Fang Yuan once again boarded Stone Lotus Island.

More precisely, it is the first time in this life, but the previous lifetime he has already boarded.

As soon as he stepped into Stone Lotus Island, Fang Yuan was immersed in Red Lotus Demon Venerable’s memory images.

This has been seen in his previous lifetime, this life is just a repetition, but Fang Yuan is still a bit touched.

“Red Lotus Demon Venerable is one of the most special Venerables. He has a Rank 9 cultivation base, but with Spring and Autumn Cicada reborn, it is abandoning the Rank 9 position.”

“But if he doesn’t give up, he can’t return to the past, change the facts, and make up for the regrets and regrets in the heart.”

“So, later on, he created the Future Body, and the ultimate move of Past Has Forefathers and Future Has New Generations…”

Stone Lotus Island, which hosts Red Lotus’ True Inheritance, has its own invisible ability to hide. Heavenly Court is extremely difficult to find. Until now, there is nothing to gain.

Previous lifetime, when it was about to gain, was destroyed by Fang Yuan. Finally, Feng Jiuge had to use Da Tong Wind ultimate move to destroy Stone Lotus Island. From the perspective of Heavenly Court, it is quite miserable.

Fang Yuan has set foot on this Stone Lotus Island, which has been standing here for millions of years.

I don’t know why, this time Fang Yuan stood on Stone Lotus Island, and the look at the rolling water outside the island suddenly had a little clear comprehension.

“The point of origin of this River of Time should be the beginning of the entire World.”

“The end of the River of Time is naturally the time of destruction of the entire World.”

“The portrait of River of Time, its length, is the experience of the whole World. And the width of the River of Time, its width, is responsible for every thing in the world – flowers and birds, humans, animals, etc.”

“Obviously, the more prosperous World is, the more things there are, the more spacious the River of Time is. The poorer and ridiculous World is, the less things there are, the narrower the River of Time is.”

Fang Yuan has Timemo Quasi Supreme’s Realm. At this time, there are a lot of clear comprehension and more understanding of rebirth.

“The essence of my rebirth is actually the will of the downstream future. Through Spring and Autumn Cicada, I broke into the upstream and merged with me at some time upstream.”

“The time truth of this world determines that World is unique, and there is no parallel space. When I am born again, the downstream is still flowing. In the future after my death, it is obviously the Heavenly Court, the pattern of the four domains. “”

“But now I am born again, like a drop of ink dripping into the original clear water. As I change more and more things, let things exist, let some things disappear, this group of ink will gradually dip more The river will dye the longer river surface into a different color.”

“When the ink is soaked into Heavenly Court to repair the Fate Gu and the Gu Refining Grand Meeting, many things are produced and drastically changed, and the future will change.”

Fang Yuan is a cross from Earth, and there is a noun on Earth called the butterfly effect.

Fang Yuan now suddenly understands that for this 蛊World, the ink effect can more accurately explain the effects of rebirth.

“Of course, I can easily change other things because Fate Gu is not in good condition. What is more important is that I was originally Demon from Beyond The Heavens, and I was not affected by fate.”

“If Red Lotus Demon Venerable is reborn in the past, it is difficult to change the state of other things, and there will always be various reasons for things to return to their original appearance.”

“In other words, Demon from Beyond The Heavens is a large group of ink, and the native Gu Immortal is born again, but it is the water wave under the arm, even if it triggers a ripple in a short time, but soon under the constraints of Fate Gu, things They all returned to their original state, and the water wave was not good.”

With this in mind, Fang Yuan involuntarily admired Red Lotus Demon Venerable.

This special existence, even if it wasn’t Demon from Beyond The Heavens, forcibly opened the situation.

Unimaginable, how much he paid for it and how much he sacrificed!

On the Red Lotus island, there is a large amount of Time Dao immortal materials, of which the majority of the Rank 8 level’s immortal materials.

Red Lotus’ Will – enables One Gu Immortal’s Time Dao Realm to be promoted to the Quasi Supreme Grandmaster.

There are also various Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves with Spring and Autumn Cicada as the core, and Spring and Autumn Certain Success is one of them.

Finally, there is a trick left by Red Lotus Demon Venerable special intention, called Future Body, which allows Gu Immortal to have the status of the future Rank 7 peak.

What is missing is Regret Gu.

This Rank 8 Immortal Gu is still in the Dragon Whale Celestial Grotto and was taken away by Paradise Immortal Venerable.

