Dark Blue Dragon Whale Celestial Grotto, the holy city of Merpeople.

In the room of Inn, the atmosphere was depressed and dignified.

“How to do?”

“The next test, Zhao Lu’s followers will be on the scene. That person is a famous figure in the sea, he took action, we don’t have any odds of success.”

Both of them are as sinking as water.

White Scale Merpeople Su Yi sits on the main seat with a cup in his hand, and the look at the tea in the cup is like a bun.

“Eldest Young Lady, can’t hesitate any more.”

“Yeah, the Poseidon Festival has been carried out until now, leaving us and Zhao Lu two sides, and the rest are brushed down. And after the next test, it is the final test. We can overcome the difficulty and be able to the saintess throne. Initiated the final sprint.”

The two embarrassedly persuaded.

Su Yi sighed: “But what can we do?”

Let’s take a step and walk to Su Yi.

“Eldest Young Lady, our family has not invited the expert, can match the other side.”

“Yes, as long as we invite this expert take action, although it may not win, but the gap will never be widened to be eliminated.”

Su Yi’s eyes have been staring at the cup of tea, and sighed: “Two advices, I understand very well. But one thing, you may have forgotten. I compete for saintess, only four followers, now these We are all full of quotas. Even if the family invited the expert, we couldn’t get it.”

The two cockroaches looked at each other and their eyes were flashing.

“so that’s how it is, Eldest Young Lady has had such a plan, but she is not good at exporting things.” They suddenly knew.

Among them, Rong Rong whispered – ly said: “Eldest Young Lady, this thing is difficult to say, it is easy and easy. We just have to abandon one of the followers!”

“Yeah.” Another said, “According to the regulation of the Poseidon Festival, the followers can’t give up at will. But as long as one of them has corruption, smuggling, crime, etc., for the purity of the sea god sacrifice and saintess, let’s You can just drive it out of the right way. Can you leave the expert invitation from the family?”

Su Yi suddenly changed his face and refused: “This is not appropriate. In such a major celebration of the Poseidon Festival, the scandal has come up, and the parties may be contaminated with the stigma of a lifetime, and they can no longer be cleaned up. You four followers have helped me a lot, can I repaying kindness with enmity?”

“My Eldest Young Lady, the major event is informal, how can it be a little sacrifice?”

“I suggest looking for Xia Lin to start. Her roots are very shallow, at a glance, purely a small Merwoman who is not seen, and I don’t know what Luck Qi has gone, which unexpectedly won the Rank 5 oil 蛊.” Su Yi’s face is unpleasant, and Rong Rong immediately said, “Of course, we are not planted and framed. But Xiaozhi is sensible, and Xia Lin is a good girl who is reasonable. Eldest Young Lady, you may wish Give this to me, I will come to talk to her, and it will be fine to pay some price. Compared with the position of saintess, everyone knows clearly!”

“This…” Su Yi is hesitant.

Another 嬷嬷 immediately added: “Eldest Young Lady, this is not that we forced Xia Lin, nor is it a vital point. It is our cooperation, then, what is the reputation of the district? Xia Lin is a poor child, more attention Substance. It is very likely that she heard this idea from us, and she may be very happy. She wants to trade with us, lose some fame, and exchange huge profits!”

“You step back, let me think about it…” Su Yi scorned and slammed the order.

The two squints looked at each other and had to retire.

A few days later, the gossip about Xia Lin has been hiding the sky and covering the earth.

“It is her, Shameless’s Merwoman, in order to climb the wealth, he will not hesitate to sell Su Yi!”

“No wonder Miss Su Yi has been slightly at a disadvantage, I didn’t expect to have a traitor.”

“This Littleman, I can’t wait to cramp her!”

“She actually has face to find Su Yi! It’s really shameless.”

Xia Lin pursing lips, in the fingertips of everyone, walked up the stairs of Inn.

“Stand up.” Halfway through, Merpeople allowed Xiao Lin to stop Xiao Lin.

“I was detained, I want to see Su Yi elder sister!” Xia Lin looked up and looked at Rong Rong, looking eager.

Rong Rong sneered: “Xia Lin, what kind of drama do you want to play? Your event is made, Eldest Young Lady is very sad. At this critical moment of the sea god festival, you still want to see Su Yi Eldest Young Lady? Hello, sinister and sinister The mind is to disgust our Eldest Young Lady, let us play the wrong thing next?”

“It’s not like this, let’s listen, you listen to me…”

“What else to say? What to say! You shameless scum, we blinked and took you. You give me a roll!” Rong Yu lost patience, sharp voice, aggressive.

“You don’t believe me, but I believe Su Yi elder sister. I don’t see her, I will never go!” Xia Lin’s eyes were red, sparkling with stubborn light.

