Lu Weiyin has no offensive ultimate move, but the rest is powerful.

He easily blocked the irritating tide of the north and southvarious immortal, even if Fang Yuan took him for a time.

鈥淚t鈥檚 a good thing to pass on!鈥?Many Heavenly Court Gu Immortal have paid attention to them.

In a short time, Lu Weiyin defended the fierce attack of the North and South all the people with one man’s power. Heavenly Court Gu Immortal in the battlefield could hardly achieve this level!

Until now, the north and southvariate immortal only understand the power of Lu Weiyin!

Although Lu Weiyin has no means of attack, the overall strength is still above Li Huang and Chen Yi.

North and South all the people hate Lu Weiyin, this hatred is even more than several times stronger than Fang Yuan!

Because of the appearance of Lu Weiyin, the last hope of the North and South coalition forces was destroyed. The offensive of Fang Yuan and the others was like a violent rush, but he was blocked by him.

鈥淗ahaha.鈥?Duke Long laughed, he was still entangled with Di Cang Sheng, and Lu Weiyin replaced him to save the situation.

Duke Long thinks: Lu Weiyin take action and help him more than he takes the action himself.

Because this represents the acknowledgment allegiance of the landline.

“This is the heart of the people. When Fate Gu came out, Genesis Immortal Venerable relied on it, changing the will of Human Race Gu Immortal and evoking the resistance of countless people. Now, the same!”

The lossy Fate Gu is not worthy of awe.

But the complete Fate Gu, like the historical record, is the flag!

Its significance for Human Race far exceeds its essence.

This is what the people want, and it is the trend of the times.

People’s heart is hard to change, but Heavenly Court has mastered Fate Gu, which can make a lot of hostile Gu Immortal difficult to fight, and eventually they will defect and trust!

This time, I don鈥檛 know how much energy and trouble I need to save Heavenly Court and Central Continent.

Duke Long couldn’t help but be grateful to Fairy Ziwei’s choice, using the crowd to see, this one scene after another will be widely spread Central Continent, and even spread the Five Regions and Two Heavens.

Lu Weiyin’s trust is a sign, a model, meaning that in the future there will be a large number of Gu Immortal to rely on Central Continent, bowing to Heavenly Court.

The power of example is endless.

Especially Lu Weiyin, is a happy land.

In the future, when many Gu Immortal hesitates to surrender to the mutiny, they will think, “Even if the land of Lu Weiyin is changed, what can I count?”

As a result, the hurdle in my heart has passed.

Lu Weiyin’s behavior, like an invisible storm, quickly spread and spread to Central Continent.

Gu Immortal, the domain that has long been ready to go, has retreated more quickly.

At the same time, at the headquarters of Spiritual Fate House, Zhao Lianyun is just around the corner.

“Fairy Lianyun, where are you going? It’s very dangerous outside.” Bu Zhen Zi persuaded.

Zhao Lianyun said with a smile : “I have Passion Gu body protection, and now it is the enemy’s chilling escape. When my generation is making a contribution, when will it not be attacked?”

Zhao Lianyun’s wishes were quickly recognized by the Spiritual Fate House everyone Revered Elder.

Before the Central Continent chaos, all the way to take action, set off the smoke everywhere, the situation is chaotic, Heavenly Court in order to repair the plan, from the Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects a large number of Gu Immortal.

Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects is weak, and the vast territory, can only give up a large number of territories and resources, wisely choose to defensive defense.

Now, through the eyes of the ultimate move, Gu Immortal staying in the major stations understands the changes in the overall situation, and many people of insight understand that it is time for counterattack!

“Let these dare to offend me Central Continent’s 瀹礚ittle Du be beheaded !”

“Hit, beat these despicable guys to scared witless.”

“Wow, the grievances and anger in my heart are all back to you!”

Soon, with Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, the counter-attack wave was launched. The remaining Roundeous Path and Demonic Path and loose immortal in the remaining Central Continent took action and quickly recovered the lost ground. They remained in Central Continent’s four-domain Gu Immortal. Pickpockets.

Four fields, Gu Immortal, retreated, and some left their lives on the spot.

These battles were also known to the generals of the Undefeatable Blessed Land battlefield, Gu Immortal, because of the overall move, and the morale was overwhelming.

Fang Yuan and the others are in a more precarious situation.

Duke Long is very happy.

This is exactly what he wants to see.

Under the banner of Fate Gu, almost all of Central Continent’s Gu Immortal were called up and united.

The power of this unity is quite terrifying. The rise of Heaven Race in the early days of Heavenly Court has long proved this.

At this moment, Duke Long has a deeper understanding: Heavenly Court has shown Fate Gu for generations, deliberately establishing the meaning of this banner!

This is a hint of deep in the heart, a call that is strong enough to resist.

Fate Gu itself is just a Rank 9 Immortal Gu, and it can’t even be directly used. But in the use of Heavenly Court, it gives it its own consciousness and meaning beyond its own, and then uses the history of Human Race to magnify this influence.

Think about it, it’s amazing isn’t that so?

