Undefeatable Blessed Land battlefield.

Like the hurricane of Heavenly Pillar, it rolled up the boundless winds and crushed Heavenly Court grand formation.

Left behind, Crown Prince Feng Xian and Ba Shiba stared at the junction of Heaven and Earth in the distance.

There, two rainbowblight lights smashed into the sky, gradually revealing the silhouette of two Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

It is Li Huang and Qing Ye.

“Finally rushed to !”

“Yes, it’s not too late.”

Li Huang and Qing Ye joined forces.

“Fang Yuan, where is the thief?” Li Huang blinked with orange red light and kept detecting.

He is full of resentment against Fang Yuan.

When Fang Yuan retreated, he deliberately chose the opposite direction to Undefeatable Blessed Land, and attracted Li Huang and other pursuits to a great distance.

Then, Fang Yuan found the opportunity to use the Fixed Immortal Travel ultimate move, arrived Undefeatable Blessed Land, to leave Li Huang and the others far behind.

Central Continent Heavenly Court No Fire Beacon Tower, Li Huang and Qing Ye had to work hard to get back to Undefeatable Blessed Land.

“It should have been into the grand formation.” Qing Ye responded, his eyes swept away on the grand formation, and then stared at the infinite wind.

“This ultimate move is very strong! It is a great threat to our grand formation, and we must give priority to eradicating it.”

“This Wu Yong, there is such an ultimate move, and Send Off Friend Wind, if you can, this time will leave his life! If you let him back to the Southern Border, it must be my Heavenly Court’s heart!”

After Li Huang and Qing Ye quickly discussed, the direction was a fold and they went straight to the ultimate move.

Crown Prince Feng Xian and Ba Shiba have already had insights and rushed over.

“Go.” Crown Prince Feng Xian snorted and swung a large sleeve and instantly flew hundreds of flames.

“You take the fire to attack me? It’s ridiculous.” Li Huang snorted, nos not dodge or evade, and the body Reckless Sun Fire Clothes burned.

The flame of Crown Prince Feng Xian hit Li Huang without any harm to Li Huang, but added the power of Reckless Sun Fire Clothes.

Crown Prince Feng Xian has the same look and looks at Li Huang.


The flame on Li Huang suddenly became purple. The flame of purple penetrates into the orange-red Reckless Sun Fire Clothes, constantly dissolving Li Huang’s defensive ultimate move.

Li Huang’s face suddenly changed.

Crown Prince Feng Xian didn’t seem to want to leave him with time to cope.

The two played against each other in the air, playing with flames and smashing Heaven and Earth. The temperature in the battlefield rose sharply.

Ba Shiba sees the battle of Crown Prince Feng Xian, Dark Dao: “hmph, this Crown Prince Feng Xian is still playing, it is really deep.”

Fang Yuan holds Crown Prince Feng Xian and Ba Shiba on the side and is stationed outside the line.

The identity of Crown Prince Feng Xian, Ba Shiba has already been known by Wu Yong, but it is only for the time being.

As Wu Yong and Fang Yuan expected, Crown Prince Feng Xian did not want to reveal his identity at a critical moment. In fact, if possible, Heavenly Court would rather sacrifice and hide the identity of Crown Prince Feng Xian. In the future, the Five Regions will be able to play a greater role.

Crown Prince Feng Xian and Li Huang are Flame Dao Rank 8. They played against each other and hit the ground from heaven and the sky. Burning red sky, the river is dry, the earth is cracked, the white clouds are evaporating, and countless creatures are fleeing.

Ba Shiba and Qing Ye are respectively cultivation Law Dao and Dark Dao. The two played against each other without the imposing manner of Crown Prince Feng Xian and Li Huang, but even more ruthless.

Of course, Li Huang knows the true identity of Crown Prince Feng Xian. The two sides struggled and re-enacted, and they only acted.

Ba Shiba and Qing Ye are real enemies.

