Even the Supervising Heaven Tower, with the Supervising Heaven Tower of the Rank 9 Fate Gu, is hard to withstand the erosion of the Dream Dao ultimate move.

Dragon Palace is the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home with the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Such As Dream Decree. The resulting Rank 8 Dream Dao ultimate move is probably the first in the world.

As the saying goes, fresh, Heaven Swallowing.

There is no Dream Dao defense in Supervising Heaven Tower, so Dragon Spirit takes action and the effect is immediate!

“If you continue, Supervising Heaven Tower will cease to exist!”

“This trick is not simply the spread of dreams, but the objective move of Dream Dao. Even if Heavenly Court has Pure Dream Seeking True Transformation, it can’t be imagined!”

For a moment, Sovereign Yao and the others all saw the hope of victory.

“I didn’t expect it to be at the last minute, it was Bai Ningbing pulling strength against a crazy tide !”


“Get action, guard the Dragon Palace!”

The north-westvariate immortal actively cooperated with Heavenly Court Gu Immortal turn pale with fright. Before the self-confidence color disappeared, the attack was intense and anxious.

“Not quite right!” At the crucial moment, Fang Yuan focused on Duke Long and immediately found something wrong.

Duke Long, who is entangled with Di Cang Sheng, has no flustered color, looks calm, and even reveals a trace of memory.

More than one hundred ten thousand years ago ……

Deep in Heavenly Court.

“Hong Ting, you dare to enter Heavenly Court, come here to walk right into a trap! The secret of your rebirth has been exposed, you dare to violate the fate, attempt to rebel against Will of Heaven, resurrect the dead, it is really disappointing for the teacher! “Duke Long looked at Red Lotus in front of him, and looked like iron. His eyes burned with anger.”

Red Lotus Demon Venerable lightly smiled : “Master, since I came here, I didn’t think about going back alive, and I didn’t want to destroy Fate Gu. I also asked you to do it slowly.”

“Oh? Then what do you want to do?”

Red Lotus Demon Venerable took a deep look at Duke Long: “I want to persuade Master to help me destroy Fate Gu!”

Duke Long glimpsed, immediately laughed heartily for a while, then slammed the laughter, a pair of amber dragon eye deep and unmeasurable: “Then you talk about it, for the teacher to listen.”

Red Lotus lightly smiled: “Reborn tens of thousands of times, I also accidentally learned the clues, and then used more than a dozen chances of rebirth, this is the only way to explore. Fate Gu already no longer protects us Human Race, now it’s Revelation is four words…”

He hasn’t finished yet, but Duke Long has already said: “Dragonoid is a luxury.”

Red Lotus glanced, and immediately laughed: “Master, you really know! You really want to maintain Fate Gu, do you really want to lead the rise of the Dragonoid family? After all, the largest number of Dragonoid is your bloodline.” ”

“Of course not!” Duke Long shook his head and his voice was low. “Hong Ting, you only know that one is unknown. The secret of Dragonoid’s popularity is actually the first discovery for the division and the first report. Become a Dragonoid and become the ancestor of Dragonoid, but the true heart is Human Race from beginning to end! Whether you believe it or not, the truth is.”

“I believe!” Red Lotus has no hesitation. “I believe in the true heart of Master. Master, how much do you know me, the same, I also know Master. You are definitely not behaving personally, betraying Human Race. Just after that, I am afraid that you will deny it, deliberately.”

“hmph, stinky brat.” Duke Long coldly snorted, a heart of gratification, continued, “create the Dragonoid life prolonging method for the teacher, the intention is just to teach you, assist you in the leadership of Heavenly Court, leader Human Race , absolutely did not think that in Fate Gu, there will be a revelation of Dragonoid.”

“However, after the initial shock and fear, the teacher gradually came to understand: Fate Gu is the Gu insect of the Heavenly Dao genre, Dao of Heaven, and the damage is insufficient. The victory of Human Race, ruled the Five Regions and Two Heavens, More than the original different races, it will naturally cause Heavenly Dao’s to break and make up for other deficiencies. Just like Genesis Immortal Venerable held Fate Gu and got the Human Race to be fashionable.”

“However, the teacher still needs to maintain Fate Gu. What do you know?”

In the eyes of Red Lotus, the bright glow flashes are gone, ask: “Why?”

Duke Long sighed deeply: “In fact, the hidden danger of Fate Gu has already been raised by him in the era of Genesis Immortal Venerable. Human Race is united by Fate Gu. It is the most important thing to understand. Human Race has the courage to resist the nonhuman races. However, once the human race’s destiny disappears, how should Human Race go?”

“There is no doubt that this is a huge hidden danger. Until the death of Genesis Immortal Venerable, this problem was not solved. At the time of his death, he took the burden to his disciples. This discipline is the later Constellation Immortal Venerable. When her life essence is approaching, she finally thinks about the way to solve the hidden dangers. That is – to get along.”

Red Lotus frowned: “Is it right?”

“right.” Duke Long continued to confuse, “Fate Gu only Heavenly Dao can directly manipulates, Human Race, nonhuman race Gu Immortal can observe at least one or two, get some inspiration. Maybe in the future, as the genre fights, there will be Using Fate Gu’s method, but now it is impossible.”

