Central Continent, Sovereign City.

“This is the Immortal Gu Home that Master once said?” Ye Fan was promoted to the final Great Competition, and now he looked up at the sky and was shocked.

Other Gu Masters are also better than him.

“The Immortal Gu Home is usually a super-powerful background. I didn’t expect it to appear so much at once. I’m afraid that even if the Boundary Wall melts in the future, the Earth Arteries will be unified, and the Five Regions will fight, there will be no such war.” Ye Fan Suddenly produced a clear comprehension in my heart.

At this time, Ye Fan’s body suddenly heard a voice: “Brother Ye, this time, we can have a good fight and score up!”

Ye Fan shifted his gaze, laughed, and thought to himself: “I was forced by the Master to come to Central Continent to attend the Refining Dao conference. I didn’t think I would meet such a hero. Even if I lost in the end, it was also a battle. A wonderful experience. If you have such a brother, Brother Yi, it is the biggest gain!”

As the saying goes, Hong Yi and Ye Fan have repeatedly won in the previous test, and naturally they get to know each other.

Under constant exchanges, the two also cherished each other. After a fight, they worshipped as brothers.

Hong Yi went on to say: “This year’s Gu Refining Grand Meeting is unprecedented, unprecedented. The Gu Immortal in the sky let them call, and what we have to do is to do our own thing.”

“Many thanks Yi Di cares, understand for the brother.” Ye Fan knows Hong Yi’s goodwill, thank you, and then concentrate on the final Great Competition.

Outside the Sovereign City, the Central Continent’s side’s Immortal Gu Home maybe high maybe low, left and right, will Sovereign City wrap up, vaguely formed 3rd-layer defense.

Beyond the line of defense is the sudden appearance of the Western Desert Rank 8 and the Western Desert’s several Immortal Gu Home.

The other one is Bai Ningbing and the others manipulates, and Fang Yuan is a patchwork of Immortal Gu Home, even the name has not yet started.

Fang Yuan originally wanted to show up, but since Western Desert Gu Immortal came off, he decided to continue watching.

The Western Desert Gu Immortal is slowly flying with several Immortal Gu Homes, which is constantly approaching and Central Continent’s distance, giving the latter a strong psychological pressure.

Even Li Huang, who is overtosee the center, is a bit embarrassing.

Because even if he is, the combat experience is extremely rich, and he has not participated in such a big war.

Li Huang has participated in many of Gu Immortal’s big melee, but she has never seen so many Immortal Gu Homes participating in the battle.

Immortal Gu Home is far less rare than Gu Immortal, generally speaking, rarely personally mastered by Gu Immortal, usually owned by super powers.

Gu Immortal alone, it is difficult to have such financial, energy and ability to form an Immortal Gu Home. And Immortal Gu Home itself is not very practical for Gu Immortal personally.

For superpowers, you usually need to have a Rank 7 Immortal Gu Home, which can serve as the battle strength of Rank 8 at a critical juncture!

Rank 8’s Gu Immortal is not constantly emerging, and many super-powered Reved Great Elder has only the Rank 7 cultivation base. At this time, Rank 7 Immortal Gu Home can suppress the situation.

Immortal Gu Home is of course also flawed, such as fixed means, easy to be restrained.

So many of the Tank 7’s Immortal Gu Home, although able to compete with Rank 8, can’t really rival a Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

At the moment, Immortal Gu Home, at least Rank 7, is a good fit for the Rank 8 battle strength.

From a certain point of view, this is a big battle involving more than a dozen Rank 8 battle strength!

Awkward mood, both sides have.

But this battle is a battle!

The atmosphere became more dignified, and when the distance between the two sides was shortened to a limit, an Immortal Gu Home in the Central Continent second layer line of defense launched an offensive.

The Immortal Gu Home, small and exquisite, is a pavilion. There are countless bird cages hanging from the cantilever beams in the pavilion, and various birds are in chirp chirp twitter twitter.

It is one of the five Immortal Gu Homes owned by Sky Lotus School, the Bird Catching Pavilion.

