identity to come to Fáng Family. Although Fáng Family secretly accepted the key points and gave Fang Yuan some resources, it did not match Fang Yuan’s original plan.

Another point is that Fáng Family has promised to pay for Immortal Gu, but after the expo exposure of Fang Yuan, Fáng Family has no meaning to perform.

Later, when Fang Yuan repaired Soul Shaking Mountain successfully, he lacked the Soul Beast offering, which hindered the production of Audacity Gu and slowed his own Soul Dao cultivation.

More than once, Fang Yuan deplores the failure of this aspect.

This seriously hindered his growth and interfered with his cultivation rhythm.

But in this life, Fang Yuan always pays attention to this.

Although Suan Bu Jin used Ghostly Great Thief Hand in front of Chen Yi, Fang Yuan also used Feng Jiuge in the grand formation space, but the two scenes are completely different.

There is no evidence to really link Fang Yuan and Suan Bu Jin together.

Although there are ways to have Stealing Dao, there are other people in Stealing Dao Gu Immortal in Five Regions.

At present, most of Gu Immortal believes that the Stealing Dao shown by Fang Yuan in the battle of protection is the background of Langya Blessed Land. After all, Old Ancestor Long Haired worked closely with Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable.

Fáng Huasheng looked sad and deeply sighed: “Since Bean God Palace, Suan Bu Jin Fellow Immortal has been deeply in the heart of Fáng Family clansman. Fellow Immortal wants to work with my family, my Fáng Family is up and down. Happy intent is just the best.”

Fáng Huasheng spoke until here, deliberately paused, look up at Fang Yuan and observe Fang Yuan’s look.

But he was destined to be disappointed, Fang Yuan expressionless, no change at all.

Fáng Huasheng had to continue: “Just now, my Fáng Family is in awkward situation and suffered from the joint pressure of the Western Desert Righteous Path. In particular, there have been rumors in recent days that Suan Bu Jin Fellow Immortal actually It’s Fang Yuan Great Demon, because there are ways to steal Immortal Gu, and they’re all right with Heavenly Court!”

“After all, Fang Yuan’s devil has a Meeting Past Acquaintance ultimate move. He is very versatile, and temperament is sneaky. It’s really hard to prevent. Even Heavenly Court has no way to take him for a while.”

Ps: Many birthday wishes are received early in the morning, although it is only the solar calendar, but the baby is very happy, but the baby is low-key, the baby does not say, the baby will add a chapter! Oh, that’s it…

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