Undefeatable Blessed Land battlefield.

“What are they doing?” Chen Yi was the first to discover the change of Fang Yuan and the others.

Feng Jiuge still pale, he looked for a while, can’t help but brows slightly: “They are in set up formation!”

“Formation in Formation?” Bai Cangshui coldly snorted. “It’s too small to wait.”

Set up formation in the array, the difficulty is extremely high. Especially in the enemy formation set up formation, it is even more difficult.

Unlike Immortal Gu Home, Immortal Formation generally requires a surrounding environment. The surrounding natural Dao Marks will have many effects on the Immortal Formation.

Heavenly Court’s side naturally does not sit on Fang Yuan and the others, and immediately motivates the grand formation. A wave of offensives is like a wave, and it continues to rush to the newly laid foundation.

“Hugh think!”

“I have to wait here, you are set up formation.”

Wu Yong, Sovereign Yao and the others occupy the four sides of the formation and take action to block the Heavenly Court’s offensive.

Among the formations, Chi Quyou, Profound Extremity Lord, and Fang Yuan took action together and set up formation urgently.

“360 is only a firecracker!” Profound Extremity Lord wiped the sweat from his forehead.

“Rank 5 Single Blade Gu is still 40 four, when is it delivered?” Chi Quyou calls, contacting Gu Immortals, Treasure Yellow Heaven becomes the most advantageous delivery channel.

Fang Yuan’s body was slightly shocked, and the Immortal Gu in his hand fell like a storm, and it creaked for a while.

After a few breaths, he spits out one mouthful of impure air and stopped: “Rank 6 flash chain Immortal Gu, has been arranged.”

Chi Quyou, Profound Extremity Lord quickly glanced at him, Dark Dao: “Unbelievable! This Fang Yuan’s Wisdom Dao, Formation Dao is so sturdy. Not only can it be improved in such a short period of time to improve the new Five World grand Formation , and the method of laying Immortal Formation is so smooth.”

Fang Yuan’s Formation Dao Realm has a Grandmaster level. Although it is not as good as Chi Quyou and Profound Extremity Lord, his set up formation experience is very rich.

Immortal Dao gu formation, Roads Open In All Directions Far Ancient Battle Formation, Dragon Scale Sea Gourmet Dao Immortal Formation, gu formation gu formation, Blood Formation, Immemorial Zodiac Beast Fishing Formation, time and flood discharge, I want to seal heavens Array, and Magnificent Zodiac Pond (essentially Immortal Formation), etc., he personally arranged.

Therefore, the layout of Five World grand formation is now only the first time, but it is not awkward and skillful.

“If I set up formation alone, the time will be delayed. But now with Chi Quyou and Profound Extremity Lord, we can quickly lay out the Five World grand formation. Fast! Fast! Fast!” Fang Yuan concentrates and races against time.

Heavenly Court battlefield.

“Li Huang, Qing Ye and the others have already rushed to the battlefield of Undefeatable Blessed Land. Wu Yong’s infinite wind ultimate move has been suppressed by Feng Man Building. The identity of Crown Prince Feng Xian is exposed. But Fang Yuan and the others The intention to arrange Forming in Formation was unclear. In addition, our reinforcements are about to arrive at the Hidden Dragon Cavern battlefield.” Fairy Ziwei reports to Duke Long in a timely manner.

Duke Long responded while fighting: “Crown Prince Feng Xian’s identity is not exposed now, but it does not rule out that Fang Yuan knows, but hides the factors that are not reported. This requires attention, let Chen Yi and the others pay attention to the situation, at any time. Meet Crown Prince Feng Xian.”

Fairy Ziwei: “Yes.”

Knowing that the situation is still in the hands of the master, Duke Long has gathered his mind and once again concentrated, looking towards Seven Extremity All Desolate.

“The fire is almost the same.” Duke Long shook his Dragon Claw and felt the power of the body.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Dragon Imperial Honored Guest !