A large number of bird cages in the Bird Catching Pavilion were opened, and one by one flaming feathered bird flew out like a fire.

These birds flew halfway, and the body gradually expanded, and the cost of restoration was changed.

These birds are as big as horses and horses, their bodies are red, and there are flames between the feathers. A pair of eyelids are like magma flowing, and the sound of birdsong is quite strange, just like the sound of magma flowing.

Far Ancient Desolate Beast – Firewood Bird!

“Be careful, this kind of bird can self-exploding, and the power is very good!” In the Western Desert, Gu Immortal immediately reminded him.

“Fire Dao’s Far Ancient Desolate Beast, haha, let’s come.” In the laughter, a Immortal Gu Home, which looks like a waterwheel, looks like a huge wheel rolling out.

A huge red light suddenly flew out of the wheel, and the red light was like a ribbon, circled around the mushroom group.

The screaming birds screamed and struggled, most of them were suppressed by red light. A small part of self-exploding opened up and turned into a magma, which was absorbed by red light, and the red light was enhanced.

“What is this Immortal Gu Home?” The Central Continent’s side was amazed. I didn’t expect the Firebird bird group to be so easy, it was cracked.

The Western Desert was also surprised. Several Rank 8 Gu Immortal paid a little attention to this strangely-like Immortal Gu Home. They didn’t have any information about the house.

“Oh? Is the Red River Carriage of Dong Family?” Fang Yuan’s eyes lit up slightly.

The Immortal Gu Home was discovered by Dong Family from a mysterious inheritance. When I was in Fang Yuan’s five hundred years of previous life, I had a unique color.

Generally speaking, if a super power intends to develop and form an Immortal Gu Home, the whole process must be very long. In this long process, many intelligences and clues will be known.

It is also surprising that only this sudden Immortal Gu Home is available.

Dong Family’s Gu Immortal couldn’t help but sigh. I didn’t expect this time to be right. I just harvested a batch of firewood birds. With these sculpt birds, the power of the entire Red River Carriage will be upgraded in all directions, especially in terms of speed.

“Come and not to be indecent.” Fáng Family Gu Immortal snorted in Immortal Gu Home and released a large number of Far Ancient Desolate Beast, both dogs and chickens.

For this Immortal Gu Home, Fang Yuan is more familiar.

It is the Fáng Family’s Chicken Coop & Dog House, which is built side by side with two pavilions. The house on the left is bright yellow, and there is a disc-shaped cymbal under the arm. The door has only one uppercase “chicken”, the right one is Zhu Hong, and the disc has a “dog” on the threshold.

Every Immortal Gu Home has its own strengths, but it also has its own specialties.

Chicken Coop & Dog House and Bird Catching Pavilion are both focused on Enslave Dao. The former is good at enslaving chicken dogs, while the latter is good at keeping birds.

Like the Rank numbers, both are Rank 7 levels.

The advantage of Enslave Dao lies in the war of attrition.

This large group of chicken dogs shocked, and the Immortal Gu Home on the Central Continent’s outermost line responded with a variety of extreme moves, screaming chickens and screaming.

But the Western Desert’s team, also closely closely from behind, was killed.

For a time, Immortal Gu Home’s thunderous thunder, the bang of the crash, and the scream of the extreme move tearing the air, resounded.

Western Desert’s momentum was very strong, and soon Central Continent’s first layer line was broken through, and the second layer was also breached and barely maintained.

“The hands of the Western Desert and the Immortal Gu Home are still less than the Central Continent.” Fang Yuan is secretly sighed.

Western Desert is different from Southern Border, Northern Plains, and Eastern Sea.

On the Southern Border side, with South Union, the cooperation between the super forces is getting closer. It is now evident throughout the Southern Border’s Fire Beacon Tower.

Northern Plains has Longevity Heaven leaders. Over the years, Longevity Heaven has actively recruited loose immortal and Demonic Path to do their best to integrate the entire Northern Plains Gu Immortal.

