
A loud noise, Heaven and Earth transient.

Wu Yong took the lead and led the South Union various immortal to break the Fifth Formation and come to the Sixth Formation.

In the Sixth Formation, there is a dark color, and you can’t see the margin at a glance.

Southern Border various immortal is a small body like an ant.

“This is Space Dao grand formation!” Gu Immortal of a Luo Family suddenly spoke.

He has a Southern Border traditional costume, his face is white and his expression is cold. He is a Luo Family general, named Southern Border, with Rank 7 peak battle strength.

His surname is Luo Mingran, specializing in Space Dao, and he is behind him.

“right, this is indeed Space Dao grand formation.” Chi Quyou nodded Postscript, “And let me first calculate.”

There are no objections to the group.

After entering the grand formation, it is unwise to be ruthless. The most correct and secure method is to let Formation Dao Gu Immortal calculate the prototype mystery of the grand formation, and then follow the formation flaws, as a result can be good.

After Chi Quyou calculated for a while, indifferently said: “This grand formation has been estimated by me to be almost done, and the foot is Spaceless Formation.”

Luo Ran heard, brows slightly wrinkle: “I am not a Formation Dao gu cultivator, but Spaceless Formation I have heard about it, and even one of the most classic Immortal Formations in Space Dao, was created in the Remote Antiquity Era. Who is the founder, No one knows. There is only one power in this array, which is to widen the distance and extend the route. Entering the array, the distance can be changed as a hundred steps.”

Chi Quyou laughed: “Luo Ran Fellow Immortal is out of the ordinary, it is Spaceless Formation. But this array has been improved, there is a layer of grand formation change.”

Someone asked: “What changes?”

Chi Quyou shook his head: “I can’t figure it out for the time being, but I’m only vaguely aware. But we can start early and let me calculate when I am on the road. According to the current situation, we can move forward without any problems. Spaceless Formation There is no killing power in itself, just trapping the enemy, pulling the enemy and me, delaying time.”

“Give me a period of time, I can figure out this change, and then investigate the flaws of grand formation. If Heavenly Court started ahead, as long as we defended, let me see what kind of change, it can help me. Calculated.”

Chi Quyou’s suggestion is very good, and the group of immortals immediately set off, they chose the front and flew together.

The Spaceless Formation is unseen, dark and savvy.

The South Union group has Chi Quyou in the center and Wu Yong is always at the forefront.

“Look, there seems to be a foreign object in front!” Yao Family Gu Immortal Yao Tianze suddenly opened.

The masses have slowed down and slowly approached and took a closer look.

I saw a big white radish, as big as a house, suspended in the air, motionless.

“What is this? It seems to be an Immemorial immortal plant!” Yao Tianze question.

The rest of the people frowned, and the things in front of them were not unusual.

Wu Yong is silent, and there is a touch of aura in his mind. It seems that he has seen the record of this immortal plant, but he can’t think of it.

“If I remember correctly, this should be Taixuan Ice Glow Radish, the immortal plant of Immemorial Antiquity Era, and the existing is extinct. I didn’t expect Heavenly Court to have reservations.” Qiao Zhicai started talking.

He is the Reveal Great Elder of Qiao Family, and although he only has the Rank 7 cultivation base, he specializes in Wood Dao.

Wu Yong’s eyes suddenly brightened: “Yes, it’s Taixuan Ice Glow Radish. Everyone is careful, don’t get close. Once the distance is too close, this radish can shoot hundreds of millions of ice, and can pierce every inch of skin and dirt. Wear and then freeze to death in an instant.”

Qiao Zhicai went on to explain in detail: “Yes. Don’t underestimate the ice, these ice and awns are the Ice and Snow Dao marks on the Taixuan Ice Glow Radish. After the ice blast, Taixuan Ice Glow Radish There is no such thing as Dao Marks, and it is mortal materials. So such an ice shot, the power is no less than the Xmmortal Realm Ultimate Move of Rank 8 Gu Immortal.”

The group of people is crying that, involuntarily retreating backwards, and mentioning an exceeding alert.

But at this moment, the mutation is steep.

The air suddenly rippled, the grand formation suddenly turned, and a huge Space Dao force suddenly broke out on a Southern Border Gu Immortal.

Southern Border Gu Immortal has long supported the defense, but Space Dao’s power is not to break his defense, but to move him out.

The location of the move is naturally not elsewhere, it is Taixuan Ice Glow Radish!

Taixuan Ice Glow Radish is like a little girl received, scared, with the body shrinking, shrinking only one third size.

Then, a moment later, peng!

Hundreds of millions of ice needles, one piece of white, shot at all directions.

Southern Border Gu Immortal has long supported the strongest defense, but only blocked half of the breath, and was shot by the ice needle.

Immediately, it freezes into ice and is as hard as a stone statue.

Southern Border The crowds are moving.

Spaceless Formation suddenly rushed and moved Gu Immortal in the line, apparently the change Chi Quyou said before. With Immemorial ice radish, it can be said to complement each other.

Wu Yong flashed a touch of azure on his face.

He led the South Union group, and since the beginning of the war, this is the first attrition, and someone has lost his life.

Wu Yong is thinking hard and wants to find a way to cope.

Just then, the mutation starts again.

Ripples in the air, an invisible Space Dao power, unstoppable, slamming the other South Union Gu Immortal.

“I am there, I want to reinvent it!” At the crucial moment, Luo Ran screamed and spurred one Immortal Gu.

Immortal Gu is able to roll around and instantly freeze the surrounding space like ice.

The South Union group felt a strong restraint, as if they were sealed in the hail at this moment.

Rank 7 Immortal Gu – Suppressing Space !

