Liu Liuliu actually went to the stage to fight, but the Northern Plains expert already with him was destroyed, leaving him alone.

The battle was too fierce and the sacrifice of Rank 8 Gu Immortal became sparse.

Liu Liuliu’s hands are brilliant, and at least eight Heavenly Court members have suffered his poisonous hand since the battle. He has long been concerned about Fairy Ziwei, and his rich combat experience has made him quickly judge the importance of Fairy Ziwei!

At this moment, he suddenly took action sneak attack, in fact, ready for a long time.

In an instant, Fairy Ziwei was sweaty, and the deadly crisis felt filled her heart, almost making her unable to breathe!

Fairy Ziwei’s heart is so bright that he can’t stop the other party by his own defense. But to mobilize other defensive measures now, it’s too late!

Seeing that Fairy Ziwei is going to fall, at a critical moment, a Heavenly Court Gu Immortal is killed from the side.

It was Wu Shuang who previously supported Duke Long!

Pū chī !

With a muffled sound, Liu Liuliu’s ultimate move seemed to be a gray blade, piercing Wu Shuang and stabbing Fairy Ziwei’s shoulder.

“Damn, Wu used to block most of the power…” Liu Liuliu’s face changed suddenly, and the silhouette quickly dissipated.

Fairy Ziwei was seriously injured, but Wu used to be killed.

Liu Liuliu disappeared, a moment later, he appeared again, and maybe he will take a life.


The air waves are flying.

Duke Long flies back to the weekly hundred steps, with difficulty to stabilize the figure.

After all, he blocked a powerful ultimate move from Seven Extremity All Desolate, but at the cost of the entire arm and the Dragon Scale in front of the chest.

His arms were unable to hang down, the Dragon Scale was broken, and his chest was bloody.

Duke Long immediately mobilized the treatment, but the Dark Dao Dao Mark, which was engraved on his arms, was very rich and arranged in a clever combination, which greatly hampered his treatment.

“Hahaha, Duke Long, you have been in our snakes, sneaked in two exceptions, and want to recover their injuries and dream in a short time!” Seven Extremity All Desolate makes a sneer.

Subsequently, Fortune Stealing Altar changed the previous fighting style, suddenly broke through the floor tiles, from bottom to top sneak attack Duke Long.

An Immortal Realm Ultimate Move broke out and hit Duke Long.

A giant orange gold ball of light, holding Duke Long inside, was trapped.

The ball of light continually shrinks, squeezing Duke Long’s living space, pressing his bones to creak, the Dragon Scale continually falling, and the Dragon Horn showing a clear crack.

See Duke Long trapped, Bing Saichuan big sighed in relief.

Duke Long is amazing, and Fortune Stealing Altar’s ultimate move is slow and hard to hit.

Fortunately, Northern Plains Gu Immortal’s tactics are extremely sensible, and the enemy is inevitable, leaving Duke Long with concern and passive defense. The combination of Seven Extremity All Desolate is becoming more and more tacit, which creates the opportunity in battle and hits Duke Long!

Kā chā.

a light sound, a large dragon Horn fell from the top of Duke Long’s head.

A large number of purple breaks, falling and falling.

Nine dragon shadows appear in Duke Long’s body, which is Nine Tattooed Dragon Protection ultimate move, with difficulty against the surrounding pressure.

“Duke Long, you have gone, Fate Gu must be my Longevity Heaven! And you will also die!” Bing Saichuan’s voice spread throughout the battlefield, he could only trap Duke Long in a short time, and could not take his away Life, but it doesn’t matter, he can use this to combat the morale of Heavenly Court’s side.

Sure enough, many Heavenly Court members were shocked when they saw Duke Long being trapped.

Duke Long suddenly burst into laughter: “Even if the old man is killed here, how about it? You Northern Plains Gu Immortal are not afraid of death, don’t tell me I have Heavenly Court who are afraid of death?”

In a word, Heavenly Court various immortal have been applauded and morale has been greatly enhanced.

“We are sleeping, just for responsibility, not afraid of death.”

“Just kidding, afraid of death? We are a member of Heavenly Court’s!”

“We maintain the glory of Human Race, from Remote Antiquity Era, we are never afraid to sacrifice!!”

Heavenly Court’s Gu Immortal began a counter-attack and used the flesh and blood to resist Northern Plains Gu Immortal’s ultimate move. Once there is an opportunity, Heavenly Court Gu Immortal will launch a storm and fight for the Northern Plains expert perish.

Northern Plains Gu Immortal, Heavenly Court Gu Immortal is crazy!

“Not good.” Bing Saichuan inwardly shouted is not good. He originally wanted to fight Heavenly Court’s morale. I didn’t expect Duke Long to be ingeniously disintegrated.

Bing Saichuan sneered, and the voice spread again on the battlefield: “It’s ridiculous! Your sacrifice is meaningless. Even if our Gu Immortal sacrifices more, they are just Red Lotus Demon Venerable’s ultimate move. The old is dead. It is dead. People, in exchange for your sacrifice, this is a business that can’t make a profit! How many backgrounds can you have in Heavenly Court, can withstand such a toss?”

“background?” Duke Long also sneered. “What we have at Heavenly Court is!”

He began to resist.

His arms couldn’t move, but the whole body rose and looked like a high wall, wrap up him.

