Since reborn, Fang Yuan’s strength has been in advanced by leaps and bounds, and the speed is amazing.

Especially recently, this period of time is even more so, the cultivation base is promoted to Rank 8, and the Immortal Gu is extremely rich and rare.

However, his strength is not enough to win the Dragon Palace.

Competing for the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home Dragon Palace, Duke Long with the Immortal Venerable, and the Eastern Sea’s Rank 8 Gu Immortal, can be said to be the most peak Gu Immortal expert in the Eastern Sea.

Fang Yuan is the time for the rise to be too short. In front of the expert at the top of the field, in front of Duke Long, robbing Immortal Gu Home, especially the Immortal Gu Home, and the counterattack force, Fang Yuan is obviously not enough.

But Fang Yuan knows that he must not stand by.

If Heavenly Court gets the Dragon Palace, it must be like a tiger that has grown wings. Especially the mysterious Dream Dao Immortal Gu, it is not easy! I am afraid that Heaven and Earth Qi are the result of Heavenly Dao’s introduction to the Eastern Sea’s Dream Dao era.

At this time, the introduction of Longevity Heaven’s power will make the situation even more confusing.

But only even more chaos can make Fang Yuan fish in troubled waters.

Fang Yuan is now promoted to Rank 8, but in the face of Eastern Sea’s any Rank 8 Gu Immortal, he dare not underestimate. Rank 8 Gu Immortal background Heroes, they will be in their extreme move without paying attention.

As for Duke Long, Fang Yuan knows better that his battle strength is far less than his. After all, Fang Yuan has witnessed how Duke Long defeated the Purple Mountain True Monarch.

“Duke Long didn’t go all out to protect Feng Jinhuang. Qi Dao’s means, I have never seen him use it. “although that’s how it is, he’s still relying on Transformation Dao’s, he’s still a strongest in the field, always suffers The joint force of others.”

“Bai Ningbing They are still cultivation on Red Lotus Island, even with Future Body blessing, they are also Rank 7 peak battle strength.”

“Unfortunately my Immortal Gu Home has lost its prototype. If it is in the hands of this period, after the development of this period of time, there must be a batch strength of Rank 8 level, which can help me a lot.”

“If I steal the Flexible Transformation Immortal Gu from Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto, etc., I can show Myriad Being Da Tong Transformation, and I can have more powerful battle strength for the time being. Unfortunately, the timing is quite different, Heavenly Image ultimate move It is still under investigation.”

Fang Yuan regrets.

But the reality is like this, not everything can be where water flows, a canal is formed, just right.

Dragon Palace is not tired, the Rank 8 Gu Immortal in the Eastern Sea is not comprehensive, Duke Long is obviously in the Waited Heavenly Court’s reinforcements, so the final battle for Immortal Gu Home has to be a while.

Fang Yuan has a sharp attitude towards Longevity Heaven’s, and naturally has concerns. However, even if they are bad at themselves, they will be introduced into this battle for the battle, and the benefits of Fang Yuan will outweigh the disadvantages.

This is both to help the Dragon Palace, to attack Heavenly Court, and to test Longevity Heaven.

However, a few days later, Fang Yuan did not wait for Bing Saichuan and only waited for one of his key messages – Heavenly Court found a Stone Lotus Island in the River of Time, which is now under control!

Bing Saichuan suggested Fang Yuan: “You have Spring and Autumn Cicada in hand, and it is the orthodox heir of Red Lotus’ True Inheritance. If Heavenly Court takes your chance, it hurts you and is a huge improvement for them. Red Lotus Demon Venerable damages Fate Gu, and it’s likely that his True Inheritance has a shortcut to help us completely destroy our fate!”

Bing Saichuan’s remarks are no problem. He does not know that Fang Yuan has inherited a Red Lotus’ True Inheritance.

Fang Yuan didn’t get any shortcuts, but what about Red Lotus’ True Inheritance?

This is also not allowed.

Of course, this may also be the fake news of Bing Saichuan, which is against the Fang Yuan’s trap.

There are two choices in front of Fang Yuan. One is to continue to pay attention to the Dragon Palace, the other is to go to the River of Time, and the Heavenly Court forces compete for Red Lotus’ True Inheritance.

The former is chaotic and the crisis is heavy. The same is true of the latter, and the risks are high.

Fang Yuan is keenly aware that the choice of this time is quite critical. He can’t help but fall into meditation: in this case, how should he choose?

Southern Border.

Moral Paradise Earth.

The two Rank 8 Gu Immortal climbed side by side, and the atmosphere converges like a mortal.

On the left, a gray linen, very simple, strong and strong like a bear. Wearing a brawl, wide and large, covering the face, only revealing a generous chin.

It is the famous Southern Border Gu Immortal World and the contemporary music lover, Lu Weiyin.

The one on the right is a woman. If the skin is white, Qingsi hangs down to the waist, and if the eyes are in a secluded pool, there is a mourning in the eyebrows. A purple silk palace dress, gorgeous and mysterious.