Ba Shiba screams, a path of Profound Light is like a sword, or cut or stabbed, hitting Qing Ye.

Three combos!

Four combos!

Five combos!


Every Profound Light is quite capable, but playing on Qing Ye is hurting.

This is the combo of Ba Shiba’s lifetime painstaking cultivation.

This Law Dao support ultimate move can make some other Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, formidable power increase rapidly.

The premise is that Ba Shiba has been using this ultimate move, and ultimately does not convert other means.

Qing Ye was killed and beaten, and his forehead saw Khan: “You can’t let him continue to attack. Once you have accumulated 18 hits, my defense will not be able to withstand it.”

Qing Ye spurred Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, and suddenly the figure smashed and turned into a night.

In the sky, it seems as if a large group of ink has dripped and spread.

Ba Shiba sees this and hesitates: “This is the signature ultimate move of Qing Ye – the night is over.”

The information on both sides is well done, and Ba Shiba and Qing Ye have a certain understanding of each other.

The night is the Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move, but it is quite special. The usual Immortal Dao battlefield is brewed for a while, once formed. And the night is not, it is expanding and the scope is getting bigger. In theory, there is no limit to this trick.

As long as he gave Jing Ye enough time, he could even spread this Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move to the entire White Heaven | daytime!

Ba Shiba flies backwards.

He thought about it for a moment, or chose to take a break.

The big night is the battlefield of Immortal Dao. If Ba Shiba is killed, Law Dao will be weakened by the Dark Dao environment.

Of course, one of the more important reasons is Crown Prince Feng Xian.

Ba Shiba knows that Crown Prince Feng Xian is a traitor. If he sneaked into the battlefield of Immortal Dao, the outside world could not see everything that happened in the battlefield. Heavenly Court’s side may include Li Huang and Crown Prince Feng Xian in an extreme move to secretly deal with Ba Shiba.

By that time, Ba Shiba had an enemy three, which is more dangerous.

Two pairs of Rank 8 battles, a short-lived stalemate.

A few moments later, the silhouette of several Immortal Gu Home appeared in the sky.

First of all, it is Cold Hornless Dragon Village and Feng Man Building.

These Immortal Gu Home originally guarded Sovereign City, and now the Sovereign City war is over. Immortal Gu Home is loaded with Gu Immortal and has come to support.

Cold Hornless Dragon Village rushed to the forefront, and a subtle Blu-ray shadow flashed around the manor.

The light and shadow condenses into a dragon phantom, and the hornless dragon is the dragon!

Light blue dragons and shadows suddenly opened a large mouth, spit out countless hail, hit Ba Shiba.

Ba Shiba’s speed was greatly delayed, he coldly snorted, abandoned Qing Ye, and cast an extreme move to bomb the Cold Hornless Dragon Village.

Hōng hōng hōng !

The Cold Hornless Dragon Village was constantly beaten, shattering the corners of the walls and flying across the tiles.

In the tough defense, the second light blue dragon light condenses and entangles with the head, coiled around the Cold Hornless Dragon Village.

Cold Hornless Dragon Village is therefore defensive, and the light blue dragons open their mouths and spit out the piece by piece of broken Profound Light.

“This Immortal Gu Home has the ability to excrete my ultimate move damage!” Ba Shiba looks so heavy that he can’t destroy the Immortal Gu Home in a short time, and then entangled, it will be covered by the night move. Then wisely withdraw and continue to pull away.

At this time, Feng Man Building also entered the battlefield.

It did not assist Qing Ye or Li Huang, but directly fell into the Heavenly Pillar-like unlimited move.

“Good wind, good wind, give me some time, I can make this wind for my use!” Contemporary Feng Man Building master laughed heartily.

Under the intervention of Feng Man Building, the infinite wind power began to gradually decrease.

One after another, Immortal Gu Home joined the battlefield, and the Fang Yuan side became more and more critical.

“hold on, we are here!”

