Fang Yuan fell into the valley and found a cave, simply built a Mortal Gu Home, silent cultivation.

Ying Wuxie and the others are all on Stone Lotus Island and are familiar with the Future Body ultimate move.

Fang Yuan returned from birth and naturally omitted this step.

Future Body’s greatest help to Fang Yuan is not cultivation base, battle strength, etc., but Fixed Immortal Travel.

With the Future Body ultimate move, Fang Yuan can use it to move around in Five Regions and Two Heavens.

Of course, places like Dragon Whale Paradise Earth can’t go straight in.

Immortal Gu is the only one, at this moment the real Fixed Immortal Travel Immortal Gu should be in the hands of Feng Jiuge’s. However, as long as Gu Immortal develops the corresponding ultimate move, it can exert a similar power to replace the Immortal Gu that you don’t want.

This is the profound mystery for 蛊.

Fang Yuan’s Time Dao clone, bathed in Wisdom Halo, is constantly being calculated.

One of the main elements is to improve the battlefield of the Jurassic, adding Time Dao’s Immortal Gu to the advantage of the Time Dao Immortal Rank battlefield.

Previous lifetime ,Fang Yuan Time is too tight, not only to upgrade their cultivation base, but also to Heavenly Court, but also to Red Lotus’ True Inheritance. Heavenly Court put a lot of pressure on him, and Fang Yuan was running his own Immortal Aperture while resisting.

Under such circumstances, Fang Yuan has successively calculated the extreme move of the Battlefield, Unrestrained Seal, Ten Thousand Ghost Flood Dragons, etc., and has done all the best.

Gu Immortal extrapolates an ultimate move of ordinary power, which takes at least three or four years.

Fang Yuan has Wisdom Halo, a superb Wisdom Dao approach and an extraordinary genre of Realm, which can create a miracle of ultimate move in the previous lifetime.

And this lifetime is reborn, and these ultimate moves are naturally brought back.

Fang Yuan directly has the result of the ultimate lifetime of the previous lifetime, and can continue to enhance these ultimate move at this lifetime.

When this comes, it will naturally have a huge advantage.

“The battlefield of the Jurassic is the battlefield of the merger of Soul Dao and Enslave Dao.”

“The advantage of Enslave Dao is the war of attrition, the numerous Yama’s Child, the death charge, and the before death can also self-exploding, which can involve and consume a lot of battle strength.”

“The advantage of Soul Dao is that it kills and kills. In the pure Soul Dao battlefield, killing an enemy, the battlefield power will rise.”

Fang Yuan’s battlefield, there are two advantages. It’s just that the latter is a little weaker, and the speed of transforming Yama’s Child is not fast, and often because of the powerful enemy of Fang Yuan, the advantage of Soul Dao is not obvious.

“When I add Time Dao Immortal Gu, I can have the strengths of the Time Dao battlefield on the battlefield.”

The speciality of Time Dao’s battlefield is to change the time. The most classic is to double the time in the battlefield. One day, the battlefield may have passed a month. This gave the owner of the battlefield a powerful enemy and won enough time.

For example, the enemy was trapped in the Battle Dao battlefield, and the enemy’s acquaintances felt wrong and came to support. The gang rushed to the scene and used a fragrant time, but three days and three nights have passed in the Battle Dao battlefield! The battlefield owner has long since eradicated the enemy and went away.

Previous lifetime, Fang Yuan Although he was trapped by Feng Jiuge on the battlefield, he also stole his Fixed Immortal Travel Immortal Gu, but he still could not kill him. The reason is: Feng Jiuge used Life Armor Immortal Gu to take the delay tactics, and won the time, Fairy Ziwei cracked the battlefield.

If there was Time Dao’s profound mystery at the time of Fang Yuan’s Jurassic battlefield, the time in the battlefield would be extended by three days and three nights. Even if Fairy Ziwei finally cracked, Feng Jiuge could only be collected.

Fang Yuan improved the battlefield of the Jurassic and looked forward to the results.

Especially Time Dao Realm is up to Quasi Supreme, and there is not much difficulty adding Time Dao Immortal Gu.

He has a multi-cultivation of various genres, and the more he goes to the Late Stage, the more powerful he is. Ten Thousand Ghost Flood Dragons ultimate move is the best example.

In the face of this complex ultimate move of multiple genres, Gu Immortal, which is a single genre, is often difficult to crack and defend.

Fang Yuan spent four days and five nights in this nameless small mountain valley. Finally, he waited for an opportunity.

Hong long long !

In the early morning, the earth trembled and cracked the gap.

The valley collapsed and the smoke rolled, and Fang Yuan had to rise in the air.

The gaps on the ground are getting bigger and bigger, the valley is directly annexed, and a huge trench is gradually formed in front of Fang Yuan.

The Boundary Wall of Five Regions is gradually decreasing, and the Earth Arteries of Five Regions are gradually merging.

Earth Arteries is turbulent, with a large number of trenches formed, Southern Border Earth Dao’s Dao Marks is the most intense, and the formation of this trench is also the most intense.

Fang Yuan patiently waited until the trench stabilized, and he immediately landed in and began to look for it.

The new ground trenches, a large number of coffins, and lifeforms that survive under the ground.

Of course, the body is mostly.

Fang Yuan the further down, the more valuable discoveries.

Soon after, he saw the body of the first Desolate Beast.

a Desolate Beast body is a pile of Rank 6 immortal materials. Although it is damaged, the key is reap without sowing!

Fang Yuan does not need as easy as pie, and the body of Desolate Beast is in the bag.

What made him feel a little faint was that there was still a soul in the body of this Desolate Beast. This Desolate Beast is a Yama’s Child.