He is the leader of Heavenly Court and he is in charge of Constellation Chessboard. I am afraid it is the first Wisdom Dao Great Expert in today’s Fairy Ziwei!

Fairy Ziwei appeared quietly on the Southern Border and contacted Lu Weiyin. What is it for?

Along the way, Lu Weiyin talked to Fairy Ziwei, but there weren’t many words, but the atmosphere was harmonious.

The mountain road Rank 1 shows a lacquered kiosk from the rich shade of green. Lu Weiyin pointed to the red kiosk: “Ziwei adults, all the way to mountaineering here, may wish to take a break in the pavilion and then depart.”

“Good offer.” Fairy Ziwei lightly smiled, please go.

The two entered the red pavilion, the pavilion owned stone bench, Fairy Ziwei did not do it, but stood by the pavilion, overlooking the vast mountains and rivers.

This pavilion is being built on the edge of the mountain wall, so the view is excellent.

Fairy Ziwei looked at it and saw a green hills and clear waters in the Moral Paradise Earth. There were tree houses, villages, smoky cockroaches, cocks and dogs, and a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

In the air, many hills are suspended. These mountains are made of floating soil, which can be naturally suspended in the air. The hills have their own characteristics and different environments. Some Azure Vine tangled, such as hanging down. Some drizzle, reflecting the colorful red light. Some waterfalls vent, and a stream of water has been falling down until it reaches the wide river on the ground.

The white crane flies, the screaming, the vitality, the variety of immortal materials, the Desolate Plant Desolate Beast is common.

But what is more called Fairy Ziwei’s heart is the harmonious coexistence between the mushroom-man and the Human Race in the village, the children playing with each other, the couples caring for the care, and the scene of the filial piety.

“Sure enough, it’s a paradise! Paradise Immortal Venerable just wants World like this. Unfortunately, Human Race is always orthodox. How can nonhuman be equal to Human Race? But even so, I still admire Paradise Immortal Venerable. Because he is for his own sake. Dream, completely dedicated to himself, never had a utilitarian heart.” Fairy Ziwei slowly said.

Heavenly Court is based on Human Race and is above other nonhuman races. Paradise Immortal Venerable wants everyone to be equal. In his view, not only nonhuman and Human Race, all life in the world should be equal.

It is because of this difference in philosophy that Paradise Immortal Venerable did not stay at Heavenly Court, but instead built a happy land in the Five Regions to create the ideal hometown of his dreams.

Lu Weiyin nodded: “You and I have two sides. Although the concept is different, but the attitude of the world’s Demonic Path is the same. Ziwei adults come here to borrow, if other Immortal Gu also that’s all, but only by Benevence Gu How can we block the benefit of the world? Only the outsiders borrowed, according to the regulation that Immortal Venerable left in the past, they had to climb and climb the mountain, and they had the qualification to borrow. The hardship, the higher the cultivation base, the more So, I hope that Ziwei is inclusive and considerate.”

“This mountain is really not good, but this is also the hard work of Paradise Immortal Venerable. It is also beneficial to me to climb the top of the mountain.” Fairy Ziwei smiled softly, and the eyes flashed. “Okay, let’s continue depart.” stop.”

River of Time.

Heavenly Court Each of the four Immortal Gu Homes is located around the Immortal Formation.

The atmosphere between Gu Immortal is warm.

“Feng Jiuge, we are already trapping this Red Lotus island and just waiting to explore.” Shang Xun Zi reports.

Feng Jiuge nodded, he originally wanted to use the River of Time to consolidate and strengthen his heart’s inspiration for the song of destiny. Unexpectedly, after coming in, Stone Lotus Island took the initiative to appear, and was surrounded by Heavenly Court in time.

“Red Lotus Stone Island was hand-picked by Red Lotus Demon Venerable, or I personally went to see the amazing Demon Venerable’s means.” Feng Jiuge was about to leave and enter the Immortal Formation.


A loud noise, his Immortal Gu Home trembled violently.

“There are enemies!”

“Who is so daring and dare to move us Heavenly Court?!”

All the people suddenly surprised and angry.

Newcomer appears, not Fang Yuan or who?

Heavenly Court’s side stunned, and someone immediately yelled: “A good devil, the last time you escaped, this time you dare to come back! Then come and die.”

Fang Yuan smiled a little. After thinking about it, he decided to come to the River of Time and stop Heavenly Court from getting Red Lotus’ True Inheritance.

After all, on the other side of the Dragon Palace, the scene was very confusing, and the parties did not do their best and changed too much.

On the Red Lotus Stone Island side, without him to stop, it will definitely be won by Heavenly Court. Fang Yuan has Spring and Autumn Cicada and has an advantage in inheriting Red Lotus Stone Island.

“Fang Yuan, we met again.” Feng Jiuge’s voice came from Immortal Gu Home and was full of emotion.

Fang Yuan expression Slightly condensed, it seems that this battle, he has to fight again with Feng Jiuge!

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