Eastern Sea, late at night.

Starry Sky is covered with night sky, and the original calm sea suddenly rises to the sky.

An Immortal Gu Home Dragon Palace shot through the sea, bursting into the sky and rising to the sky.

There is a Rank 8 Gu Immortal in the air, and it is the Reved Great Elder Qingyue An of the Qingyue Family.

“Hey!” he whispered in his mouth, his arms burstingly.

Immediately, the green hills of phantom, drops from the sky, Wanqing Qingshan, one after another, surrounded the Immortal Gu Home Dragon Palace.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Wanshan!

The Dragon Palace was blocked and hit the green hill phantom as if it had hit a real mountain.


A coldly snorted, killing a Rank 8 Gu Immortal from behind the Dragon Palace is Rank 8 loose immortal Shi Miao.

Shi Miao vomited a bite of sour water. This acid water is not amazing, but it is rising from the wind. After flying out 5~6, it expands into a wide wave.

The waves hit the Qingshan phantom, and the effect is wonderful. Wherever you go, the green hills melt like snow in the flames.

The acid wave opened a way for Dragon Palace, and shortly was about to leave the encirclement, when Song Qiyuan arrived.

He suddenly burst into flames, and the radiance of the rushing light shone. The waves crashed on the waves, and the Dragon Palace trembled on the Dragon Palace. Shi Miao was struck by Shi Miao.

After doing this, Song Qiyuan didn’t give up, suddenly looked up and pointed his fingers.

A sharp, strange photoelectric shot came out and disappeared instantly.

Far away, Fang Yuan was observing the battlefield with Star Pupil Immortal Gu, and suddenly the field of vision was black and could no longer be observed.

Fang Yuan’s face is slightly sinking, and the star that succeeded Star Pupil Immortal Gu refine has been destroyed by Song Qiyuan!

“Rank 7 Star Pupil Immortal Gu is subtle, but in the face of Rank 8 Gu Immortal, it’s a bit unfortunate. Not only will it be noticed, but it can also be directed.”

“Song Qiyuan’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is even more subtle. It seems to be in line with the starlight upstream, find the source of the stars, and destroy it.”

“But the stars are destroyed, but my Star Pupil Immortal Gu has no damage. It can be used in time.”

Eastern Sea’s These Gu Immortal, although not rival to Duke Long, are the Rank 8 layers, which are rich in methods and should not be underestimated.

Before Zhang Yin’s desperate yin, Hua Caiyun’s shabu-shabu cloud, Yang Jun found that Fang Yuan in the Meeting Past Acquaintance state, and now Song Qiyuan directly broke Fang Yuan’s Star Pupil investigation, which illustrates this.

Despite this, Fang Yuan is still reluctant to give up.

“Dragon Palace is very important, more important than I thought it was!”

“It’s Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home itself, followed by Dream Dao’s Immortal Gu. These days, chasing the battle, it shows the attack, protection and other powers are extremely excellent. If I get it, then there is The weight strength of the Rank 8 peak!”

Fang Yuan keeps track of the body while the other half of Heavenly Image ultimate move stays at Immemorial White Heaven, dealing with Beast Disaster Celestial Grotto, looking for a place to collect Flexible Transformation Immortal Gu.

Heavenly Image ultimate move Up to Rank 9, it’s awesome, even in Immemorial White Heaven, there are very few threats to it.

Because of the turmoil of Earth Arteries, the entire Five Regions Gu Immortal World was in chaos.

Especially the Eastern Sea, because of the emergence of the Dragon Palace, set off the battle of Rank 8, attracting worldwide attention.

On this day, Northern Plains’ Longevity Heaven also suddenly trembled fiercely.

Wēng wēng wēng ……

The gleam of the orange glow continually flickers, covering the entire Longevity Heaven’s sky.

Then the breath of the breath of the state of dying, and then become permeate heaven and earth, shocking people.

Such a shock has already attracted the attention of Five Elemental Law Grandmaster, Demonic Ox, and Flower Child.

Five Elemental Law Grandmaster This is the Northern Plains rogue cultivator Rank 8, but after the invasion of Longevity Heaven was trapped, after a struggle, he felt hopeless and surrendered to Longevity Heaven, which is now stationed in Longevity Heaven for a long time.

The combination of Demonic Ox and Flower Child served as the Northern Desolate Immortal.

Demonic Ox is a full beard, with a thunder, eight feet, back of a tiger and waist of a bear, aggressive. Flower Child is a girl, wearing a big pink flower, sitting on the shoulders of Shuhan, giggling, pink face, innocent and romantic, eyes bright.

“What’s wrong with this?” Five Elemental Law Grandmaster’s face was amazed.

Demonic Ox and Flower Child looked at each other. The latter screamed with a smile : “It was West Desolate Immortal Bing Saichuan Wake up!”

There are some differences between Longevity Heaven and Heavenly Court, setting the Four Highs of Four Desolate Immortals and Eight Extremity Lords. Among them, Four Desolate Immortals must be Rank 8 Gu Immortal, and Eight Extremity Lords is at least Rank 7 cultivation base and the elite expert in Rank 7.

“Bing Saichuan?” Five Elemental Law Grandmaster brows slightly and feels that the name is a bit familiar, but when you think about it, you can’t think of more information.