Fang Yuan previous lifetime, through the layout of Paradise Immortal Venerable, was first sent to Stone Lotus Island after receiving Regret Gu.

In this life, I knew in advance the location of Stone Lotus Island in the River of Time. I came to the door in advance and inherited the Red Lotus’ True Inheritance of the greater part.

In time, it is undoubtedly a big advance.

Previous lifetime ,Fang Yuan Three into the River of Time. For the first time, he was chased by Heavenly Court’s four Time Dao Immortal Gu Homes, and was ambushed by Li Huang. He lost the key investment to create the Immortal Gu Home prototype. After exposing all the trump cards, he finally escaped.

For the second time, Fang Yuan relied on Paradise Immortal Venerable to get Regret Gu and sent it directly to Stone Lotus Island for Red Lotus’ True Inheritance.

The third time, it was discovered that another Stone Lotus Island appeared, and Heavenly Court was very likely to succeed. Fang Yuan joined forces with Bing Saichuan and the others to fight against Heavenly Court and compete for Red Lotus’ True Inheritance. In the end, Feng Jiuge spurred Strong Wind Song and destroyed Stone Lotus Island. Both sides did not benefit.

In general, Fang Yuan’s experience in the River of Time is frustrating, with sour, sweet, bitter and spicy.

This lifetime is born again, rely on the memory of the mind, Fang Yuan first tasted the sweetness!

“Without Regret Gu, it doesn’t matter for the time being. After all, the difficulty at the moment is Heavenly Court’s invasion of Langya Blessed Land. There is still a lot of time from my upgrade refining Immortal Gu.”

“First take advantage of the ultimate move Future Body.”

Fang Yuan puts Ying Wuxie and the others out and lets them cultivation on Stone Lotus Island, just like previous life, familiar with Future Body.

Unlike the previous lifetime, this lifetime Fang Yuan’s Fairy Euphony and Miss White Rabbit are still alive, greatly improving the utilization of the Future Body.

And he also enjoyed a Future Body!

His previous lifetime cultivation base Rank 8, Future Body ultimate move has no effect on him, but this lifetime Fang Yuan comes ahead, just the Rank 7 cultivation base, and the Future Body is of course useful to him.

“and many more!”

“Maybe this is the right time for me to come to Stone Lotus Island.”

“At the time, Red Lotus Demon Venerable came to me, when I was Rank 7 cultivation base, I came here, so I left the Future Body ultimate move to help me.”

“previous lifetime I thought it was a Red Lotus miscalculation… but now it seems that don’t tell me is Red Lotus Demon Venerable has taken into account the state after my rebirth?”

“If I think about it, this Red Lotus’ True Inheritance is not for my previous lifetime, but for me who is waiting for this lifetime?!”

Fang Yuan’s eyes are flickering for a while.

He left Ying Wuxie and the others and left Stone Lotus Island alone.

Using Time Dao ultimate move, he hides himself and continues to sneak.

He still remembers the scene when he entered the river for the third time. For the location of another Stone Lotus Island, he had already calculated it.

This time into the river, his plan is two Stone Lotus Island!

It took a long time and after some twists and turns, Fang Yuan searched for possible locations on Stone Lotus Island.

But unfortunately, he never found the one Stone Lotus Island.

“Stone Lotus Island itself can be transferred, it seems that the island is erratic, unlike the Stone Lotus Island I boarded.”

Missing Red Lotus’ True Inheritance, Fang Yuan is not discouraged.

This situation is also in his estimation.

Present Ancient Pavilion.

4 Xun Zi has a little trouble.

A Far Ancient Zodiac Beast is attacking the Present Ancient Pavilion, and the Present Ancient Pavilion is spraying Profound Light.

Soon, the Far Ancient Zodiac Beast was killed in the joint effort of 4 Xun Zi.

Xun Guo Zi screamed: “Great, we have a lot of Time Dao immortal materials!”

“Yeah.” Zhong Xun Zi was very impressed. “River of Time is not the cultivation holy land of Time Dao Gu Immortal, like Soul Shaking Mountain and Unrestrained Valley for Soul Dao Gu Immortal.”

Xia Xun Zi is attached: “Yeah, Heavenly Court sent me to wait for the President Ancient Pavilion. Although the focus is on defending the face of Fang Yuan, it is also a great opportunity for cultivation for me! Capture Time Dao Immortal materials, great for our cultivation.”

Shang Xun Zi said with a slight smile : “More than that, in the Present Ancient Pavilion, we can observe the upstream and downstream, seeing many scenes of the past and the future. Seeing the changes that countless things have under the influence of time, for I am waiting for the comprehend Time Dao to improve Time Dao Realm.”

