Heavenly Court battlefield.


Shouting and killing is deafening, Northern Plains various immortal morale arrogance, climbing to an unprecedented peak!

This is Ju Yang Immortal Venerable take action, which is of extraordinary significance. His descendants have no morale, and the battle strength has skyrocketed.

“How come?” Heavenly Court Gu Immortal was horrified, suddenly stagnating at high altitude, unable to move a single step.

In front of his eyes, the famous expert in the history of Northern Plains, Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal Liu Hui spits out one mouthful of impure air: “I was almost killed by you, it is a pity.”

Heavenly Court Gu Immortal drops the cold sweat on his forehead: “Your ultimate move, obviously can’t be restrained by me. Hey, the real power is still Ju Yang Immortal Venerable that’s all, you can’t!”

Liu Hui sneered: “Why didn’t you say that We all was suppressed by fate? Besides, what does it matter if it does not work? Life and death are the real major events, and die.”

He waved his hand and took away the other person’s life.

His eyes were narrow and narrow, his eyes were cold and cold, and he looked around with impoliteness: “Who is the next one?”


“You can’t break my defense, don’t waste it.” Heavenly Court Gu Immortal didn’t move, and his body was covered with halo, so strong.

Northern Plains Gu Immortal Jade Sun Child took a deep breath, he felt the new strength of the body within the body, sweeping away the sorrow and sorrow, confidently flying: “Now I can be different from the original. Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Disintegrate!”

Jade Sun Child was formerly known as Yelu Wa, cultivation Law Dao. After becoming a Gu Immortal, he has made great achievements, but the injustice within the Yelu Family has given him the treatment he deserves. In an angry manner, he rebelled against the family and became Demonic Path Gu Immortal.

In his later years, Yelu Family was frustrated and suffered from the joint exclusion and suppression of multiple Huang Jin Tribes. The Yelu Wa of the Rank 8 cultivation base was invited back to become the Yelu Family Revered Great Elder and returned to the Righteous Path.

He relied on his own efforts to achieve the unachievable achievements of Gu Immortal, and the entire family bowed their heads and acknowledged the mistakes they had made.

Yelu Wa’s life experience reveals the colors of Legendary and has intensified countless generations. However, even if he returned to the Yelu Family and served as the Reved Great Elder, he did not change his original name and still claimed to be Jade Sun Child.

“How come?!” Heavenly Court Gu Immortal turn pale with fright, his proud defense continues to disintegrate, and then completely dissipated.

Funded by Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s, Jade Sun Child directly reversed the gap between strength and weakness.

Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, who played against him, soon died in the hands of Jade Sun Child.



Three Heavenly Court members teamed up to deal with Yelu Qi.

Yuan Ben is Rank 8 Gu Immortal, specializing in Bone Dao, and the battle strength is amazing. Before the birth of the Northern Plains Gu Immortal, the battle strength first, even the other four domains often heard his brave name.

His body is not tall and sturdy, but some are thin and thin. But the white bone armor he wore was hard and thick. His right hand is holding a white bone long spear, waving and waving. With a white bone stiletto in his left hand, the sword light is chilly and heart-wrenching.

I got a yellow light, Light Qi, and Yuan Ben spoke up, and the armor suddenly shot numerous white bone spikes.

One of the Heavenly Court Gu Immortal too late to dodge, who was besieged him, was stabbed into a hedgehog by hundreds of Piercing Bone and died on the spot.

Yuan Ben slammed into the heart of the second place Gu Immortal, and the sword smashed the head of the third Gu Immortals.

But his face is not excited and happy, but a faint sorrow: “Unfortunately, you are not enough, you can’t play the real strength. I got help from the ancestors, this battle…having an unfair advantage!”



A loud bang, Duke Long was like a cannonball, and was beaten to fly out.

The dragon roar sounded and Duke Long quickly stabilized the figure.

Suddenly, a huge shadow covered the ground.

Duke Long suddenly looked up and saw that Fortune Stealing Altar was like a mountain.

Duke Long coldly snorted, still do not dodge or evade, Dragon Claw clenched into a fist.

“Duke Long, I will help you!” Heavenly Court Gu Immortal Wu Shuang is aiming at Duke Long and urging the ultimate move.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Unparalleled!

a moment later , Duke Long took a deep breath and swung his fists to the Fortune Stealing Altar on his head.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Chaotic Dragon Fist !

Unparalleled – Chaotic Dragon Fist! !

In an instant, the fist shadow flew, and the violent martial arts were set off. Tens of millions of boxing shadows seem to be turbulent, hitting Fortune Stealing Altar swaying.

“Duke Long, this guy is really strong enough!” Bing Saichuan gritted his teeth.

Fortune Stealing Altar was also benefited by Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s, and the entire battle strength has skyrocketed several times before and still can’t beat Duke Long.

But at this moment, a giant flew in and joined the battlefield.

It is Seven Extremity All Desolate!

“Duke Long, go to hell!” Seven Extremity All Desolate The giant is loudly roared, open mouth vomiting, bursting out countless black pointed needles, and shooting at Duke Long.

“Oops!” The nearby Heavenly Court Gu Immortal Wu Shuang saw the corner of the eye, he wanted support, but was blocked by other Northern Plains Gu Immortal.

Gu Immortal of the Northern Plains has always had a lot of experience. These Gu Immortal, which came from Past Has Forefathers ultimate move summon, is an expert in history. For so long, they have established a tacit cooperation.