Duke Long looked towards Fortune Stealing Altar, with a mocking expression in his eyes: “Your Longevity Heaven’s was established, just in Medieval Antiquity Era, 300,000 years a little more than more. And our Heavenly Court? It has been 3.87 million 9667 years! You count, how many times you are! Don’t think about my Heavenly Court’s background, hey, you are always a mouse!”

“Bing Saichuan, you might as well look back, look at our fairy tomb, and look at the ridiculous River of Time phantom on your side.”

Bing Saichuan’s face sank and was speechless.

He doesn’t need to go to see, he has always been concerned about these two places.

In the River of Time, the Northern Plains Gu Immortal, which has come out, has begun to sparse. However, in the Heavenly Court’s fairy tomb, there are still a batch of Gu Immortal, which are constantly waking up.

Heavenly Court’s background ,deep and unmeasurable !

Duke Long continued: “A family is full, how many people are there? How many talents will the family choose? Bing Saichuan, look at our Central Continent. We have selected all kinds of mortals from Central Continent. Talents!”

“A family can find out the talents, can they really cultivate? The blood of the family, their family relationships often become obstacles. But the phenomenon of cronyism in our sect is far less than the family. And the competition of sect is more fair, More transparent.”

“Even if genius appears in the descendants of a family, how much effort does Gu Immortal at the top of the family spend to go to cultivate this genius? Gu Immortal has many things and is very busy. In sect, a genius The younger generation will get the guidance of many people. From his cultivation to his achievement of Gu Immortal, there will be corresponding guidance. Many of the teaching tasks of sect can help the people who guide the younger generation to get the corresponding benefits! Ask a family to do this, How much can I have?”

Spoke until here, Duke Long The tone is high and agitated, full of pride and pride: “Northern Plains various immortal, you dare to invade Heavenly Court, courage! But your insights have long been restrained by your family, you too Underestimate my Heavenly Court’s background!”

Bing Saichuan is silent.

He wants to refute, but can’t say the reason for the rebuttal.

Because the facts are in sight!

In Heavenly Court’s fairy tomb, the members are awakened and emerge in an endless stream.

Three hundred ten thousand years ago, Remote Antiquity Era.

Genesis Immortal Venerable looks at the surrounding Human Race Gu Immortal, slightly nod: “Now, the Gu Immortal of the Central Continent Human Race has arrived, and there are several Fellow Immortal from several other domains.”

“Genesis Immortal Venerable, you will come when you hear your summon. If you have any instructions or instructions, we will all listen to it.”

Genesis Immortal Venerable smiled and said his suggestion: “From today, our Central Continent Gu Immortal will form a sect, widely recruited and will pass on their true skills.”


“Is it a family system?”

“Although I heard this sound of the wind, Genesis Immortal Venerable, do you really want to do this?”

“This is not necessarily too…”

Human Race Gu Immortal talked a lot, and his face showed a hard time.

Someone cautiously persuaded: “Genesis Immortal Venerable, you are the only Rank 9 Gu Immortal in the world today. If you create your own family, you must be the world’s number one superpower! Your children and grandchildren will inherit your glory and skill. The family I am waiting for will be led by your family.”

Genesis Immortal Venerable shook his head slightly, he looked toward to persuade his Gu Immortal, his eyes calm: “Family? Ask the world, from ancient times to the present, can there be a long-lasting family? Once the family is sitting, the blood is the bond, it will appear Sparse. When I was not Immortal Venerable, we confronted other nonhuman Great Clans, relying on the unity of me, etc., relying on their internal crevices. The sect I want to create will be a blood-independent one. organization!”

Human Race Gu Immortal They are silent for a while, some people are reluctant to say with a smile : “Immortal Venerable adults, you are right, once the family is sitting, it is easy to loose. But you are not the same, you are through the ages first cultivation Go to Gun Immortal of Rank 9! Maybe you will not see Rank 9 Immortal Venerable again.”

“As long as you have a family in your family, which family members will dare to go out? With you, there is the most united family under the sun!”

Genesis Immortal Venerable nodded : “You said right. But when I am gone? How old can I live?”

Human Race Gu Immortal was asked a glimpse.

There is Human Dao: “Immortal Venerable, you are now spring and autumn!”

Another said : “We will continue to collect Longevity Gu, you must be the oldest living Gu Immortal in history!”

Genesis Immortal Venerable lightly smiled, with a calm tone said: “But I am still dying. Who can not die in the world?”

He shook his head and sighed and asked himself: “No one.”

Gu Immortal is silent.

Genesis Immortal Venerable continued: “Other life prolonging methods have drawbacks, except Longevity Gu. But even if we collect Longevity Gu, we all understand that Longevity Gu is getting less and less, isn’t that so?”

Human Race Gu Immortal is silent.

“This is Will of Heaven.” Genesis Immortal Venerable looked up, his eyes seemed to penetrate the wall and see the sky and the clouds. “Heavenly Dao has a lot of damage, there is never Eternal Life’s Xeon! trees seem beautiful in a forest , but are easily toppled by the wind, the heap is higher than the shore. The expert of nonhumans is constantly alternating between old and new, and the same is true for our Human Race.”

“I am unrivaled beneath the heavens, but it is only temporary, there will come a day I will die. This is Heavenly Dao, fate, regulation, “Human Ancestor Biography” has long been described.”

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