Xun Guo Zi gently gritted his teeth: “Unfortunately, the Fate Gu is broken and not complete. According to historical records, when the Fate Gu was intact long ago, our Time Dao Great Expert could observe the upstream and downstream of the River of Time. Insight into the past, observing the future, and being able to accurately predict many things.”

Xia Xun Zi continues to be nodded: “Yeah. Constellation Immortal Venerable seems to have done this before. Although she is not Time Dao Gu Immortal, Wisdom Dao is extraordinary, simulating Time Dao, through the tributaries of the time, to calculate the future In all kinds of situations, she foresaw that the Green Turtles created the Constellation Chessboard, the first Gu Home in history, the Turtle House.

4 Xun Zi cherishes the glory of Time Dao’s history and calms down the mood. While resting, he cleans up the body of Far Ancient Zodiac Beast and continues to monitor the River of Time.

They didn’t know at all: Fang Yuan had sneaked into the River of Time, got Red Lotus’ True Inheritance ahead of time, and then secretly left.

Fang Yuan returned, walked out of the River of Time, entered the tributary of the time, and finally returned to Northern Plains.

After he got out of the grand formation, he pushed the Fixed Immortal Travel Immortal Gu and went straight to the Southern Border.

During this time, how can Fang Yuan have Fixed Immortal Travel Immortal Gu?

Immortal Gu is the only one, Fixed Immortal Travel Immortal Gu is of course still on Feng Jiuge.

In fact, Fang Yuan uses the ultimate move Future Body!

This Time Dao ultimate move is amazing, it condenses a human figure in the Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture.

The light and shadow disk sits vacant, just like the water of the River of Time condenses, smashing the multi-colored colors.

The light and shadow face is like Fang Yuan, vivid and lifelike.

Light and shadow also have Paragon Immortal Aperture, but this Immortal Aperture is the future Immortal Aperture of Fang Yuan. The most important thing is that there are many phantoms of Gu insect, such as Fixed Immortal Travel!

Fang Yuan is born again, the impact is small, the downstream of the River of Time has not been dyed by the ink.

Therefore, the downstream scenario is still Fang Yuan’s previous lifetime.

Future Body will give Gu Immortal the strongest look of the future Rank 7. The strongest posture of Fang X previous’s Rank 7 is some before the Five Boundary Mountain Range.

At that time, Fang Yuan had captured the hometown of Southern Border, such as Xia Cha, and slammed the Southern Super Powers.

In order to fight against strong enemies, Heavenly Court was designed to further pursue Red Lotus’ True Inheritance in River of Time. Fang Yuan swallowed Xia Cha’s Time Dao Immortal Aperture, promoted Rank 8, and made transcends tribulation in Five Boundary Mountain Range. The illusion of arranging traps.

Fang Yuan stole Feng Jiuge’s Fixed Immortal Travel Gu.

After that, Fang Yuan took a glimpse of Blessed Land and confronted Chi Family, eventually closing a deal with Chi Quyou.

After that, Fang Yuan laid the Time River Execution Formation, captured the Southern Border and captured the Southern Border Great Clan.

Then, the Five Boundary Mountain Range fight.

Then, Fang Yuan entered the River of Time, and the shadow of Stone Lotus Island was not seen. He was eventually chased by Heavenly Court and escaped.

Therefore, Fang Yuan’s Future Body was before he swallowed Xia Cha Immortal Aperture and promoted Rank 8.

At this time, he already had the Fixed Immortal Travel Immortal Gu!

With Future Body ultimate move, Fang Yuan flies directly from Northern Plains to Southern Border.

But he did not go to the Five Boundary Mountain Range.

Five World True Inheritance is of great use to him, and Fang Yuan certainly knows this. But it is not wise to open Five World True Inheritance now.

Because Five World True Inheritance is very dynamic, it is necessary to subtly destroy the Five Boundary Mountain Range to get the approval of Tao Zhu and to motivate him.

Fang Yuan is currently only a Rank 7 cultivation base. Although the strength of the bay is improved, it is difficult to fight against the Rank 8.

If you start Five World True Inheritance, what is the cause of Rank 8 Gu Immortal, or Immortal Gu Home, etc., then you are embarrassed.

To be on the safe side, Fang Yuan temporarily pushed the Five World True Inheritance back.

He came to the Southern Border this time, not for Five World True Inheritance, but in a valley of commons.

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