A Rank 7 Immortal Gu, obviously can’t deal with this Heavenly Court grand formation, but it doesn’t have the effect.

Suppressing Space Immortal Gu won the crucial few seconds for the difficult South Union Gu Immortal, allowing him to leave the place.

Grand formation The agitated space ripple is like a rare beast open mouth, but it is empty and can only disappear.

Luo Ran immediately dismissed the Suppressing Space Immortal Gu, and the South Union group immediately felt relieved and free again.

“The situation is urgent, and suddenly take action, prompting Suppressing Space Immortal Gu. This is a wide-ranging offensive, and even everyone Fellow Immortal.” Luo Ran quickly apologized.

Wu Yong laughed heartily: “Good job!”

“This is the Suppressing Space Immortal Gu? Good Gu insect, I am getting this.” Chi Quyou has nodded again and again, with a gratifying color.

Luo Ran smiled: “This is what I recently harvested from the trench. I didn’t want to be able to make a merit here. It can be seen that there is Will of Heaven.”

Heaven and Earth are extremely restrained, never had the strongest Immortal Gu, only the invincible Gu Immortal.

The Heavenly Court formed this airless array, consisting of several Rank 7 Immortal Gu, massive mortal gu, but was restrained by a Suppressing Space Immortal Gu.

With the Suppressing Space Immortal Gu, the South Union group has no time to worry about it.

And because of Heavenly Court’s urging of grand formation, Chi Quyou’s projections have made great progress.

A moment later, Chi Quyou pointed out a loophole in the grand formation.

He said to Wu Yong: “Heavenly Court is empty and smashed from the inside out, and it takes a lot of effort. If the Alliance Lord is using this loophole, it will spur the infinite wind from the outside and break through it from the outside. It must be easy and easy.”

Wu Yong follows this loophole and easily senses the infinite wind of the outside world.

Immediately, the wind rushed to the table, following the loopholes, breaking this line.

South Union Gu Immortal was again returned to the outside world.

After breaking six bursts, only one person was lost, and the South Union group was as heroic.

This battle made the main formation people brows tightly knit, feeling heavy.

This person is azure robe, as if youth scholar, but the eyes are vicissitudes, there have been thousands of elderly.

Not everyone else, it is Wood Dao Rank 8 Great Expert, the predecessor of the Lotus Lotus School, Revered Great Elder, the contemporary Origin Lotus, Chen Yi!

“I don’t want this enemy to be so fierce! Now we have only Three Formations left.” Chen Yi is indulging, and next to Human Dao, “Fellow Immortal Cangshui, may you and I join forces to fight and lay the grand for the rear.” Formation fight for time.”

The female immortal Bai Cangshui next to him is also Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, who personally participated in the fate repair of the last Gu Refining Grand Meeting. She did not hesitate and promised directly.

The two stepped out of the grand formation, and Wu Yong and the others were indiscriminately bombarding the Seventh Formation in an attempt to directly break the battle.

Chen Yi bows to the Southern Border group: “Southern Border, Heavenly Court Chen Yi, here, I don’t know who dares to fight with me alone?”

Wu Yong’s eyes narrowed and he immediately released Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House.

The Rank 8 battle, Rank 7 Gu Immortal can’t be inserted, but let them enter the Immortal Gu Home, but can barely qualify for the battle.

Ba Family Revered Great Elder Ba Shiba laughed heartily : “Chen Yi old man, you are not too wise to come out of the tortoise shell. Let me come and meet you for a while.”

“Slow. Can’t be in the calculation of the other party’s delay, let’s do it together!” Wu Yong sneered, ordered.

If Wu Duxiu is here, he must accept the challenge of Chen Yi, and one person singlehanded to go forward.

But Wu Yong and Wu Duxiu are two kinds of people. How can he be able to let go of the opportunity of others?

Immediately, Wu Yong took the lead, behind the Southern Border digital XXXXX, and the Clark Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House, which was driven by Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

Chen Yi and Bai Cangshui were sent to the siege, but they were not confused.

Bai Cangshui pushes both palms, and immediately pale waves, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Wu Yong figure swayed, leaving only an afterimage in the original place, suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Ba Shiba faces huge waves, loudly roared, and the momentum is skyrocketing, and a mysterious glory is shining on the big waves.

Subsequently, Yi Haofang had a pair of wings behind it, numerous feathers like arrows, weaving into the sky, raining through the waves, shooting Bai Cangshui, Chen Yi.

“It’s good.” Chen Yi lightly smiled, and he didn’t see any movements. He suddenly showed countless big trees.

Yi Haofang’s arrow rain shot deep into the woods, only arousing a treetop shake, a lot of leaves rustling.

Chen Yi’s momentum is rising, and he is about to fight back and suddenly change his mind.

Wu Yong figure was revealed, just behind Chen Yi.

“He has such a hidden means?! The invisible person I noticed is another phantom he left!” Chen Yi was shocked by the means of Wu Yong.

At a critical juncture, he didn’t even have time to turn around and turn around.

Then he felt his shoulders lightly beat by Wu Yong.

“You and I will see you as soon as possible, but you have to go. They are friends, let me send you a delivery.” Wu Yong smiled.

After hearing this, Chen Yi has been a career for thousands of years, and he has experienced abundance and has become an ashen-faced.

He yelled in his heart: “This is Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Send Off Friend Wind!! My Heavenly Court has been searching for a long time, but it is in the hands of Wu Yong!”

Later, Chen Yi lost control of the body and slowly drifted forward.

In the process of flying, his hair, his clothes, his hands and feet began to drift with the wind.

“Save me!” Chen Yi was a big man, but he couldn’t scream.

He can’t use any single step.

Even the Karma Divine Tree ultimate move can’t be motivated!

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