Although Xie Hanmo understood that this proposal by Fang Yuan did solve the immediate crisis, she was unhesitatingly rejected.

As a result , Xie Hanmo and the others are caught in the passive.

The transfer was in three days later, an intelligence sent to Xie Hanmo’s hands.

When Xie Hanmo saw this information and groaned, he sighed: “The original autumn frost is already unclean.”

She handed the information to the red scales, the blue scale guards, and Fang Yuan.

After watching the three, look at each other in dismay.

The autumn frost is the saintess candidate supported by the cold wave Patriarch. During the sea god festival, the limelight is extremely strong, claiming to be the most promising person to take the saintess from Xie Hanmo.

But I did not expect that this woman is actually not the virgin body.

Merwoman must be a virgin in order to qualify for the position of saintess, which is one of the biggest preconditions.

The red scale guards were extremely happy: “very good, I didn’t expect the autumn frost to be a virgin. There is such a handle, the cold wave tribe is over!”

The blue-scale guards are very quiet: “The Poseidon Festival is the most important ritual of my family. It has always been strict and extraordinary. How is the autumn frost confusing? Could it be that, the corruption of my family has already eroded into the sacrifice? That is the case is too serious.”

Fang Yuan brows slightly wrinkle: “There is one thing we need to pay attention to. If we announce this news now, I am afraid that the world will think that we are protecting the red scales and smashing against the competitors. Is this information really reliable? If it is the other party The serial meter can be awful…”

Xie Hanmo shook his head slightly: “This information is absolutely reliable. There is a cold wave Patriarch behind the autumn frost. There is also a Grand Elder behind us. This information is collected by Grand Elder. Although there is no evidence, I believe that as long as the details of the autumn frost are strictly investigated, For another sacrifice and a different method, I can always find out if she is a virgin.”

Fang Yuan It is clear that Xie Hanmo can become saintess, which is backed by the Grand Elder of the Merpeople Sanctuary.

Among all the top executives, Grand Elder is known for being fair, self-disciplined, and tolerant. But it is because she is too tolerant, leading to corruption in the dark. Grand Elder supports Xie Hanmo’s upper position, and of course there may be factors that correct his fault.

Everything that follows, as expected by Xie Hanmo.

After the autumn frost was reported, it was strictly checked and finally exposed at the end. It was really not the virgin body.

The news was too big and the Merpeople sanctuary was not enough. The news came out that the entire Merpeople holy city was shaken, and countless Gu Masters were at a loss.

“This is probably the biggest scandal in our Merpeople sanctuary for a thousand years!”

“Autumn frost is doing this, it is the disrespect and embarrassment of the sea god, and must be severely punished.”

“Not killing her is not enough to anger the civilians!”

The grievances are not only the majority of the city people, but the high-level executives of the Merants are also very angry. The execution of the autumn frost is very strict and fast.

A few days later, the autumn frost head landed, body dies and Dao disappears.


On a good ceramic cup, it was thrown angrily by the cold wave Patriarch in the tiled hills.

“Xie Hanmo, you bullly intolerably!” The cold wave Patriarch whispered, and the eyes were full of bloodshot eyes.

“I have told you about it, let you manage your own alcoholism. Autumn frost is happening, and you are behind the other high-level officials who support her.” In the study, there is also a Merwoman lady, now But leisurely drinking tea, not afraid of the raging cold wave Patriarch.

The cold wave Patriarch gritted his teeth and said to the Merwoman woman: “Bu Sulian, I don’t need your reminder. Our allies will not cut with us because of these little things. He He He, because they can’t cut it. Xie Hanmo once Keep the position of saintess, they have to be bad luck, they have to die. So even if they don’t want to see me again, then hate me, they have to hold their noses and resist nausea and cooperate with me!”

Bu Sulian faint nodded: “You are right. But now that the autumn frost is dead, how can you block Xie Hanmo? Our best chess piece has been destroyed.”

“No, no.” The cold wave Patriarch laughed. “You can rest assured that I have a backup.”

“Oh? I’d like to hear the details.” Bu Sulian sat a little.

The cold wave Patriarch has sold off: “You will understand in a few days.”

A few days later.

On the square of the Holy City, Merwoman Dong Lei said in full view: “My winter bud is willing to replace the autumn frost and continue the sea god offering.”

“Who is Dong Lei?”

“She is one of the followers of the autumn frost.”

“I didn’t expect the cold wave Patriarch to have this hand.”

“According to my family’s regulation, sisters alternate, Dong Lei is fully qualified to replace the autumn frost, participate in the Poseidon Festival, and compete for the saintess position.”

There are many people around.

The origin of the sea god sacrifice originated from the myth of the Merpeople family.

In mythology, the first batch of Merpeople lived in the Eastern Sea and formed a small fishing village.

One day, the huge Sea Beast attacked the sea island, and the tsunami that was set up surrounded the sea island, and the small fishing village was destroyed.

In order to save the villagers in the small fishing village, Merwoman A Qinglan was on the edge of the cliff and prayed to the sea god.

Poseidon, her prayer, said: “Aqing, I like to listen to beautiful songs. If you can sing three songs in a row and satisfy me, I will take action, drive away Sea Beast and smooth the sea. Guard the small fishing village.”

A Qing was overjoyed and promised to come down.

She sang the first song on the edge of the cliff and it was very beautiful. After singing, Poseidon tasted the remnant of the hustle and smoothed the roaring sea.

A Qing sang a second song, singing beautifully, sea god intoxicated, seaweed dancing in the song, fish and shrimp automatically gathered around Aqing, quietly listening.

When A Qing wanted to sing the third song, she did not have Strength Qi. She sang two days and two nights in a row, and she was too tired.

When she got home, she called the younger sister Aya and told her everything, she died because she was too tired.

Aya is very strange, but she is willing to inherit the legacy of the elder sister Aqing. She also came to the edge of the cliff and said to the sea god: “Poseidon, I am willing to take over my elder sister and sing a third song for you.”

Poseidon said: “You sing.”

Aya sang, her voice was sad and melancholy, and she had a firm fighting spirit. After her singing, Poseidon was satisfied, Sea Beast was gone, and the small fishing village was preserved.

Merpeople select saintess in the Poseidon Festival and set up multiple tests.

The content of these tests is constantly updated, but the final link has not changed since ancient times.

That is the competition between Merwoman.

They will stand on one after another and sing on the special altar-like Gu Home.

Each person will have three consecutive singing opportunities, and with three results, the only saintess among the competitors will be selected.

All the tests before this are just eliminated.

If all the competitors are eliminated in the Poseidon Festival, then the saintess position will be empty.

Ps: It’s late, say sorry, 51 is here, I wish you all a happy holiday!

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