Duke Long is using the Chaotic Dragon Fist ultimate move to resist Fortune Stealing Altar, but is also attacked by Seven Extremity All Desolate.

This dark needle is extremely powerful, and the momentum is surging. Duke Long has not yet hit Duke Long, and Duke Long feels a sharp sting.

Duke Long eyes flashed a bright glint.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Transparent Dragon Clear Pupil.

When the detective ultimate move came out, he immediately penetrated many of the details of the black pointed needle, knowing that this trick contained the essence of Dark Dao and used defensive measures. If he relies on his own Dragon Scale, or the Kowloon Protection Seal, he will be shot into a horse cellar and be seriously injured on the spot!

“That’s the offensive!” Duke Long suddenly open mouth,ududly exhale.

The atmosphere is turbulent, and a moment Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is formed!

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Qi Flow Scissor !

Countless light White Qi flows, and the black needles rain over the past.

The airflow cut through the sky, forming an arc of path, as if it were a sharp blade, where the black needles were cut off.

The Qi Flow Scissor collided with the black needles, each dissipating more than half.

But there are also a few fish that escaped the net, which have hit Duke Long and Seven Extremity All Desolate.

At the same time, Duke Long groaned, inserted more than a dozen black pointed needles. The body of Seven Extremity All Desolate was also cut off by the Qi Flow Scissor.

These injuries were taken up by Seven Immortals of the North Star in Seven Extremity All Desolate.

They resisted the pain and joined forces to push Seven Extremity All Desolate, which directly killed Duke Long.

Duke Long sighed and had to forcefully pull back!

Since the war, this is his first active retreat.

The strong enemy, Duke Long had to withdraw.

His ultimate move Dragon Imperial Honored Guest, can indeed dominate the Rank 8, especially in the last hours of his life, but also to the Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

However, in front of the Rank 9 ultimate move, the Dragon Imperial Honored Guest ultimate move is dwarfed.

In addition to its own power, there are also aspects of mystery changes.

A blow from Ju Yang Immortal Venerable, originally an offensive ultimate move, from Northern Plains all the way to Central Continent’s Heavenly Court, across two major domains, the power is unabated, and the mighty.

Heavenly Court itself is extremely defensive, but it is not the opponent of Ju Yang’s blow.

Fortunately, at the last minute, there was a Constellation Immortal Venerable take action, which only blocked Ju Yang.

However, after being blocked, Ju Yang changed its nature with a single blow, and turned into a means of gain, betting on the battlefield, and subverting the entire battle.

There are several practical skills for ultimate move: combo, change, attach, and move.

The so-called change is based on a certain move, to change, to achieve additional utility. For example, Fang Yuan’s Ten Thousand Me ultimate move and Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal, the former is the basis of the latter.

But Fang Yuan motivates Ten Thousand Me ultimate move, and Ten Thousand Me ultimate move will never become a Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal. There is a difference between the two.

And Ju Yang’s blow seems to change, the previous moment is still offensive ultimate move, the next second becomes a means of gain.

Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s accomplishments in changing skills have completely exceeded Duke Long’s understanding!

“The power in me is dissipating.”

“It seems that the power of Ju Yang Immortal Ancestor is not sustainable!”

“Fast, taking advantage of the power, can’t fight, break through the opponent’s front and win Fate Gu!”

Over time, Northern Plains Gu Immortal gradually found out that something was wrong.

Ju Yang gave them a powerful boost after the transformation of the nature, but this force is also rapidly dissipating.

The burst of Ju Yang’s blow is higher than the People’s Hero ultimate move. But from the point of view of time and space, it is undoubted that People’s Hero ultimate move covers a wider range and lasts longer.

Duke Long’s face has changed.

By the strength of oneself, entangled Fortune Stealing Altar and Seven Extremity All Desolate are reluctant, and now the Northern Plains various immortal simultaneous attack Refining Dao, he can’t defend.

Heavenly Court Many Gu Immortal gather and stand in front of the refining gu to form a line of defense.

Under the madness of Northern Plains Gu Immortal, the line of defense was in jeopardy and hung in the line.

Various Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves are facing each other, and from time to time, Gu Immortal’s body falls from high altitude.

The two sides fought and went to the extreme. Around this weak line of defense, the number of deaths of the Immortal Formation climbed.

Northern Plains is a member of the Stake all on one throw, and the Heavenly Court members are persistent.

Both sides are increasing their troops.

From the Heavenly Court’s fairy tomb, one after another Heavenly Court members rushed to the battlefield to support the front.

In the illusion of the River of Time, the Northern Plains expert also successively went on the stage, without saying anything, to start the charge.

The front line was faltering, Fairy Ziwei already went to the battlefield and tried his best to withstand the fierce attack of Northern Plains various immortal.

Suddenly, Fairy Ziwei’s side showed a faint silhouette.

It is Gu Immortal of the Northern Plains expert Liu Liuliu !

Although this person is a Rank 8 expert, there is not much good reputation in history. Before he was born, Liu Family had only one Rank 8 Gu Immortal, and by convention he should be in the position of Revered Great Elder.

However, Liu Liuliu grew from small to large, never fighting in front, bullying and fearing hard, as long as the take action has always been a surprise attack.

His reputation is too bad to be respected and convinced by others.

If he is the Liu Family’s Reved Great Elder, it will drag down the entire Liu Family and affect the image and reputation of Liu Family.

Liu Liuliu is an example, and it is rare in the history of Northern Plains’, it is unique. However, it is because of his style that he has survived to this day.

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