The practicality of Fate Gu itself is far less than other Rank 9 Immortal Gus such as Wisdom Gu. But it was used by Heavenly Court, but it was changed to people’s hearts, uniting a large number of scattered battle strength, so that countless people united and united.

Lu Weiyin’s rebellion…

Jian Yisheng This kind of loose immortal and Mei Languang, which was abandoned by the top ten sects, Righteous Path Gu Immortal, took the initiative to ambush the design of Immortal Da Cang…

Represented by Zhao Lianyun, each Central Continent Gu Immortal set off a wave of counterattacks…

The other four domains Gu Immortal’s active evacuation, morale plummeted…

These changes are difficult to do with Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, even the Rank 9 ultimate move of Million People One Mind.

But now, Duke Long is achieved with a single Fate Gu.

Gu Master, Gu Immortal cultivate gus, use gus, refine gus, not to mention the other two aspects, the use of 鍗?He – Heavenly Court using Fate Gu, has left the cage, beyond the limits of Gu insect itself, reach an unprecedented supreme The point!

This is an art, think about it and shock it.

Heavenly Court various immortal is surrounded by all sides.

The north and south varied immortal were trapped in the encirclement, some were paralyzed, some were bleeding, some were anxious, and some were ashamed.

Fang Yuan’s heart is also covered with a thick shadow, he can not break Lu Weiyin’s protection, and Supervising Heaven Tower has stabilized.

Duke Long deliberately drew Di Cang Sheng far and opened the second battle.

“The enemy has already gone.” This is the voice of almost all Heavenly Court Gu Immortal.

鈥淗ahaha, I still have to look at Self Strength try to turn the tides!鈥?/p>

Just then, a sound familiar to Fang Yuan spread throughout the battlefield.

At the same time, the Immortal Gu Home Dragon Palace emerged behind the Supervising Heaven Tower’s!

“Is Bai Ningbing? How can she control the Dragon Palace?” Fang Yuan was shocked.

The rest of Gu Immortal is even more so.

Bai Ningbing’s sneak attack has long been a long-planned attempt. When the crowds were horrified, a smoke broke out in the Dragon Palace and flew to the Supervising Heaven Tower.

Supervising Heaven Tower, like a plunge, at a critical juncture, Gu Immortal in the tower.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – The virtual tower is unbeaten!

In an instant, Supervising Heaven Tower is going to be virtual and invincible.

“The means of Void Transformation, hehe.” Bai Ningbing sneered, “You are too small to see me. Dragon Spirit!”

There is a boy standing next to her, now laughed: “Master, look at me!”

The Supervising Heaven Tower and the Supervising Heaven Tower Void Transformation were so successful that it was hard to get rid of smoke.

“This is – Dream Dao’s offensive ultimate move?!” Fang Yuan is surprised and happy, and Heavenly Court is naturally both shocked and angry.

“What is going on here?” Two sides of the horse also have doubts in their hearts.

Time goes back a short time…

Central Continent, Hidden Dragon Cavern battlefield.

The battle has entered the gate of victory and defeat.

The support of Heavenly Court various immortal has greatly improved the situation of Dragon Palace’s four Dragon Generals.

But these supportes have long been in the expectation and response of the Eastern Sea digital Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

They broke out one after another, making the situation anxious.

The four Dragon Generals are still only able to deflate in the Dragon Palace, and Gu Immortal, supported by Heavenly Court in a short time, can’t break the front of Eastern Sea Gu Immortal.

But at this time, a figure fell to the edge of the battlefield.

It is Bai Ningbing!

Previously, Chen Yi relied on Origin Lotus Immortal Venerable’s means to display Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Cause Arrive, Effect Depart, temporarily resisting the impact of the public.

Fang Yuan quickly found the best way to trade.

Bai Ningbing Under the Fang Yuan’s command, the impact front was transmitted by the Cause Arrive, Effect Depart.

Bai Ningbing fixed his eyes and found himself in danger.

This is the battlefield of the Rank 8 level, and it is so fierce that it is not what she can blend!

Bai Ningbing is like an evacuation, but whether it is Eastern Sea or Heavenly Court’s Gu Immortal, she took her action at a moment later.

Heavenly Court Gu Immortal Seeing Bai Ningbing is an enemy, naturally it is to be eradicated.

Eastern Sea Gu Immortal did not want Bai Ningbing to leave, exposing the secrets here, so he also wanted to kill.

For a moment, Bai Ningbing fell into a state of life and death.

“Bitter!” She deeply understands that in the face of the extreme move of Rank 8 Gu Immortal, even if she turns into White Phase, it does not help.

When death comes, she is not afraid at all, just not reconciled, and deeply regrets, can’t help but whispered in the mouth: “I can only come here?”

“No, master!” At the crucial moment, a crisp, childish voice suddenly came.

Then, the Dragon Palace suddenly shocked and captured Bai Ningbing to move her directly to the depths of the Dragon Palace.

This scene made the Rank 8 Gu Immortal present stunned and the situation was slow.

鈥淵ou are…who?鈥?Bai Ningbing entered the Dragon Palace and found a strange creature standing in front of him.

