“Refused?” Supervision Envoy suddenly frowned, his eyes flashing cold, and his voice became harder. “You have to think about the little girl. You are young, don’t be too impulsive, you know that your arms are not twisting your thighs. Not to mention that you don’t even have arms.”

“Of course I know that I am helpless, a small fish and shrimp, so you only find me to start isn’t that so?” Xia Lin looked at Supervision Envoy, tone and mock, but also bitter and helpless, “but you can rest assured, I I will not arduous and thankless task to refute, to complain. I accept your fall, it is when I pay off the goodness of Su Yi elder sister. Then what compensation, I will not want a point, from then on, we grudge Two clear, the same way.”

Supervision Envoy reveals the difference in expression, he intently looks at Xia Lin. In the dimly lit room, Xia Lin’s eyes are accidentally bright. This pair of bright scorpions, directly reflected in the mind of Supervision Envoy, made him feel a weakness that could not be faced!

Supervision Envoy quickly shifted his gaze: “Let’s go, I hope you can say it.”

“I will.” Xia Lin got up, and when she left, there was a calmness in her demeanor.

After several days.

“Xia Lin girl, not our Inn doesn’t want to do your business. It’s really too lyrical outside. Many people have said that if they continue to stay with us, then they will…” Inn’s Boss face Bitterly said.

Xia Lin stopped him from continuing to suffer: “What you said, I understand that I can’t go.”

“That’s a thank you very much, Xia Lin girl, you are such a good person.” Inn Boss is grateful.

Xia Lin packed his bags and quickly left the room and went down the stairs.

“Look, it’s her!”

“This woman is eager to be rich, secretly selling the seller for glory.”

“This kind of existence is simply tarnishing the sea god offering and tarnishing our entire holy city.”

Gu Masters in the hall saw Xia Lin, pointing and talking.

Xia Lin listened to these words in his ears, calmed his face, and walked out of Inn without fear.

Coming to the wide streets, the bustling crowds are running along the streets.

“Today is the penultimate test of the Poseidon Festival.”

“I really look forward to it, it will be very exciting today!”

“Do you know? The reason why Su Yi has been falling into the wind is because there is inside.”

“Who is not clear about this? Xia Lin! It is really against night defense, and the thief is hard to prevent.”


Most people don’t know Xia Lin, their attention is on the top of the sea god festival, and they are moving toward the central square.

Even if someone recognizes Xia Lin, I am not sure that the people in the Holy City are like the sea at this moment. It is extremely normal for people with similar faces to appear 1~2.

The atmosphere was very warm, and people rubbed their shoulders and joyfully.

Xia Lin joins the crowd, and the face is always calm, in stark contrast with the surrounding.

The cheerful atmosphere she had felt before was like a block of heavy clouds, which was accumulated in her nose and made her breathless.

She can no longer get happiness and curiosity from this holy city.

“Maybe I will never come here again in my life.” Xia Lin looked up slightly and looked at the towering buildings around.

These houses seem to be dumping, and the entire holy city must be pressed against her.

Xia Lin heart is on the battle and she is bored. She walks a few steps away from the raging crowd and walks into a dark alley.

There is a stench here, the light is dim, and there is rubbish in the corner.

Xia Lin felt that she was breathing a lot faster, as if a mountain had moved away from her heart.

Walking in the dark alley, there is no one around, and Xia Lin hangs his head slightly back.

“How come to this step?” She asked herself, but she could not get an answer.

Her eyes were red and she soon burst into tears.

She is in the end is still youngster, the former strong is more of a disguise.

“Little girl, go slowly!” Suddenly, from the corner of the alley, ran out of three Merpeople.

Xia Lin startled, immediately alert.

These three Merpeople are flustered, their eyes are not right, and they are obviously not good. More critically, each of them is a breath of Rank 2 Gu Master.

Xia Lin is just a Rank 2 that’s all.

“What do you want to do?” Xia Lin stepped back.

“What do you want? Hey hey!” The three Merpeople glanced at each other and smirked at the same time.

“Little girl, see each other is a fate, why bother to go so urgent?”

“Now you want to go, you can’t go.”

At this time, from behind Xia Lin, two Merpeople Rank 2 Gu Masters were drilled.

Xia Lin suddenly sinks in the heart, five to one does not say, her front and back are blocked. Although it is not far from the main street, but the other party can be Gu Master, and obviously it is an ambush, there must be means to suppress the movement to the minimum.

Five Merians approached Xia Lin step by step.

Xia Lin was in a panic and had to step back and lean against the wall.

The ice-cold wall made her feel even more helpless.

She bit her teeth, her brows upside down, and suddenly she said: “Come on, even if it is dead, I will drag you into the water.”

“Oh, the little girl has a bone!”

“It’s very hot, big brother, I like you like this.”

The five Merpeople Gu Masters laughed and looked fearless, but their steps were quietly slowed down a lot.


Suddenly, Xia Lin felt a strong dizziness.

Suffered from the attack!