At the crucial moment, Heavenly Court grand formation suddenly burst a few gaps, and several Immortal Gu Homes flew out, including Southern Border’s Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House, Highest Universe Buddhist Temple, Cape Pavilion, Formless Palace, and Northern Plains. ‘ Fingerpring Bridge, Ape Demon Hall, Small Sun Building.

With the support of the seven Immortal Gu Homes, Ba Shiba felt less pressure.

The two sides fought, Immortal Gu Home, the extreme move, collided, and again and again like a fireworks like a fireworks, the battlefield was once in a stalemate.

Inside the grand formation.

Wu Yong and the others look dull.

Although they blasted the grand formation gap in time and sent Immortal Gu Home to temporarily stabilize the situation outside, the trump card in the hands of Wu Yong and the others also paid in advance.

The situation is getting worse.

Crown Prince Feng Xian is a trouble. The Heavenly Court battlefield can’t count more. It all depends on whether Fang Yuan and the others can quickly break into the array.

“According to our current speed, the winning machine is more and more sturdy.” Fang Yuan sighed and asked, “Is it possible for Tao Zhu’s Five World True Inheritance to target grand formation?”

At the beginning, he deliberately set up a game at the Five Boundary Mountain Range to smash the Southern Border and Heavenly Court, Gu Immortal. As a result, in the war, Wu Yong broke the entire Five Boundary Mountain Range, accidentally led to the Tao Zhu will, and got the chance to inherit Five World True Inheritance.

Fang Yuan had to retreat at that time, and Five World True Inheritance was in the hands of the Federal Southern Border various immortal.

According to Fang Yuan’s calculation, Five World True Inheritance should be able to simulate the Five Regions Boundary Wall. In the Five Regions Boundary Wall, Gu Immortal is suppressed, and any Immortal Realm Ultimate Move will suffer from backlash.

Whether it is Immortal Gu Home or immortal grand formation, essentially is Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Fang Yuan is thinking, if it can be used in the way of Five World True Inheritance to deal with Heavenly Court grand formation, it may have a miraculous effect.

Wu Yong and Chi Quyou look at each other. The former said: “I got Five World True Inheritance. True Inheritance does have the means to create the Five Regions Boundary Wall. Just…”

Chi Quyou said: “It’s just that this means, you need to use Earth Arteries, and then arrange the grand formation. It takes a lot of work and it is very troublesome.”

Tao Zhu was able to create the Five Boundary Mountain Range, which was the rely on Earth Arteries, and then used the grand formation.

After Fang Yuan left the battlefield, Wu Yong won the Five World True Inheritance, but found that the most important essence is Five World grand formation.

Wu Family is not good at Formation Dao, Wu Yong works with Chi Quyou, so Chi Quyou already knows the discover mystery of Five World grand formation.

“don’t tell me have to rely on Earth Arteries to arrange the Five World grand formation?” Fang Yuan brows tightly knit, “Wait, I heard that Hou Family’s Gu Immortal had once harvested in the trench. A wild Earth Arteries Immortal Gu? If so, can it replace Earth Arteries?”

Various immortal After listening to this, suddenly consciousness.

Wu Yong and Chi Quyou once again looked at each other and lamented Fang Yuan’s agile thinking.

Chi Quyou shook his head: “Frankly, I have already traded to Hou Family in exchange for Earth Arteries Immortal Gu. Just to replace the role of Earth Arteries and to insert Earth Arteries Immortal Gu, it is necessary to improve the Five World grand formation. Although it has been working hard and progress is not small, there is still a long way to go.”

Gu Immortal improved an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, often in years.

Chi Quyou Although the Formation Dao Realm is superb, Wisdom Dao is not good, so although there is progress, there are not many.

Fang Yuan blinks in the eyes: “This Five World grand formation is probably the opportunity for me to wait for the break array! Chi Quyou, you can’t do it alone, but now I have Pro and Extremity Lord, let’s try.”

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