Fang Yuan mobilizes the investigation of the ultimate move and keeps searching.

His harvest is getting more and more, but they are all on hand. Sometimes I encountered some Far Ancient Desolate Beast, and Fang Yuan took the initiative to avoid it.

“How have you not found it? Don’t tell me Is the rumor wrong?”

“If the Luo Family deliberately announced the fake news, then the purpose of my trip will be lost.”

After another fragrant time, Fang Yuan was anxious.

This trench is within the power of the Southern Border Luo Family. The longer it takes, the more likely it is that Gu Family’s Gu Immortal will come over.

On this trip, Luo Family is likely to come with Immortal Gu Home.

After all, the formation of each site ditch represents a huge interest, and it is not for the Luo Family to be careless.

Fang Yuan is not too afraid, but he does not want to be extravagant. He only wants to achieve the purpose and secretly transfers.

Near noon, Fang Yuan has not seen the target yet, but other harvests have gradually accumulated a lot.

“Really do not have?”

“Or is it missing? Or is my Luck Dao bad, affecting myself?”

Just as Fang Yuan was suspicious, suddenly a dazzling divine light was shot in both eyes.

“There is a discovery!”

He cautiously approached and found a Far Ancient Desolate Beast bit.

This head is as big as a sea boat, and it is covered with a flat crust. The most eye-catching is its head, which has a large head, like a large awl, with a pointed mouth extending forward and a natural thread. The entire head is translucent and looks like a low quality diamond.

The drill bit is in the dark river of the underground, and it is very fast in the water.

It can also be mobilized in the soil, and whenever it’s with the earth, its head will bulge out, madly spinning, smashing the dirt in front of it.

However, because of its huge carapace drag, it is far less in the water than in the earth.

Fang Yuan floats over the top of the drill bit and sweeps directly through several investigations.

Fang Yuan’s investigation of the ultimate move is not outstanding, but it is more than enough to deal with the bite 鳖 this wild beast.

Soon, Fang Yuan’s face appeared happy.

He found the wild Immortal Gu hidden on the drill bit!

“that’s it!”

This wild Immortal Gu is an important goal of Fang Yuan’s trip.

Fang Yuan immediately started to push the battlefield.

This hands-on, breath leaks, Fang Yuan is exposed.

Although the drill bit is only wild and lacks intelligence, it also has a keen instinct. It screams at Fang Yuan just like a withdrawal.

But Fang Yuan has already arranged a few Yama’s Child, and this time it was copied.

Yama’s Child battled with the drill bit and was worried about damaging the wild Immortal Gu.

Soon, Yama’s Child was drilled through the drill bit and bitten.

Yama’s Child is death, not self-exploding.

Although they suffered heavy losses, they also reached the goal of entanglement with the drill bit.

Under the support of Yama’s Child, Fang Yuan successfully closed the battlefield of the Jurassic and wraped the drill bit into it.

After reaching this step, Fang Yuan spits out one mouthful of impure air, the mood relaxed slightly.

The battlefield of the Jurassic was successfully mobilized and it was difficult to find out in the outside world. Even if Luo Family Gu Immortal came to the vicinity, it was noticed that the possibility of the battlefield was small.

The drill bit was brought in by the battlefield, and it was the shackle. The greater part of the Rank 7 Gu Immortal fell into this battlefield, it is difficult to break the escape, not to mention such a Far Ancient Desolate Beast.

Fang Yuan is not arrogant and steady.

In order to save immortal essence, he did not motivate Ghostly Great Thief Hand.

His luck condition at this time is not good, and it is very likely that the trick is to steal a lot of wild mortal gu.

In the end, Fang Yuan, with the cooperation of Yama’s Child, weakened the bit strength of the bit and eventually caught it.

As for the wild Rank 7 Immortal Gu on it, it was also obtained by Fang Yuan.

“Very good! With it, I can refrain from Fixing Immortal Travel.” Fang Yuan is delighted to have both the drill bit and the wild Immortal Gu in the Immortal Aperture and to take up the battlefield.

Came to the outside of the ditch, Luo Family Gu Immortal has arrived, is indignant, apparently found that Fang Yuan is the first to go.

According to the traces, Luo Family Gu Immortal was sorely bleeding, and a large amount of immortal materials were searched.

Luo Family has lost a lot!

Fang Yuan took a look at the Luo Family’s Immortal Gu Home, thought about it, or hidden the figure, and quietly left.

After being far enough away from the trench, Fang Yuan conveniently uses the Future Body ultimate move to leave directly from Southern Border and return to Langya Blessed Land.

Fang Yuan suddenly appeared and shocked Langya Earth Spirit.

He flashed to Fang Yuan’s, and can’t help but was surprised and happy: “Fang Yuan, have you taken the Fixed Immortal Travel Immortal Gu?”

If there is no Fixed Immortal Travel Immortal Gu, Heavenly Court would be much more troublesome to invade Langya Blessed Land.

But Fang Yuan shook his head: “This is just my ultimate move. Tening Thousand Me’s refining, are you ready?”

Langya Earth Spirit was very disappointed with Fang Yuan’s answer, but still replied: “It’s almost the same, children are practicing day and night, other coffins are ready, and you are missing the eight major materials on your side. You collect Is it all?”

Fang Yuan shook his head: “Only three kinds have been collected, but don’t worry too much, it’s still early.”

Langya Earth Spirit is anxious: “Elder Fang Yuan, you can’t do it right. Heavenly Court’s invasion may be in a moment later, we are in a weak position, and if we are paralysis, we can consigned to eternal damnation!”

“Understand, understand. Revered Great Elder, you are at ease, I know in my heart.”

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