She was shocked and tried to look back. She saw the walls dissolved and drilled the Sixth Merpeople Gu Master.

“fall into trap!” At the moment of fainting, Xia Lin had an ice-cold in his heart.

“It fell down…”

“Hahaha, your hand is really good!”

“Hurry up and handle the scene. After all, this is the Poseidon Festival!”

Six Merpeople are surrounded by Xia Lin.

“Wake up, wake up…” The low voice lingered in the darkness.

Xia Lin gradually opened her eyelids, and the scene of the alley once again caught her eye. The pain behind her mind reminded her that she was shocked and suddenly struggled to get up from the ground.

Then she saw the six Merpeople lying on the ground with motionless expressions.

Six people at Merics Central stood with a Human Race Gu Master.

a moment later, Xia Lin surprises and screams: “Chu Great Master, it’s you!”

“It’s me. I have been paying attention to the Poseidon Festival. I have heard about your business. Was it abandoned by Su Yi?” Fang Yuan lightly smiled.

For a moment, Xia Lin fell into tears and choked: “Chu Great Master, you…”

“I think people still have a set. Although there are not many contacts with you, you are definitely not such a person.” Fang Yuan continued.

Xia Lin heard this sentence and finally couldn’t help it. He sobbed with both hands, like a child who was shackled and finally sinking into the snow.

Fang Yuan quietly looks at her crying for a while, then patted her shoulder and said: “Go.”

“Where to go?” Xia Lin gave a slight glimpse.

“The reason why you fall into the present situation is that I have part of the responsibility.” Fang Yuan sighed. “If I didn’t give you a drink, you won’t be caught by Su Yi and participate in this sea god sacrifice. So, I want to take you away, go with me, leave here.”

“Yeah.” Xia Lin nodded, she has long been uninterested in the Holy City.

Fang Yuan leads the way, Xia Lin obediently walks behind him.

At the end of the alley, there is another street, still crowded with people, the shops on both sides are hot and red, and there is a lion dance team in the middle of the street.

Faced with the crowd, Xia Lin was a little cringe and resentful, but Fang Yuan had already walked in front, and she just had to bite her teeth to follow.


Just out of the alley, Fang Yuan suddenly made a snap.

a moment later, Xia Lin’s eyes wide open, and the mouth of the Great Expert directly swallows an egg. She was shocked to see that the entire street was in a state of quiescence.

“This, this is…” She is incoherent.

“A little trick more than more, come on.” Fang Yuan waved her and then got into the crowd.

Xia Lin quickly stepped up and kept up.

This is a wonderful experience she has never experienced before!

She walked through a close conversation and seemed to be a couple of Merpeople. She saw the bargaining in the store, the guests and the guys, and the spitting from the buddy’s mouth hovered in the air, and it almost fell on the guest’s face.

There is also a puppy that will shuttle between the legs and the appendix of the densely packed body. It is twisted and twists around a blue scale Merpeople. The three claws are empty and one claw is on the ground.

Xia Lin’s eyes widened, and the looks at the living, so lively, so interesting, her heart’s boredom was left behind.

Fang Yuan walked quickly and was very flexible. Xia Lin was very hard to catch up.


She accidentally hit a strong Human Race Gu Master.

Human Race Gu Master floated, the action was still walking, but the soles of the feet were separated from the ground, and the whole body was tilted.

“Not good means!” She just wanted to get the Human Race Gu Master upright and was caught by Fang Yuan.

“Come.” Fang Yuan handed her a mask.

“Chu Great Master, you are…” Xia Lin wondered that Fang Yuan did not take her directly across the street, but to the lion dance team in the center.

Fang Yuan handed her a mask, colorful, woven with fish scales and bird feathers.

Fang Yuan pointed to the lion dance team and said: “Do you not feel that there are two key people missing?”

Xia Lin nodded: “They play the sea lion winter spring drama, which lacks the hero and heroine, one is the filial son who is lying on ice fishing, the other is the Merpeople Princess who is playing outside. But this kind of drama should be their spontaneous performance, not the real drama. The team is not normal.”

At first, maybe just a Gu Master, in order to express his own pleasure, take out his face and wear a costume. Then along the way, gradually more Gu Master joined in.

These people must be a fan of music, hobby culture.

In fact, throughout the Celestial Grotto, a variety of operas are circulated, which is the trend of the land here.

“My means can only last for a little while, fast, bring this mask, and we will flow away.” Fang Yuan has a short tone and does not give Xia Lin a chance to refuse.

“Oh.” Xia Lin subconsciously took the mask, and after she put it on, her heart suddenly calmed down.

Thus, no one will recognize her.

The pressure in her heart is drastically reduced.

But soon, her face rose two pieces of Hong Yun│Red Cloud. Because she saw that Fang Yuan also immediately put on a mask, it is the dutiful son of lying ice fishing.

“Thus, haven’t I become a leading role for men and women with Chu Great Master?”

This discovery made Xia Lin jump!

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