At this moment, a long shout, the waves in the sky, the rainbow light like a river, shuttle the sky.

A silhouette came from the river. He was very tall, his face was soft, his eyes were extremely sharp ice-cold, and he radiated cold light. From his right ear to the corner of his mouth, an ugly scar was drawn, and the white light was scattered, revealing the cold intention of the millennium.

Seeing this face, Five Elemental Law Grandmaster stunned in the eyes, and my heart was shocked: “I am remembered, and Ju Yang Immortal Venerable Bing Saichuan, Rank 8 Legendary, Time Dao Great Expert, Ju Yang Immortal Venerable Take action, he surrendered him. He didn’t die, or West Desolate Immortal in Longevity Heaven?!”

West Desolate Immortal was an era with Ju Yang Immortal Venerable, and although it was lost to Ju Yang Immortal Venerable, it was not a shame. After all, Immortal Venerable Demon Venerable has always been unrivalled throughout the world.

In contrast, Ju Yang Immortal Venerable took action three times, and then surrendered to West Desolate Immortal, showing his outstanding strength!

“See Western Desolate Senior.” Demonic Ox, Flower Child take the initiative, and the Five Elemental Law Grandmaster is also closely closely from behind.

The age of West Desolate Immortal Bing Saichuan is really too high.

Bing Saichuan came to the three immortals and glanced at it, slightly nod: “I woke up, but life essence is not much, time is limited. Give me information, I want to see how the situation is now.”

Longevity Heaven’s intelligence is naturally comprehensive enough.

Not only is the complete record of the collapse of the 88 Floors True Yang Building, but also the latest information from the current Eastern Sea Dragon Palace, Central Continent Heavenly Court, in preparation for the Gu Refining Grand Meeting.

“88 Floors True Yang Building collapsed…” Bing Saichuan sighed.

“It’s Fang Yuan’s hand. This demon is reborn from Spring and Autumn Cicada. Now it’s Rank 8.” Five Elemental Law Grandmaster bites his teeth.

Bing Saichuan suddenly laughed: “A good Fang Yuan, a devil, destroying 88 Floors True Yang Building, ruined!”

Five Elemental Law Grandmaster A trip: “Ah?”

Demonic Ox See Flower Child: “…”

Flower Child See Demonic Ox : “…”

Three immortals have been wrong for a moment.

Then, Bing Saichuan said again: “Fate Gu is going to be repaired. It seems that this year’s Gu Refining Grand Meeting should be the last one. If you don’t want to, we have to contact Fang Yuan and join him!”

Five Elemental Law Grandmaster, Demonic Ox, and Flower Child’s eyes suddenly changed.

Is Bing Saichuan really West Desolate Immortal? He won’t be a fake West Desolate Immortal?

“Longevity Heaven wants to work with me?” Fang Yuan was shocked to receive this information.

The way to contact him, the Langya Earth Spirit has it.

Bing Saichuan, through Langya Earth Spirit, took the initiative to find Fang Yuan, straight to the point -ly said: “I am West Desolate Immortal, now Longevity Heaven’s head. Fang Yuan, you are Demon from Beyond The Heavens, but you have not yet got Red Lotus’ True Inheritance? Heavenly Court is not good for you if you fix Fate Gu. Similarly, my Longevity Heaven party is not willing to see Heavenly Court. If Fate Gu is successful, it will be too great for Heavenly Court’s help. It is against the true meaning of Luck Dao left by Immortal Venerable Ju Yang. Let us abandon the suspicion and fight against the enemy!”

Fang Yuan was silent for a while, and this opened: “Which one?”

Bing Saichuan !

Soon, Fang Yuan learned about the identity of the other party.

This identity should be true.

Fang Yuan can’t help but sigh Longevity Heaven’s background, even Bing Saichuan’s Legendary Rank 8 can be hidden until now.

And in Longevity Heaven, Eastern, south, west and north Four Desolate Immortals have the highest status of Eastern Desolate, and dignified Bing Saichuan can only be second place?

Eastern Desolate is also who is this person?

The attitude of Longevity Heaven has turned sharply, and Fang Yuan is quite upset. But think about it, in the face of the presence of Heavenly Court, the combination of Longevity Heaven and Fang Yuan is entirely possible.

After all, Fang Yuan is now Rank 8 Gu Immortal, Shadow Sect Sect Master, mastering the results of Dream Dao, the famous person!

Heavenly Court some time ago, specifically broke into Northern Plains, and later invaded Langya Blessed Land, and repeatedly confronted Longevity Heaven.

Is there a word – the enemy of the enemy, is a friend!

If you can cooperate, Fang Yuan will of course cooperate with Longevity Heaven.

After all, Heavenly Court is the main enemy.

But the difficulty is how do the two sides trust each other?

In order to win the favor of Fang Yuan, Longevity Heaven’s special intention open treasury, and Fang Yuan trading immortal materials, and even Immortal Gu can be exchanged.

At first glance, it is really full of sincerity.

“Since I want to cooperate, why don’t Bing Saichuan be a big man, join me and win the Dragon Palace?” Fang Yuan made a move and proposed this idea.

“Good idea!” Bing Saichuan agrees very much, so long as isn’t blind can see the value of Dragon Palace.

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