After the implementation of this ultimate move, the life span can only be reduced and cannot grow. At the same time, Duke Long gets more and more strong strength!

In just a moment, Duke Long’s battle strength was again advanced by leaps and bounds, reaching an appalling level.


A Dragon’s Roar, Purple Gold Dragon Form Qi Vigour burst out.


Seven Extremity All Desolate didn’t have time to react. I only saw Duke Long’s silhouette suddenly disappearing in the air. Then the whole body was like a meteor, and the incomparable force came in, and it could not resist.

Seven Extremity All Desolate suddenly flew out and then squatted on the Qi Barrier, and the giant’s body cracked into numerous gaps.

“Damn, his speed is fast!”

“Our investigation ultimate move was offset by Duke Long and it was impossible to capture his trace.”

“This way, it’s too passive.”

“How long ago, Duke Long’s battle strength began to crush me.”

“In this case, it will be attacked and defended, and will continue to push the ultimate move to bombard all around, always hit Duke Long!”

Seven Immortals of the North Star After a quick exchange, the Seven Extremity All Desolate giant looked up and stepped into the battlefield again.

The silhouette of Duke Long suddenly appeared above the giant.

“I still want to stand up?” Duke Long snorted and screamed, right hand Dragon Claw suddenly photographed.


Compared to the Seven Extremity All Desolate giant, Dragon Claw is a small ant, but it does a lot of damage to the Seven Extremity All Desolate giant.

The turbulent rush, the entire head of the Seven Extremity All Desolate giant was smashed. The headless giant was crushed to the ground with great strength and pulled out a deep pit of human form.

For a time, the smoke was rolling, the earth and stone splashed, and the sky was shaking.

“Ah…” Duke Long hovered high and slowly retracted his right paw, making a satisfying snoring in his mouth.

Power, the new power re-emerges all over the body, stimulating Duke Long’s muscles to expand a little more, the bones grow rapidly, the Dragon Scale becomes thicker and bigger, and the Dragon Horn looks like a crown, and now it becomes more and more embarrassing. The roots of the spikes extend toward all around.

Duke Long The whole person has grown stronger again, already exceeding the height of normal people. The roof of a straw house is probably only on his waist.

His purple long hair, originally elegant and supple, hangs down to the waist, and now a hair is also hard and strong, and has been hanging to his feet. a path of purple golden light, flickering between hair.

Behind him, his dragon tail became more slender, and he couldn’t reach it before, but now he is stretching his feet.

“Duke Long, die for me!” A Northern Plains Rank 8 suddenly appeared behind Duke Long. He is determined to win, and the long-lasting ultimate move will hit Duke Long’s back.


In an instant, the dragon tail behind Duke Long slammed the sneak attack’s Rank 8 Northern Plains Gu Immortal.


Northern Plains Gu Immortal vomited blood, the spine was suddenly cut off, internal organs shifted, the most terrible is Immortal Realm Ultimate Move backlash, directly into a state of sudden death.

a moment later, there are three more Northern Plains Gu Immortal, while take action, three ultimate move slammed on Duke Long.


But a moment later, the joy of the three Northern Plains Gu Immortal is stagnant on the face.

The smoke disappeared, Duke Long stood still, and the Zijin Dragon Scale covered his whole body, sparkling with metallic luster.

There is no trace of a scar.


“I am waiting for the three people to be considered good. These three moves work together and the power can increase!”

“What a defense!”

The three Northern Plains Gu Immortal were shocked and at the same time felt bad and quickly retired.

“Are you ticking me?” Duke Long turned slowly, and the indifferent dragon eye stared at the three repulsed Northern Plains Gu Immortal.

Three Gu Immortals immediately alerted the police, as if the mountains were pressing, a strong sense of crisis almost made them suffocate!

“Duke Long is taking a break, your opponent is me!”

Seven Extremity All Desolate The giant got a breather and stood up again. The head that has just been blasted has recovered more than half.

“hmph, Seven Immortals of the North Star, you can’t stop me.” Duke Long sneered, glanced at Seven Extremity All Desolate, and focused his attention on Fortune Stealing Altar.

