Southern Border.

In the unknown valley somewhere, a waterfall hangs down, the sound of the water roars, and the water mist fills.

On the edge of the cliff at the top of the waterfall, the Fang Yuan body plate sits between a pine twig, and the eyes closed.

Human Dao’s inspiration came very suddenly, Fang Yuan paid extra attention, and both the ontology and the clone put down the things at hand and felt together.

At the moment, in the Paragon Immortal Aperture.

An army has been formed.

There are about a few 100,000’s Strength Dao phantom, standing quietly on the grassland, motionless, as if it were a sculpture stone.

Each of them looks the same, resembles the Fang Yuan body, is equally spaced apart, and is completely simultaneous, densely packed.

This is the use of Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu by Fang Yuan to promote Ten Thousand Me army.

Fang Yuan seized the inspiration, this time is to abandon Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu, but use Ten Thousand Me ultimate move.

In a short while, a large number of Strength Dao phantoms were formed and stood in a group.

Fang Yuan thought about it again, and for the third time, he launched Ten Thousand Me ultimate move. But this time, he did not use Immortal Rank ultimate move, but the original Mortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Focusing on the Going All-Out Gu of Rank 4, the remaining Painful Strength Gu, Borrowed Strength Gu, Self Regeneration Gu, Refine Essence Into Spirit Gu, Earth Strength Gu, Water Strength Gu, Wind Strength Gu, Electricity Strength Gu, Fire Strength Gu Concealing Soul Beast Clothes Gu, Aura Concealing Gu, etc. are support.

The result is the formation of Ten Thousand Me ultimate move, which divides the soul of the ontology and forms a large number of Strength Dao phantom in a flash!

But because it is a common level ultimate move, these Strength Dao phantoms are far less than the phantom army that was produced before.

But this is the source.

At the time of the Northern Plains Royal Court battle, Fang Yuan combined with Six-Armed Heavenly Corpse King and Self Strength, with reference to Soul Dao and Wisdom Dao, Qi Dao, and Enslave Dao, each of the ultimate move, solved the age-old problem and reached the Combine Enslavement. And Strength, created this move.

After that, based on this move, the Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal and Adverse Current Protection Seal were developed. The former added the advantage of attacking Fang Yuan at the right time, and was once a powerful means of Fang Yuan’s. The latter is Fang Yuan’s key trump card against Rank 7 with Rank 8!

Both the Ten Thousand Me ultimate move, the Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal and the Adverse Current Protection Seal are excellent, and they are the best in the ultimate move.

Now, Fang Yuan grabs a Human Dao inspiration and traces the source, once again improving the original Ten Thousand Me Mortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Fang Yuan is on the ontology and clone is a simultaneously push, while clone is bathed in Wisdom Halo!

The ultimate move was quickly changed, and Fang Yuan mobilized Ten Thousand Me ultimate move for the fourth time.

This time also formed a large number of Strength Dao phantom, but unlike the previous three groups of phantom, this group of Fang Yuan phantom is still standing quietly, but the look on the face is all sorts of different, strange.

Some are crying, some are laughing, some are frowning, some are smiling, some are murderous-looking, some are indifferent, some are eyes closed, calm, and some eyes are spinning, everything is Very curious, there are other screaming, boring look…

Fang Yuan’s Divine Sense scans these phantoms, and the thoughts in their minds are like lightning flashes and thunder rolls.

After a long period of meditation, Fang Yuan and clone abandoned these groups of phantom arms, and once again spurred Wisdom Dao to start calculating.

This time is estimated to take three hours.

After the success of the calculation, Fang Yuan got a common level Ten Thousand Me ultimate move that was more than 100 times larger than the original.

He motivated this ultimate move.

Because this ultimate move involves too many Gu insects, the layout is too complicated, Rao is Fang X is Rank 8 Gu Immortal, it took a while to be motivated.

The Ten Thousand Me phantom of this one time’s production is far less than any of the previous ones, but they seem to have spirituality.

These Ten Thousand Me phantoms, some are running, some are jumping, some are sitting on the ground to meditate, some are playing and playing, and some are with hate and anger, take action around the Ten Thousand Me phantom Attack, in a great mess.

The chaos between Ten Thousand Me phantom is getting bigger and bigger, and soon Ten Thousand Me phantom is completely smashed. Although some people are unwilling to blend, they are involuntarily.