“You are trying to force the old man to take action?” Rong Yu was savage.

“Stop.” At this time, Su Yi finally appeared and slowly drifted down the steps.

“Su Yi elder sister!” Xia Lin was overjoyed and wanted to go forward, but was allowed to stop and stopped again.

“Xia Lin ……” Su Yi looks at Xia Lin, the tone is complex.

“Su Yi elder sister, you have to believe me, I am not the one who betrayed you!” Xia Lin said.

“Is it necessary for our investigation.” At this moment, a group of Merpeople broke into the lobby on the first floor of Inn, and they all looked at the past.

The team Merants walked straight to Xia Lin: “Xia Lin, right? I am the Super City Envoy of the Holy City. Someone reported that you took bribes and sold Su Yi in an attempt to tarnish the sacred sea god offering and manipulate the selection of saintess. We are now arrested. You, take a trip with us and make all the things clear.”

“No, I am innocent!” Xia Lin was frightened and pale, retorted.

“Is it innocent, wait for the results of our investigation.” Supervision Envoy has always been very indifferent.

“No, I won’t go with you. I am being shackled. Someone has framed me!” Xia Lin looked terrified and kept shaking her head.

“Don’t want to go with us? Hey, this can’t be you! Come and catch her back!” Under the order of Supervision Envoy, the Merpeople Gu Master behind him would have to do it.

“Slow.” At this time, Su Yi spoke.

“Su Yi elder sister!” Xia Lin’s eyes lit up with hope.

But Su Yi shook her head slightly: “Xia Lin younger sister, I don’t believe you will betray me. But now that the Supervision Envoy has arrived, we must also believe in the justice of the Holy City! I firmly believe that they will give you an innocence.” Let them go, just investigate the results, just to prove your innocence isn’t that so?”

“Su Yi elder sister…” The light in Xia Lin’s eyes dimmed.

“go Go.”

Xia Lin bowed her head and walked over to Supervision Envoy: “I was detained, but I will go with you.”

Supervision Envoy showed a happy smile: “This is right, let’s go.”

Xia Lin was soon in the trial office.

“These Information Dao Gu insects are all solid evidence. You are careful examine, I advise you, don’t have any luck!” Supervision Envoy smiled and pointed at the information on the table after one after another in the room. Dao Van Gu Dao.

Xia Lin explores the mind, one after another.

Soon, there was a strong shock on her face: “These images and sounds are fake, I have never said anything like this!”

“In the face of this evidence, you want to explain this in the past? Who can believe you?!” Supervision Envoy sneered.

“I have never said anything like this! I…” Xia Lin was in a hurry.

Supervision Envoy lifted his palm and directly stopped Xia Lin’s resolution. He laughed: “I know you are being shackled.”

Xia Lin stunned: “You, what are you talking about?”

“You are being shackled,” repeated Supervision Envoy.

Xia Lin was blind, and after the eyes were stunned, this said: “If that is the case, then why are you…”

“Because this is the request of Miss Su Yi.” Supervision Envoy once again with a smile.

“What do you mean by this? You can’t help but provoke!” Xia Lin screamed.

“You little girl, it’s really innocent. Then I will talk to you about it. Do you know Miss Su Yi’s father, who is it? Do you know what the current situation of the Poseidon Festival is…”

Supervision Envoy spoke up and said that Xia Lin was stunned.

Quite a long time, she reacted: “I don’t believe that this is Su Yi elder sister’s plan! Since she wants me to abdicate, I quit and that’s it. As long as she and I say, I will not refuse her. “”

Supervision Envoy mocked at Xia Lin and immediately retorted ruthlessly: “The sea god sacrifice is what you want to retire? If everyone can quit at will, then the competition in the saintess position is purely a match between the family and the power. Only one In this case, the follower will be forced to withdraw, and his or her position will be vacant and can be re-entered.”

Xia Lin is dull-ly said: “It’s just like me…”

Supervision Envoy laughed: “Yes. Are you smart? Well, there are two ways in front of you. The first way is to deny the evidence, perseverance yourself is not guilty. Of course these evidences Can’t be erased, no one will believe you.”

“The second way is to cooperate with us. You plead guilty, although there will be some losses in reputation, but we will still give you a lot of compensation. You choose one.”

Xia Lin smiled and buried her head deeply.

Does she still have a choice?

The other party designed her and deceived her into the interrogation room. This is to prevent her from rejecting.

Even if she refuses, she will be framed and guilty.

She has no power to resist at all, and she has no right to refuse!


A long silence.

Supervision Envoy whispered: “Xia Lin, you don’t talk anymore, I will choose the second way by default. The facts are in front of me, I believe that smart people will make such choices. This is good for both you and me. Is not it?”

“I refuse.” Xia Lin suddenly looked up and said.

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