Red Lotus Demon Venerable’s Past Has Forefathers ultimate move, which falls on Fortune Stealing Altar. As long as the Fortune Stealing Altar continues to smash, causing a certain amount of damage, the Past Has Forefathers ultimate move must collapse and dissipate.

Without the disruption of these historical Northern Plains experts, Heavenly Court members are immediately crowded, and Longevity Heaven has no way to fight back.

In Fortune Stealing Altar, Bing Saichuan full head.

“Oh, Fate Gu has fixed some, the Northern Plains expert formed by the Past Has Forefathers ultimate move, the combat power has fallen a lot.”

“Reversely, the members of Heavenly Court are subject to an increase in this Human Dao ultimate move.”

“The key is that Duke Long can’t stop it. This kind of battle strength has greatly exceeded the limits of Rank 8, even if the Human Dao ultimate move doesn’t help him…”

Thinking about it, Duke Long overwhelmed Seven Extremity All Desolate again.

After getting rid of the entanglement, Duke Long slammed to Fortune Stealing Altar.

“hu!” Bing Saichuan spits out one mouthful of impure air, the light in the eye is shining, “The last stroke is at this moment!”


Fortune Stealing Altar suddenly shot the glare, just like the sun.

Almost all of Gu Immortal on the battlefield had to close his eyes. Even Duke Long has to look into a line.

He wondered: “Bing Saichuan’s madness to motivate Fortune Stealing Altar is not afraid to interfere with the Past Has Forefathers ultimate move?”

Past Has Forefathers ultimate move is only pinned on Fortune Stealing Altar, this Time Dao means and Luck Dao ultimate move.

In order to maintain the Past Has Forefathers ultimate move, Fortune Stealing Altar has never really used its own powers. Now Bing Saichuan suddenly provoked an accident.

The glare of Luck Dao temporarily blocked everyone.

Fortune Stealing Altar is like a ferocious beast in the glory, slamming into the Refining Dao grand formation.

“Hurry up to stop him!” Fairy Ziwei exclaimed.

“Well?” Duke Long was surprised to find that the Past Has Forefathers ultimate move is still running.

The phantom of the River of Time has been engraved on the battlefield, and although it is dissipating, it is extremely slow. Obviously it can continue to last for a long time.

“Red Lotus!” For a time, Duke Long both shocked and angry.

He realized that he was in the Red Lotus Demon Venerable’s calculations.

His knowledge of the Past Has Forefathers ultimate move comes from the Future Has New Generations ultimate move from the correspondence.

At first, he fought Red Lotus Demon Venerable and bombarded Red Lotus several times, destroying the Future Has New Generations ultimate move.

“Master, good means, actually saw the flaws of this trick.” In memory, Red Lotus Demon Venerable has a bloody mouth, but still smiles, his eyes shining.

“This gangster, he is deliberate! And this Bing Saichuan, insidious and cunning, obviously can move freely, but endure it.” Duke Long was angry and angry, and this scene appeared so suddenly that he could not stop.

Fortune Stealing Altar has been brewing for a long time, sudden outbreaks, and powerful.

Under the increase of People’s Hero ultimate move, members of Heavenly Court pressed the Northern Plains various immortal, and the unconsciously strict and strict line of defense has become loose.

Seeing that Fortune Stealing Altar collided, several Heavenly Court members did not dodge or evade, motivating Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

But under the glare of Luck Dao, most of the ultimate move they motivated failed, and a large number of Heavenly Court Gu Immortal suffered a strong backlash.

Only a few of the ultimate move, despite the success, hit the Fortune Stealing Altar, but could not shake the Fortune Stealing Altar.

Fortune Stealing Altar crashed all the way, hitting the Heavenly Court Gu Immortal along the way, and then hitting the Refining Dao grand formation like a meteor.


Refining Dao grand formation was hit hard and broken.

The top of the Supervising Heaven Tower’s tower is revealed.

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