These Ten Thousand Me phantoms are not equal in strength, some are strong and some are weak.

Fang Yuan blinked in the eyes, and he found that in this melee, the winning Ten Thousand Me phantom would be stronger with each battle, and the failed Ten Thousand Me phantom would become weaker and even die.

Ten Thousand Me phantom is getting smaller and smaller, and soon there is only a single digit phantom in the tragic killing.

In the end, only one phantom was standing on the battlefield, and the rest of Ten Thousand Me phantom was eliminated.

This phantom is ten times more powerful than before, but it is still limited to the mortal level.

The phantom still looks like Fang Yuan, but it is full of hatred and anger. He snarled at the Fang Yuan Time Dao clone not far away, revealing a strong killing intent and Evil Intention, but did not dare to attack, but flew to the previous group of Ten Thousand Me phantom army.

These Ten Thousand Me phantoms stand quietly, without the Fang Yuan’s command, motionless, letting the hate phantom smother the slaughter.

After this moment of hateful phantom slaughter, the breath became stronger and stronger, and it broke through the mortal world and was promoted to the level of Rank 6 Gu Immortal!

Seeing here, Fang Yuan’s body and clone are all happy.

Fang Yuan clone With a wave of hand, the remaining Ten Thousand Me army in the field suddenly surged, encircling the hateful phantom and launching a deadly offensive.

The hateful phantom is outstanding in strength, although it is caught in the middle of the army, it is the more fights the more stronger is.

Every time he defeats or shreds a phantom, his power is a strong point.

He doesn’t seem to know what it means to be tired, as if it is a war machine that can grow up, roaring, roaring and screaming, always standing on the battlefield.

Finally, when he broke from the level of Rank 6 Gu Immortal to the Rank 7, the Fang Yuan ontology finally took action, urging the ultimate move, and personally killed the Strength Dao phantom.

Fang Yuan’s last push of Ten Thousand Me ultimate move, the formation of Strength Dao phantom, has its own ideas and dispositions, even his body is manipulates, can not control.

But what’s amazing is that the last Ten Thousand Me phantom has extremely terrifying growth!

The face of hateful phantom, the initial time is only the Rank 4 degree nothing more, and eventually became Rank 7 Gu Immortal!

Of course, this is the breath and the breakdown at the level.

His own battle strength, not so powerful, is even weaker than the usual Far Ancient Desolate Beast.

Because his body is just phantom, there is no Far Ancient Desolate Beast so strong and strong. His intelligence is limited, and he can’t support him to mobilize Gu insects to fight, only by instinct.

“Whether it is Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu or Ten Thousand Me ultimate move, it consumes my soul. This is the principle of ultimate move, so it is an unavoidable drawback.”

“It is precisely because of the integration of these Strength Dao phantom sources that the souls are the same, so there is a possibility to devour each other.”

“My last push of Ten Thousand Me ultimate move is no longer a simple combine Enslavement and Strength, but a further Human Dao ultimate move!”

Fang Yuan Time Dao clone Always bathe in Wisdom Halo, the depth of the eye is flickering.

At this point, Ten Thousand Me ultimate move is the complete Human Dao ultimate move, and Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu is Human Damo’s Immortal Gu.

Fang Yuan previous lifetime, while attacking Central Continent’s, still regret that don’t have Human Dao method, no achievements on Human Dao.

In fact, he had already had it, but he was thinking too much at the time. He was in a big fight and he did not notice that’s all.

As the saying goes “Looking at the side of the mountain into a peak, the distance is different. The face is not known, but only in this mountain.”

His exploration of Human Dao has already begun in the previous life of five hundred years, but he has no sense of that’s all.

“The whole life of man is the exploration of Human Dao.”

“In addition to Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu, I also have Immortal Gu on Human Dao. That is – Perseverance Gu!”

“Wait, not just Perseverance Gu, the Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu I grabbed is also Human Dao Gu insect !!”

Open “Human Ancestor Biography”, Hope Gu, vanity, Audacity Gu, stubbornness, dignity, One’s Self Gu, worry… Are these Gu insects, not all of Human Dao’s Gu insect?

“It’s no wonder that Human Ancestor Biography is recognized as Human Dao True Inheritance, and there is indeed a deep Human Dao profound mystery.” Fang Yuan felt in his heart, until now he saw “Human Ancestor Biography” as Reach the Higher Level.