On the Eastern Sea side, Duke Long took advantage of the Immortal Gu Home, leaving almost all of the Rank 8 Gu Immortal in the Eastern Sea. Being able to build a Rank 8 is a party that overlooks Heaven and Earth and has a good heart. Duke Long immediately offended so many people, which led to the joint efforts of Eastern Sea Rank 8.

On the Western Desert side, although the Realized Heavenly Court repairs the seriousness of the Fate Gu, only the super forces are actually involved. Fang Yuan did not see any loose immortal or Western Desert’s Demonic Path.

“And the Western Desert, the power of the major superpowers, is also very conservative.”

“The most dispatched is the Fáng Family.”

“Fáng Family brought Chicken Coop & Dog House, Enquirer Dock, and Fallen Flower Hall. I don’t know if Bean God Palace has been repaired, is it brought?”

Fang Yuan thought quickly in his heart.

Bean God Palace is the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home. If it is brought, it will be wonderful.

However, Fang Yuan also knows that this possibility is small. Because even if Bean God Palace is mastered by Fáng Family, Fáng Family keeps its possibility in the headquarters extremely high.

In this year’s Gu Refining Grand Meeting, Western Desert and Eastern Sea’s super forces are more conservative even if they are motivated. They are more jealous of each other.

“You go, go here.” Fang Yuan is condescending and directs Bai Ningbing and the others.

Bai Ningbing and the others immediately drove the Immortal Gu Home, along the direction of Fang Yuan, and subtly passed through the second layer line of defense, in the eyes of the horror, straight to Sovereign City.

But Sovereign City is still under the protection of the Central Continent third layer.

The two Immortal Gu Homes are on the left and right, rushing to Bai Ningbing and the others.

The palace on the left, the splendid, is the Immortal Gu Home of Sky Lotus School – Yue Yang Palace.

The manor on the right, the structure is exquisite, white jade floor tiles, cold and sturdy, with a Dragon Soul whistling when flying. It is the Immortal Gu Home of Ancient Soul Gate – Cold Hornless Dragon Village.

Bai Ningbing and the others prompted the ultimate move of Immortal Gu Home, but the ultimate move formidable power was not high, and was directly smashed by Yue Yang Palace and Cold Hornless Dragon Village, killing Bai Ningbing and the others.

Bai Ningbing and the others know the weakness of their own Immortal Gu Home, without any choice, can only be withdrawn.

“Can’t withdraw!” A Western Desert Rank 8 Gu Immortal, the withdrawal of the hole that is not easily pierced, will be compensated and missed the opportunity in battle.

“Withdraw!” The Fang Yuan’s command is very simple.

This Immortal Gu Home is by no means an opponent of Cold Hornless Dragon Village and Yue Yang Palace. Fang Yuan must be preserved as much as possible. It would be a pity if it collapsed and destroyed at the initial stage of the war.

However, it is not the fact that Fang Yuan said that the withdrawal could be withdrawn.

At the crucial moment, the gust of wind hit and Bai Ningbing and the others were stagnation.

Take action is a high-rise building of 7-Layer, the floor is filled with credit – Rank 7 Immortal Gu Home Feng Man Building !

This building is one of the two major signs of Wind and Cloud Residence, the Immortal Gu Home, and the Guo Yun Building ice.

Feng Man Building and Guo Yun Building can be combined to form the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home Wind and Cloud Residence, Transcendent, terrifying. In the five years of Fang Yuan previous life, Wind and Cloud Residence has been on the top of the Immortal Gu Home list for some time!

With the restraint of Feng Man Building, Yue Yang Palace is faster, like a meteor catching the moon, hitting the Fang Yuan’s Immortal Gu Home.

Subsequently, the Adult move of Cold Hornless Dragon Village also hit.

For a moment, Fang Yuan’s Immortal Gu Home tiles flew and the pillars fell, revealing a large gap. Massive mortal gu was destroyed and Immortal Gu lost a few.

Fang Yuan coldly snorted, suddenly appeared.

Yama Emperor ultimate move !

A Ghostly Great Thief Hand quickly caught a large amount of Gu insect, Immortal Gu two or three!

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