It has a childlike appearance, but has a horn on the head, a dragon tail behind it, a pair of big eyes fluttering, glittering and translucent, pure and lovely.

It looks at Bai Ningbing, started talking: “Blessed Land has Earth Spirit, Celestial Grotto has Heaven Spirit, and in Dragon Court, there is me – Dragon Spirit.”

鈥淒ragon Court? Isn’t this the Immortal Gu Home Dragon Palace? And why do you call me the main?鈥?Bai Ningbing, of course, knows the information of the Dragon Palace, in the heart is more and more doubts.

Dragon Spirit laughed: “Dragonoid Gu Immortals created Dragon Court, but Duke Long did not allow it, so it changed its name and changed Dragon Court to Dragon Palace. As for the main thing, it is the only way now. Because you are escaping From fate’s Dragonoid, which is opposite to Heavenly Court, is the only owner of the moment.”

“Master, I finally waited for you. Duke Long didn’t know my existence, I hid it and created the illusion that he would refine Dragon Court. Heavenly Court’s power is too strong, and the owner is taking action to solve the immediate crisis. In the future, lead the rise of the Dragonoid family, follow the Will of Heaven, defeat the Human Race, and make the Dragonoid the leader of Heaven and Earth.”

鈥淲hat do you mean?鈥?Bai Ningbing frowned and felt incredulous. 鈥淚 am only Rank 7 Gu Immortal, even if I have a Future Body, it is not a Rank 8. Not to mention the current situation, even the Rank 8 cultivation base, it鈥檚 hard to solve here. Predicament.”

Dragon Spirit said: “Master, you have to be confident. Fate Gu has long been inspiration, Human Race is defeated, Dragonoid is in the limelight. Our Dragonoid family will be the next Heaven and Earth leading role, and I will ban the Human Race and rule Heaven. And Earth. Hate Duke Long is the ancestor of Dragonoid, he is the biggest rebellion of my family.”

“Dragon Court’s power has not been fully realized because of the lack of a real master. Of course, Dragon Court is just the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home, and even if you fully utilize the power, it is difficult to break through. So please take the owner to take action. , accept Di Cang Sheng !”

Bai Ningbing is amazed: “Is Di Cang Sheng 鎴?I can get it?”

Dragon Spirit confidently smiles: “Master, you must not be arrogant. Dragonoid is a happy, Divine Beast. Di Cang Sheng is born by Heavenly Dao, born to hate Human Race, actually Divine Beast of my Dragonoid family. At the moment Dragon Court can’t Conquering it is because it is just an Immortal Gu Home nothing more, lacking a real master. With you, everything is in place.”

Bai Ningbing blinked again and again.

There are still many doubts in her mind, such as Dragonoid, not Human Race? Fate Gu If this is the case, why does Heavenly Court have to do everything possible to fix Fate Gu?

Bai Ningbing pressed all the doubts in her heart, and her mood was inextricably excited.

“He He He, that’s fun.”

“I didn’t expect that at the moment of death, things ushered in a turn.”

鈥淗eavenly Court seems to have a lot of hidden secrets…鈥?/p>

“Although I was Human Race, I turned into Dragonoid through the secret technique. But led the rise of the Dragonoid family and overthrew the rule of Human Race… This kind of thing is just a matter of thought, it is full of blood.”

鈥淚t鈥檚 fun to fight Heavenly Court, but it鈥檚 more exciting to lead Dragonoid!鈥?/p>

鈥淗ahaha, interesting, interesting!鈥?/p>

Bai Ningbing, eyed, and laughed heartily, she said to Dragon Spirit: “No matter what you are, I have nothing to do with it. Anyway, you don’t act to save me, then I am already dead. You The goal is really interesting, I accepted it! How to get it?”

Bai Ningbing is different. She is a real demon. Everything departs according to her own preferences. What do you feel is wonderful and do something.

So the identity of Human Race, simply strains not her.

Lu Weiyin betrayed the Southern Border camp and she directly betrayed Human Race!

Dragon Spirit is overjoyed: “The owner has your take action, Di Cang Sheng acknowledge allegiance is with no difficulty.”

Dragon Spirit was so excited that he shed tears: “very good! I almost despaired, I didn’t expect the owner to come, my wait was not in vain!”

鈥淭he Will of Heaven is always influenced by Constellation’s Will, and the revelation in Fate Gu has changed. But it doesn’t matter. The heavily immersed Immortal Formation in Heavenly Court is dead, Constellation’s Will loses support, and Heavenly Dao will press her. Next. Your appearance proves this.”

“At the moment, we will first accept Di Cang Sheng, then kill back and participate in the war. Whether it is Heavenly Court, or the North-South coalition is a dog biting a dog. Although we can’t wait for them to die, but this is a golden opportunity, we can take the opportunity to grab the Fate Gu.”

“As long as Fate Gu is in hand, the revelation of Dragonoid’s resurgence reappears, we can follow the original Lotus Immortal Venerable, the flag is in hand, change the heart, the rise of the Dragonoid family will be unstoppable!”

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