With this result, Fang Yuan has gone through nearly six hundred years of life!

He was inspired by Human Dao not because of the recent cultivation of nonhuman, but by the accumulation of qualitative changes throughout the life course.

Like a little pile of gunpowder, it hit a tiny sparks, a bang, and a produced explosion, which caused Fang Yuan to break through the original shackles and reach another higher level on Human Dao.

This is have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly , and is where water flows, a canal is formed.

Central Continent, Heavenly Court.

Central Grand Hall.

滔滔Purple Qi gradually subsided, then retracted, and finally converge in Fairy Ziwei’s mind.

Fairy Ziwei brows slightly wrinkle : “Fang Yuan What kind of conspiracy is this devil?”

Langya Blessed Land defended the battle, Heavenly Court defeated, Fairy Ziwei took the initiative to take responsibility and quickly leaked Fang Yuan’s intelligence free of charge.

But Fang Yuan is very surprised and has no movement.

According to common sense, the star vote ultimate move is exposed, Chen Yi, Thunder Ghost True Monarch is killed, Fang Yuan should be arrogant, to fight against Heavenly Court prestige, triggering other four domains to more hostile to Heavenly Court’s.

But Fang Yuan did not do this.

Fairy Ziwei always has a feeling of uneasiness in his heart. In these days, she has been closely watching the trend of Fang Yuan. Even if it is a slap in the face, she must fully understand and try her best to calculate.

Fang Yuan has done a good job at Southern Border, Fairy Ziwei already knows.

But why is Fang Yuan only playing against Chi Family? What is his purpose, don’t tell me really want to rob the three resources of Chi Family?

The previous grand formation was destroyed. Is the mysterious Gu Immortal Fang Yuan?

“Maybe after he annexed Langya Blessed Land, the background rose and he wanted to refining gu.”

“Or he or he has used Spring and Autumn Cicada again, returning to life and taking advantage of rebirth to take the lead!”

Fairy Ziwei’s eyes are flickering.

After the exposure of Fang Yuan’s Spring and Autumn Cicada, the factor of Spring and Autumn Cicada will be considered as his enemy.

Fairy Ziwei is always paying attention to this.

“Once Fang Yuan is recently reborn, Spring and Autumn Cicada will definitely need time to repair, which is a good time to eradicate Fang Yuan’s.”

“At the same time, all the means that we have prepared before, I am afraid that Fang Yuan has been informed of the intelligence and needs to change the method of combat.”

Whether Fang Yuan used Spring and Autumn Cicada to regenerate, this is very important!

If so, Fairy Ziwei will overthrow most of the previous tactics and must be redesigned.

However, Fairy Ziwei has made a lot of calculations, even if it is a follow on Constellation Chessboard, it is not certain whether Fang Yuan has been reborn recently.

Fang Yuan did not take away the dream even if he broke the grand formation in the gloomy trench. When dealing with Meng Tu and the others, it is more secretive. Even Ghostly Great Thief Hand, Fang Yuan is not directly used, but the on on super grand formation cover, making Heavenly Court unable to contact Suan Bu Jin.

The smoke bomb that he released was really wonderful, and he succeeded in confusing Fairy Ziwei.

At this point, Fang Yuan’s Wisdom Dao gave him considerable help.

The rebirth of this time is different from the previous ones. In the face of Heavenly Court, Fang Yuan must always consider the ink effect.

“Fang Yuan is a sneak peek, and there are really few valuable clues left!”

Fairy Ziwei thought about it with hate and then got up and left the Central Grand Hall to detain the Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s place.

Soul Search !

After Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul resisted for a while, a memory of the stock was extracted.

“What about the secrets of Gold Dragon Fish?” Fairy Ziwei first rejoiced and was disappointed.

If it was before, Fairy Ziwei could also fight Fang Yuan’s Dao Lord’s economic lifeline, but now the other party has annexed Langya Blessed Land, and all kinds of business projects have been taken over by Fang Yuan.

Fairy Ziwei’s approach to support is nothing but a chicken rib.

“Even so… I can’t let go of any chance to suppress Fang Yuan’s.” Fairy Ziwei thought about it and made a decision.

She didn’t know that when she was meditating, her eyes were deep, and a dark light suddenly disappeared.

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