“Constellation Immortal Venerable thinks: Since you can’t start with Fate Gu, you can start with the source! So she sacrifices herself and joins her body to participate in Heavenly Dao’s with her own will, disturbing and influencing Will of Heaven. Of Heaven is affected, Fate Gu can be controlled by my Heavenly Court.”

“It turned out to be the same thing!” Red Lotus Demon Venerable shocked, “Fate Gu woven wire mesh, called the universal network. Everything in the world, in this network, by the fate of the mercy. Constellation Immortal Venerable manipulates Will of Heaven, which affects Fate Gu and makes Human Race always alive.”

“No wonder Fate Gu is so important to Heavenly Court. It’s no wonder that Constellation Immortal Venerable is designed to block three Demon Venerables including me. No wonder Heavenly Court has always stood tall, always Human Race holy land, the world’s number one superpower! ”

Duke Long nodded: “Hong Ting, your understanding has never been called a teacher’s disappointment. The world’s potential, the long-term must be combined for a long time. Which superpower have you seen, can last for a long time? From the inside: the human heart is volatile It is full of desires, but it is difficult to fill in. If you have strong powers, you will be able to withstand the deficiencies of the people. From the outside, it is often necessary to make a super-powerful Gu Immortal. This Gu Immortal cultivation to Rank 8, most of them can make a super power decline or even perish. In this world, personal strength is easy to override the organization.”

“There is very little superpower that can last for a thousand years. But our Heavenly Court is an accident. Why? It’s because of the Fate Gu.”

“Under the fateful arrangement, we are always Human Race holy land. Our internals will always be harmonious. Even if there are contradictions, there will be various opportunities and coincidences. Our enemies often cannot grow up, even if there is a Rank 8 level. The strong enemy will also gradually decline, and even do not need my Heavenly Court to take action in person, the strong enemy will die and even surrender because of various circumstances.”

“The miracle that can be achieved is the sacrifice of Rank 9 Wisdom Dao Immortal Venerable’s. Without the cultivation base of Rank 9 Wisdom Dao, it is impossible to compete and interfere with the normal operation of Will of Heaven’s. However, even the will of Constellation Immortal Venerable is against Will. Of Heaven, too often, has not caught, and occasionally falls into the wind.”

Red Lotus took it, interjected: “Like Dragonoid?”

“right. At first, I was shocked. But when I learned about these ancient secrets, I chose to wait. Sure enough, after a short while, Fate Gu’s revelation changed again, Dragonoid was not happy, Changed back to Human Race. “Duke Long is pleased with said a with a smile.” Later I looked at the secret history of Heavenly Court and found that such an example has actually appeared many times. Dragonoid is fashionable, but it is the most recent that’s all. Dragonoid The revelation of Xing is not counted.”

The heart of Red Lotus is constantly sinking.

Since Master Duke Long has known this for a long time, why should he listen to his own questions?

He suddenly realized that instead of going deep into Heavenly Court, Duke Long had been waiting for him here, waiting for him to ask, and then telling him the secret of Heavenly Court’s ancient times.

Red Lotus stopped thinking and looked up at Duke Long.

Duke Long said with a slight smile : “Hong Ting, for the teacher to wait for you to come, say such a thing, is to make you look back is the shore. You can create Spring and Autumn Cicada, reborn back, it is the devil’s way. See It seems to have the hope of changing the past, but in fact, do you have it?”

“No.” Duke Long shook his head, tone chop nails and sever Iron.

“Because there is always a day on your head, with Heavenly Dao, with Constellation’s Will, with the revelation of Fate Gu. How can you turn over the sky? How can you change the past?”

“Even if you have Demon Venerable rank 9 battle strength, what about it? Infinite and Reckless are the best examples. How long can a Venerable life span? The longest living Genesis Immortal Venerable adult, but 25,000 Lifeful. And Heavenly Court, it has millions of years of history and accumulation. It has the sacrifice and guardian of Immortal Venerable’s. It has Fate Gu. This is the general trend, is this strong accumulation you moved? Especially you Rebirth comes back, just relying on the Future Body ultimate move, only the Rank 9 battle strength. Essentially not really the Rank 9 Venerable.”

Red Lotus is silent.

Even if he is as strong as him, he often feels helpless in the face of Heavenly Court.

He can ruin Heavenly Court, but what is the use?

Heavenly Court will be easily rebuilt as long as Fate Gu is there. Because Constellation’s Will has been influencing the Will of Heaven, and the Fat Race has always been a Human Race, there will always be Heavenly Court, the first holy land of Human Race, the first force.

Under the fate of manipulates, there are a variety of opportunities, and countless talents fine jade will actively rely on Heavenly Court to form Heavenly Court.

Heavenly Court is not the key, Constellation’s Will and Fate Gu are the key.

For Constellation’s Will…

First of all, Red Lotus is not Wisdom Dao Rank 9, and he is not good at dealing with Constellation’s Will.

Second, he also does not want to deal with Constellation’s Will. After all, Constellation’s Will interferes with Will of Heaven, maintains the status of Human Race, and always makes Human Race flourish.

Red Lotus just wants to resurrect his loved ones and friends. He never thought about betraying and hurting his race.

So, leaving Red Lotus Demon Venerable’s still has only one way, that is to destroy Fate Gu!

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